Company name


Q: Where can I locate a signage schedule for this project? 

R: Signage quantities are indicated In Specification Section 10 14 00; Paragraph 3.03A & B.

Q. Could you help me with clarifying the type of fume hood they are looking for in Dental Lab 158 and 162? I found the spec for them but they don’t list any manufacturers and this seems more like a kitchen exhaust fan that a true fume hood.

R: The hood specified is an exhaust hood and not a fume hood.  Provide an exhaust hood as specified.

Q. Please find the attached letterhead, substitution request form, submittal drawings from the completed Performing Arts Center project & a company brochure. GSI seeks approval as a qualified supplier of signage for the Zion Medical Clinic Renovations project. We would manufacture ADA compliant panels utilizing VistaSystems anodized aluminum extruded curved face frames that would be mounted to a backer material by GSI. This substitution would cause no change in schedule or require redesign to other portions of this project.

R: We will not be accepting any substitution on the signage specs as provided in the Bid documents.




The revised  plans and specifications have now been uploaded in their entirety on the Purchasing Portal.  The new plans and specifications include all previously noted specification section and plan updates per the Addendum #1 blog PLUS the following:

Invitation to Bid Form has been updated noting a new BID OPENING DATE OF TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2017 @ 2:00 PM and the last day for formal questions has also been updated to read August 1, 2017 at Noon central time.

Section 00 11 15 – Lake County Health Department Invitation to Bid Terms & Conditions attachment has been updated to include a revised bid opening date as noted on Page 2 of the attachment; Paragraph 2 to be Tuesday, August 8, 2017.  The cut-off date for contractor questions has been revised to the Noon Central Time August 1, 2017.

Section 00 31 24 – Environmental Assessment Information has been revised in its entirety.

Section 01 21 00 – Allowances has been revised in its entirety.

The following specifications sections have been revised to include previously noted Addendum #1 Blog items.  (Refer to bold text in the following specification sections):
• 00 01 10 – Table of Contents: Revised Page numbers from quantity 7 to quantity 8 for Section 08 80 00 – GLAZING.
• 02 41 00 – Demolition:  Added Paragraph 3.03H.
• 00 30 00 – Cast-In-Place Concrete: Added Sub-Paragraph 2.04J3.
• 04 20 00 – Unit Masonry: Revised Sub-Paragraph 2.02A2.
• 08 11 13 – Hollow Metal Doors & Frames:  Added Sub-Paragraph 2.01A5.
• 08 80 00 – Glazing: Revised Paragraphs 2.04A & B.



UPDATED 3:20 PM CST 7/26/17

~~This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Bidding Documents dated July 11, 2017, with amendments and additions noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided in the Bid Form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification.


Question 1:  The fuse Marker paint (P6) is called out in room 100 Multi-Purpose; it is on the North wall.  One note reads marker board wall paint install floor to ceiling. On the room schedule the north wall is calling for p1/p6 which is an indication that there is PA (eggshell) sw6149 Relaxed Khaki and PF (fuse) on the north wall. On the interior elevations it does not show where the marker board will go. The north wall is approximately 52lf and the height is 8’. If the marker board is to be on the entire wall minus the door and frame, what about the side walls. Need a clarification about the extent of the marker board in that room.

Response 1: The drawings correctly indicate the intent.  The Fuse Marker paint (P6) shall be installed on North wall from inside edge of drywall "bump outs" (Reference Lines E6/D6) at Door
100.3 from floor to ceiling to Northwest (Reference Lines F6) and Northeast (Reference Lines C6) corners of the room.  The Drywall Bump Out at the exterior door opening gets painted with P1 Eggshell - Color PA.
Question 2: Will we be required to submit Certified Payroll verification for payout requests?

Response 2: Yes.  Refer to Specification Section 00 72 00 - General & Supplementary Conditions attachment; Paragraph 7 - Applications for Payment.

Question 3: Per A310- Is a rail required @ (1) side only @ pedestrian walk near 6/C?  None required @ bldg side? ( Note 5.091 reads “ not anchor into face of existing masonry wall.”

Response 3: An interior side hand rail is required to be installed on the interior side of the ramp and shall be fastened into the existing masonry wall.  General Contractor shall coordinate fastening points into the masonry surfaces. Refer to revised Sheet A310 for more information. The guardrail that has keynote 5.091 on Detail 1/A310 shall NOT be anchored into the masonry wall.  The entire guardrail assembly shall be cored into the concrete walkway as keynoted.

Question 4: Are any rails required elsewhere? ie: @ interior/ exterior stairs @ south end of bldg. near 1/C?

Response 4: No.

Question 5: Per A910- Dtl’s 3 & 5 indicate 2 1/2” sq. tubes @ 42” o.c.  Can you provide quantity? I’m having difficulty locating/ determining.

Response 5: The tubes are only to be installed inside the half wall between the intake windows in Room 120 - Reception at the east side of the room. Only one location for the tubes exist.  Two total tubes are required at each end of the half wall for lateral stability of the casework assembly.

Question 6: Per A800 & corresponding dtl’s on A820- (15) doors are indicated to have steel lintels per dtl’s 6 & 14/ A820, but are the beams per S320 meant to be acting as lintels?

Response 6: No new steel is placed directly above door head.  Steel beams on S320 are acting as the lintels to span over the openings.  These will be erected tight to the underside of the precast as detailed on the structural drawings and as shown in added detail 15/A820.  Detail 6/A820 has been revised to indicate that the masonry and lintel over the head of the new door frame are for existing masonry openings that already have lintels above former door opening scheduled to be reused. The existing steel lintel and masonry are existing to remain in place in the reused
opening. Detail 15/A820 has been added and correctly keyed into the updated Door, Frame, & Hardware Schedule on Sheet A800 for new opening locations.  Added detail 15 indicates that no lintel or masonry is needed immediately above the new door frame at the HEAD locations as scheduled.  The interstitial space above the new door frames to the steel supporting the existing precast roof planking shall be infilled with drywall and insulation as shown in new detail 15/A820.
Question 7: And, lintels @ most of the doors where no beam is shown, ie: 101, 104, 106, 116, 142, 145, 147, 166 & 173(.1), & 166 & 173(.2), are indicated as existing per S320, – no new lintels required?

Response 7: No steel placed directly above door head.  Steel beams on S320 are acting as the lintels to span over the openings.  These will be erected tight to the underside of the precast as detailed on the structural drawings.  Refer to response # 6 above and refer to revised Door, Frame, & Hardware Schedule on Sheet A800.

Question 8: Can you provide width of G1z interior partitions? & just to verify, no bottom plates are required on B1/ B2 beams per S320?

Response 8: The G1z wall assembly is 1-5/8" Mtl. Studs & 5/8" Gypsum Board for a total of 2-1/4" however the studs shall be installed 1/4" off the face of the exterior wall for the 2-1/2" dimension indicated on the G1z wall type. No bottom plates required.

Question 9:  Also per S320- width of brg. plates is given as 7” typical for B1 / B2 beams but width of beams is 7.995” & 10” respectively so those won’t work. Revise?

Response 9: Provide bearing plates as noted on the drawings

Question 10: Also, FYI- Plan on giving add for the (8) extra beams indicated per S320 beam & plan on figuring all beams except ones connecting to columns furnished only schedule, to be set by mason. We’ll then come back & weld to bearing plates

Response 10:  No Comment. Means and methods GC coordination issue.

Question 11:  Please provide section views for the infill walls at the removed PTAC units.

Response 11: Section views are not available.  Infill removed PTAC openings as noted in Keynote 4.212 on Sheet A210.  Existing wall construction at removed PTAC units shall be bid to be 8" load bearing CMU interior with 4 inch modular brick masonry veneer and an airspace with polyisocyanurate board insulation.

Question 12:  Per drawing A810 Finish Remark 5 all Window sills and trim are SSA but there are no references to SSB. Please provide direction as to what gets finish SSB

Response 12: All countertops and window sills shall be the same color; SSA.  SSB is not used on this project.

Question 13:  Will there be any work required for placing additional attic or roof insulation?
Response 13: No.

Question 14:  Per Spec Section 05 50 00 Section 2.05 A2 for Metal Fabrications, Spray fireproofing is mentioned but not referenced in the drawings. Please confirm if spray fireproofing will be required on the new steel members.

Response 14: There is no spray fireproofing on this project. All steel members shall be prepared as noted in Specification Section 05 50 00 - Metal Fabrications; Paragraph 3.04.

A. Under Article 2.04  ADMIXTURES:
1. Add new Subparagraph J3 as follows:
"3.  Other Acceptable Product meeting or exceeding the minimum performance requirements of Specified Products; ISE Logik Industries, Inc.; MVRA 900:

A. Add wall mounted, interior handrail (Keynote 5.093) at the west side of the ramp near Door Opening 116.1; revision cloud 2. (Drawing Attached).
B. Add location of the bronze plaque (Keynote 10.143) at vestibule 117 and building address numerals (Keynote 10.146) at exterior entrance canopy; revision cloud 2. (Drawing Attached).
A. Revise Door and Frame Schedule for Door openings 118.1, 118.2, 163.1 & 169.1 to read 15/A820 in lieu of 6/A820 as orifginally scheduled.  (Drawing Attached)
A. Revise Detail 6/A820:  Indicate existing masonry (Keynote 2.041) and existing steel lintel (Keynote 2.053) above door head.
B. Added Detail 15/A820: Added Head Detail as indicated.



Question 1: I am looking at this project and need clarification On L-100 the details call for plant key CAKF. This is not on the plant list, could you find out what it is?

Response 1: CAKF is Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’.

Question 2: With regards to the glass make up for the Zion Medical Clinic 1) Will they accept an alternate to the Solera L (SG3)?.

Response 2: Glass types SG1 & SG3 have been modified by this addendum.  See revisions to the glass specifications in "CHANGES TO SPECIFICATIONS" below.

Question 3:  As far as SG1, please verify the make-up versus the performance, as any greylite product will not come anywhere near the VLT.
Response 3: Glass types SG1 & SG3 have been modified by this addendum.  See revisions to the glass specifications in "CHANGES TO SPECIFICATIONS" below.

Question 4: For the building demolition, will we be responsible for capping utilities or will the owner set that up?  If we are responsible for capping utilities, to what point should they be removed/capped?

Response 4: The General Contractor is responsible to coordinate utility disconnection and capping with the local utility companies as Base Bid. Please see response to Question 7 below.

Question 5:  Per Spec Section 06 41 00 there is a reference to certification through A.W.I. Please confirm, is certification a requirement for bidding as this will greatly limit the potential competition among our subs.  NOTE: Regardless of certification status, our subs still fabricate per A.W.I. Standards Sec.400b (Custom Grade).

Response 5: Cabinets shall be constructed to AWI Premimum Grade in accordance with Specification section 06 41 00; Paragraph 2.01A.  There is no specified requirement for the fabricators shop to be AWI Certified.

Question 6: Referencing Keynote 7.240 at Photo 4 on drawing A1010, please clarify the extent of patching required at the EIFS fascia.  The photo provided does not capture the entire area of existing EIFS and it’s unclear if the area highlighted in the photo is intended to indicate the extent of patching or just the re-coating.  If the extent of required patching is unknown, please stipulate a quantity to be included for bidding purposes.

Response 6: Patching shall be required at the entrance canopy where former building signage or exterior wall penetrations have been removed. There is approximately 150 square feet of patching required.  The balance of the upper canopy gets fully recoated after the EIFS patching is performed.

Question 7: The drawings show no detail of utilities to be disconnected from the building to be demolished. Please clarify size, location, termination point, and any subsequent site repair.

Response 7: No utilities are to be disconnected at 1911 - 27th Street.  All existing utilities at this location shall be reused.  The existing Zion Clinic located at 1819 - 27th Street is a single story structure with a full basement.  The first floor is approximately 14 feet in height and the basement is approximately 12 feet deep. This building is to be demolished in its entirety.  The building is 2,459 square feet at the first floor and 2,459 square feet at the basement floor.  The total building square footage is 4,918 Square Feet in size.  Existing utilities at 1819 - 27th Street shall be removed from the building to the point of connection at the public utility main and terminated in
accordance with utility company direction.  A new power service at this site shall be provided to the small shed on the west property line utilizing the existing overhead utility pole as shown on Sheet
E100 - Electrical Site Plan.  Also refer to Specification Section 02 41 00 - Demolition for additional requirements.

A. Under Article 3.03  EXISTING UTILITIES:
1. Delete Subparagraph 3.03H and replace with the following:
"H.   Prepare building demolition areas by disconnecting and capping utilities outside the demolition zone at existing utility mains; identify and mark utilities to be subsequently reconnected, in same manner as other utilities."
A. Under Article 2.02 BRICK UNITS:
1. Delete Subparagraph A2 and replace with the following:
"2.  (Type B2 - Buff Blend Color):  Sioux City Brick; Gas Burn Matt # 220; Modular Size 4" x 2 2/3" x 8" Nominal with textured face to match existing."
A. Under Article 2.01 MANUFACTURERS:
1. Add acceptable Manufacturer, Sub-Paragraph A5 to read:
"5.  Mesker Openings Group:"
1.4 SECTION 08 80 00 - GLAZING
A. Under Article 2.04  INSULATING GLASS UNITS:
1. Delete Paragraph 2.04 A & B and replace with the following:
"A. Type SG1 - Sealed Insulating Glass Units:  Tinted vision glass, double glazed.
1. Application:  All exterior glazing unless otherwise indicated.
2. Outboard Lite:  Fully tempered float glass, 1/4 inch thick.
a. Tint:  PPG Solarban 60 on Optigray Low-E #2.
b. Coating: Low-E (passive type), on # 2 surface.
3. Inboard Lite:  Fully tempered float glass, 1/4 inch thick, minimum.
a. Tint: Clear.
b. Cavity:  1/2 inch (90% Argon Fill).
4. Total Thickness:  1 inch.
5. Thermal Transmittance (U-Value), Summer - Center of Glass: 0.22, nominal.
6. Thermal Transmittance (U-Value), Winter - Center of Glass: 0.24, nominal.
7. Total Visible Light Transmittance: 50 percent, nominal.
8. Total Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.29 percent, nominal.
9. Shading Coefficient:  0.34 percent, nominal.
10. .  Glazing Method:  Gasket glazing.
B. Type SG3 - Sealed Insulating Glass Units: Frosted translucent glass, double glazed.
1. Application:  As indicated on Drawings.
2. Outboard Lite:  Fully tempered float glass, 1/4 inch thick.
a. Tint:  PPG Solarban 60 on Optigray Low-E #2.
b. Coating: Low-E (passive type), on # 2 surface.
3. Inboard Lite:  Fully tempered float glass, 1/4 inch thick, minimum.
a. Tint: Acid-Etched White # 3.
b. Cavity:  1/2 inch (90% Argon Fill).
4. Total Thickness:  1 inch.
5. Thermal Transmittance (U-Value), Summer - Center of Glass: 0.22, nominal.
6. Thermal Transmittance (U-Value), Winter - Center of Glass: 0.24, nominal.
7. Total Visible Light Transmittance: 50 percent, nominal.
8. Total Solar Heat Gain Coefficient: 0.29 percent, nominal.
9. Shading Coefficient:  0.34 percent, nominal.
10. .  Glazing Method:  Gasket glazing."

A. Revise Keynote 7.717 to read: "7.717  Existing roof hatch to be removed and replaced in its entirety under Base Bid.  General Contractor shall remove existing wood roof curbing and wood roof hatch and discard.  Existing asphalt shingles around the perimeter of the roof hatch shall be removed and replaced to match exisrting color and to accommodate the new roof hatch size. General Contractor shall reframe wood opening with treated wood as required to accommodate new roof hatch.  New roof hatch shall be Manufacturered by Bilco: Type: S-50TB; Thermally Broken type insulated to R-20.  Size: 30 x 36 inches single leaf. Cover: 11 gauge aluminum. Curb: 12" Height (insulated) R-20. Hinges: Stainless Steel. Locking:  Exterior latching lever with padlock hasp option to be secured from exterior." Drawing Sheet A320 has been revised and attached to this Addendum for bidders information.

Please view Bid Documents for updated drawing A320 


PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SITE TOUR SCHEDULED HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR Wednesday  July 26 1:00-2:30PM new site only LCHD Clinic 1911 27th St. Zion IL  60099


QUESTION: Looking for clarification on CCTV and Door Access specifications ?

RESPONSE: Base Bid:  Contractor to provide open raceways for these system to accessible ceilings.

An Allowance of $85,000.00 shall be carried in the GC Base Bid per specification section 01 21 00 – Allowances.  The General Contractor shall employ the Owner’s Security Vendor (Precision Controls of Illinois) to furnish and install these systems under the allowance. We feel this is clearly indicated in the bid package.

