Lake County Addendum Forum

2024_003 SMC/FEMA Sylvan

Item 63: Lower and Maintain Lake Level Technical Specification for the item pg. 159 •

For any construction activities to occur the lake level (782.7) must be maintained at a minimum. The lake level of 782.7 shall be maintained, at a minimum, until the Outlet Structure and 48” Outlet Pipe can be placed into service, as approved by the Engineer. • During a rain event the level of the lake will increase thus construction on activities will need to pause until the lake level returns to 782.7, correct? Correct, the dewatering plan shall address anticipated rain events and measures to maintain the lake level. • Maintaining the stability of the existing dam, the method, and the duration to return to elevation 782.7 is at the discretion of the contractor, correct? Correct

Addendum Blog

Bid Questions (updated 1/24/2024):

1. The file CCDD 662 Form- Sylvan Lake Dam PDF must be downloaded and then opened with a PDF reader or PDF editor software. If you see "Please Wait..." then download the file and open. The form based PDF is a native file from IEPA and therefore the file based on their setup ,does not open correctly in a browser. 

Bid Questions (updated 2/12/2024)

2. Item 63: Lower and Maintain Lake Level Technical Specification for the item pg. 159

a)  For any construction activities to occur the lake level (782.7) must be maintained at a minimum.

The lake level of 782.7 shall be maintained, at a minimum, until the Outlet Structure and 48” Outlet Pipe can be placed into service, as approved by the Engineer.

b)  During a rain event the level of the lake will increase thus construction activities will need to pause until the lake level returns to 782.7, correct?

Correct, the dewatering plan shall address anticipated rain events and measures to maintain the lake level.

c)   Maintaining the stability of the existing dam, the method and duration to return to elevation 782.7 is at the discretion of the contractor, correct?




Addendum #1

-No modifications 

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