Lake County Addendum Forum

20017 Adult Residential Substance Use Treatment

Addendum 1

Addendum #1



Q#1:      Section 4.A.  Scope of Services - Would it be satisfactory to provide Medically Assisted Treatment via referral/linkage agreement?

A:            Yes, this would be allowed as long as Medicaid is an accepted form of payment and the outside agency is willing to transfer medication/dosage records and arrange an initial appointment for the client at the LCHD prior to the client returning to Lake County.  This will allow for no interruption of services.


Q#2:      Section 4.D.  Scope of Services - Would the services provided under the IDHS/SUPR Level 3.1 (Residential Extended Care) license qualify as Recovery Home Services?

A:            ASAM definition: ASAM Level 3.1:    Called Clinically Managed Low-Intensity Residential Services, this adolescent and adult level of care typically provides a 24-hour living support and structure with available trained personnel and offers at least 5 hours of clinical service a week. Level 3 encompasses residential services that are described as co-occurring capable, co-occurring enhanced, and complexity capable services, which are staffed by designated addiction treatment, mental health, and general medical personnel who provide a range of services in a 24-hour living support[DM1]  setting. A detailed description of the services typically offered in this level of care, the care setting and how to identify what patients would benefit best from these services based on an ASAM dimensional needs assessment, begins on page 222 of The ASAM Criteria: Treatment Criteria for Addictive, Substance-Related, and Co-Occurring Conditions (2013).

ASAM definition description written above describes 3.1 level of care.  Although that would certainly qualify, we do not require a recovery home that meets all the criterion.  Ideally, we are seeking a residential step-down program that has staff and can offer Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) substance abuse treatment.  Each facility can describe all services they currently offer.   It does not have to meet the level 3.1 standard.


Q#3:      Section 4.E. Scope of Services - Define "licensed Mental Health Professional"; and "Mental Health Practitioner" as it relates to this RFP; Would an individual who is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) through the Illinois Certification Board meet your definition of a Mental Health Professional as it relates to this RFP?

A:            No, a CADC would not qualify as a "licensed Mental Health Professional" or "Mental Health Practitioner" as it relates to this RFP. 


Addendum #2



Q#1:      Would a Clinical Supervisor who qualifies as a licensed mental health professional be able to serve as the primary contact and member of the Service Delivery Team for Lake County participants under this RFP if they have a part in other programming as well?

A:            Yes



Addendum #3



Q#1: We are just looking for clarification to see if this is for a new residential program, which would then not apply to us, or if this is something that we can apply to for our halfway house (Bridge House)?


  • We would not want to miss an opportunity or affect any funding that is related to our halfway house, and we saw that Recovery Home is in the services, but it says “if available,” which sounded like it was not a primary focus.

A: No, this is not a new program.  Lake County current contract is ending and we are seeking a qualified proposer that offers one or more of the listed services (Adult Residential Substance Use Treatment, Recovery Home Services (if available), Recovery Coaching Services (if available), Comprehensive Substance Use Evaluations (if available), and Outpatient Substance Use Services (if available)). 


Q#2: Can you just clarify this for us and then we will know how to appropriately move forward with this proposal?

A: The Bridge House would qualify if defined by ASAM as a 3.5 level of care for the Recovery Home services.  This contract will be awarded in whole or in part if determined to be in the best interest of the County.