Lake County Addendum Forum

20064 Jail Inmate & Juvenile Healthcare Services

Addendum 1

May 12, 2020

Addendum #1 

Q#1: Wellpath is planning to attend the Pre-Proposal Meeting next week for the above-referenced RFP.

There are two dates  (May 20 and 21), each with an hour-long time slot (11 am – 12 pm CDT).

Are proposers expected to attend both or select one?

A: No, the Proposer are not required to attend both meetings.  The same information will be shared at both meetings.  The main purpose of these meetings is to tour the facility.


Q#2: I represent VitalCore Health Strategies and we are reviewing the RFP #20064 for Lake County for inmate healthcare.  The instructions for the Pre-Bid conference gives two dates, May 20th and May 21st.  Does this mean that we could send a representative on either the 20th or the 21st or will the representative need to attend conferences be on both days? 

A: A: No, the Proposer are not required to attend both meetings.  The same information will be shared at both meetings.  The main purpose of these meetings is to tour the facility.


Q#3: Do you anticipate extending the bid due date?

A: Lake County has not decided to extend the due date at this time.


Q#4 What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid?

A: Please reference the RFP document, pay special attention to Page 3 under the Award section and Page 28 under the Evaluation Criteria.


Q#5: Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at|01||59547636a42e4db248ba08d7f5eed12d|dd536cf592fd42ffa754e98666cb7a96|0|0|637248278372967659&sdata=90ZLZbg3uqo0Uj4IxzF4Po/4I0nHQBwmFCyhOUCPDKA=&reserved=0?

A: No


Q#6: Other than your own website, where was this bid posted?

A: This RFP was solicited on Lake County website and in the Suburban News-Sun Newspaper.


Q#7: Aliron is interested to participate in the bid for Jail Inmate & Juvenile Healthcare Services.  There is a preproposal meeting scheduled on May 20. We would like to join it however due to COVID-19 we cannot travel. Can we join it online?

A: The main purpose of these meetings is to tour the facility, this is something that cannot be done online or virtually because of facility security concerns.


May 15, 2020

Addendum #2

Q#1: Do you house inmates from other counties, Feds, or ICE?

  • If so, what is the breakdown of each?

A:    The Adult Correctional facility have a contract with the US Navy and currently house anywhere from 1-2 Navy inmates at a time. 

Juvenile Detention Center does not house residents from other counties on a regular basis. There has been one occurrence in the last 7 years, where the Juvenile Detention Center housed residents from another county.  The length of their stay was for 90 days and this was due to a strike.  There has been situation where some residents were held (from other counties or states) if they committed a crime in Lake County.


Q#2: What is your current budget amount?

A:    The Adult Correctional Facility’s current budget is $3,411,256 for the current contract with an additional $400,000 for aggregate.


The Juvenile Detention Center current budget is $295,000 for the current contract.  The FY2021 budget has not been approved at this time. 


Q#3: Who is your current healthcare provider?

A:    Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc


Q#4: Who is your current physician?

  • Would you like to keep them?

A:    The Adult Correctional Facility and Juvenile Detention Center physician position is vacant at this time and is currently being covered by Armor Corporate Medical Director.


Q#5: Would you like to keep your current nurses?

A:    The Adult Correctional Facility is open for discussion on this topic. We would like the nurses to be offered the opportunity to interview for their current positions.


The Juvenile Detention Center would like to keep their nurses.


Q#6: Who is your current Mental Health Provider?

A:    Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc.


Q#7: Who is your current pharmacy provider?

  • Do you allow meds from home?

A:    The Adult Correctional Facility current pharmacy provider is Diamond Pharmacy. The Adult Correctional Facility only allows meds from home in extreme cases.  This is assessed on a case by case basis.


The Juvenile Detention Center medications are almost always provided by family/guardians.  At times, the nurses have acquired medication with the assistance of the medical provider.


Q#8: Do you have a CLIA waiver?

