Addendum #1
April 13, 2018
Question 1. What is current work week for Computer Operations?
Response: 2 employees are on-site for 2 - 8 hour shifts for a total of 16 hours between the 2 employees.
Question 2. Will Account Manager present proposal after award of RFP?
Response: This will be determined after award.
Question 3. Does a business need to be an Illinois MBE or an MBE of any state?
Response: No.
Question 4. Is there County Staff that provide support for any Operating System/Operating System Products of County Information Technology? If so, which products?
Response: Currently we have 5 Operational staff members who support the following products:
z/VSE, z/VM, z/VM Hidro Backup, z/VM RSCS, CICS for VSE, ACF/VTAM for VSE, Cobol for VSE, Ditto for VSE, DFSORT, DB2LUW, IBM Optim Performance Manager, IBM Host Integration Server, BIM Alert, Doctor D /VSE, BIM EPIC, BIM FAQs, TCP/IP VSE, TVE-ASG-TMON, Bluezone, Unicenter VMOperator/Spool/Backup, Redhat Linux for IBM system z, Communications Server - IBM
Question 5. Does the County supply the software for Remote Access? Which product is used?
Response: Citrix for remote access.
Question 6. What is the County hourly work day?
Response: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Question 7. Does Lake County accepts RFP electronically?
Response: No.
Question 8. Does Lake County expect OCM (Organizational Change Management) resources to be onboarded in addition to PM?
Response: No.
Question 9. Is the reference to fixed price for a fixed hourly rate that includes travel and additional costs?
Response: Lake County is requesting an hourly rate to perform the services required in the RFP. If travel expenses are required please provide those separately.
Clarification: Question 8 and 9 have been removed from this addendum.