Additional Site tours will be conducted at :

Friday July 21, 2017 8 -8:30 AM first at the current LCHD Zion Clinic 1819 27th St. Zion, IL 60099  followed by site visit/tour at the new  LCHD Zion Clinic site at 1911 27th St. Zion IL 8:30 – 10:00 AM

Wednesday  July 26 1:00-2:30PM new site only LCHD Clinic 1911 27th St. Zion IL  60099


Bruce Rauner Joe Beyer
Governor Acting Director
July 10, 2017

Dear Public Official,
The Illinois Department of Labor has reviewed the Prevailing Wage schedule that was published on May 26, 2017 (These rates took effect on June 5, 2017). Following the review, we have corrected some of the rates in your county. We have posted the corrected schedule and the revised items have been highlighted in the rate schedule.
Please notify contractors engaged in public works by your agency of these corrections, which take effect immediately.

Illinois Department of Labor

Important Legal Notice:


Last Post: ADDENDUM 1 - 7/11/2017



5/9/18 3:00 PM CST.


UPDATED 5/10/18 1:50PM


1. Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this?
         (like, from India or Canada)


2. Whether we need to come over there for meetings?


3. Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA?
        (like, from India or Canada


4. Can we submit the proposals via email


UPDATED MAY 15, 2018 11:45 AM

5. It states there is a meeting on May 17th, 2017. Is this a typo? Is that meeting actually 2018? And if it was in fact in 2017 and we missed it, are we still eligible to apply?


UPDATED MAY 15, 2018 1:45PM

6. If I am reading the RFP correctly, it sounds like you are looking for more of a media agency than a creative agency. If I understand correctly, you need a cross-channel marketing plan but the creative to be used is from existing assets. Is that right?

RESPONSE: Yes, that is correct.  The creative will be purchased by us through the CDC.

UPDATED MAY 23, 2018 3:32PM

7. May we submit an attachment along with the Price Proposal sheet?


8. With the previous campaign what was the data or responses received?


9.Will there be Spanish translation services required?


10. Will the CDC creative be provided electronically?


11. Is the LCHD open to other media strategies eg. Spotify/BillBoards?


12. Can you clarify the webpage requirement? 

RESPOPNSE: It should be a standalone microsite.

Last Post: ADDENDUM RFP 18087 - 5/10/2018



UPDATED July 9, 2019

QUESTION: Is there an estimated value or budget on this project?

RESPONSE: This is part of  an overall budget for various Capitol Improvements projects for the Health Department. You may view the complete 2019 County Budget at the Lake County Website to obtain specific information.



A Subcontractor tour will be made available to all interested Subcontractors on Tuesday July 23 2:00-4:00PM @ 2400 Belvidere Road Waukegan, IL 60085 Receiving dock area.   



QUESTION: During our pre-bid meeting it was discussed that any alternates needed to be approved ahead of time—in section 23-81-01 under part 2 products list Manufacturers Carrier, Daikin, and Trane—the drawings have Chillers listed on the mechanical schedule as Daikin.
My question is if we offer an alternate other than what is on the Drawing Schedule- do we need to submit submittals for other manufacturers even if its mentioned in the project manual?

RESPONSE: The scheduled manufacturer (Daikin) as noted on the drawings is the basis of design unit. Carrier and Trane are acceptable alternates (as specified) as long as they meet the performance requirements of the Basis of Design unit scheduled.


This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modifies the Bidding Documents dated July 1, 2019, with amendments and additions noted below.
 This Addendum consists of Three (3) pages and Drawings ME303 & ME311.

1.01 SECTION 01 10 00 - SUMMARY
A. Under Article 1.01  PROJECT:
1. Add new Paragraph E. as follows:
 "E. Mechanical contractor shall be certified with ICC as an energy efficiency installer to allow Lake County Health Department to receive ComEd incentive.
1. Add new Paragraph B. as follows:
 "B. Provide ICC energy installer certification and paperwork as required for Owner to process Comed incentive.
1.03 SECTION 23 07 19 - HVAC Piping Insulation
A. Under Article 3.03 SCHEDULE:
1. Delete Subparagraph B.1.a.1.a and replace with the following: "a) Thickness: 2 inch."
2. Add Subparagraph B.1.a.2 as follows:
 "2) Runouts not over 12 feet in length.
 a. Thickness:  1 inch."
1.04 SECTION 23 09 23 - Direct-Digital Control System Tridium JCI FX
A. Under Article 1.06  WARRANTY:
1. Delete last sentence in subparagraph 1.06 A.
2. Add new subparagraph 1.06 B. as follows:
 "B. Provide 3 year subscription to update all software to latest version available during subscription period at no additional cost to owner."
B. Under Article 2.02  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION:
1. Delete Paragraph B. and replace with the following:
 "B.  Integrate all existing controllers from existing FX60 being removed into new FX-80. Existing network is N2 based system."
C. Under Article 2.05  OPERATOR INTERFACE:
1. Modify subparagraph A. 5. as follows:
 "A. 5. Monitor:  24 inches, 1900x1200, Dell UltraSharp U2415 Widescreen LCD color, IPS, DVI/HDMI connections."

A. Add location of temperature control panel to the boiler room.
B. Add keynote 23.209 to temperature control panel in the boiler room.  Keynote 23.209 to read:
 "23.209 Remove and replace existing JCI FX-60 Faciliity Explorer with new FX-80 Facility Explorer. Migrate all existing points and sequences into new building controller."

A. Add tag "FCU-1" to fan coil unit in room 211 on the second floor plan.  See revised Sheet ME311 - Revision Cloud 1 attached hereto.
B. Add Keynote 9.510 on Detail 3/ME311 near ceiling FCU-2 in the east end of hallway Room 213, at East Stairwell Room 211 near ceiling FCU-1, west end of Hallway Room 212 near ceiling FCU-2 and at West Stair Room 200 near ceiling FCU-1.  See revised Sheet ME311 - Revision Cloud 1 attached hereto.
C. Delete Keynote 7.002 on Detail 3/ME311 - Second Floor Mechanical & Electrical Plan.  Note:  The Sheet metal pipe enclosures per keynote 7.002 are not required to be installed for this project.  Owner has already installed them under a separate project.  See revised Sheet ME311 - Revision Cloud 1 attached hereto.
D. Detail 4/ME311:  Revised Keynotes 7.002 & 7.003 indicating that sheet metal pipe enclosure and galvanized clip angle are to be "By Owner".  See revised Sheet ME311 - Revision Cloud 1 attached hereto.


UPDATED JULY 29, 2019 9:18PM


On the BMB fan coil schedule it calls for all fan coils to be (4) four pipe fan coil units, not all of the existing fan coil units in that building are (4) four pipe units.

From the match line on the drawings west we believe is a (2) pipe system. Please provide instruction son how to tie (4) four pipe fan coil into (2) two pipe system and control.


The BMB Fan Coil Units are a 4 pipe system as noted on the drawings.



Last Post: ADDENDUM - 7/3/2019


AUGUST 1, 2019 4:00PM



AUGUST 2, 2019 11:33AM

QUESTION: Is the Pre-Proposal conference on August 8th and/or the site tour on August 9th mandatory?


AUGUST 7, 2019 4:00PM

On AUGUST 9TH  all those who wish to see the rest of the LCHD buildings please meet STARTING AT 8:00 AM 


1. LCHD  1911 27th Street Zion, IL
2. LCHD  1022 27th Street Zion, IL
3. LCHD  224 W. Clarendon Round Lake Beach, IL
4. LCHD  423 E. Washington  Round Lake Park, IL
5. LCHD  18736 W. Peterson Libertyville, IL
6. LCHD  18698 W. Peterson Libertyville
7. LCHD  24647 Vernon Hills, IL
8. LCHD  1840 Greenbay Rd. Highland park, IL

AUGUST 13, 2019 11:00 AM

QUESTION:  For the Belvidere Health Center (H02) it states "Sat Cleaning, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM."  Do you need a porter on-site for those hours or is that just the time frame we have to clean?

RESPONSE : The 9-5 Sat cleaning at BMB is Porter Service only

QUESTION:  Do you have the number of exam rooms per building?  If this is asking too much, can you just let me know which buildings do not have any exam rooms?

RESPONSE: The only facilities that do not have them exam rooms are ACC, Annex, Drop in, Group Home and Avon.


AUGUST 14, 2019 3:45PM

QUESTION: Are the windows bid out separately?


QUESTION: What is the current vendor receiving for the contract?

RESPONSE: Please reference Lake County website for 2019 Budget information and or submit FOIA request to obtain information.    


AUGUST 16, 2019 1:30PM

Question: H02 - Belvidere HC - is the after hours cleaning Sunday through Friday nights or Monday through Friday nights?

RESPONSE: M-Fri Day Porter 8 AM to 4 PM, After Hours Cleaning M-Thu 9: PM to Finish and after Hours on Friday 8: PM to Finish

Question: H09 - Zion HC - is the every 2nd Saturday cleaning after 1 pm in addition to the Monday through Friday service?

RESPONSE: Day porter M-F Noon to 1 PM, After Hours M-F 8 PM to Finish and every Second Saturday After Hours Cleaning 1: PM to Finish

Question: On the Proposal Price Sheet, does the Unit Price equal the price per month? Does the Extension equal the price per year?

RESPONSE: Yes The unit price is the monthly Price Extension is the yearly for that facility.


Last Post: ADDENDUM RFP 19098 - 8/1/2019


August 7, 2019 3:00 PM



AUGUST 13, 2019 3:00PM

QUESTION: I would like to know since the parking lot is on a new unpaved section, WHO will be doing the soil excavation for the site, or is that in another separate bid?

RESPONSE: Soil excavation is included in this project scope

AUGUST 14, 2019 11:00AM

QUESTION: Is excavation part of the bid and additionally, is the excavation incidental or lump sum?

RESPONSE: The excavation on the site is part of the bid and lump sum.



Last Post: ADDENDUM - 8/7/2019


SEPTEMBER 19, 2019


No Questions have been asked to date. Please check back periodically for updates. 

September 24, 2019


Question :Does this project need painting services?

Response: Yes the project requires painting work.The painting shall be bid through a General Contractor.

Friday September 27, 2019


Notice Sub Contractor site tour to be conducted at 3010 Grand Ave Waukegan, IL at 7:00AM on Wednesday October 2, 2019

Question: I had an RFI about the project. there is a spec section 070553 fire wall signs however, I can’t seem to find a detail on the plan that is pertaining to the fire wall signs. Can you please advise?    

Response: Fire wall signs are required at designated fire rated walls as specified and in accordance with Authorities Having Jurisdiction.

UPDATED OCT 3, 2019 9:00AM

Please see questions below and note the following:

Question: Plan Page A200 appears to call out to remove all resilient tile within the project area. This area includes (4) restrooms.  It does not appear that these rooms are called out for new floor finishes.  Please confirm the flooring in the restrooms are existing to remain

Response:There is no renovation work to be done at toilet rooms 01603, 01607, 01109 or 01110 nor is any resilient tile shown at these locations.  The balance of Sheet A200 correctly indicates the required work scope.

Question: Per Sheet A500, Keynote 8.804, we are to provide decorative glazing (DG1) at the Intake Area 01602 & 01606 reception desks to conceal the computer terminals however the elevations on Sheet A930 use Keynote 8.803 and call out fire protection rated glazing (RG1). Please clarify, what type of glazing is to be provided at these locations

Response: The Decorative Glazing (DG1) as shown on Sheet A500, detail 2; Keynote 8.804 is correct.  The glass on the desktop that conceals the computer terminals is Type (DG-1) as specified in Section 08 80 00 – Glazing.  Sheet A930 details 1, 4, 5, 10 have all been revised to indicate revised keynote 8.804 to match Sheet A500.  Please refer to added posted Bid Doc revised Sheet A930, revision cloud 1 dated 10/02/2019 noting this correction.







Last Post: ADDENDUM 19060 - 9/19/2019





UPDATED May 3, 2021


Please see new downloaded Bid document titled Addendum 3 Drawing dated 4.30.21

UPDATED April 28, 2021


Please see new downloaded Bid document titled Addendum 2 Drawing dated 4.28.21

Question: Is there an available layout/logistic plan for the temporary fencing?

Response: A construction fence is required to secure the site as specified and the GC shall determine its location to allow for the work scope to be performed and to secure his materials.


UPDATED April 26, 2021


Please see new downloaded Bid document titled Addendum 1 Drawing dated 4.26.21

Question: Please confirm – will the GC be required to provide locks for all cabinet drawers and doors (Per General Casework Note 6/A900 & A910) or locks only for millwork noted per Key Note 6.461/A900?

Response: Specs call for locks on all drawers and doors on the project.

Question: Who is the controls contractor? Or are the existing tstats standalone?

Response:  McDonagh Mechanical manages the Johnson Controls system for Lake County Health Department.  The Building was just upgraded to new FX-80 controllers in December 2020 when all the mechanical equipment was replaced.  There is minimal work on this project for temperature controls other than relocation of thermostats and minor programming associated with exhaust fan systems.

Question: Per Key Note 22.202/P310, specifies new sink locations, but on the drawing, this note is pointed to dental chair locations. Is this supposed to point to the new sink locations instead?

Response: Keynote 22.202 is for the sink locations.

Question:  Is there a roofing contractor that currently holds warranty for the existing roof of the building?

Response: There is no existing roofing warranty on the roof and the existing architectural shingles are shown to be fully replaced.


UPDATED April 20, 2021


Question: Will there be a scheduled walk through for the GC's to invite sub-contractors?

Response: A date and Time has been established for sub-contractors to tour the site for Monday April 26, 2021 from 1:00-2:00PM at North Chicago Health Center 2215 14th St North Chicago, IL 60064  



Question: Is there an engineer's estimate or budget available for the above project?

Response: Budget for Base Bid work is 1.3 Million Dollars including the $200,000.00 in contingency allowance that must be included in the Base Bid.

Question: Is there a union labor requirement for the project?

Response: Prevailing wages shall apply to this project.  The bidder will be required to execute a Project Labor Agreement as noted in Specification Section 00 73 49.

Question: Do you have the pre-bid meeting attendance sheet for the above project?

Response: The pre bid attendance list has been posted as a Document on the Bid website 

Question: Does an HVAC bid package bid direct to the owner? or do GC’s bid 1 lump bid to the owner?

Response: All subs bid to GC’s

Last Post: Addendum - 4/12/2021



September 20, 2022


No questions submitted at this time  

Last Post: Addendum - 9/20/2022


Question: The RFP indicates there are Examination Forms in Appendix A which may have been inadvertently left out. The only form in Appendix A appears to be an Authorization Form.

Response: The Authorization Form is our Examination form.

Question: Clarification needed on the drug testing line items. 10 Panel Collection fee: I assume that means specimen collection only. Your lab and MRO. DOT 5 Panel: Includes collection and lab fees. Do I have this correct? Also, you do not mention random program management for DOT testing. Is that handled by others?

Response: This should be specimen collection, lab and testing. Other testing is not included in this RFP though in the past we have used whatever vendor is chosen for other things as needed including random testing and Vaccination Management.


Last Post: ADDENDUM 1 - 8/11/2015


Addendum 1 -This correction is in regards to Key Dates in the Selection Process found on Page 10.  The interviews are listed as the Week of April 23-27.  This should be read "Week of May 23-27, 2016".


Currently no questions have been submitted.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 7/29/2016



Q) Regarding page 13, Task 2 Current State Assessment:
a. Is it possible for LCHD to provide a rough estimate of the extent of “all existing research, studies, surveys, plans, reports, data sets, and other related programmatic materials”?  For example, as it relates to documentation, should we expect the equivalent of several hundred pages, a few thousand, more?  As it relates to existing data sets, approximately how many exist and of what type? 
A) The total page volume of relevant LC studies is a few thousand pages however the data sets are to be determined as the project is outlined. 
b. Will the existing materials and data sets be provided in live electronic formats?
A) Electronic primarily

Q)Regarding the data that will be shared and analyzed during this project, is there any assumption about whether data sets that would be provided by members of the Community Coalition include de-identified or identified data from a HIPAA/PHI perspective? 
A) No assumptions have been made and the Community Coalition is open to all perspectives that will best suit the Coalition


Q) Please clarify if there are 15 or 18 monthly meetings?
A) A minimum of 15 meetings are contemplated over a period of 18 months. It is anticipated that due to scheduling conflicts a meeting may not be held every month.

Q) Could the County please give more details or definition of facilitation and data methodology?
A) The Mental Health Coalition will consider a variety of facilitation techniques and data sharing avenues suggested by Proposer.

Q) The Insurance section (Section 19) of the RFP General Terms and Conditions lists a number of insurance policies.  Which policies are applicable for this engagement?
A) If the Proposer takes exception to any of the Terms and Conditions responses should clearly define such exceptions.

Q) The third paragraph of Section 29, of the RFP General Terms and Conditions references performance and payment bonds.  Are such bonds required under this RFP and if so, please provide the specific requirements?
A) No bonds are required or this RFP

Q) The Information Security section (Section 35) of the RFP General Terms and Conditions refers to Lake County’s information security policy and privacy standards. Are Lake County’s information security policy and privacy standards available for review?
A) Public WiFi is available. However, if selected, and the Proposer needs to connect to the Lake County System they will need to follow the Third Party Network Access Requirements and sign an Acceptable Use Policy. See Attached.