A:    No


Q#9: Are you interested in a MAT program?

A:    Yes


Q#10: When is your budgetary fiscal year?

A: December 1 thru November 30


Q#11: Pre-Proposal Meeting which day has fewer participants?

A:    The County is not asking firms to RSVP so there is no way of knowing how many firms will be in attendance.


Q#12: Is this a mandatory pre-proposal meeting?

A:    The Pre-Proposal meeting is not mandatory.  The main purpose of these meetings is to tour the Adult Correctional Facility, the Juvenile Detention Center will not be toured at the time of the pre-proposal meetings; this is something that cannot be done online or virtually because of facility security concerns.


May 20, 2020

Addendum #3

Q#1: Regarding the Economic Opportunity Program section on page 8, are there any vendors you are currently working with that you would like us to use?A:  Lake County Workforce Development


Q#2: On page 9 under the Out of Pocket Expenses section can you give the definition and examples of Out of Pocket expenses?

A:  Out of Pocket Expenses are expenses that are not reimbursed by Lake County. A few, but not all, examples of out of pocket expenses are travel costs, office supplies, parking fees, etc.


Q#3: What is your cost for NCCHC accreditation?

A:2017 $2,953.00

2018 $3,095.00

2019 $2,953.00

2020 $2,953.00 (estimated not paid as of today)


Q#4: Is the HIV rapid testing provided by the health department or is the responsibility of the vendor?

A:  Provided by the LCHD


Q#5: On page 15, section G, paragraph 3, for an inmate that reports having HIV with out a diagnosis, do they have to go offsite, or can we don onsite screening?

A:  On-Site Screening with follow up at the LCHD if positive.


Q#6: How often do you want a formal sit down CQI meeting?

 A:  At least quarterly


Q#7: What licensing do your current social workers carry?



Q#8: On page 19, section 2, point #9 How are the hours between the dentist and dental assistant being split?

  • Does the dental assistant work without the dentist present?  No

A:  Currently the Dentist and Dental Assistance work 8 hours a week.  Currently they are on-site every Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.  If the proposer wants to change the days and times it would be based on the availability of an Inmate Transport Officer and Jail Administrations approval. 


Q#9: What is the cost of the licensing fee for the current JMS system?

A:  $25,000.00 includes CAD/RMS/JMS as a package


Q#10: What is the projected cost for the new JMS system?

A:  Estimate $700,000.  This is the JMS portion of the CAD/RMS/JMS


Q#11: Is COR EMR going to do training for new staff?

  • If so, will there be a cost for this training?

A:  If requested this can be provided and any cost will depend on what is requested.


Q#12: How many correctional officers do you currently have?

A:  Most recent report showed 171 correctional officers with 22 vacancies, 18 correctional sergeants with 1 vacancy, 5 correctional lieutenants with no vacancy, two deputy chiefs with no vacancy and one chief.


Q#13: Do you require both electronic and sealed envelope responses? (page 40)

A:    Lake County recently changed our process.  All proposals should be submitted electronically.  Sealed proposals are not required for this RFP.


Addendum #4

May 26, 2020 Picture (Click on the word Picture to view the HSR Report)


Q#1: Pg. 26 – Client References and Pg. 42 – References Form.  The RFP requires three references; however, the form provides space for four. Please clarify if the County is interested in 3 or 4 references.

A:  Lake County requirement is a minimum of three (3) references the fourth (4th) reference area is optional.


Q#2: Pg. 25 – General Services Requirements / 6. Transition Plan and Pgs. 25-26 – Implementation Plan. Are these two requirements one and the same? If not, please provide the County’s definition of each.

A:  These two requirements are the same.


Q#3: Pg. 21 – Administrative / Office Supplies and Equipment.  Please confirm that the Proposer will be responsible to provide computers for the juvenile facility and the County will provide computers for the adult facility.

A: Both facilities will supply computers.


