Lake County Addendum Forum

22034 Promotional Assessments for the Lake County Sheriff's Office


March 28, 2022
Addendum #2

Q#1: Clarify the ranks for which promotional assessment services are being sought.  The Price Sheet asks for pricing for just the ranks of Law Enforcement Sergeant and Lieutenant, but under Scope of Work, a breakdown of incumbents is provided by rank for both Law Enforcement and Corrections, after which it is stated that the Proposer will develop separate written exams for each rank (which implies services are being sought for more than just LE Sgt and Lt).
A: Please only provide pricing for the ranks of law enforcement sergeant and lieutenant.  There are no exams needed at this time for correctional officers.


March 24, 2022
Addendum #1

Q#1: We realize questions are due on 3.28.2022, we are wondering what the turnaround time is for the County to issue an Addendum
A: Answers to potential proposers’ questions are addressed within 1 or 2 days.  The sooner questions are submitted the sooner you receive a response.  Please keep in mind that the questions deadline date is March 28, 2022, by 11:00 AM CST.


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