Lake County Addendum Forum

22113 Circuit Court Clerk & 19th Judicial Probation Services Court File Folders

Lake County intent is to solicit bids from a Supplier to furnish and deliver court file folders to our Circuit Court Clerk and the 19th Judicial Probation Service offices.


August 2, 2022

ADDENDUM #2 Picture


Q#1.    Could I please get a sample of your strip/label?  What type of material it is made with?

A:         Please see sample photos of each department court file folders.  Please use the dimensions that has been outlined in the specifications. Click on the word "Picture" to view content.


Q#2:    Can you please send me a divery date of the above-mentioned bid.

A:         Not sure this addresses your concerns, first order for court file folders will be after December 1, 2022.  I County has taken under consideration shipping delays and has scheduled orders based on longer lead time.




August 1, 2022

ADDENDUM #1  Picture


Q#1:    Could I please get a physical sample of your file folders?

A:         Please see sample photos of each department court file folders.  Please use the dimensions that has been outlined in the specifications. Click on the word "Picture" to view content.


Q#2:    Is it possible to get a sample of the items associated with the bid number above? We want to ensure that we're quoting the item to meet your exact specifications.

A:         Please see sample photos of each department court file folders.  Please use the dimensions that has been outlined in the specifications. Click on the word "Picture" to view content.