Q#4: Pg. 22 – Accreditation.  Please provide the dates of the most recent NCCHC, ACA, and PREA surveys. Also, please provide a copy of the most recent NCCHC and ACA survey reports.

A:  Adult Correctional facility - PREA Audit – 10/2018, ACA Audit – 07/2019, and NCCHC – 10/2019.  To obtain the final reports, you will need to contact each accrediting body as we do not have those records.


Juvenile Detention Center - PREA Audit – 11-14-17 through 11-17-17. Next Audit will take place in 2021.


Q#5: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services. What is the average duration of the weekly correctional classification meetings in which the Mental Health Professional will participate?

A:  The Adult Correctional facility meet approximate 20-30 minutes a week.


The Juvenile Detention Center meets with the Mental Health Professional approximately 30 minutes per week to follow up on any concerns.


Q#6: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services. What Behavioral health services are currently provided on-site at the Jail (i.e., group therapy, special needs programming, etc.)?

A:  The Adult Correctional facility currently does not provide these services.


The Juvenile Detention Center – A part-time school Therapist and Emergency Assistance from our Residential Treatment Program provide In-House services. The part-time Therapist meets with the residents individually and in a group setting.


Q#7: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services. Does behavioral health programming currently include the provision of groups? If so, what types of groups are currently provided? Please indicate the number of times per week each group is provided.

If groups are not currently provided, is the County interested in initiating such programming?

A: It is a possibly, please present your ideas and options.


The Juvenile Detention Center – provides a group called Mindfulness.  The group assess behavioral and personnel concerns as well as developing life skills which is a component of our program.


Q#8: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services.  Please identify who is financially responsible for psychiatric emergencies and/or psychiatric hospitalizations—the Contractor or the County? 

A:  Adult Correctional facility - This is considered an offsite expense the same as medical emergencies and hospitalizations.  This would fall under the Aggregate Cap the same way off-site medical charges would.


The Juvenile Detention Center – if the resident is hospitalized the family’s/guardian’s insurance is utilized.


Q#9: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services. Please identify the hospital used for mental health inpatient referrals.

A:  The Adult Correctional facility does not accept mental health inpatient referrals.


The Juvenile Detention Center have used Condell Hospital located in Libertyville, IL.  It depends on family/guardian insurance requirements.


Q#10: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services.  Is the County receptive to tele-psychiatry services?

A:  It is a possibly, please present your ideas and options.


Q#11: Pg. 20 – Mental Health / General Services.  Please provide the following information:

The Adult Correctional facility - SEE THE ATTACHED HSR REPORTS FOR Q#11

  1. Number of attempted suicides in the past two (2) years A:   Juvenile: 2019 – 2    2020 - 0
  2. Number of completed suicides in the past two (2) years A:   Juvenile: 2019 – 0    2020 - 0
  3. Number of episodes of suicide watch per month in the past two (2) years A. Juvenile: 2019– 6    2020 - 2
  4. Number of self-injurious events in the past two (2) years A: Juvenile: 2
  5. Number of psychiatric hospitalizations in the past two (2) years A:   Juvenile: 2019 – 7   2020 - 0
  6. Number of psychiatric inpatient hospital days in the past two (2) years A:    Juvenile: 2019 – 28   2020 - 0
  7. Total cost of psychiatric inpatient hospitalizations for each of the past two (2) years A: Juvenile:   2019 – 0    2020 - 0
  8. Number of episodes of restraint per month in the past two (2) years A: Juvenile: 2019 – 31   2020 - 3
  9. Number in restrictive housing in the past two (2) years A:  Juvenile: There have been no housing restraints unless court ordered to keep co-offenders separated.
  10. Number of forced psychotropic medication events in the past two (2) years A: Juvenile:  0
  11. Number of Psychiatrist visits per month A:   Juvenile: the psychiatrist visits weekly (4 times a month)
  12. Number of Mental Health Professional visits per month A: Juvenile: available on an as needed basis.
  13. Number of mental health grievances per month A: Juvenile: 2019 – initially psychiatrist to visit monthly. No grievance has been filed by youth.
  14. Number of episodes of seclusions per month A: Juvenile:  2019 – 0   2020 – there has been seclusions (14-day isolation upon admissions) due to COVID protocol.