Q) Will Lake County be providing laptops for consultants to use on engagements, or will consultants be expected to provide their own computers?  If the latter, are there any special requirements for data security/data privacy?
A) No laptops will be provided


Last Post: Addendum # 1 - 12/15/2016



Q) Please elaborate on the communication materials that will be mailed to employees' homes: how many times per year will this be required? Is the vendor expected to mail the materials to the County for the County to mail, or is the vendor expected to mail the materials directly to employees' homes?
A) While we cannot specify the exact content, we expect the vendor to mail materials directly to employee’s home regarding services offered by the EAP vendor in order to maintain awareness and utilization.


Q)Should the redacted copy be submitted in hard copy or electronically? A)Hard copy is preferred for the redacted copy

Q)How many copies and in what format should the separate pricing/cost proposal be submitted? A) Submit pricing in electronic file and hard copy

Q)Who is the current EAP provider and is the County pleased with their services? A) Please review the Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)What is the current pricing for the program? A)Please review the Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)Please provide the most recent yearly utilization report. A)Please review the Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)Is the County currently receiving a 5 or 10 visit counseling model? A)Current model is a 10 visit counseling model

Q)Who currently answers the helpline? Is it a master's-level clinician or a customer service representative? A) A clinician answers all calls

Q)How important is it to the County that services are provided by CEAPs? Why is the County specifically requesting this? Does your current provider have CEAPs performing all of these services? A)Please review Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)How many hours of onsite training and how many hours of onsite management consultations have been provided each of the last 3 years? A)Please review the Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)Regarding the requirement that trainings be taped by the vendor and provided in scom format: can you please explain this requirement? We have not heard of this format before. Additionally, we have a vast library of digitally uploaded training videos available on our website. Would that work for this requirement? A)Perhaps, however the County is requesting the specific training provided be taped so that employees unable to attend can still view the training material

Q)Please explain further if Gatekeeper services are required. Is the County currently receiving gatekeeper services from the incumbent provider? What is the cost being paid for these services? A) Please review the Addendum as this question has been previously answered.

Q)Is the County's health insurance self-insured? A)Yes

Q)How are the individual evaluation factors weighted? A) Each evaluation is scored using a scale of 100 points and each evaluation criteria is given a point value of 20.


Q) Are the 15 hours for Critical Incident Response and the 15 hours of onsite Management consultation also two separate items being requested or are they referencing the same pool of hours?
A) They are separate pool of hours.


Q) Are onsite Critical Incident Response services included in the 40 hours of training requested or are they separate?  If separate, is there a limit on the amount of these services in the current EAP contract? 
A) They are separate.  We currently have 15 hours of Critical Incident Response.

Q) Can you please provide more information about the EAPs role as a gatekeeper.  Is the EAP written into the mental health benefit whereby anyone wanting mental health benefits must first access the EAP?  Are those who access mental health benefits through the EAP reimbursed at a higher percentage for benefit-covered mental health services than those who access mental health benefits without first accessing the EAP?  Or finally, is the gatekeeper role more a traditional EAP role in which the EAP ensures a smooth transition into the mental health benefit for those cases being referred beyond the EAP for mental health services? 
A) the gatekeeper role is more a traditional EAP role in which the EAP ensures a smooth transition into the mental health benefit for those cases being referred beyond the EAP for mental health services

Q) We understand the pricing proposal needs to be delivered in its own separate sealed envelope.  Can that separate sealed envelope be in the same package as the rest of the proposal?
A) Yes, same envelope.  

Q) And do you want the pricing proposal the same 3 ways – 1 hard copy original, 1 electronic and 1 redacted?
A) Yes, correct


Q) I notice in your RFP it asks for Certified Employee Assistance Professional “Firms” to apply.  How many people in a firm have to be CEAP certified in order to qualify as a certified firm? OR, if our organization contains any CEAP employees, does that qualify us?

A) Credentials can be found at:  Please just indicate in your response how many people in your organization are CEAP certified.


Q) The addendum includes some utilization figures, but full utilization reports typically provide much more detailed information and typically allow us to offer a more competitive rate. Please provide utilization reports for 2015 and 2016. 
A) Please see attached usage report.

Q) How many EAP cases were there in 2016? 2015? 
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link

Q) How many EAP cases were referred to a provider/counseling sessions in 2016? 2015?  
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link

Q) How many EAP face-to-face counseling sessions were completed in 2016? 2015?  
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link 

Q) What was the average number of visits per EAP face-to-face case in 2016? 2015?  
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link 

Q) The addendum provided the number of calls handled in 2015 and 2016 Q1-Q3. What is the breakdown of these calls- how many were for EAP services, and how many were for work/life services? 
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link 

Q) How many work/life cases were there in 2016? 2015? 
A) Please see attached usage report, click above 

Q) How many training/topical seminar hours were used in 2016? 2015? 
A) On average, our current vendor has done 24 trainings annually (12 Wellness; 12 Social-Emotional).  One of our goals is to make these webinars available via not just via webinar but via recording 

Q) How many critical incident response/CIR/CISD hours were used in 2016? 2015? 
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link 

Q) How many CIR hours per year would you like included in the quote? We can embed a certain number into the PEPM rate. CIRs are always available on a fee-for-service basis as well.  How many on-site orientation hours were used in 2016? 2015? 
A) Please see attached usage report, click above link 

Q) To confirm, responses are due on 2/9, correct?
A) Yes, correct

Q) On page 12, #13 you reference recorded training videos. Are you looking for recorded orientation sessions or supervisory trainings/seminars? 
A) On average, our current vendor has done 24 trainings annually (12 Wellness; 12 Social-Emotional).  One of our goals is to make these webinars available via not just via webinar but via recording 

Q) Can you provide the number of face to face sessions that occurred by year over the past 5 years (or as far back as you can provide)
A) See attached report, click above link 

Q) Can you provide the number of CIRS occurrences (versus hours) by year over the past 5 years (or as far back as you can provide)
A) See attached report, click above link


Q)  The 5/10 EAP visit allowance per person.  Is that per year or per issue
A) The 5/10 EAP visit allowance per person is per year.

Q) Is the 61,000 annual spend covering a 5 session model or 10 session model? 
A) A 10 session model


Q) Does Lake County have an existing EAP?  If so who is the vendor?
A) See page 10 of the RFP. The existing Vendor is ComPsych Corporation.

Q) What is their annual spend with their EAP vendor?
A) Lake County spends approximately $61,000 annually for EAP services

Q) Why are they getting an additional bid.
A) The current contract is expired

Q) It pertinent, why are they dissatisfied with in their current vendor?
A) The current contract is expired.

Q) What is their current Utilization Rate? 
A) Lake County uses their current vendor in a variety of manners.  They provide monthly social-emotional Webinars for our employees.  In Q1-Q3 of 2016, 734 employees participated in training; in 2015 2,2,54 participated in training.  In terms of access to services, in Q1-Q3 of 2016, our vendor took 188 telephone calls; 719 utilized online access for a total of 907 interactions.   In 2015, our vendor took 262 telephone calls; 1031 utilized online access for a total of 1293 interactions.  In Critical Incident debriefing and Health Fair participants with the numbers above, total utilization is 1,642 for Q1-Q3 for 2016 and 3,560 for 2015.
Q) How many different locations are there to their 2700 population?
A) Lake County employees work at locations throughout the County however the two primary locations are 18 N County Street, Waukegan, IL and 3010 Grand Ave, Waukegan, IL

Q) Will the answers to my questions be emailed directly to me?  Could you please provide the date when responses will be emailed?
A) See page 3 of the RFP item #6 under General Terms and Conditions

Q) Is the intended implementation date 4/1/17 or 5/1/17?
A) Target contract execution date is listed on the RFP page 10. Any Implementation will occur after this date.


No questions at this time.






The Addendum URL in the original RFP posting was incorrect.  The correct Addendum blog URL that will be used to make comments and ask questions is: /addendums/17-3191506-pw---des-plaines-watershed-plan-request-for-consultant-assistance/addendum-1/.  This URL/link can also be found in the RFP posting.

Questions and comments related to this RFP may be submitted via this Addendum blog or via email to Questions and comments will be answered in this blog.


Question 1:

Can you advise us as to the amount that SMC was awarded for the grant not including the amount expected to be provided to the consultant? 

Answer 1:

The Des Plaines River Watershed-Based Plan is being undertaken with funding support from IL EPA under Financial Assistance Agreement #3191506 Des Plaines River Watershed BMP Implementation and Planning Program.  The total amount of the grant is $658,162 for a scope that includes: a watershed resource inventory; an expanded area for watershed-based planning (this request for consultant assistance); development of a small watershed assessment and action planning (SWAAP) pilot study; a water quality monitoring program implemented by the Des Plaines River Watershed Workgroup (DRWW); and 3 BMP implementation projects (Mundelein Park District, College of Lake County and Lake County Forest Preserves). The total amount of the grant budget for the watershed resource inventory (WRI) and watershed-based plan (WBP) is $317,500. $217,500 is the amount of the WRI and WBP that is not expected to be used for consultant assistance.

Question 2:

Is the amount of scope to be included for the cost a primary consideration for selection of the qualified consultant? 

Answer 2:

Page 17 of the RFP describes the Evaluation Procedure, criteria and scoring system for proposals submitted in response to this RFP.  The Proposed Fee is evaluated allowing for a maximum score of 5 of a total of 100 points. SMC requests receipt of proposals that at minimum address the Scope of Work items/tasks that are designated for consultant assistance (Consultant) in Attachment B.  Firms may propose additions or changes to the Scope of Work, but these changes/additions need to be supported with the rationale/reason for proposing the change, and should be submitted as separate cost items in the proposal.


Questions and comments related to this RFP may be submitted via this Addendum blog or via email to Questions and comments will be answered in this blog.

02/01/2017 – DPR Watershed Pre-Proposal Meeting Q&A

Patty Werner – RFP & Grant Overview presentation (can be found under bid posting document tab)

Jeff Laramy – GIS mapping presentation

Question 1:

Can you give a timeline for DRWW water quality data collection (when will the SMC/consultant receive the information)

Answer 1:

The Des Plaines River Watershed Workgroups (DRWW) final water quality data collection and final analysis reporting is due to be delivered to DRWW by September 1, 2017. SMC expects to receive and transfer the final analysis report to the consultant in September 2017.

  • DRWW has received the water chemistry data for the 2015-2016 monitoring period. It is being formatted for delivery to IL EPA by March 31, 2017. The number of water chemistry sample locations increased from 44 sites in 2015 to 63 sample sites in 2016, and will expand to all 70 sites in 2017.
  • Bioassessment data (fish and macroinvertebrates) and sediment samples were collected at 70 monitoring sites in 2016.
  • Flow is being monitored at 21 of the water quality monitoring sites (6 of these sites are USGS stations). 

An on-line application on the DRWW website shows the location of the monitoring sites.

Lake County Impaired Waters Web Map (WebApp)

Question 2:

What is being done with the headwaters (Wisconsin)? 

Answer 2:

SMC is using the Dutch Gap water quality information that was provided for the North Mill Creek-Dutch Gap Canal Watershed Plan.  DRWW does not have any monitoring sites in Wisconsin.  SMC will inquire with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Plan Commission about more recent water quality data for Dutch Gap Canal. SMC will include this information in the Chapter 3 watershed assessment if available.

Question 3:

Is the DRWW calculating pollutant loads using the flow data that is being collected, and is the consultant expected to use the flow data to calculate pollutant loading.

Answer 3:

The DRWW intends to use the flow data for calculating pollutant loading, but this task is not included in their contractor’s current scope of work.  The consultant is not expected to calculate pollutant loading using the flow data, but may certainly do so if they choose to use it with their pollutant loading model. It is up the consultant to propose how they want to model pollutant loads.  The model must be approved by SMC.

Question 4:

Do the catchments shown on the map in the presentation coincide with the drainage catchments delineated for the previously completed subwatershed plans such as the North Mill-Dutch Gap Watershed-Based Plan? 

Answer 4:

SMC has delineated 422 catchments that will be used for this planning project. The 2007 DTM was used for the catchment delineations. This data was not available for some of the previously completed subwatershed plans, so the catchments for this project do not match the catchments/subwatershed management units used for previously completed subwatershed plans.

Question 6:

Is lateral recession collected as a point or line in the field (during the stream inventory)? Is bank height included? Did you categorize segments based on low (lateral recession rate)?

Answer 6:

Lateral recession is collected in the field as a point and then translated to a line in the office. Yes, bank height is collected. Streambank measurements are used to categorize lateral recession rates as low, medium, high levels of erosion and recession. Line files for left and right bank are available to the consultants. Lateral recession rates were not calculated for streambank areas having little to no erosion.

Question 7:

Are lateral recession rates measured in the lake shoreline assessment?

Answer 7:

Lake shoreline erosion is categorized as being none, slight, moderate or severe. No lateral recession rates were measured for lake shorelines.

Question 8:

Is flow data presently available at the DRWW “flow” monitoring sites?

Answer 8:

No, the monitoring for those sites just began in November/December 2016. Flow data collected from a total of 7 events in 2016-2017 will be delivered to DRWW with a final report in September 2017.

Question 9:

Will there be interpretation of the DRWW biological data? How do you see the biological data being used?

Answer 9:

Midwest Biodiversity Institute (MBI) is doing the biological assessment for DRWW. The water quality assessment report that is due to be delivered to DRWW in September 2017 will interpret areas that are habitat limited, water quality limited etc… based on the biological, and water and sediment chemistry data. The report to DRWW will be a comprehensive reporting of chemical, physical, and biological quality using tables and graphs to report the results. This will include an assessment of Publically Owner Treatment Works (POTW) pollutant loadings, chemical water quality criteria exceedances, exceedances of biologically relevant thresholds, sediment chemical threshold exceedances, analysis of habitat attributes, and reporting fish and macroinvertebrate Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and metrics results. MBI will report the results of the data analyses and causal assessment. Conclusions about causes and sources are explained including any patterns observed in the study area such as the differences in results observed between POTW influenced and nonpoint source influenced sites and reaches. The MBI report results will be used to identify action plan recommendations as appropriate.

Question 10:

Can you describe the level of updates/effort required for the action plan recommendations of the previously approved subwatershed plans?

Answer 10:

SMC has compiled the action recommendations in all of the previously completed subwatershed- plans into a spreadsheet and file geodatabase. These recommendations will be updated by the consultant with assistance from SMC based on input from stakeholders regarding the status of project implementation. SMC intends that all of the previously identified action plan recommendations will be included in the Des Plaines River Watershed Action Plan.  The format for including this large dataset remains to be decided by SMC and the consultant.

The consultant will develop site-specific project maps for each major jurisdiction. Site-specific project maps in existing subwatershed plans will need to be updated to remove projects already completed and add new projects as appropriate. SMC has GIS files for the original action plan maps for most of the subwatersheds. The consultant will have to assist in determining with SMC how to best represent the project recommendations graphically.

Question 11:

Are there any Total Maximum Daily Load studies (TMDL’s) in the watershed?

Answer 11:

The Des Plaines River-Higgins Creek TMDL report is completed. The TMDL study includes numerous lakes in the southern half of the watershed planning area and includes Buffalo Creek. The TMDL report needs to referenced and used where applicable to action recommendations. The Des Plaines River watershed plan should focus on the best and most practical ways to reduce the pollutants of concern that are affecting impaired waters whether those waters are listed as impaired on the TMDL, 303(d) list or based on water quality data collected by DRWW or Lake County Health Department for lake reports.

Question 12:

12a. Will the consultant be expected to coordinate with Midwest Biodiversity Institute (MBI) on final watershed plan recommendations based on the MBI water quality report for the DRWW? 

Answer 12:

12a. MBI is doing a total assessment using all the water and sediment chemistry and biological data that is being collected. It is expected that MBI will present recommendations that will need to be included in the action plan, and a recommendation for changes to the monitoring strategy if needed. The consultant will use the MBI report that is scheduled to be delivered to DRWW in Sept. 2017 for developing the action plan, and is not expected to coordinate or work with MBI.

Question 13:

Is 2005 land use data layer the best available data?

Answer 13:

The 2010 land use data layer has just recently been finished, but SMC plans to use the 2005 land use since that was the best available data when SMC started the planning process for this watershed plan. There were not many changes between the 2005 and 2010 land use maps.



Question 1:

Does SMC have an inventory of NPDES discharges in the watershed, and if their discharge limits in terms of flows and nutrient concentrations are available?  Is the information in a database or spreadsheet?  If not, is this task part of the consultant’s responsibilities?

Answer 1:

SMC has summarized and referenced information related to wastewater dischargers as reflected in the PDF versions of the draft spreadsheets added to the RFP posting and is available on the SMC website:  Any additional information that is needed will be compiled by the consultant with assistance from SMC staff.

Question 2:

Can we get the sign-in sheet (for the pre-submittal meeting)?


Answer 2:

The sign-in sheet is added to the RFP posting as a scanned PDF image and is available on the SMC website:

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 2/7/2017



1. Is it a requirement that the on-site the provider have multiple Occupational Health Clinics located within Lake County, IL that are accessible to Lake County employees?  Yes, this is a requirement

2. Can you clarify what you are looking for in regards to “fit testing” event? On an annually bases we fit test 700 staff member to wear N95 mask for air borne exospores

3. In order to be considered to be a chosen vendor for Lake County, does the vendor need to be able to provide all of the vaccinations listed? Yes

a. TB Screening
b. Flu Shots
c. Hep B series
d. MMR
e. Tdap

3/27/2017 - No questions at this time




Q) Is a disruption and geo also required for the Medicare population (attachment C2)?
A) The County is not ask for the disruption at this time.

