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15031 Chevy Chase Watermain Replacement

Addendum 1


Question 1:  Per the Concrete Pipe Anchor Detail for Fusible PVC® pipe on Sheet 9 of the Plans, a Mueller Aquagrip system shall be attached to the Fusible PVC® pipe and encased in concrete at the ends of the directional drill sections before transitioning back to bell-and-spigot PVC pipe. The high modulus of elasticity and low rate of linear expansion for Fusible PVC® pipe typically eliminates the need for these types of thrust collars for the pipe when it is connected with a restrained mechanical joint fitting on either end of the drill. Please refer to Page 5 of this document for additional information on the properties of Fusible PVC® piping.

Additionally, the restrained joint piping and horizontal bends (per Specification Section 02610 3.03.A) on either end of the directional drill sections of this project will provide a significant amount of reactionary resistance to any expansion or contraction forces that may occur in the drilled section of the pipeline.

Based on the consideration of this information, can the concrete pipe anchor requirement be removed for Fusible PVC® pipe?

Response 1:  Concrete Pipe Anchors for fused PVC pipe have been included on RHMG projects since the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) requested they be incorporated into our design of said piping system. Since Concrete Pipe Anchors were included at the request of the water system permitting agency (IEPA), RHMG does not recommend they be deleted from the project unless the IEPA indicates otherwise.

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