Q#12: Pgs. 10-11 – General Information. Please provide a breakdown of the inmate/detainee population included in the overall population figures, as follows:

  1. County – 100%                                                                                     Juvenile:              100%
  2. State DOC – N/A                                                                                  Juvenile:              0%
  3. ICE – N/A                                                                                               Juvenile:              0%
  4. U.S. Marshals Service – N/A                                                             Juvenile:              0%
  5. Work Release – N/A                                                                           Juvenile:              0%
  6. Male and Female – 90% male and 10% Female                          Juvenile:              92% male        8% female
  7. Transgender – N/A currently                                                           Juvenile:              none currently


Q#13: Pgs. 10-11 – General Information.

  1. CBCC houses work release and BOP patients only? A: Yes
  2. What responsibility does the medical provider have for these patients other than intake screening and BOP hx/px? A: None
  3. Do CBCC patients go through the regular intake screening for the jail in the same area? Yes


What is the current process?

A: Adult Correctional facility - CBCC Residents are booked in and have their medical and mental health intakes completed after which they are transported to the CBCC.


The Juvenile Detention Center - N/A for CBCC and BOP. However, the medical needs of the youth in the Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) and the youth in the residential treatment program (FACE-IT) utilize the medical services.


Q#14: Pgs. 10-11 – General Information. Please provide the annual number of intakes at the Jail, CBCC and JDC broken down by facility and monthly

A:  The Adult Correctional facility - SEE THE ATTACHED HSR REPORTS FOR Q#14.


Juvenile:              2019 – 201       2020 - 40


Q#15: Pg. 37 (Exhibit F) – Current Staffing Matrix.  How is CBCC staffed or is it included as part of the current staffing plan?

A:  The Adult Correctional facility CBCC is not staffed by the medical provider.


Q#16: Pg. 17 – Staffing Requirements – JDC.  Staffing at juvenile states 10hrs/day 7 days/wk. but the matrix on the same page does not reflect that. Please clarify.

A:  Juvenile Detention Center - At the facility we have two nurses (RN and LPN).  To cover the week of 10 hour shifts the RN works four – 10-hour days and the LPN works three – 10-hour days. The concern is coverage when one is ill or on vacation.


Q#17:  Pg. 17 – Staffing Requirements. Please provide a list of positions that are open/vacant. Also:

How long are these positions generally open before filled?

A: Medical Director/Doctor since 05/15/20. Times vary depending on open position.


Please share if there is an LPN shortage in the area as we have seen in surrounding areas? A:  We are unable to supply this information; this is not data our facilities track.


#18: Pg. 10 – General Information.  Please provide the average wait time for HIV patients to get a Health Department appointment?

A:  No more than 1 week.


Q#19:  Pg. 25 – Staffing. Re: Provide resume of the Medical Director who will be assigned to this contract: Will the County accept the proposer submit the resume of the regional medical director and the job description of the site Medical Director?

A:  The Medical Director position has been vacant since 05/15/2020.  The County will accept the Proposer resume that are sent for this open position.


Q#20: Exhibits B and C.  The Medical MA is not shown on the current staffing matrix, but is included in Exhibits B and C. Please clarify the requirements of position and if will be an addition in the new contract.

A:  This position is an addition and will work with the Administrative Assistant.


Q#21: Exhibit E – Equipment Inventory.  Please provide a list of all office/computer equipment that will be available to the new Contractor (e.g., computers, printers, fax machine, copier, etc.), including the model, age, and condition.

A:  Please reference Exhibit E.


Q#22: Information Technology.  Are telemedicine services currently provided? If so, which services?

A:  The County does not provide telemedicine services.