Q) Do retirees contribute to the retiree drug plan, if so, how much is the retiree’s contribution (%)?
A) Retires pay 100% of the premium however this is not separated out from the medical benefits.


Q) Can I get  a census file with zip codes?  The one we have doesn’t have zip codes and we need the zip codes to do the GeoAccess.
A) Please see the attached census with zip codes.


Q)  Does Lake County currently have an EGWP program in place?  If so, who is the provider?
A) Yes, Lake County has an EGWP in place and ESI is the vendor.


Q) Could you provide contact information for Judy Ott at BCBS?
A) Once a vender is selected through this procurement process this information will be shared however at this time the County doesn’t want to inundate BCBS with calls and/or inquiries.


Q) Could you please provide the name of the rep at BCBSIL, as we need to discuss integration with them prior to moving forward?
A) Judy Ott

4/28/17 -

Q) Could you also tell us who the incumbent medical carrier is that we would need to integrate with?
A) Blue Cross Blue Shield is the current medical carrier and yes the PBM will need to integrate with that provider.

Q) How many eligible retirees and family members is Lake County providing benefits and its Lake County currently participating in a EGWP program?
A) Based on the member counts, there are 155 retirees/members eligible for the EGWP program

Q) Can you provide me with TAB 8.0 Response to Questionnaire Medicare  D A) Please see the link below for the Medicare part D Questionnaire

4/26/17 - Q) One of the minimum criteria states: “Vendor must have a minimum of 1,000,000 covered lives. “Can you please confirm if this is a strict requirement? A) Proposers can still submit a response to this RFP with a noted exception if they are unable to meet this requirement.

Q) Page 14 of the RFP details the Submittal Requirements of this bid. Tab 8.0 references a Medicare Part D questionnaire; however, I don’t see that in any of the documents. Can you please advise? A) Yes, correct the attachment should have been attached as part of the RFP. See attached the Medicare Part D questionnaire.

Q) There are two (2) claims files attached: Attachment C1 and Attachment C2. What are the differences? A) Attachment C1 is current commercial employees and Attachment C2 is for retirees over 65 years of age

4/18/17 - No questions at this time








Q) Is the County willing to negotiate Section 19 (Page 8) regarding “Most Favored Customer” status?
A) A bidder can take exception with any of the terms and conditions found in the bid by noting an exception on the response. The response can include a proposed change and the County will review accordingly. 


Q) Please confirm that the Alternative Bid must contain 25% total renewable energy (RPS additional green = 25% of total), and not 25% in addition to the RPS requirements. 
A) Total 25% renewable energy

Q) Would Lake County be willing to accept dual billing, or consolidated utility billing, in lieu of Single Billing Option (SBO)?
A) Yes

Q) If an alternative billing arrangement was acceptable to the County, would it also be willing to accept monthly reporting (from Section 25 on Page 10) that did not include utility distribution charges?
A) Yes,  Lake County would consider

Q) Section 4 (Page 5) indicates that each bid must include (among other things) a Certificate of Insurance (“COI”).  However, Section 13 (Page 7) indicates that the winning contractor must provide a COI “15 days before the start of the project.”  Please advise as to when a COI naming Lake County as additional insured would need to be provided.
A) The winning contractor must provide a COI “15 days before the start of the project

Q) Section 8 (Page 6) indicates that the County may extend the contract for 60 days for re-contracting purposes.  Please advise as to whether the County would accept a variable holdover rate for that period, or expects an extension of the fixed contract rate.
A) The County would not accept a variable holdover rate for that period. The County would expect an extension of the fixed contract rate.

Q) Section 17 (Page 8) indicates that the County can terminate the agreement if the contractor is acquired by another party.  Would the County agree to be responsible for an early termination fee in this instance?
A) This could be negotiated if this would occur. 

Q) Though it was not requested as part of the submission package, does the County want suppliers to submit a Terms and Conditions document? 
A) This is not required

Q) Does the County anticipate providing additional terms or conditions? 
A) No, the bid document will be part of the supplier agreement

Q) Does the County plan to execute a supplier agreement, or will it be providing the form of agreement?
A) Yes, the County plans to execute a supplier agreement

Q) Please provide the service address for each account.
A) Exhibit A contains the service addresses as well as the billing accounts and utility accounts needed for bidding on bid # 17024





Q) References – Are you requesting 3 references total?  Or 3  for each scope/task type?  Is there a limit that we should not exceed?
A) We are requesting 3 references total for projects of similar scope and size that Lake County is seeking in the RPF scope of work.

Q) The reference form requests “# of employees”.  Can you clarify this?  Is it he # of employees for the agency/unit of local government that we provided services to?  Or is the # of employees that our company dedicated to the project?
A) The question is referring to the size of the government agency that services were provided.

Q) Will the consultant be responsible for audits of all of the buildings on the list you provided?
A) Yes

Q) Has Lake County completed a comprehensive GHG inventory in the last 5 years that we will be able to use as a baseline for the measurement of county initiatives?  If yes, is a copy of previously-completed inventories available?
A) No

Q) Is there a specific of list of current and prior practices/projects that Lake County wishes to analyze for impact on the County’s carbon footprint?
A) Yes, however the County desires for the consultant to bring fresh ideas and prospective to this topic

Q) Are you able to provide examples of egov technology that have been implemented?
A) System implementations that allow for the public to complete requests/tasks online that would previously require a in person trip into a County building.


Q) What is the estimated budget for the project?
A) Please refer to pervious response provided to the question

Q) What is the expected timeframe/completion date of the project?
A) Lake County is flexible in regards to timeframes. Proposals can include suggested timeframes if the prosper wishes.   

Q) What is the page limit? Single or double sided?
A) There is no page limit

Q) Is there an incumbent for sustainability consulting services? If yes, which firm?
A) No

Q) Will the selected team have access to the City's sustainability related data? Is it anticipated that any data will need to be purchased? Is the consultant expected to gather new data?
A) Yes the selected vendor will have access to any relevant sustainability data.
Yes the selected vendor should expect to gather new data

Q) Is there any SBE/DBE/WBE goal (as a prime or subcontractor)
A) No

Q) Why does the procurement go through the Health, committee rather than facilities (which report to finance).
A) The tasks listed in this RFP affect many departments in the County and the County staff intends to seek Committee approval as well as County Board approval for this project when appropriate.


Q) Can you post a copy of Lake County's contract templates including general terms and conditions for review?

A) Please see attached


Q)What is the current funding source for the Scope of Work in the RFP?
A)The project will be funded out of the General Corporate Fund with the County Administrator’s Office as the lead department.

Q) Is the Joint Purchasing clause within the terms and conditions of the RFP applicable to this contract?
A) Yes

Q)If yes, would the County be open to revising the language in the 3rd paragraph?
A) All vendors are to follow the exception process as outlined in the RFP to take exception to any part of the RFP including of the terms and conditions.

Q) Will each Payment & Performance (P&P) need to be 100% of the Purchase Order (PO) price?
A) Lake County does not require performance Bonds for this project

Q) When would the Performance Bonds be retired?  Or would that be specified per each PO – through a guaranteed period or other?
A) Lake County does not require performance Bonds for this project


Q) Does the project in RFP 17098 have a budget?  Or budget parameters?
A) Procurements that exceed $50,000 need to be approved by resolution by the County Board.  




Please see the attachments. A.  B.  C.  D.  E.  F. 


Q) What assistance is provided to the auditors by the internal audit function of the County?
RESPONSE: Internal reviews are routinely conducted. The County has documented internal control procedures for many of our financial processes.

Q) Does the County desire an opinion on the basic financial statements with an “in relation to” opinion on the combining and individual funds and Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards consistent with prior years?
RESPONSE: Yes. The County desires consistency and full compliance.

Q) May we receive copies of the following reports listed on pages 13-14 of the RFP:

a. Report on Internal Control
b. Lake County Health Department
i. FQHC Report
ii. Department of Human Services Grant Report
iii. Department of Human Services Consolidated Financial Report (CFR)
iv. Department of Children and Family Services CFR
v. Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services CFR
c. Office of Circuit Court Clerk – Supplementary Financial and Compliance Report
d. Lake County Public Works – Waterworks and Sewerage Systems Fund
e. Public Works – Regional Financial Reports
f. Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB)


Q) Page 14 of the RFP notes that County staff prepare the basic financial statements as well as the notes to the financial statements and the statistical section.  Are these camera ready drafts?  What about the remaining information in the CAFR (e.g., introductory section, letter of transmittal, management’s discussion and analysis) as page 15 notes that report preparation is the responsibility of the auditors.
RESPONSE: Financial statements and statistical section provided as formatted spreadsheets. Introductory sections, letter of transmittal, MD&A are prepared by County staff in word/excel format for compilation by auditors.

Q) May we receive a copy of the County’s most recent Indirect Cost Allocation Plan identified on page 15 of the RFP?

Q) How many adjusting journal entries were proposed by the prior auditor? If any, may we obtain copies?
REPONSE: In FY16, there were two. The first reclassified amounts to adjust AR that was recorded in 2017 instead of 2016 “Accounts Receivable” to “Due from/to Governmental Agencies Other Governments.” The second adjust accounts receivable both in “regular receivable” and accounts receivable “adjusted.”  In addition, there were other adjusting journal entries performed by the County after the Trial Balance was given to the auditors at the end of February. Some of these were necessary based on conversations with the auditors and some were timing issues (e.g., payroll accrual resulting from ongoing bargaining unit contract negotiation) for ETSB and SWALCO.

Q) What were the prior year audit fees?  Are these fees for the same services requested in this request for proposal? Please provide a breakdown of the fees in the same manner as requested on page 21 of the RFP.

RESPONSE: The contract for the County, including Public Works, was for $206,400. ETSB was $8,200 and SWALCO was $7,400. This does not include the regional reports. The contract was based on not-to-exceed pricing and this information was not provided. The number of auditors and the length of visits varied depended on the nature of the fieldwork.

Q) Did the prior auditor issue a management letter?  If so, may we obtain a copy?

RESPONSE: Yes. The letter will be made available to those firms who are invited for oral presentations.

Q) Does the County prepare all work papers related to the audit?

RESPONSE: Yes. All work papers are prepared by County staff for audit.

Q) What general ledger software is used by the County?  What other financial software(s) is (are) utilized by the County?

RESPONSE: Oracle eBusiness Suite

Q) What case management system is utilized by the Office of the Circuit Court Clerk?

RESPONSE: The Circuit Clerk uses a software program (“CRIMS”) to account for the citations issued as well as the accounting transactions, including cash receipts and disbursements.

Q) Are all funds recorded in the general ledger software?

RESPONSE: Not all Agency funds are in Oracle. The County Collector, Drainage District, Circuit Court, County Clerk, Health Department, Sheriff, State’s Attorney and Winchester House have accounts that are not in the County’s general ledger.

Q) Are all trial balances by fund adjusted to GAAP?


Q) How does the County capture the information necessary to convert the governmental fund financial statements to the governmental activities statements?

RESPONSE: The complete trial balance for all funds is mapped to allow for sorting by function.

Q) Does the County’s chart of accounts have consistency of account number sequencing between funds?


Q) Are the County’s cash receipts and cash disbursements (purchasing) functions centralized or decentralized?  If decentralized, what locations perform these functions?

RESPONSE: The County has centralized purchasing. The majority of revenues are processed by the treasurer’s office. Customers/residents can pay fines, fees and bills at the Central Permit facility.

Q) What long-term debt issuances are anticipated during the next two fiscal years?
RESPONSE: SSA water projects and refinancing.

Q) What actuary does the County utilize to perform the OPEB valuation? Are there any explicit benefits provided to retirees or is the liability based only on an implicit benefit?

RESPONSE: The County actuarial valuation for FY2016 was from Arthur J Gallagher & Co and based on implicit benefit.

Q) Does the County expect any changes to its self-insurance program?

Q) Does the County utilize a third party administrator for its risk management program covering risks other than employee health?

RESPONSE: IPMG for property, liability and auto.

Q) Does the County prepare the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards?

Q) What are the anticipated major programs for fiscal year 2017?
RESPONSE: Same as prior years, HUD, DCEO, DPH, EMA

Q) Is Federal funding expected to remain consistent with prior years?

Q) The language in paragraph 18 on page 5 (“Indemnification”) of the request for proposal violates the independence standards set forth by AICPA professional standards. Will the County waive this condition for all proposers?


Q) Why is the County requesting RFPs this year?
RESPONSE: The contract with the existing auditor is up after several years and it is in the best interest of the County to seek a request for proposals for these services

Q) Is your current provider allowed to submit a proposal?

Q) Are there any service issues with the current provider?


Q)Will the County provide copies of the additional reports to be issued which are not located on the website?
a. Health Department reports
b. Circuit Court Clerk
c. Public Works audit
d. Public Works regional reports


Q) Was there a management letter issued in 2016?  If so, can the County provide a copy?

RESPONSE: Yes. The letter will be made available to those firms who are invited for oral presentations.

Q) Approximately how many and what types of audit entries were made in FY2016?  Is this typical?

REPONSE: In FY16, there were two. The first reclassified amounts to adjust AR that was recorded in 2017 instead of 2016 “Accounts Receivable” to “Due from/to Governmental Agencies Other Governments.” The second adjust accounts receivable both in “regular receivable” and accounts receivable “adjusted”

In addition, there were other adjusting journal entries performed by the County after the Trial Balance was given to the auditors at the end of February. Some of these were necessary based on conversations with the auditors and some were timing issues (e.g., payroll accrual resulting from ongoing bargaining unit contract negotiation) for ETSB and SWALCO.

Q) When will the final adjusted trial balances and the draft of the CAFR be provided to the auditor for review each year?

 RESPONSE: Yes. Refer to response(s) in the above questions

Q) When is the targeted issuance date for each report?
RESPONSE:  The number of auditors and the length of visits varied depended on the nature of the fieldwork. The County tries to be flexible in scheduling fieldwork but it has historically been performed from October – April for the various aspects of the County’s audits and reports and Single Audit. Most reports should be complete 180 days after the end of the fiscal year, except for the regional reports, which are due 7 months after the end of the fiscal year. The Report J part of the Circuit Clerk report is due by January 31 and historically the whole Circuit Clerk report has been complete by this time. The Health reports should be complete 120 days after the fiscal year end.

Q) What is the typical prelim and fieldwork duration?  How many auditors are normally in the field?
RESPONSE:  Please refer to response above

A typical schedule is listed below:
Lake County 
Fieldwork Schedule 

 Preliminary Fieldwork December 7-8
IT Controls February-March
Cash and Investments Pre-Audit January 23-25
Circuit Clerk Audit January 9-11
General Fund, ETSB February 20-February 24
Health financial audit and FQHC report February 27-March 3
DOT, County Capital Assets March 6-10
Public Works/SWALCO March 13-17
Single Audit (Health programs) March 27-31
Single Audit (non-Health programs) March 20-24
PW Regional Reports Late April
**CAFR Timeline - see separate document
CAFR Timeline 
All audit work is completed and reviewed, including segments such as Winchester, DOT, Public Works. Any adjustments are communicated to Deputy for CAFR preparation. March 18
Provide a reviewed draft of the Public Works financial statements to Deputy for CAFR preparation. March 25
Conduct Exit Conference with County TBD
Complete draft financial statements to Auditor (schedules, notes, government wide). April 13
Review financial statements and provide feedback to county.  Baker Tilly to maintain active version of report at this point. April 13
Formatting as needed April 20
Provide complete formatted report back to County. April 22
Send MD&A, transmittal letter, and statistical schedules to Auditor. April 26
Review MD&A, transmittal letter, and statistical schedules April 30
Incorporate all report elements, page number, etc. May 3
Send attorney letter to Auditor May 3
Send covers, spirals, dividers, etc. to Auditor for printing. May 4
Partner review of report May 5
Pre-issuance partner review May 10
Clear PI comments, any final report adjustments May 11
Report copying and production  May 12
Receive assembled reports.  Distribute as appropriate May 13

Q)Does the County prepare the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards?  When is it ready for the auditors?

 RESPONSE: Yes. Please see the Single Audit report for FY 2016. No major changes are expected.  Refer to response(s) in pervious questions

Q)What assistance does the County expect they will need from the auditors for implementation of new GASB standards?
RESPONSE: The County expects a great deal of guidance and direction with the introduction of any new standards. However, the County will perform the implementation.

Q) Are all programs – i.e. payroll processing, fixed asset management programs, etc. – integrated with the general ledger?
RESPONSE: Yes. Oracle eBusiness Suite

Q)What system does the County use to track fixed assets?
Response: The County uses Oracle Assets module. Some capital assets are currently tracked on an Excel spreadsheet, including accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense by function.

Q) Does the County anticipate having any new bond issues for 2017?


