21184voting machine RFP Lake County Clerk
Addendum #2- November 29, 2021
Clarification: On page 18 it states "Price Proposal and the response is requested in a separate sealed envelope." A separate sealed envelope submission for the price proposal is not required. Proposers shall submit the pricing page as a separate electronic file or as part of the same proposal electronic file. Either way is acceptable, a separate sealed envelope is not required.
Q) Can Lake County extend the RFP submittal deadline by one week? A) At this time, as this is a critical time sensitive need of Lake County, we are unable to extend the submission date for this procurement. All proposals will be due as stated on December 2, 2021 by no later than 11 AM local time.
Addendum #1- November 24, 2021
Q) Does Lake County require equipment for the mailing of the ballots, or would they be open to using a vendor who can send the ballots to the voters on their behalf? A) Lake County does not require equipment for the mailing of the ballots and is not looking for a vendor who can send the ballots to the voters on their behalf. The County is looking to secure a seamless onsite solution as stated in the RFP. Both the outbound and inbound processes are to be onsite.
The following statement shall be omitted from the RFP Scope of work: “All voting equipment must be certified by the Illinois State Board of Elections pursuant to 10 ILCS 5/24.”