Q#23: Specialty Consults. Are there currently any specialty clinics being conducted on site? If so, please identify:

  1. Provider name and contact information Frequency of clinic

A:  X-Ray – Trident Care – Once a week.


The Juvenile Detention Center: N/A


Q#24: Dialysis. During the past two (2) years, what is the average number of individuals receiving dialysis treatments? One (1)

  1. What are the average weekly number of treatments? A: Three (3)
  2. How much has been spent annually on dialysis over the past two (2) years? A:   We are unable to supply an annual amount spent on dialysis for the past two (2) years.


The Juvenile Detention Center: N/A


Q#25: Med Pass. Please confirm a LPN conducts medication pass.

A:  LPN’s conduct medpass.


The Juvenile Detention Center: The RN and LPN conduct medication pass.


Q#26: Med Pass. Please confirm there are two medication carts.

A:  The Adult Correctional Center - there are three (3) medication carts on site.


The Juvenile Detention Center: There are no carts on site.  The youth enter the center with, medication or it is purchased through family’s /guardian’s insurance.


Q#27: Sick Call.  Please confirm RN and LPN conduct sick call.

A:  Both RN’s and LPN’s conduct Sick Call at the Adult Facility and Juvenile Detention Center. 


Q#28: KOP. Please confirm there is no Keep On Person Program.

A:  Keep-On Person Program is currently not offered at the Lake County Jail (LCJ).


Q#29: Information Technology. Do the Jail and JDC have wireless capability?

A:  Wireless capability is not available at either site.


Q#30: Pharmacy Statistics. Please provide the following information for the past two (2) years:

The Adult Correctional facility - SEE THE ATTACHED HSR REPORTS FOR Q#30

  1. Number of inmates on psychotropic medication(s) per month A:  Juvenile: 90% of the youth are on some type of psychotropic medication.
  2. Number of inmates on HIV/AIDS medication(s) per month A:  Juvenile: 0
  3. Number of inmates on Hepatitis medication(s) per month A:  Juvenile: 0
  4. Number of inmates on Hemophilia medication(s) per month A:  Juvenile: 0
  5. Number of inmates with diabetes A: Juvenile: One (1) depending on the month.


Q#31: On-site Service Statistics. Please provide statistical data for the past three (3) years by facility regarding on-site services, including but not limited to:

The Adult Correctional facility - SEE THE ATTACHED HSR REPORTS FOR Q#31

  1. Intakes A: Juvenile: 2018 – 273   2019 – 201    2020 - 40
  2. Nurse Sick Call, Mid-level Sick Call, Physician Sick Call A: Juvenile: Nurse: 1,729   Physician - 190
  3. Inmate physicals A: Juvenile: 282
  4. Number of inmates evaluated by the psychiatric/mental health providers A: Juvenile:  92
  5. Number of chronic care visits by type A:  Juvenile:  Pulmonary – 20 Neuro – 2   Metabolic 2
  6. Number of on-site clinic visits by type (e.g., OB/GYN, orthopedics, ophthalmology, cardiology, etc.) A: Juvenile: zero on site.
  7. Labs A: Juvenile: 10 all labs conducted in house
  8. X-rays A: Juvenile: 0
  9. Telemedicine encounters by specialty A: Juvenile:0


Q#32: Off-site Service Statistics. Please provide historical utilization statistics for the past three (3) years by facility regarding off-site and specialty services, including but not limited to: 

The Adult Correctional facility - SEE THE ATTACHED HSR REPORTS FOR Q#32

  1. Total number of ER visits by facility A:   Juvenile: 12
  2. Number of ER visits that resulted in inpatient admissions A:  Juvenile: 3
  3. Number of ambulance transfers by facility A: Juvenile: 2
  4. Number of non-ambulance transfers A:  Juvenile: 10
  5. Number of 911 transfers A: Juvenile: 0
  6. Number of Life Flight/helicopter transfers A: Juvenile: 0
  7. Number of inpatient admissions A: Juvenile: 3
  8. Number of inpatient days A: Juvenile: 34
  9. Number of hospital observations A:  Juvenile: 0
  10. Number of one-day surgeries A:  Juvenile: 0
  11. Number of office specialty visits by provider type A: Juvenile: Ortho- 3    OB/GYN - 1
  12. Number of off-site radiology exams by type (e.g., CT scan, MRI, etc.) A:  Juvenile: 2


Q#33: Methadone.  Is methadone provided to any patients other than pregnant females?  No.