Q) Is the County willing to release the prior year fee?
RESPONSE: The contract for the County, including Public Works, was for $206,400. ETSB was $8,200 and SWALCO was $7,400. This does not include the regional reports. The contract was based on not-to-exceed pricing and this information was not provided. The number of auditors and the length of visits varied depended on the nature of the fieldwork.

Q) Who provides the actuarial services for the OPEB plan?

RESPONSE: The County actuarial valuation for FY2016 from Arthur J Gallagher & Co.

Q) Were there any additional billings by the predecessor audit firm for services beyond the scope of the audit?


Q) Does the County maintain documentation of its processes and controls over significant transaction cycles such as payroll, cash disbursements, billings, etc.?

RESPONSE: The County has documented internal control procedures for many of our financial processes.

Q) Page 14 of the RFP states the County prepares the basic financial statements as well as the notes and statistical section.  Does the County draft the other portions of the CAFR (other than the audit opinion)?  Does the County prepare the other financial reports such as SWALCO, ETSB, Public Works, etc.?
RESPONSE: Yes, the County drafts the other portions of the CAFR other than the audit opinion and the table of contents and cover pages. Public Works creates the statements, schedules, and notes of its annual financial report. The Health Department prepares its own reports (CFR, FQHC, and Grant report). All other reports are prepared by the auditors.

Q)  Are all County funds and transactions, including agency funds, maintained on the County’s general ledger?  Please describe any that are not.
RESPONSE: Not all Agency funds are in Oracle. The County Collector, Drainage District, Circuit Court, County Clerk, Health Department, Sheriff, State’s Attorney and Winchester House have accounts that are not in the County’s general ledger.

Q) When was the complete draft of the CAFR (including MD&A, transmittal letter and statistical section) provided to the auditor for the FY2016 audit?  What was the level of auditor edits to this draft (minor format changes, a few number / disclosure changes, or numerous number and / or disclosure changes)?
RESPONSE: Refer to response(s) in Question 8 and 9.  The various pieces of the draft were provided in mid-April. There were numerous formatting changes made and some number/disclosure changes.

Q) What third party service providers does the County use (insurance claims, etc.)?

RESPONSE: The County does not use a third-party administrator. A SAS 70 has been provided from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. A third-party audit of adjudicated claims from Health Insurance carrier are performed for contract compliance.  The County has an annual actuarial study done to determine claims accrual information.

Q) Could the most recent reports of those entities listed on pg. 13 & 14 of the RFP be made available to bidders?  Specifically, the various Health Dept. reports, Circuit Court Clerk report, Public Works report, regional audit reports, SWALCO report, and the ETSB report.


Q) Pg. 21 asks that bidders delineate price by service segment – in the name of transparency, could you please make available the fee breakdown by service segment for the past three audit cycles?


Q) Were any scope modifications made to the contract with the predecessor audit firm?

Q) Could you please tell us how many auditors and the timing of fieldwork (duration and time of year) of the predecessor auditor?  How long for interim and how long for final fieldwork
RESPONSE: Refer to response(s) in Question 8 and 9.  The County tries to be flexible in scheduling fieldwork but it has historically been performed from October – April for the various aspects of the County’s audits and reports and Single Audit. Most reports should be complete 180 days after the end of the fiscal year, except for the regional reports, which are due 7 months after the end of the fiscal year. The Report J part of the Circuit Clerk report is due by January 31 and historically the whole Circuit Clerk report has been complete by this time. The Health reports should be complete 120 days after the fiscal year end.

8/7/17- The RFP due date has been extended an additional week. RFP responses are now due by 8/17/17 no later than 2pm

Q) Page 9 of the RFP, section 35 refers to the County’s information security policy and privacy standards, and that the proposer agrees services will meet or exceed those.  Can you please provide a copy of those standards / document for our review?
A) Please see the attached document

Q) We would like to request your guidelines for submitting the Audit Services proposal.
A) All the guidelines and submittal requirements for this solicitation can be found within the RFP document, please refer to the RFP



Q)You mention 180 employees swap shifts.  Which department(s) have the requirement for shift swaps?

A)Correction Officers and some Health Department employees

Q)Which department(s) require a first come first serve or lottery style for vacation requests?  How many employees does this impact?  How are you managing this today?

A) Sheriff’s Office, Division of Transportation, Public Works, some Health Dept. employees and Facilities Maintenance which effects approximately 600 employees.  Departments are managing this on their end.

Q)Does your Sheriff’s department currently  use a Public Safety Scheduling Solution?   If so, what system and will you continue to use that system or is scheduling for your Sheriff’s department expected to be included as a part of this project? 

A)They use a scheduler but it is not being used to its fullest capacity (does not meet our needs).  We will want to get a new scheduler and yes as part of this project. 

Q)Will employees of your Sheriff’s department be required to clock in/out or record start and stop times or will they be paid based on a confirmed schedule?  A) At this time, it is believed they will be paid accordingly to their schedule.


Q) How many of the 2700 employees currently use the time capture solution today?
A) All hourly employees will need timekeeping which is approximately 2100 employees. Some exempt employees have to track time for grant and costing purposes – approximately 160. And all exempt employees use it for time off tracking. (630 EE’s)

Q) Section 2 of the General Terms and Conditions describes the process a Proposer should use to provide copies that have been redacted of information that is exempt from disclosure under the Illinois FOIA.  However, it does not include any commitment by the County that, in the absence of a FOIA request, the County will preserve the confidentiality of marked materials.  Will the County kindly provide that commitment?  The body of laws known as the Statute of Frauds (a set of laws requiring certain types of commitments to be in writing to be enforceable) requires that a confidentiality commitment be in writing.  
A) To the extent Lake County comes into the possession of any trade secrets or any other proprietary or confidential information Lake County shall protect the confidentiality of such information to the maximum extent allowed by law.
The vendor is responsible for determining which information is proprietary or confidential consistent with Section 7(1)(g) of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(g), which provides an exemption for:

 information obtained from a person or business where the trade secrets or commercial or financial information are furnished under a claim that they are proprietary, privileged or confidential, and that disclosure of the trade secrets or commercial or financial information would cause competitive harm to the person or business, and only insofar as the claim directly applies to the records requested.

The vendor shall provide Lake County an edited copy of any document it claims contains proprietary and confidential information, with the propriety and confidential information removed, for public disclosure.  The removal shall be clearly marked or otherwise indicated on the document.
Workday shall indemnify Lake County against any legal liability associated with challenges to withholding the information.  This includes applicable costs and legal fees Lake County incurs or a requesting party may receive.  The vendor releases Lake County from any claims or liability in the event that Lake County is required by law to release such information.



Q) Which interfaces will you need built to/from your new HR/PR system? 
Oracle ERP?   Benefits Providers?

A) Oracle Payroll Integration with other Oracle ERP Modules:
Lake County use Oracle ERP for their HR, Finance, Procurement and Asset Management needs. The current Oracle Payroll is an integral part of this system and linked to many modules.
The following describes the summary level integration of payroll:
Oracle Human Resources: stores Employee data and costing information
Oracle Accounts Payable: receives third party payments information from payroll and sends employee reimbursement data to payroll
Oracle Benefits: provides benefit plan deduction information for payroll to process
Oracle Time & Labor: provides approved timecard data to payroll
Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE): reads payroll data to create BI dashboards
Oracle General Ledger: receives processed employee payroll entries with the accounting data
Oracle Projects & Grants: receives the processed payroll data of the employees related to specific projects and/or grants
Oracle Cash Management: receives checks/direct deposit information along with positive pay file
Oracle Hyperion: Payroll data is interfaced to Hyperion system for budgeting
Lake County has many vendor interfaces using the payroll data periodically. The interfaces include the following:
• IMRF – Retirement system
• Unemployment
• TALX – Employee verification
• AFLAC - Insurance
• Compsych – FMLA data

Note: We expect the vendor to have experience in integrating with Oracle ERP, because these connection points require many data elements exchanged between payroll and other Oracle Modules

Q) Lake County explains that the Intent of the proposal is for Outsourcing Payroll. Additional information in the proposal ask for validation of functional requirements and pricing  for Electronic Time Collection, Payroll and Tax processing, and Benefits Administration. What exactly is the scope of the project that Lake County is asking to be proposed. Are the additional services options or to be included in the initial scope?

A) Please refer to the Scope of Work for on page 11 of the RFP


Q) It is mentioned in the document that Lake County would like an “outsourced comprehensive payroll solution”.  Can you please provide Lake County’s definition of “outsourced”?  Do you intend to retain payroll staff at Lake County or do you want to payroll to be completely administered by the vendor?
A) We are looking for a payroll solution to provide payroll services/processes but not replace our payroll staff. 

Q) Please provide:
a. Number of locations  We have 27 departments
b. Number of locations that process payroll Most of them do timekeeping but our Central Payroll department does all the payroll processing.  Our Sheriff’s Office, Health Dept. and Division of Transportation have at least one dedicated payroll staff. 
c. Number of collective bargaining units We have 11 with one in the works. 
d. Please provide a list of any third party exports required (ie benefit carriers, retirement) Blue Cross Blue Shield, Optum(Rx), Delta Dental, Superior Vision, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Nationwide Retirement, HSA & FSA
e. Number of benefit plans required. We have four Medical plans, two dental, two vision plans and voluntary benefits

Q) When would Lake County like to go live on the solution?

A) January 2019

Q) Who are the other vendors responding to this RFP?

A) Lake County will accept all vendors proposals through the deadline of October 12, 2017 at 2p.m.

Q) It is against our security policy to provide documents via USB flash drive.  Can we share the document via Dropbox or another secure platform?

A) Please password protect the USB flash drive

Q) Who is the 3rd party consultant referred to in the RFP evaluation criteria? 

A) Matrix Consulting

Q) The scope of this solution includes time keeping, payroll and benefit management, but not the County’s complete HR business functions being served by the current Oracle E-Business Suite solution.  Will the County be looking to implement solutions for its other HR business functions that are not currently in scope of this RFP in the near future?  YES Will consideration be given for a solution that can meet all of the County’s HR (and Financial) business needs for future business planning as opposed to only the scope of this RFP? YES

Q) Is the County looking to outsource all of its payroll, timekeeping and benefit business functions as part of this solution (i.e. not have employees responsible for these functions), or only to purchase and implement technology solution to enable all of these business functions and reporting (with employees continuing to be responsible for these business functions)? A)  The latter, only to purchase and implement technology solution to enable all of these business functions and reporting (with employees continuing to be responsible for these business functions) Said differently, the County is currently using Oracle which provides the technology for the business processes, but the County employees still manage the business processes. Is the County looking to keep this approach (and simply replace the technology) or is the County looking to outsource these business functions to a 3rd party?

A)  the County looking to keep this approach (and simply replace the technology)


Q) Redacted Version: Does the redacted version need to be printed?  Or should this version be added to the USB? A) The redacted copy can be provided with a USB and does not have to be printed.

Q) USB: Per Ultimate Software’s Security policies and procedures, all USBs need to be encrypted and password-protected.  Will you accept a password-protected USB?  The document will NOT be password protected. A) Yes, a password protected USB is acceptable.


Q) Total Amount of Employees for Lake County?

A) 2,700

Q) How many Managers would use this system? I saw 29 departments, so at least 29, but do you have other assistant managers or other personnel that would look at a timecard and change anything? We do have an audit trail that will mandate comments on why things were changed. Not sure at this time. 

A) Yes, we currently are set-up to allow supervisor’s, managers, timekeepers and department Liaisons view and make changes.  Most departments use supervisor/manager approvals along with a liaison who could correct as well.

Q) How many Accrual (PTO, Vacation, Sick) Policies?

A) We currently have personal, vacation, sick, fixed holiday’s, floating holidays and compensatory time.

Q) How many Time Clocks are needed? Looks like 45 TimeClocks. Are they Badge Swipe? Are they Biometric? Are they Proximity? Approximately 45 are needed. 

A) We have 5 biometric and the rest are badge swipe.

Q) How many employees would need to swap shifts?


Q)Are you looking at a Cloud Environment or an on Premise solution?

A) Cloud environment.

A.      How many EIN’s? I would guess only one, but wanted to confirm. A) one
B.      How many Direct Deposits?  A) Averaging about 2,430 a pay period
C.      How many Agency Checks (garnishments, child support, etc…) A)25
D.      How many W-2 in the tax year of 2016? I saw 3,795. A)This is correct (includes election workers and other non-employee W2’s)



A) Can Lake County provide a copy of the Lake County Employee Census and Claims history as part of this RFP process?
Q) At this time Lake County cannot provide census or claims history.


Q) The scope of work has a section “Retiree Health Strategy”, which specifies that the “OPEB liability impact” be considered. Is a valuation of OPEB liabilities for accounting and/or funding purposes included in the scope of the RFP?
A) Yes

Q) Reports that must be run recurring can the process be automated to make sure theCounty gets those reports.
A) Yes 





Q) Why is the search being conducted?
A) We are looking for advisory services for additional fiscal oversight and financial responsibility.

Q) Which firm currently provides the services?
A) No one

Q) Will the incumbent provider be invited to rebid?
A) N/A

Q) What is the current asset size of the plan’s investment portfolio?
A) Approx. $166M


Q) Are Lake County 457 participants eligible for Social Security?


Q) If they are eligible for Social Security, how do they participate


Q) If they are eligible, how many actually participate?



Q) Is this bid for an annual retainer to provide the services listed in the Scope of Work – or a short-term project?
A) annual retainer

Q) Can you confirm, Lake County does not currently utilize a consultant for these services?
A) we do not currently utilize a consultant

Q) Are you able to provide information regarding the total amount of assets in the 457(b) Retirement Plan?
A) APPROX. $145M


January 10, 2018

Q: We are currently operating a community youth employment program and have several business partnership MOU's.  Our existing partners have agreed to extend their services to the WIOA Youth program as well.  Can we use our existing Program Partnership MOU's or do we have to have them do new MOU's for this grant?
A: Existing employer partnerships can be included as part of the proposal. Entities that are selected and awarded WIOA funds may need to modify existing Partner MOU’s to ensure terms and conditions align with WIOA grant funds.

January 4, 2018

Q) 1.  Below is the answer to a question regarding what the performance goal is for the local Board.  The WIOA performance measures negotiated by the Workforce Development Board of Lake County for PY2016 and PY2017 are:
• Employment rate 2nd quarter after exit; performance goal: 58%
• Employment rate 4th quarter after exit; performance goal: 66%
• Credential attainment; performance goal: 80%
What were the results of the 2016 performance for the local area in the 3 areas? A) Performance was not measured and reported against the WIOA Performance measures in 2016.

Q) Since equipment charges are not allowable under this grant will computers be provided at the One Stop office if space is secured? A) The Job Center of Lake County does not provide computer equipment for use by partners of the MOU occupying space in the Job Center.

Q) Is the state data base to record case management services,  activities etc, IWDS? A) Yes, the state data base is the Illinois Workforce Development System (IWDS).

January 4, 2018

Q) What is the cost to rent space in the One Stop office?  A) Currently the Job Center of Lake County does not rent space to agencies that are not a partner to the Job Center of Lake County MOU and cost sharing agreement. The agencies that are partners to the MOU and are co-located at the Job Center contribute $362.08 monthly per cubicle space to the facility costs. 

Q) What is the average cost per Cube?  A) The monthly cost per Job Center cubicle for a partner to the MOU is $362.08 and is subject to change annually. Per Office? The Job Center of Lake County does not have office space available.

Q)Would the One Stop Operator have space available for 3 staff members, if selected? A) The Job Center of Lake County does not have space available for three staff from a partner agency.

December 15, 2017

Q: Does this RFP allow for Profit?

A: Yes, under WIOA Section 121(d) & 134(b), Private For-Profit entities may serve as service providers and fair & reasonable profit must be negotiated as a separate line item of cost (2 CFR 200.323).

Q: As you proposal allows for for-profit organizations to respond per WIOA regulations, I am hoping you can direct me to the place on the budget where we can list the amount of profit presented for consideration.

A: Profit should be presented on the ‘Other’ Budget Line item.

**Fillable forms have been added to the RFP documents**

December 15, 2017

The following two changes were made to attachment E—Monthly Expense Report.

1. First change: (Located at top left corner)
The following has been omitted:
INSTRUCTIONS: Do NOT fill in this sheet. It will pull directly from the budget worksheet.
NOTE: Budgets reflect a 52 week (12 month) program year from 7/1/2018-6/30/2019

It was replaced by the following:
INSTRUCTION: Budget reflects a 52-week (12 month) program year from 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019.  Enter your total budget by line item in column C. Allocate those expenditures by month in columns F through R. Columns F through R will be summarized in column E. Column E should equal column C requested line budget.

2. Second change: (Located in Column C, row 12)
The following has been omitted:
Awarded Budget

Is was replaced by the following:
Total Budget

December 1, 2017
Q) What are the numbers of in-school and out-of-school youth currently being served?
A)Thirty-six in-school youth and eighty-eight out-of-school youth are currently being served.

Q) What are the current performance outcomes?
A)The WIOA performance measures negotiated by the Workforce Development Board of Lake County for PY2016 and PY2017 are:
• Employment rate 2nd quarter after exit; performance goal: 58%
• Employment rate 4th quarter after exit; performance goal: 66%
• Credential attainment; performance goal: 80%

Q) When will the negotiated median earnings be determined by the Board and how should proposers respond to this requirement?

