Lake County Addendum Forum

16181 Global Positioning System/Automatic Vehicle Location Equipment and Services

Addendum #1


Question 1:  What is the funding source for this effort?

Response:  The Division of Transportation’s Operating Budget.

Question 2.  What is the desired not-to-exceed cost for this effort?

Response:  50,000.        

Question 3.  What other systems will the GPS/AVL system need to integrate with?

Response:  Possibly Fleet Management Software.

Question 4.  What vendor provides the solution(s)? 

Response:  FASTER by CCG.

Question 5.  Does the Department use an asset management system? If so, what if the lifecycle on that solutions, and what vendor provides it?

Response:  Yes,  Faster by CCG.

Question 6.  What are the drivers behind this effort? 

Response:  Our current equipment/system is at the end of its useful life.


Question 7.  On page 17  options costs,  one the first question Cost associated with the scope of work of this request for proposal for a County hosted solution ?

Response:  If DOT hosted the server what costs would there be such as technical support, software updates, etc. 

Question 8.  Can you please explain what the County would like host on there system or what information there thinking about hosting ?

Response:  If DOT sent the data to a server we own and maintain.

Question 9.  Payment terms : will this contract be paying the entire term of the contract upfront, annually or monthly for services provided? 

Response:  Payment made after equipment installed and accepted.  Then monthly payments on hosting and cellular service.

Question 10.  Within the bid it makes reference to the “bidder” performing the hardware installation(s).  Please confirm.  Reason I ask is that the Lake County technicians are fully capable of installing but I do know the technicians are busy and may not have time to install prior to the dates the bid provided. 

Response:  Provide a price for installation.

Question 11.  Will Lake County provide the Word document of the attachments that need to be filled out? Makes it easier to respond.  Not necessary but figured I would ask.

Response:  No.

Question 12.  Snow plow controller interface:  is it a requirement to provide the following when tied into the spreader control on the snow plow?

Response:  Yes.

Question 13.  Would the County be willing to change out the non-FORCE America controllers to FORCE America controllers as part of the bid?

Response:  No.

Question 14.  5 trucks have the StormGuard GL400 installed.  If a vendor provided an affordable option to swap to a FORCE America controller would the County be willing? 

Response:  Not budgeted.

Question 15.  Plow sensors:  does Lake County currently utilize plow sensors (up/down) with its current GPS provider? 

Response:  Yes.

Question 16.  If so, does the County intend to track the status of the plow moving forward and can the new GPS provider utilize the current sensors in place?

Response:  Yes, if they all work as intended.

Question 17.  Lake County would like a proposal for “passive” during non-peak seasons for referenced equipment.  By passive is the County referring to “ seasonal” rates via cellular? 

Response:  No, real time data (active) is information displayed on the map, examples would be truck location, speed, spreader on/off etc.  Event logging data (passive) an example would be when a patrol truck event button is pushed DOT would run a report on where and when the event took place.


Question 18.  On the price breakdown, how its written is a bulk number for only the units that you are requesting in the bid  for example : in the bid you have 36 vehicles listed so cost associated with equipment is only giving you pricing based on those 36 units with no breakdown of cost per unit leaving you room for add on vehicles in the future. Maybe if you added another column in that break down we can  put cost per unit  then the number of vehicles then the total. The same goes for the price breakdown for everything in that box (ex cost of one year hosting fee x 36 vehicles = total

Response:  Revised Price Sheet is attached.


Question 19. Is the $50K for Year 1? 

Response:  Yes

Question 20. Current Environment: ArcGIS is basic and we are native shape file compatible – no issues. However, we would like to know the physical GPS equipment installed in each category of vehicle and the switch panel or event button assembly in the Patrol vehicles?

Response:  CalAmp 4100 and 4200.  Starter switch/ boat horn momentary push button.

Question 21. We can provide scheduled XML data exchange with ESRI products hourly, daily, weekly, etc. Is this acceptable?

Response:  Yes

Question 22. Page 11 – Item 4 e – interface to other lake county applications. The County mentions FASTER – what other application interfaces will be required? 

Response:  None identified at this time.

Question 23. Is scheduled XML data exchange acceptable?

Response:  Yes

Question 24. Options for future consideration: 

Response:  Mowers, crew trucks, pickups, sedans.

Question 25. Reporting engine diagnostics requires an ECM interface. It is possible to retrofit but with significant labor if not installed as part of the original configuration. Is the County willing to invest in this key component (handy if interfacing with Fleet Management) as part of the launch and save significant dollars in the future when the function is required?

Response:  Add any additional cost to the proposal price sheet in the options section.

Question 26. How seriously is the County looking at self-hosting?

Response:  Preference is for vendor to host.

Question 27.  What equipment is being used to spread salt and liquids? 

Response:  See page 22 under spreader make and model and Chloride system.

Question 28.  Please provide more detailed information on the event logging data (passive) requirement?

Response:  This data would not show up on a live map.  It would be displayed on a report generated at a desktop.

Question 29.  What patrol truck events are being captured?

Response:  Items on the roadway that the patrolmen pickup or report.  How are the buttons configured and interfaced too? Button is linked to the LMU and reported via cellular.

Question 30.  What specific data should be provided in an ESRI ArcGIS compatible format?

Response:  Nothing at this time, future consideration for a secondary map that our ISG department would display showing snow plow truck locations.

Question 31.  Is it required that the DOT host the software?

Response:  No.

Question 32.  What are the other Lake County Applications that need to be interfaced too? 

Response:  Possibly our fleet management software FASTER by CCG.

Question 33.  What Fleet Management software does the DOT use?

Response:  FASTER by CCG.