Lake County Addendum Forum

24308 Digital Navigators Program for Lake County


Addendum #1


Question: Will working advances be made available to fund new hires?

Response:  Advances will not be provided for this procurement opportunity.  The program is reimbursement based due to the County’s use of American Rescue Plan Funding from the US Treasury and the eligibility requirements that the County is bound to.  We will work with the selected entities on allowing for a monthly reimbursement request in lieu of quarterly.


Question: In the Client References attachment, there is a line for # of employees. Does this refer to the entirety of the reference's employees, or to the employees that administer similar services to our projected ask?

Response: This is in reference to the entirety of the reference's employees.


Question: When will addendums be shared, and where can I access them?

Response: Yes, addendums will be available on the Lake County Purchasing Portal within 48 hours of submission to


Question: Is there a template for the letter of transmittal, and if not, what must be included in the letter?

Response: No, there are no specific requirements for the letter of transmittal.


Question: Is there a cap for how much we can ask for outside of the $140,000 for a digital navigator? For example, could we ask for $700 to provide a certain technology program.

Response: All program budgets for the duration of the 2-year program should be kept within $140,000 per Digital Navigator.


Question: General terms #29 - ownership of all information is the sole property of Lake County. How do we handle residents who request that their private info not be shared with anyone, including the government?

Response: Only information related to Program KPIs is required for reporting. No personal information will be tracked through the Digital Navigator Program.


Question: Auto insurance - employees are required to maintain their own insurance. Is the proposer expected to carry auto insurance too?

Response: The County is currently researching the answer to this question and will provide a response as soon as possible.


Question: Are purchases made with these funds the property of the proposer of the county?

Response: All property purchased by the awarded organizations will remain the property of the organizations who made the purchase.


Question: Since the scope of work includes building digital skills, will funds be made available to support the purchase of devices for residents?

Response: The Lake County Digital Equity Team is currently working on a device distribution strategy to support organizations seeking to distribute devices to residents. If part of an organization’s Digital Navigator Program Strategy incorporates distributing devices to residents paired with digital skills training, please include estimates of how many devices will be needed for distribution and any technical requirements of these devices.


Question: Just to clarify what Keay just said about 60 days turnaround - so that means that from the hire date of a DN it could be 5-6 month before funds are reimbursed to the organization. Is that correct?

Response: Advances will not be provided for this procurement opportunity.  The program is reimbursement based due to the County’s use of American Rescue Plan Funding from the US Treasury and the eligibility requirements that the County is bound to.  We will work with the selected entities on allowing for a monthly reimbursement request in lieu of quarterly.

Addendum #2


Question: Should we allocate $50 for the digital navigator's salary?

Response: At least $50,000 should be allocated towards each Digital Navigators annual salary or hourly wage.

Question: In regards to the indirect cost, if we cover this grant with a line of credit, will the interest on that be considered an indirect cost?

 Response: Interest is not considered an eligible cost for reimbursement.

Questions: Lastly, can the digital navigator be a W9 employee, and must it be full-time or part-time?

Response: W-9 employees are allowed and should be treated the same as other full and part time employees regarding benefits and working conditions.

Addendum #3


Question: Auto insurance - employees are required to maintain their own insurance. Is the proposer expected to carry auto insurance too?

 Updated Response: Proposers are not required to carry auto insurance for their employees. Lake County will not reimburse proposers for auto insurance.

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