A) The Board does not have a timeframe from DCEO as to when the median earnings goal will be negotiated. Proposers can use past program performance to determine their proposed median wage.

November 30, 2017

Q) On page 20 under Organizational Information there is not a maximum page limit specified, please clarify.
A) The Organization Information should be included in the submission of section e (Program Description) and the maximum page for this section is 10 pages

Q) Please define low income as it pertains to this RFP
A) Proposers should use the WIOA definition for low income when submitting a proposal in response to this RFP

Q) On page 22 the Budget Narrative is discussed in section 3. Can rent costs be included in this narrative? 
A) Rent costs can be included that are direct program expenses

Q) Can a program connect with the One Stop Operator in response to this RFP?
A) Yes, the One Stop Operator can be contacted directly and a partnership can be developed if desired by the proposer.

Q) Are there specific target geographic areas in Lake County that the grants will be awarded too?
A) No, all of Lake County is eligible

Q) Is there a requirement for funds to be spent on training?
A) No, there is not a requirement

Q) What are the projected youth serviced per program?
A) There is not a specific number however in the past the average number has been around 20 youths service per program

Q) Can an existing program propose expanding services to respond to this RFP?  
A) Yes



The conference line is still not working.

Please use the following number for the 9AM call:
Code 2233


Due to unforeseen technical difficulties the Per Proposal call will be rescheduled for tomorrow (2/27/18) at 9AM.





Q) For the evaluation factors listed on page 18, how are they scored (e.g., ability to design a results-driven program is worth X% of the score)?
• Understanding and ability to meet and/or exceed the scope of services – 25%
• Ability to design a results-driven program with strategic incentives to increase employee participation in similar sized organizations. – 25%
• Variety and range of services provided to employees through the wellness platform – 20%
• Project Plan – 15%
• Cost Proposal – 15%


Q) Can you please send us the Lake County’s Information Security Policy and Privacy Standards for review? A) This policy and standard does not apply to this RFP service, please disregard.

Q) Will you consider/accept redlines on either the General Terms and Conditions and the Information Security Policy referenced above? A) All redlines to the General Terms and Conditions need to be notes as exceptions in the RFP response in order to be considered by Lake County

Q) There is a “maximum cash payout” of $450 (previously $600). How much of that payout is based on HRA completion, on the screening, and on event participation? (for 2017) A)For 2017 it was $150 for employee and $50 for spouse

Q) What kind of biometric tests are being run (e.g., standard lipids, expanded panel, cotinine, etc.) and is the method via fingerstick or venipuncture? A)Standard lipids with A1C and it is via fingerstick

Q) In the response to a previous question in the addendum, you say that spouses are included in some aspects of the current program and you want proposers to recommend a wellness offering we believe would be most suitable to you. How many spouses/partners are eligible to participate in the program currently, and what aspects are they included in? What incentives, if any, exist for spouse/partner involvement? A) Spouses were able to participate in the 5K, receiving $15. They could submit extra points for preventative screenings (med-dent-vis-colonoscopy-mammogram-osteoporosis) they received $10 for each screening with a max up to $120. Disease Management, $25 for EE or SP. Exercise classes $5 for each session maxing $20. Flu Shot, $5. Sanctioned races $3 per mile, no max. Self-reporting $3 per month. Smoking cessation, $25. Weight management program $1 per week

Q) Is Lake County open to the idea of a three-year contract term instead of a two-year term? A) Yes

Q) Does Catapult currently administer both an HRA (paper? online?) and biometric screenings, or is the HRA a separate document or online questionnaire developed by another vendor? A)Onsite biometric screenings

Q) Question A2 says that onsite biometric screenings are a “future need” – is Lake County contractually required to use Catapult or another biometric vendor through a particular date? If so, when? A)Catapult contract ends 6/13/18

Q) What kind of biometric tests are being run (e.g., standard lipids, expanded panel, cotinine, etc.) and is the method via fingerstick or venipuncture? A)Standard lipids, fingerstick

Q) What kind of health coaching (onsite, telephonic, online; lifestyle management, disease management), if any, is currently offered to Lake County employees? Who provides the existing program? Is participation incentivized at all? How much participation has there been? A) Health coaching - telephonic and online, lifestyle management, disease management is available through Blue Cross Blue Shield’s well on-target-program. The incentives are through well-on-target and not currently incorporated with Lake County Wellness program.

Q) Please clarify the timing of the formal presentation referenced in item J5 – shortly after implementation is completed and the program is launched? And would this be a single presentation to all of the groups listed (as opposed to one to Lake County administration, another to the Health & Community Services Committee of the County Board, etc.)? A)Yes, single presentation. The timing is TBD but I would assume it would be an annual executive summary report.

Q) A previous question in the addendum asks where in our responses you’d like us to include any addenda. If the addenda are just these vendor questions about the RFP, is there any need to include those questions and answers in our responses? A) No, but the addenda acknowledgement form is required

Q) If your benefit plan year is January through December, are you wanting to roll out the program to employees (and possibly spouses) on Jan. 1, 2019, or is there a different target date (besides the mid-May kickoff meeting already mentioned)? A) We were targeting June 2018 if possible

Q) Providing a “total price as a fixed fee for all services delineated in the RFP” may not be possible, considering various variables – such as coaching participation, incentives, participation in biometric screenings, fluctuation in the size of Lake County’s employee count, etc. Please advise on the amount of flexibility we can have in how we provide pricing. A) Please breakout the pricing if possible – what the pricing is running the program for employees, add price for spouse and prices for biometric screenings, etc

Q) The Termination text on page 4 appears to allow Lake County to terminate at any time for convenience as long as it gives 30 days written notice. Please advise on the amount of flexibility we can have regarding termination terms, especially if it is without cause. A)Any exceptions to the RFP should be noted in the proposers response. This includes exceptions to the Terms and Conditions found in the RFP.


Q) Are we able to send the final copy on a CD vs a USB? 

A) Yes either is fine


Q) For who Lake County awards business to, will they be using the vendor's contract and then integrating "General Terms and Conditions" stated within the RFP document? A) Yes


Q) Are you willing to use a different HRA than you currently offer?
A) Yes

Q) Is the county interested in an onsite wellness coordinator available full-time to implement wellness initiatives or simply wellness consultation services? A) The County is looking for Wellness Consultation Services.


Q) Can an editable version of the RFP document be made available? A) Not at this time. 

Q) Timing - What is the County’s benefit plan year, i.e. Jan-Dec? Jul-Jun? A) Jan-Dec

Q) Budget - Is there a set budget allocated for this project or is this RFP process exploratory in order to request budget approval? A) There is a budget allocated for this endeavor and County Board approval is required for professional services over $50,000.

Q) Page 3. If addenda are issued, where in our response would you like us to include them? A) All questions and answers pertaining to this RFP can be found using the addendum link.

Q) Page 20. Proposal Price Sheet. Pricing Table – Are spouses eligible to join the program? A) Spouses are currently included in some aspects of the current program however the County is looking for proposers to recommend a Wellness offering that they seem is most suitable for Lake County.


Q) Please advise the effective date you wish to pursue for the Lake County Wellness program
A) The County anticipates an initial kickoff meeting around May 14, 2018 and is looking for the proposer to advise on an implementation timeline to establish an effective date.



Q) Is the reference to fixed price for a fixed hourly rate that includes travel and additional costs or is it a fixed total price for the services provided for the entire year including any over time that may be needed? A) It is a fixed total price for the services provided for the entire year including any over time that may be needed

Q) Does Lake County expect OCM (Organizational Change Management) resources to be onboarded in addition to PM? A) Yes, the County is switching from Oracle to Ultimate Software and we expect  there to be organizational change management involved with the project management.

Q) Who is your current HRIS Payroll system provider? A) ORACLE

Q) Within the RFP, a statement is made that an RFP was issued in 2017 to select a vendor to implement a new system. Has a vendor been selected and notified, and if so, who is the vendor? A) ULTIMATE SOFTWARE/ULTIPRO

Q) Can you provide a copy of the HRIS/Payroll RFP that was issued in 2017? A) YES

Q) Does the scope of the HRIS Payroll system implementation include timekeeping, or is timekeeping considered a separate function? A) WE WILL IMPLEMENT TIMEKEEPING AS PART OF THE HRIS PAYROLL IMPLEMENTATION.

Q) What role does the County currently play in the payroll process (e.g., prep, then submit for cut, remit and reporting or do you just submit a file, the provider manages the rest of the process)?  A)WE CURRENTLY USE ORACLE, WHO IS NOT A SERVICE PROVIDER.  WE CURRENTLY COMPLETE THE ENTIRE PROCESS IN HOUSE.

Q) What role do you envision the County playing in the payroll process after the new system is implemented?  A) ULTIMATE/ULTIPRO IS A PAYROLL SERVICE PROVIDER.  OUR ROLE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE VENDOR.

Q) What changes do you see in interfaces once the new system is implemented (e.g., KBace, IntelliTime, Electronic Time Clocks)?  A) WE PLAN ON USING ULTIPRO TIMECLOCKS AND REPORTING.

Q) What is the current timeline (including go-live date) for the HRIS Payroll system implementation?  A) WE HOPE TO GO LIVE BY JANUARY 1, 2019

Q) With the new system, will you follow the same process, or will you leverage different methods to capture time? If different methods, which ones? A) WE WILL BE EXPLORING DIFFERENT METHODS AS PART OF THE PROCESS.

Q) Please provide a roster of reports you currently receive (title, format, and frequency)?  A) WE CURRENTLY RUN REPORTS ON SEVERAL SYSTEMS.

Q) What will be different with your new system in terms of reporting?  A) WE WILL JUST BE USING ONE SYSTEM AND STANDARD PAYROLL REPORTS.



Q) Has the County started to identify what any future county needs might be, and if so, can you elaborate what they are? A)NO

Q) For time and attendance, what process do you follow today – i.e., what methods do you currently use to capture time (timeclock, biometrics, mobile spp). What do you do today and will you do the same thing or leverage different methods of capturing time A) WE CURRENTLY USE TIMECLOCKS AND MANUAL ENTRY.  WE PLAN ON OFFERING NEW WAYS TO CAPTURE TIME THROUGH ULTIPRO.

Q) Do you measure data quality? If so, how do you measure it, and where you are currently in terms of data quality? If not, how would you prefer to rate current data (e.g., on a Likert scale)?  A) WE DO NOT CURRENTLY MEASURE DATA QUALITY OTHER THAN AUDITS

Q) Can you provide a summary of your staff in terms of the following:
How many employees are hourly versus salaried?  A) APPROX. 700 SALARY; 2000 HOURLY
How do your employee progress through pay structures?  A) WE ARE NOT SURE WHAT INFORMATION YOU ARE LOOKING. 

Q) Please provide a list of your collective bargaining units, and the number of employees represented by each.
A) AFSMCE (Coroner)- 10
Local 150 (DOT)- 65
Local 150(PW)- 45
Local 150(FAC)- 21
Local 150 (HD)- 10
ICOP (HD)- 10
ICOP (SO)- 157
Teamsters (Correction Officers)- 182
Teamsters (Correction Sgt)- 14
Teamsters (Correction LT)- 5
Teamsters (PO Sgt)- 17
Teamsters (PO LT)- 5

Q) Please share documents regarding your pay structures.  A) WE ARE NOT SURE WHAT INFORMATION YOU ARE LOOKING. 

Q) Are you expecting full-time, on the ground project management or is a virtual/hybrid model acceptable?  A) ON-SITE AS NEEDED, VIRTUAL WHEN POSSIBLE

Q) Is the RFP allowed to be submitted via email? A) No

Q) Beyond the 6 addendum pages at the end of the document is there a format you would like the RFP submitted? Are we able to use our documents and customize based off the needs of Lake County? A) The submittal requirements are outlined within the RFP and yes the documents can be customized

Q) Do you have a new system picked for implementation or is Lake County also looking for assistance with system selection? A) Ultimate Software is selected already

Q) In addition to payroll, is Lake County planning on implementing any additional modules to the new HRIS system? A) Yes, possibly in the future

April 12, 2018

Q) What is the proposed implementation duration of the HRIS system? A) Jan 2019 no later than April 2019

Q) Can you provide the preliminary project plan provided by Ultimate Software Ulti Pro system? A) No, not at this time. This will be made available later in the procurement selection process if needed

Q) Can we submit exceptions to the County’s standard contract? A) Yes, as part of the exception process with this RFP

Q) Is the County willing to negotiate exceptions to the standard contract? A) Yes

Q) Can you clarify what services are expected related to Finance and Procurement Management? A) There are no expectations related to Procurement Management however the project manager may need to be aware of the financial aspect of the contract the County has with Ultimate Software. 

Q) Would the County please elaborate on any additional business drivers for this opportunity beyond those identified in the RFP?
A) There are none.

Q) It is noted that the RFP references “the selection and implementation for various systems” as the intent. Which systems does the County intend to be selected and implemented as part of this project?
A) Ultimate Software/UltiPro

Q) The “Background” section indicates an RFP was issued for payroll services. Would the County confirm that is for “outsourced” payroll services? If so, what is the status of that procurement?
A) This is an outsourced SaaS agreement for a Payroll Services Provider.  The procurement is complete and the contract is signed.

Q) The “Expectations of the Project Manager” section indicates various references to an HRIS system. Is that one of the systems the County expects to be selected and implemented as part of this project? If so, what is the status of that particular selection and implementation initiative?
A) Both Payroll and a basic HRIS implementation will be done with Ultimate Software/UltiPro.

Q) Related to the question above, would the County confirm the “HRIS Project Manager” is a County employee as opposed to a vendor project manager? If a vendor project manager, what software company is involved?
A) We have both an internal HRIS Project Manager and a Project Manager through Ultimate Software/UltiPro.


Q) Further under “Project Management,” reference is made to the effort of outsourcing payroll functions. Is this one of the selection and implementation projects the County expects as part of this initiative?
A) We will be converting our payroll processing and HR software from Oracle to Ultimate Software/UltiPro.  This includes implementing UltiPro’s Human Resources; Payroll Administration; Tax Management and Compliance; Time, Attendance and Scheduling; and Benefits Administration; Time Clocks; Recruiting and Onboarding; Open Enrollment and Life Events.

Q) The Submittal Requirements section indicates proposers should indicate an “overall understanding of each project they are submitting for.” Would the County please clarify, by providing what may be a listing of available projects as well as a confirmation that proposers may propose on some, but not all?
A) This RFP is just for the Ultimate project.

Q) As it relates to the cost worksheet, would the County please clarify the following:
a. Both a total fixed-fee and a “proposed annual” cost are requested. Which would the County prefer? A) Please provide both
b. Would the County please clarify the specific software selection and/or implementation projects that make up this cost total? A) This RFP is just for the Ultimate project
c. For the basis of estimating implementation services, please provide an estimated timeline for each of the implementation projects. A) The RFP is looking for the project manager to make recommendations on implementation plans. The County would like to “go live” with the new system on Jan 2019 but no later than April 2019.

Q) Would the County please confirm whether there is a local preference for this initiative? If so, what weight will that preference have in the evaluation? A) This is not part of the evaluation criteria


Q) what payroll/HR system is it that you're moving to from your current Oracle EBS?
A) Ultimate Software Ulti Pro system


Q) Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this? (like, from India or Canada) A) Yes, all proposals will be considered

Q) Whether we need to come over there for meetings? A) Yes, in person meetings will be required

Q) Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA? (like, from India or Canada) A) Some tasks may be performed remotely however several tasks will require in person interaction to be performed to the expectations of this RFP

Q)Can we submit the proposals via email? A)No, please follow the RFP submittal process outlined in this RFP


Q) Please provide the reinsurance terms you would like quoted, i.e. specific deductible, contract type, commission, etc. 
A) Section 12.3 and 12.4 include all contract basis and requested specific deductible levels.

Q) Also, I did not find Cobra indicated on the census.  Please let me know if there are individuals enrolled in Cobra. 
A) There are approximately 8 COBRA employees that were not included in the census.  The information we have on the COBRA enrollees is as follows: 
4 PPO Single
2 PPO Family
2 Regular HMO Single

Q) Please provide current and/or renewal rates.
A) Current rates will not be released.  Renewal rates for a 1/1/19 effective date are not available.

Q) Are you willing to sign and execute a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for us to release provider-level discount data as requested in the RFP (Attachment G)? Can you confirm that the full discount data will be accessed by both Lake County and Segal?
A) Discount data at the provider level will be analyzed by Segal. Lake County evaluation committee members will only have access to high-level, overall discount information.  One component of the discount analysis will be to use the Uniform Data Submission (UDS) evaluation system, to which Segal and you have already agreed to a separate NDA.   Lake County has signed the UDS agreement that pertains to plan sponsors.

