Q) References – Are you requesting 3 references total? Or 3 for each scope/task type? Is there a limit that we should not exceed?
A) We are requesting 3 references total for projects of similar scope and size that Lake County is seeking in the RPF scope of work.
Q) The reference form requests “# of employees”. Can you clarify this? Is it he # of employees for the agency/unit of local government that we provided services to? Or is the # of employees that our company dedicated to the project?
A) The question is referring to the size of the government agency that services were provided.
Q) Will the consultant be responsible for audits of all of the buildings on the list you provided?
A) Yes
Q) Has Lake County completed a comprehensive GHG inventory in the last 5 years that we will be able to use as a baseline for the measurement of county initiatives? If yes, is a copy of previously-completed inventories available?
A) No
Q) Is there a specific of list of current and prior practices/projects that Lake County wishes to analyze for impact on the County’s carbon footprint?
A) Yes, however the County desires for the consultant to bring fresh ideas and prospective to this topic
Q) Are you able to provide examples of egov technology that have been implemented?
A) System implementations that allow for the public to complete requests/tasks online that would previously require a in person trip into a County building.
Q) What is the estimated budget for the project?
A) Please refer to pervious response provided to the question
Q) What is the expected timeframe/completion date of the project?
A) Lake County is flexible in regards to timeframes. Proposals can include suggested timeframes if the prosper wishes.
Q) What is the page limit? Single or double sided?
A) There is no page limit
Q) Is there an incumbent for sustainability consulting services? If yes, which firm?
A) No
Q) Will the selected team have access to the City's sustainability related data? Is it anticipated that any data will need to be purchased? Is the consultant expected to gather new data?
A) Yes the selected vendor will have access to any relevant sustainability data.
Yes the selected vendor should expect to gather new data
Q) Is there any SBE/DBE/WBE goal (as a prime or subcontractor)
A) No
Q) Why does the procurement go through the Health, committee rather than facilities (which report to finance).
A) The tasks listed in this RFP affect many departments in the County and the County staff intends to seek Committee approval as well as County Board approval for this project when appropriate.
Q) Can you post a copy of Lake County's contract templates including general terms and conditions for review?
A) Please see attached
Q)What is the current funding source for the Scope of Work in the RFP?
A)The project will be funded out of the General Corporate Fund with the County Administrator’s Office as the lead department.
Q) Is the Joint Purchasing clause within the terms and conditions of the RFP applicable to this contract?
A) Yes
Q)If yes, would the County be open to revising the language in the 3rd paragraph?
A) All vendors are to follow the exception process as outlined in the RFP to take exception to any part of the RFP including of the terms and conditions.
Q) Will each Payment & Performance (P&P) need to be 100% of the Purchase Order (PO) price?
A) Lake County does not require performance Bonds for this project
Q) When would the Performance Bonds be retired? Or would that be specified per each PO – through a guaranteed period or other?
A) Lake County does not require performance Bonds for this project
Q) Does the project in RFP 17098 have a budget? Or budget parameters?
A) Procurements that exceed $50,000 need to be approved by resolution by the County Board.