  1. Is methadone provided on-site or off-site? A:  On-Site
  2. Who is the local methadone provider? A:  Lake County Health Department (LCHD)


The Juvenile Detention Center: 0


Q#34: Pg. 26 / Aggregate Cap Cost Sharing. Is Lake County’s portion of the 50/50 split aggregate cap ($250,000) to be included in the price or treated as a pass-through cost?

A:  The current method is that Lake County’s part of the 50/50 split is included in our monthly base amount (1/12th is included in each base payment). We are open minded to suggestions, ideas, and options from Vendors on different Aggregate methods.  


Q#35: Pg. 26 / Aggregate Cap Cost Sharing. What was the total medical spend (including amounts above the cap) for 2019 and YTD 2020?

How much off-site and pharmacy spend were over the cap?

A:  The total medical spends for 2019 and YTD 2020 is $4,468,905.41 for the Adult Correctional Facility. The total aggregate overage billing received from current vendor is $45,493.09.

Juvenile Detention Center - Juvenile:  Zero, medication is brought in by the youth’s family or guardian. 


Q#36: Pg. 1 / Redaction of Confidential Material. If the Proposer would like to submit sample videos considered proprietary and exempt from disclosure in response to a FOIA request, how can that be accomplished in keeping with the redaction guidance?

A:  The video must be labeled confidential and proprietary in keeping with the FOIA guidelines.


Q#:37: Please confirm that the anticipated begin date of this contract will be December 1, 2020.

A: Yes, the anticipated beginning date of the contract is December 1, 2020.


Q#38: Page 23 of the RFP, Subsection N. HIPPA states that the proposer will be required to execute the HIPPA agreement included with the RFP.  I could not locate this agreement.  Can you please provide this and verify if the agreement must be submitted with our response to the RFP?

A:  A HIPPA agreement will be finalized with the selected firm. The agreement is not required to be submitted with your response to the RFP.


Q#39: Page 21 of the RFP, Subsection 6. Administrative, A. General, #6. states that the proposer shall be responsible for all medical staff’s annual authorized access renewal in January of each year.  Is this an annual background check process?

A:  Yes


Q#40: Does Lake County have a separate contract for conducting pre-employment physicals for correctional staff?  Or would the County want this service provided as part of this contract?

A:  Lake County does have a separate contract for conducting pre-employment physicals for correctional staff. We are not interested in this service being provided as part of the jail medical contract.


Addendum #5

May 27, 2020 Picture (Please click on the word picture to view the revised timeline)


Q#1: Could the County release the list of conference attendees?

A. We have not hosted a conference concerning this RFP.  If you are referring to the Pre-Proposal meetings the list of vendors are Naphcare, Armor, VitalCore Health Strategies, and Wellpath.


Q#2: How many patients currently have serious mental illness and where are they housed?

A. We believe this question is too vague to answer properly.  We need clarification on the vendor’s definition of what is serious mental illness (those found unfit to stand trial, those on Psychotropic medications, etc.)?


Q#3: How many beds are in the East 1 area?

A.40 beds – 20 cells all double bunked.


Q#4: The RFP states that the County Health Department provides HIV medication and treatment. Later, on page 27, the RFP states that there should be no exclusions in fiscal records for AIDs or AIDs medications. Is the proposer only responsible for the cost of HIV and AIDs treatment and medications in the days until a patient is registered with the Health Department at which point that treatment and medication become their responsibility?