Q) The RFP states that BCBSIL currently provides "a voluntary, self-directed wellness program" that "includes access to health experts for stress management programs and physical activity programs." Does Lake County want vendors to quote telephonic and/or digital wellness coaching services?
A) No, this program being referenced was not to be duplicated. 
Q) Please describe your current Case Management offering in greater detail.
a. What is your Case Management reach/engagement rate?
b. Please provide engagement statistics by modality (i.e. telephonically, digitally, in person).
c. Please provide your definition of engagement.
d. Please provide the current ROI attained as well as a list of clinical care and utilization improvement statistics.
e. Please provide additional insight into what is working well and what you would like to see improved.
A) This information is not available

Q) Please describe your current Disease Management offering in greater detail.
a. What is the prevalence rate by disease state?
b. Please provide the current ROI attained as well as a list of clinical care and utilization improvement statistics.
c. Please provide additional insight into what is working well and what you would like to see improved.
d. What percent of members with a chronic illness are identified as high risk, moderate risk and low risk? Of those, what percent are engaged by modality (i.e. telephonically, digitally, in person)?
e. Please provide your definition of engagement.
f. What is the average length of time individuals are engaged in your current Disease Management programs by modality (i.e. telephonically, digitally, in person)?
A) This information is not available
Q) Please describe your current behavioral health offering in greater detail.
a. What is your behavioral health utilization?
b. What are your high-cost behavioral health drivers?
c. Please provide further information on your network access and out-of-network utilization.
o What is your in-network versus out-of-network utilization?
o Where is out out-of-network utilization concentrated (location, facility, etc.)?
o Do you have significant out of network usage consolidated with a few providers?
o What is driving your out-of-network utilization? For example, do you need more of a specialty provider, more general providers in a specific area, or are individuals travelling for substance abuse treatment?
o Are there specific challenges with outpatient treatment access?
d. Please provide your last three years of behavioral health utilization reports.
e. Please provide a more detailed description of your substance abuse issue.
o Are you experiencing significant out of network utilization related to substance abuse treatment? If so where is the utilization by region and specific facilities?
o What substances are driving your substance abuse utilization (opioids, alcohol, other)?
o What age groups are driving the utilization?
o What cost impact has substance abuse treatment had over the last three years?
f. What is your current readmission rate?
g. What is your current recidivism rate?
h. Who is your EAP provider?
o Would you like vendors to supply an EAP quote?
i. What is your level of satisfaction with your current medical/behavioral integration? Do you feel there is room for improvement? If so, what are the current challenges?

A) This information is not available.


July 19, 2018

Q) Who will be responsible for the graphic design, layout and production of the final strategic plan documents stemming from this contract: the consultant or Lake County staff?
A) The Lake County Staff

Q) What types of engagement with departmental staff was performed for previous strategic planning updates?

A) Yes. Also a Citizen survey and TownHall meetings - posted to website under strategic plan; also Leaders round tables and report is available

Q) When was the last time this service went through a competitive solicitation process?
A) This service has not been previously solicited

Q) Project Timeline: Given the short turnaround between the Deadline for submission of questions and the RFP Opening would Lake County consider pushing back the RFP Opening date?

A) No, Lake County is not considering extending the due date at this time
Q) Page 13, Scope of Work. The beginning of this section states that “The County has five primary objectives”, but only 4 items follow. Can the County please confirm that there are only four primary objectives or provide the fifth?

A) There are only four objectives, please refer to the addendum as this was already clarified by the County
Q) Page 14, 3. Performance Levels/Contractor Expectations: What are the number and frequency of conversations/meetings? On average how many people will be in the meetings.

A) Lake County is seeking the proposer in their RFPs response to identify the number of meetings (both in person and remotely) that are needed to support a positive outcome – or delineate the minimum number of meetings required.  The proposal should include the number of meetings suggested to support the outcome being proposed. 
Q) Page 18, b. Who are the Evaluation members and what departments are they from?

A) This is yet to be determined by the County
Q) Lake County has been conducting strategic planning every two years. Have there been any changes to the stakeholders for this project, and are there any new ones?

A) No major changes in stakeholders: Internal audience includes: board members, elected officials and dept heads, key staff
External audience includes: mayors and local elected officials, general public and public interest groups (Sierra Club, Transportation Alliance, etc)

July 18, 2018

Q) Under Scope of Work (p. 13), the RFP stated that Lake County has five primary objectives, but only four were listed. Is there a fifth objective that should be included?
A) This is a mistake and there are only four primary objectives and they are listed.
Q) What type of county and community assessment data is available to help inform the strategic planning process?
A) Yes. Citizen survey and TownHall meetings - posted to website under strategic plan; also Leaders round tables and report are available
Q) During past years, Lake County obtained community and stakeholder input to identify county needs and issues for strategic planning purposes. 
a. Will the County be conducting similar activities to identify county/community needs and issues for this Strategic Plan update? 
b. Will this information be made available to the consultant?
A) A and B yes; looking for suggestions from consultant but County will implement
Q) Does Lake County anticipate that additional community and stakeholder input may be needed as part of the strategic planning process?  If yes, would the consultant be responsible for completing that work?
A) Yes and County will be primarily responsible unless consultant recommends facilitated sessions /meetings  

July 12, 2018

Q) Please provide the budget for this project.
A) Lake County is looking for a proposed budget to be included in the Proposer’s response however professional services over $50,000 required Lake County Board approval.

A) What consultants facilitated the past strategic planning project and updates?
a. 2008 – Public Knowledge LLC
b. First update – Public Knowledge LLC
c. Second update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
d. Third update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
e. Fourth update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
f. 2017 update – Kennedy Consulting LLC

Q) Page 13, Other Assistance. Please clarify “individual competencies” within the context of strategic planning.
A) The reference to ‘individual competencies’ is contained the ‘Other Assistance’ category – which is focused on potential work in the development of organizational values, goals and objectives.  Within that context, the County believes that such organizational development work that it is important to identify differentiating employee competencies critical to the organization’s and individual’s success.   The development of a competency model and framework will enable the County to align its strategic plan with its vision, values and strategies pertaining to talent management. 

Q) Page 14, Project Status Meetings. Can some progress and ad hoc meetings be conducted via video or are they all to be on-site?
A) Yes, with County Administration Executive team but not with departments/board

Q) Page 14, Final Reports. Does the County require four final reports (Assessment, Facilitation, Plan Development, Other Assistance)? Please clarify.
A) No, four final reports are not required

Last Post: Addendum#1 - 7/10/2018



Q) Item 28 on page 8 indicates that payments shall not exceed the amounts shown in the following schedule; however no schedule was attached.    Will the County provide the total budgeted amount for the project as well as the payment schedule by task as suggested in item 28?
A) The reference in Section 28 to a schedule is a typo and payments will be made based on an agreed upon payment schedule that may be broken down by task. The proposers should include a price proposal as specified with the RFP price proposal section 


Q) In the required references document, will you please clarify what you mean by “# of Employees?” Are you referring to the number of client employees we’ve worked with on each project, or, are you referring to the number of Health Management Associate consultants that worked on each project? A) The County is looking for an idea of the depth of the firm and how many employees work for a particular firm to give the County an idea of the depth of the proposal. Additionally, it would be helpful to include the number of Health Management Associate consultants that worked on each project as a point of reference.

Q) Please indicate the approximate time funding will be available for Task 3 and 4; this will have implications for overall budget. A) This is yet to be determined. These tasks may be a potential future engagement and/or phase of the contract; therefore, the County would like to solicit responses to determine future viability.
Q) Please provide a budget cap or range for the 18-month engagement. A) Professional services over $50,000 require County Board approval. However, the County is seeking proposals that provide a suggested budget for the deliverables specified in the RFP scope of work.

Q) Is the vendor responsible for facilitating all Coalition meetings and all monthly meetings for the four sub-committees? A) Yes. Ministerial support for the meetings will be provided by County staff.

Q) We assume the facilitator and subject matter experts will be required to be in-person for the quarterly Coalition meetings; is this the case? A) Yes, however if a proposer has an alternative offering they are encouraged to include this in their proposal. 

Q)Do all of the sub-committee meetings take place in-person or are some of these conducted via videoconference or teleconference? A) In-person. Upon request videoconference and/or teleconference access can be provided.

Q) If all meetings are conducted in-person and the vendor’s facilitator is on site, is there any flexibility in having subject matter expert/s participate via videoconference or teleconference for either Coalition meetings or sub-committee meetings? Regularly or on occasion? A) The County prefers in-person rather than via videoconference or teleconference; however, if a proposer has an alternative offering they are encouraged to include this in their proposal.   

Q) On the bottom of page 15, the RFP references, ten proposer multi/consecutive day in-person meetings.”  Is this related to facilitation of the quarterly and monthly subcommittee meetings or in addition for some other purpose? A) Yes, this is related to facilitation of the quarterly and monthly subcommittee meetings which may be scheduled to enable multi/consecutive day in-person meeting.

Last Post: Addendum#1 - 7/10/2018



Q) Please provide the number of leaves for each of the past five years. A) 2018: currently 737 unique LOA’s, 2017: 652 unique LOA’s, 2016: 709 unique LOA’s, 2015: 607 unique LOA’s, 2014: 267 unique LOA’s (this is only a reporting period of July – December)

Q) Will the County consider alternative price structures if it benefits the County? A) The County is open to considering alternative price structure.

Q) Where is the County’s current FMLA/LOA service team located? A) Chicago, IL

Q) How many personnel are currently assigned to the County and what are their positions?  Are any of the positions fully dedicated (meaning that are exclusively assigned to Lake County and do not serve any other employers)?  A)There is not a dedicated team for Lake County. There is a call center that handles that specialists manage all leaves for many clients.

Q) Is the County’s expectation/requirement that the “dedicated account representative(s)” (referenced in Scope of Work, Performance Standards, Customer Service) are assigned exclusively to Lake County? A) We are requesting a dedicated representative who will be available to contact when any question/situation/issue may arise and needs to addressed. If necessary, we set up reoccurring meetings we would want to work with the same individual as it is important to us that we have consistency when establishing and maintaining a relationship with a vendor.

With regard to the Scope of Work added in Addendum 1: Lake County Retiree Billing, please provide the following information:
• Q) How many retirees? A) 43
• Q) How many vendors? A) Our current provider does not have a relationship with any of vendors, they collect payments and send directly to us. Though they do hold our rate schedule and would know what benefits a retiree is enrolled in.
• Q) How are rates designed per vendor (age rated, sex rated, smoker, non-smoker, flat rate, tier, etc.)? A) They are a flat rate per plan. The rates are for medical, dental and vision coverages as a retiree.
• Q) With regard to the statement: “provide any legal notices as necessary,”  what types of legal notices are to be provided?  Is this in regard to termination due to non-payment?  A) Yes, we would want to know the schedule/process of when past due/termination notices would go out and how that would be communicated to us. If not, please specify.
• Q) Does the County coordinate all death benefit or disability claims with the vendors? A) In regards to retirees we would coordinated a medical, dental and/or vision benefits in the event of a death of a retiree.


Addendum #1: An additional scope of work was added and a revised price proposal sheet was also added to reflect the additional scope of work. When submitting a proposal in response to this RFP please use the revised proposal price sheet with your proposal.



Q) The County’s website still lists Construction and Facilities as separate divisions within the Department of Finance and Administrative Services. Is Facilities and Construction Services a new department or is it still a division? 

A) Facilities and Construction Services is a new Department.  The history and creation of the Department is covered on page 11 of the RFP under the background section.
Q) Is the FAS assessment available for review prior to submission of our proposal?  A) The FAS assessment is not finalized and is not expected to be finalized prior to the submission date.  In the event it is finalized prior thereto, it would be available.
Q) Is the intent for Phase 1 to be a high-level review to identify topics for additional study? Several of the topics listed under Phase 2 in the Scope of Work are items we would normally do in a Phase 1.   A) Phase 1 is intended to be a thorough review of the Department, its organizational structure and operations with proposed areas for focus.  Phase 2 is intended to focus on a select number of areas and recommendations for further analysis and implementation.
Q) Is there a budget for Phase 1 and/or an overall budget for Phases 1 and 2?  A) There is no set budget for the Phases as the County would like the proposer to provide a price proposal that meets the scope of work while utilizing the expertise of the firm.  Funding for the assessment would be through the County’s GOE account. 

Last Post: Addendum 1 - 11/26/2018


January 29, 2019

Submission DATE EXTENTED: February 7, 2019 by no later than 2:00 p.m. local time.Proposals received after the time specified will not be opened.

January 24, 2019

Q) I'm requesting the average over the past 3 years for the amounts of medical payments (which applies to both medical only and indemnity claims) and total paid (again, inclusive of both medical only and indemnity payments but includes payment amounts for medical, lost time, and additional expenses charged to the claim).  We can average amounts out with the totals of each for the past 3 years.  For example, medical paid for all workers comp claims in 2018 amounted to $2.5M & Total Paid for all workers comp claims was $5M.  In 2017, medical paid was $3M and total paid was $5.75M. In 2016, it was $3M & 7M respectively.  Ideally, if the County can provide those amounts for 2016-2018 it will go a long way for us to appropriately price our fees. 


Year            Number of Medical Payment          Amount Paid (after med review)

2018               1303                                            $537,075.32

2017               1691                                            $877,023.42

2016               1609                                            $840,994.22  

January 16, 2019

Q) Can you confirm # of takeover claims and type of claim?
A) a. WC – 114 (31 medical, 83 indemnity)
     b. Civil - 113

Q) Can you please confirm that FMLA Administration is not part of this RFP? A) Correct, FMLA Administration is not part of this RFP

Q) Can you let us know many nurse casement assignments are referred annually and who is the current vendor used? A) Our current TPA provides case management services.  We do not current track the number of assignments so we are unable to answer this question.

Q) Can you please provide loss runs for the past 3 years?If loss runs are unavailable, can you please provide brief description of liability type of claims.

A) We are unable to provide loss runs. Please see below.

Coverage Number of Claims:
Auto Liability - Property Dama:     1
Medical Malpractice:                     1
General Liability - Property D:      8
Auto PD - Comprehensive:         12
Errors & Omissions:                    18
Auto PD - Collision:                     20
Property:                                     24
Law Enforcement Liability:          29

January 14, 2019

Please note the due date time noted as 3pm on the online posting is incorrect as the due date time is 2pm. All proposals must be received by no later than 2pm on 1/31/2019.

January 9, 2019

Q) Can we propose life of contract pricing only, or will that disqualify us? A) no

Q) Can you provide actual loss data for the last 5 years? A) we are unable to provide actual loss data as we have open matters in litigation.

Q) RFP is titled for Workers’ Compensation and Liability claims however the loss history on page 12 lists property loss frequency – are first party property losses to be included in this RFP? If so, who is the carrier and is it subject to a Self-Insured Retention or Deductible? 

• Property losses are paid through the TPA but adjusted in-house. 
• Subrogation losses (sign damage, signal damage, road damage, etc) is handled by the TPA

Q) Auto physical damage claim services a part the requested Auto claim services? A) yes

Q) In terms of litigated liability claims, what is the county’s expectation of our role?  Will the TPA will still provide full claim handling services and oversight of the litigated file or are litigated claims entirely handed off to counsel? A) The TPA maintains reserves but in general, litigated claims are handled entirely by the States Attorney Office.

Q) Regarding a Performance Guarantee (PG) – does the county have a PG with the current TPA – if so please provide or indicate what preferred metrics the County would like to see incorporated. A) We do not have a current performance guarantee with our current TPA.

Q) Would it be acceptable to the County that we propose providing written status reports (page 14, 3rd last and last bullets) as part of the quarterly claim reviews?  A) While written status reports are part of our claim reviews, in general, we prefer face to face meetings.

Q) The RFP states that responses to County inquiries are required within 1 business day (16th bullet on page 15).  Our standard to provide a 24 hour 3-point contact for new claims, there may be instances when the required response time of within one business day is not feasible, is this acceptable? A) This is acceptable

Q) What service areas is the County looking to improve from the current TPA? A) We are required to procure vendors every 5 years.  This RFP is in response to that requirement.

January 8, 2019

Q)  Please provide the number of takeover claims? A) a. WC – 114 (31 medical, 83 indemnity) b. Civil - 113

Q) Please provide the bill review volume? A) 2018 - 1065

Q)Do we have to provide life of claim pricing as a lump sum, or can we provide pricing on a  per claim basis? A) Please provide per claim pricing with the expectation that it is for the life of the claim by type.

Q)We operate in a paperless environment, what would the volume of paper files the new TPA would take over? A) Zero

Q) Page 11 - Background - please elaborate on the liability program structure.
A) the $2M SIR through Safety National specific to each GL loss

Q) Regarding loss history information - please provide at least 3 full years and current year to date loss runs for all lines of business to service. 
A) We are unable to provide loss runs as they include information on open claims/pending litigation

Q) For WC claims:  Please have loss runs include amounts for medical and total paid. 
A) We are unable to provide loss runs as they include information on open claims/pending litigation

Q) Provide current number of open takeover claims as well as split of the open medical only to indemnity claims.
A) WC – 114 (31 medical, 83 indemnity)

Q) For liability claims:Provide current number of open takeover claims by line of coverage (ex GL BI/GL PD, Auto BI/Auto PD, E&O, etc.)

