Lake County Addendum Forum

23121 Purchase of Six (6) Vehicles

Addendum #

Addendum #2

July 5, 2023

Q#1. We wanted to ask if there is a vehicle, we don’t have on ground of what you’re looking for. Are you opposed to possibly ordering one to your specifications? FWD or AWD?

A: Per the Bid document Lake County have included language that reads “Including all Standard Features or Equal to Base Vehicle”.  Please refer to Addendum No. 1 and the Intent section found under the Scope of Work.




Addendum #1

July 3, 2023

Q#1. Do vendors have to submit prices on all vehicles listed on price proposal?

A: No.  Vendors can propose prices on one vehicle or multiple vehicles if they choose too.


General Terms and Conditions


This bid document contains our terms and conditions and constitute the entire agreement between Lake County and the awarded bidder.  Modifications and exceptions taken to the terms and conditions contained herein must be formally accepted in writing by both parties.

Upon Award, the awarded bidder shall be deemed to have entered into a written agreement with Lake County for performance of the Work called for under this bid document.   The Contract Documents consist of this the Award Letter, Bid document, the awarded bidder’s response to the bid (but not including any modification and/or exceptions taken by the awarded bidder which were not accepted in writing by Lake County), Terms and Conditions of the Contract (General, Special, Supplementary, and other Conditions), Addenda issue prior to Award, other documents listed in this Bid document, and Modifications issued after Award, all of which form the Contract and are considered fully part of the Contract between the Awarded Bidder and Lake County, and constitute the entire agreement between Lake County and the Awarded Bidder.



This contract shall be in effect from the date of award and continue to final receipt of the vehicles.

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