A. Yes, for medications.  Yes, for routine treatment and follow up appointments and no for emergency treatment.


Q#5: Would it be possible for us to get a 2-week extension on the RFP submittal date?

The County has extended the due date to this RFP.  The new due date is June 16, 2020 at 11:00 AM local time.  Please pay special attention to the revised timeline.



Addendum #6 

June 1, 2020 Picture (Click on the word picture to view the attachment)


Q#1: The County requested clarification on our meaning behind the phrasing “serious mental illness” in our question responded to an Addendum #5, Question 2. Below is a list of mental health conditions we would consider serious mental illness:

  • Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Delusional Disorders
  • Major Depressive Disorder – when severe and persistent
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – when severe and persistent

A:  On average, approximately 10% of the inmate population at the Adult Correctional Facility have the mental illnesses listed above. They are housed in general population unless there is a safety or security need to place them in the segregation unit.


Q#2: Please confirm the RFP instructions that All questions shall be submitted no less than seven (7) days prior to the RFP opening date will override the due date in the revised timeline.

A: The new due date for questions will be June 9, 2020 by 11:00 AM local time.



Addendum #7

June 9, 2020


Q#1:    On page 18 of the RFP it states that social workers "should not have overlapping shifts".  Is the expectation that one social worker is scheduled on the day shift, i.e., 0700-1530 and the second social worker scheduled 1500-2330?  If so, will patients be available to the social worker at all times from 1500-2330?  

A: A: 0700 – 1530 1400 – 2230 would be best for social worker coverage.  The facility goes on Lockdown for the night at 2200 hours and any time prior to that inmates will be available to be seen.


Q#2:    Would the county entertain a schedule where the first social worker works from 0700-1530 and the second social worker from 1200-2030?

A: Our facilities is open to any proposed options that are submitted toward this RFP.


Q#3:      Detoxification: How many patients on average daily are on a detox watch receiving medications?

A: This number varies from day to day.  On June 8, 2020 there were four (4) inmates on the detox protocols.


Q#4:      Medical Observation: On average, how many patients are housed in the 12-bed medical observation unit?

  1. Can you provide a breakdown of the types of patients housed there (i.e., detox/suicide watch/diabetic)?

A: This number varies from day to day.  On June 8, 2020 there were three (3) inmates housed in the medical pod.  One (1) inmate currently receives dialysis three (3) times a week and is immunocompromised, one (1)  inmate is pregnant and is in their third (3rd) trimester, and one (1) inmate that returned from an inpatient hospitalization.


Q#5:      Pharmacy: Please provide the monthly Diamond pharmacy reports for the last six months.

A: The reports we received from Diamond are proprietary and confidential to Diamond.  Unfortunately, we are unable to share this information.


Q#6:      RFP Pg. 26 / Section G - Price Proposal Subsection 2: This section states the annual ‘Increases or decreases will be pegged against the Consumer Price Index, All Urban Consumers, US City Average for Medical Care, 12-month percent change, Not Seasonally Adjusted (Series CUUR000SAM) or 4%, whichever is lower. Per Diem and base inmate population may be renegotiated at the end of each contract year.”  


Would the County be agreeable to alternatively base such annual increases and decreases on CPI for Medical Care Services v. “Medical Care?”  We ask this because Medical Care Services is more closely tied to Wellpath’s provision of medical care services and is the more commonly used industry standard. Moreover, Wellpath relies upon these CPI increases to keep our on-site staff wages competitive in the market.

A: In our RFP document when we used the term Medical Care, we are referring to Medical Care Services.  This terminology aligns with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  Medical Care Services includes Professional Medical Services, Hospital Services, Nursing Home Services, Adult Day Care and Health Insurance.  Which would cover staff wages.


Q#7:      Pg. 19, Dental Services: What has been the average wait time to see the Dentist during the past 12 months?

A: One (1) week or less depending on when the request is made.




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