Addendum 1
Addendum #1
January 29, 2020
Q#1: What is meant by stipend?
- How does it differ from the term wages in this RFP?
A: RFP page 23. Stipends are an allowable program element when tied to participants successfully completing well defined benchmarks and paid out based on completing a benchmark. Wages paid to a youth through a work experience activity is based on the number of hours worked. This RFP allows for stipends not work experience wages.
Q#2: Provide a practical application in response to the RFP?
A: WIOA Youth Comprehensive Career Pathway Program design is based on integration of services including the 14 WIOA Program Elements as further defined on pages 17-19 in the RFP. Flowcharts in Attachment N, pages 47-48 in the RFP provides an overview of Phase I and Phase II of the program. Responses to the RFP should focus on Phase I of the program design and delivery/access to the 14 WIOA Program Elements. Responses are required to include meaningful work-based learning activities.
Q#3: On Attachment D; letter G. Other: can transportation cost be inserted here?
A: Yes. RFP page 23 Other: Any additional costs not covered by previous categories. Be thorough in listing line items in this category. May include the following: childcare, transportation expenses, supplies for students to complete their work experience training such as uniforms, tools, etc.
Q#4: What goes into a Work-Based Learning program?
- Provide an example / breakdown of items to consider (staff)
A: RFP page 18: A Work-Based Learning program includes program elements defined on page 18 of the RFP and the staff time related to delivering these elements.
Business Services – Business Outreach: The contractors will provide business outreach strategies with a clear intent to work with local businesses and employers to establish meaningful relationships to enhance work-based learning activities for the participants. Workforce Development will set up multiple company tours for the participants to attend. Promising Practice: Contractors and Workforce Development staff will integrate business service team staff.
Work Based Learning: Contractors will provide activities that exposes the participants to jobs, industries and employers in Lake County. These activities, as defined by WIOA, include but are not limited to job application preparation, resume writing, mock interviewing practices, job shadows, and company tours. Promising Practices:
- Participants complete 3 mock interviews with industry professionals.
- Participants complete 2 job shadows in two unique industries/occupations.
- Participants complete a job application worksheet, resume, and mock interview.
- Participants complete 4 company tours of high demand industries.
Q#5: Can a Contractor target a specific area of expertise?
A: Yes, a contractor can target a specific area of expertise in serving WIOA eligible youth.
Q#6: Attachment B once the Contractor is awarded how often is Attachment B submitted to WFD?
A: Attachment B is the Staff Wage & Hours Summary required with the proposal response and updated with any staff changes throughout the term of the program.
Q#7: Expand of Contract Renewal
A: RFP page 14: DURATION: The Board will award funding for one year with the option for renewal for up to two more years based on funding and performance. Program renewal design and funding cannot deviate from the initial award. The program may begin no sooner than July 1, 2020.
Contract renewal is contingent on contract performance and total funds available.
Q#8: Can Programs overlap each other?
A: Yes, multiple programs can serve youth in the same geographic area.
Q#9: Provide details on Contractors payments/Voucher Reimbursement?
- How often are payment disbursed?
A: Contractors are required to submit monthly vouchers by the twenty-first of the month for the previous month’s expenditures. Payments are disbursed within two weeks based on an accurate voucher submittal.
Q#10: Addendum Acknowledgement?
A: Any and all changes to the specifications and terms and conditions of this RFP are valid only if they are included by addendum issued by Lake County Purchasing. Proposers shall acknowledge addenda by signing the enclosed Addenda Acknowledgement form. It is the Proposers responsibility to check for addenda, posted on the website at prior to the submittal due date. No notification will be sent when addendums are posted unless there is an addendum within three business days of the submittal due date.
Addendum #2
February 4, 2020
Q#1: What is the contract term?
A: Please reference RFP, Page 14:
The Board will award funding for one year with the option for renewal for up to two more years based on funding and performance. Program renewal design and funding cannot deviate from the initial award. The program may begin no sooner than July 1, 2020.
Initial contract is for 1 year and based on performance can be renewed for 2 additional 1 year periods.
Q#2: Does this mean the $100K is for two fiscal years?
A: Please reference RFP, Page 14
Based on the total funds available and anticipated future funding, the Board has estimated an annual total of up to $750,000 of WIOA funds available through this RFP. Each proposal cannot exceed $100,000 and must provide a plan to serve no more than 15 WIOA eligible youth. If the total amount of successful proposals exceeds the amount of funding available, successful proposals will be asked to negotiate the cost of the program.
The proposed budget cannot exceed $100,000 for 1 year. Budgets are negotiated for each 1 year period. Budgets and renewal are contingent on contract performance and total funds available.
Q#3: Page 14 of the RFP, Item #4 contradicts my first question.
A: Please reference RFP, Page 14:
The Board will award funding for one year with the option for renewal for up to two more years based on funding and performance. Program renewal design and funding cannot deviate from the initial award. The program may begin no sooner than July 1, 2020.
Initial contract is for 1 year and based on performance can be renewed for 2 additional 1 year periods.
Q#4: Based on Attachment N, Lake County would take care of Phase II. The question at hand is that in phase II they discuss paid work experience. Does this mean that we do not need to include WBL activities in Phase I as it clearly depicts that Paid Work Experience is done by the Workforce Development?
A: Please reference RFP, Page 18
Work Based Learning: Contractors will provide activities that exposes the participants to jobs, industries and employers in Lake County. These activities, as defined by WIOA, include but are not limited to job application preparation, resume writing, mock interviewing practices, job shadows, and company tours.
Attachment N Flow Chart of Services – Phase I defines Work Based Learning as a combined effort of the contractor and Workforce Development.
Attachment N – Flow Chart of Services – Phase II will be implemented by the Lake County Workforce Development Department. Workforce Development will be responsible for paying the wages of youth in a paid work-experience.
Addendum #3
February 5, 2020
Q#1: What is a redacted copy?
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Proposers must submit sealed proposals, to be opened and evaluated in private. Submit one (1) un-bound original, plus ten (10) complete copies of the proposal, one (1) electronic unprotected copy on a USB flash drive, and one (1) redacted copy that can be used to comply with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
A: Designed to make government bodies more open (by requiring release of information collected by the public body) and, at the same time, more accountable (by controlling what information may be released).