A)                                             Coverage Number of Claims
Auto Liability - Property Dama:   1
Medical Malpractice:                     1
General Liability - Property D:      8
Auto PD - Comprehensive:         12
Errors & Omissions:                    18
Auto PD - Collision:                     20
Property:                                       24
Law Enforcement Liability:         29

January 7, 2019

Q) Regarding page 9 # 34 - Can you provide copy of or link to the County Information Security policy & privacy standards?  A) This policy applies in the unlikely event that a vendor is asked to use the Lake County Network. This policy can be provided in the event that a vendor is asked to use the Lake County Network.

Q) Current RFP is missing page 10 - please clarify if this is a page number typo or provide missing page.  A) The pages are inadvertently numbered incorrectly; there are no missing pages.

Q) Page 19 - Under scope of services - RFP states: Proposal should be presented in a tabbed format for ease of review in the sections listed: FMLA Admnistration, Reporting, Technology, and Audit Requirements."  However, the 4 sections in the Scope of Work beginning on pages 14-18 are: A. General Requirements and Expectations, B. Information Systems and Technology Requirements, C. Company Information, & D. Communication Requirements.  Please confirm the sections that these are the sections that should be tabbed in the Scope of Services. A) Please disregard the tabbed format on page 19 as this is a typo. Please follow the instructions found in the Scope of Work beginning on pages 14-18 which are: A. General Requirements and Expectations, B. Information Systems and Technology Requirements, C. Company Information, & D. Communication Requirements. 


January 29, 2019


February 7, 2019 by no later than 2:00 p.m. local time. Bids received after the time specified will not be opened.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 1/14/2019


February 8, 2019

Q) How much funding is available for this contract?  A) We will size the budget to the amount of work the consultant proposes, if that amount of work/approach make sense.

Q) What is the source of funding for this contract? A)This work is for our 2020-24 Consolidated Plan as well as for our CoC, so we are funding it with our CDBG Administration & Planning funds.

The additional data and reports requested have been added to the posting as attachments.  

Feb 1, 2019

Please note an exhibit A has been added to the posting to provide additional information relevant to the solicitation

Jan 25, 2019

Q) Is it only Lake County or Illinois firms that qualify to apply for the project?
A) No

Q) Can proposals be mailed in? As it is written the RFP seems to suggest that proposals be hand delivered to the address specified on the 9th floor office at 18 N County Street by the due date.
A) Yes, proposals can be mailed in.

Q) My firm is a sole proprietorship. There is a requirement in the RFP for an Account representative. I do my own accounting for the business. Does this disqualify me from making a proposal?
A) An “account representative” serves as the main contact between the vendor and Lake County. This is not the same as the person who does accounting for a business. You may serve as the account representative for your firm; however, please note that this is a large project with a short turnaround time, and staff capacity is a factor that is considered when selecting the best proposal.

Q) The timeline seems unreasonable for the research and delivery of the study. The contract extension occurs on April 9th and the research is expected to be completed April 15th with a draft report due Ma1st. This doesn't seem to make sense because the RFP is already limiting innovative approaches that could be used for the study by prescribing the use of the research approach, "perform outreach, interview stakeholders, and complete research." That also leaves only one week for the study. Why is there a rush to get the study completed?
A) The study must be completed according to the timeline provided. Only vendors that have the capacity to complete the work in the timeline provided should respond to the RFP. The contract for the Gap Analysis report will be executed on April 9th with a draft due on May 1st.  The County reserves the right to enter into contracts with qualified proposers to perform research duties of a limited scope prior to executing the Gap Analysis contract on April 9th. 

Q) Will you please provide my firm with access to the HMIS data for Lake County if you think my firm qualifies?
A) HMIS calculations of HUD’s system performance measures will be posted in this Answer section as soon as they become publicly available.


March 1, 2019

Q) What  sort of proof would the Lake County Purchasing Division like in terms of being an approved vendor under the Adjustable Block Program? My company is already a registered vendor under the program and we are listed here: Would the County like a screenshot of this webpage where my company is listed? Or is there an alternative sort of representation to show that we are a vendor?

A) A screenshot of the IPA’s Approved Vendor search page listing the company and its Approved Vendor Type will suffice.

Q) For Scope 1, how long would the County like the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) term lengths to be?

A) Term lengths are at the Proposers’ discretion.

Q) What will happen if the Adjustable Block Program is completely filled up at the time of bid award? Will Lake County be willing to make a commitment to a bid winner for the next incentive program coming out of IL? Or will the County release a new RFP if a new IL solar incentive program comes out and not continue with the winner of this RFP?

A) The County understands that the projects proposed in this RFP may not complete the required steps in time to be included in the first round of the IPA’s funding program (e.g., design, permitting, interconnection agreement).  The County intends to complete these projects with the selected Proposer(s) in whichever IPA funding round aligns with project readiness.

February 27, 2019

Q) Are load  profiles for the behind-the-meter sites available to determine appropriate sizing of facilities and possible economic benefits that the consumer would accrue?

A) Account data for each specific facility is not available during the bidding process but will be available to the selected proposer(s) upon contract award.  For the proposal, Proposers should estimate the size/capacity of the solar PV system based on the area of available rooftop and/or land, and should assume that each facility listed in Attachment A consumes more power per year than can be produced on site. 

Q) Libertyville Campus: the parcel listed on the RFP is about 30 acres, yet 40 acres is said to be available. Is the entirety of that land available or only the parcel listed?

A) A section of this parcel is protected wetlands which is not available for development. Additionally, the property is part of a Planned Urban Development (PUD) and it is likely that a proposed solar array will trigger a PUD amendment requiring a public hearing, site plan review, etc. The final size of the array will depend on Village of Libertyville regulations.
Q) Wastewater Treatment Plant (Mundelein): Is all open ground between both facilities available for solar?

A) Of the five acres originally identified, four are wetland/floodplain.  Proposers should determine suitability accordingly.

Q) City of North Chicago Closed Landfill (Site #42): 11.8 acres does not seem to be available as a portion of the landfill is currently being utilized. Will that area be available for solar or will only the western side remain available for solar?

A) A section of this property is currently under a lease agreement which expires in 2019.  The entire site will be available for development.

Q) N. Butrick Landfill Site (Site #45): The RFP lists about 25.66 acres available yet the site only seems to have 7.5 acres available. Are there multiple sites not listed in the RFP?

A) This response revises the available acres from 25.66 to 7.5.  The balance of the area on the south of the site is wetland, unavailable for development.

Q) Does the county assume the projects will seek an ABP award upon receipt of notice of award/contract negotiation with the county?

A) As noted in Task 1 and Task 2 of both Scope 1 (behind the meter) and Scope 3 (land lease), the County assumes that the timeline for the selected proposer(s) applying for the Illinois Power Authority’s Adjustable Block Grant Program will be dependent on the project achieving required milestones (e.g., design, interconnection agreement, permitting, etc.).

February 22, 2019

Q) Are load profiles for the behind-the-meter sites available to determine appropriate sizing of facilities and possible economic benefits that the consumer would accrue?

A) Account data for each specific facility is not available at this time but will be provided to the selected proposer(s) upon contract award.  For the proposal, Proposers should estimate the size/capacity of the solar PV system based on the area of available rooftop and/or land, and should assume that each facility listed in Attachment A consumes more power per year than can be produced on site. 

February 18, 2019

Q) Have you scheduled a site visit for the Solar RFP?

A) The County does not plan to offer visits to the 45 sites during the bidding process.

Q) Our Team assumes each of these buildings can use as much solar capacity as is included in the ComEd Capacity row on the provided Attachment A B and C Spreadsheet.  We would like to ask if there are there any limiting factors, such as the annual electricity usage of each building, that could be provided for each site in Scope 1?

A) To clarify, the ComEd capacity figure is the volume of power that is available on the section of the grid in which each facility is located, not the capacity of each facility to generate or consume electricity.  The annual electricity figures for each facility will be provided to the selected proposer after the contract award.

Q) Our Team would like to confirm that the Award(s) for Scope 1 of this RFP opportunity would be awarded on a site-by-site, rather than forty-site portfolio-wide Award based on our reading of point 5 on page 5 of the RFP.  We would like to request the County confirm whether it is seeking a site-specific or portfolio-wide PPA rate within Scope 1 of this RFP and whether projects will be awarded on a site-by-site, community-by-community, or portfolio-wide basis to ensure the accuracy of our response?

A) The County may award Scope 1 to a single proposer or to multiple proposers.  Proposers should submit the PPA price or prices as it sees fit. 

Q) Can utility account information (account numbers, or annual kWh usage) be provided for each of the BTM sites in this RFP?

A) This information will be provided to the selected proposer(s) after the contract award.

Q) Can you provide more information about the sites:
a. Areas where we can place panels?
b. Locations of utility meters / interconnection points?
c. Sizing of your switchgear?

A) 5a. Attachment A notes which facilities have space available on rooftops and which have land, and Amendment 1 provides aerial maps of each site.  For those with land, proposers may assume that most of the vacant area surrounding the facility is available for solar development, however, areas with existing tree cover may have limited availability for development.

5b. This information will be provided to the selected proposer(s) after the contract award.

5c. This information will be provided to the selected proposer(s) after the contract award.

Q) We cannot initiate engineering designs for the sites in this RFP until we have a firm estimate of how large we can design our systems. In addition to the land areas you provided in Attachment 1, we will also need annual energy consumption data at each site so that we know what our target solar generation will be. This can be provided by sending us the annual kWh numbers, or by sending the ComEd utility account numbers.  At a minimum, we need a two- to three-week lead time from initiating the engineering designs to submit our Proposal. As a result, we would like to request an extension to this RFP such that the new deadline is at a minimum two weeks from the release of the requested information.

A) The RFP is not requesting any engineering plans or drawings with the proposal, that phase will be completed after contract award.  Proposers should estimate the size/capacity of the solar PV system based on the area of available rooftop and/or land, and should assume that each facility listed in Attachment A consumes more power per year than can be produced on site.  The County does not intend to extend the proposal submission deadline.

February 15, 2019

Exhibit D- Maps was posted to the RFP bid package today.


March 25, 2019

Q) Are any employees in the study represented by a collective bargaining unit or union? If so, please provide the union/union names. A) Please refer to the March 7, 2019 Addendum already posted.

Q) Does the County have a budget for the study that it can share with us? A) Please refer to the March 7, 2019 Addendum already posted

March 21, 2019

Q) We understand that the County would like a proposal for up to 100 benchmark positions in the classification and compensation, but is it your intent to also have the consultant review and analyze the salaries and benefits for all of the positions in the organization using the information gathered on the benchmark positions? If so, please advise how many positions/classifications there are in the County, and how many employees would be included in the study.
A) We are looking for vendor to benchmark up to 100 positions. For those benchmark positions we need salaries analyzed, not all of our positions. We also want our salary ranges analyzed to ensure we are competitive. Benefits - general overview, that should include employee premium cost and total cost.

March 19, 2019

Q) Could you please elaborate on the level of detail the County desires in analyzing the competitiveness of the benefits program offered to employees and executives? 
A) The County is looking for a general overview. This should include employee premium cost and total cost.

March 18, 2019

Q) On page 15 the RFP states: “8. Provide one to three examples of similar work including one reference for similar work with a Continuum of Care.”  It looks like the County wants project abstracts here.  It states “Continuum of Care” rather than “Compensation Study”. Please clarify. 

A) Thank you for pointing out this error and you are correct on page 15 when it states “Continuum of Care” it should read “Compensation Study”.

March 7, 2019

Q) Are there any specific L/W/MBE goals established for this project? A) No there are not any specific goals established specifically for this project. Please refer to the RFP document for further clarification.

Q) What consultant did the County use for the benchmark positions in 2014-15?
A) Buck Consultants

Q) Under scope of work, it suggests the successful vendor is to recommend new salary ranges.  Our experience has shown that the creation of new salary ranges for an entity the size and complexity of Lake County would require a far more comprehensive examination of both internal equity and external competitiveness than this RFP seems to require.  Can you please provide additional information on the County’s desired deliverable and expectations for this study? 
A) We do have salary ranges, we want to ensure our ranges are current with market for the benchmark positions we will provide.  No slotting is expected

Q) What involvement from unions does the County anticipate during this project?
A) None    

Q) Are the County’s existing job descriptions current?A) For those included in the survey, they will be current.

Q) What is the County’s approved budget for the project? A) This project was budgeted as part of the FY19 budget. All professional services procured exceeding $50,000 require competitive procurement and County Board approval.


April 17, 2019

Q) Page 4 of RFP states 30 day notice to cancel, our agreements are a minimum of 12 months. Will the County be willing to negotiate these terms? A) Please include any exceptions to the RFP terms and conditions as an exception as identified in the RFP.

Q)Page 12 #4 mentions that the “Proposer will create curriculum and training which will allow employees to earn various professional certifications.” What type of Certifications? A) Please refer to the addendum as this questions was already answered in a pervious addendum.

Q) Page 12 #9: Our content isn't custom, so what do you mean by “Describe if materials can be customized for future use with updated concepts/information.“?  A) If proposed material isn’t customizable then describe how the proposed material will meet the needs of the County. 

April 15, 2019

Q) Does the project represent a continuation of a past or current effort or is this a new initiative? A) There was a past program designed to provide training for emerging and current supervisors.  The program run successfully for 5 years and then interest started to fall.

Q) If you have used a similar process in the past, what parts do you wish to retain, and which parts do you wish to improve or discard? A) We know employees are not making a connection between training and promotional opportunities, departments are not giving employees room to use the training they received and there is no way to determine if training is practical and worth while as far as application is concerned. The training was/is needed however its practical application/relevance is at question.

Q) Do you have an incumbent who provides similar services to those described in the RFP? A) No.

Q) What is your budget or budget range or how much have you spent on similar work in the past? A) The County has not procured a similar service in the past
Q) What is your estimate of the number of individuals who would be served by the project?  The initial project should involve managers and emerging managers. About 250 employees went through the previous program in 5 years so, I would anticipate 30-40 people per year. If this program is successful and trainees are able to implement practices and principles for which they receive training, we will provide more structured training plans to technical and administrative personnel. 

Q) What are their titles? A) All Supervisory position and professional level non-supervisory positions. 

Q) Are you anticipating individual services, group services, or a mixture of both? A) Proposals should include a recommendation.

Q) What is the anticipated size of each training cohort? A) Proposals should include a recommendation.

Q) If there is a face-to-face trainer, can there also be a virtual trainer? A) Yes, provided it is effective.

Q) What is your preferred modality for meetings (in-person, virtual)? Will all meetings be conducted using the same modality? A) You should provide us with a recommendation.

Q) Do you have a preference for local businesses or vendors? A) No

Q) Is the proposed project based on similar programs that have been developed elsewhere or used by other organizations? A) Not to our knowledge 

Q) Why are you choosing to outsource this project rather than staffing it internally?  A) The cost of a internal resource and the knowledge/expertise needed to implement relevant programs is varied and we have found it difficult to find one person who can stay abreast of changing techniques/methods to provide a comprehensive org development plan.

Q) Will answers to questions from all potential be shared among them? A) Yes, all questions and answers are posted as defined in the RFP using the addendum process

Q) Will we be able to learn who the other bidders are? A) No, this is one distinction of a RFP vs. a public bid opening. Sealed proposals are not publicly opened 

Q) In our proposal, may we include references and hyperlinks to electronic resources, e.g, to web pages? A) Yes

Q) The proposal price sheet calls for “a flat fee for the core program.”  We assume that this includes all consulting services and recommendations for development programs for several levels of County employee.  Since the number of employees to be trained is not specified, is it acceptable to include the cost for delivering  pilot sessions for these levels?  A) We will consider any pricing you provide, however, you should have an idea of the number of employees your programs can effectively accommodate.  We do not have a specific timeline to get a specific number of employees trained.  While we will consider a pilot session cost, I don’t see the need for it if we have course content.

March 27, 2019

Q) On pg.12, it is stated that Lake County is looking for an “Occupational Development Program” (bullet 1) and in bullet #4 there is mention of participants earning professional certifications as a result of the program you’re looking to develop. Does this mean you’re looking for job skills (technical skills) training and industry certifications associated with requirements of specific jobs? Or are you looking for overall professional, leadership development (soft skills) training?A) Certifications such as Project Management Certification, SHRM Certification, etc.  and professional leadership development, etc. training

Q) Page 12, bullet 1 also identifies 5 stakeholder groups whose needs should be addressed by the desired program. Is the implication here that there will be different programs developed for each of the 5 groups? A) Different Programs

Q) How long and at what frequency is Lake County looking to have the progra(s) run and sessions take place? (IE – 12 month programs with monthly group sessions and individual support happening outside of the group sessions or 3 month programs with 2 group sessions, etc). A) Lake County is looking for the Proposers recommendations and suggestions as to what would suit the needs of Lake County

Q) Along the lines of wanting to make sure our proposal aligns with your objectives, are you able to provide a budge range of resources for the work you’re seeking? A) No


April 12, 2019

Q) RFP, p. 9. Vendor Disclosure Statement states that vendors shall disclose, “All political campaign contributions made by the vendor or an owner, principal, officer, manager, lobbyist, agent, consultant, counsel, subcontractor, or corporate entity under the control of the vendor to any county board member, county board chair, or countywide elected official as well as contributions to any political action committees within the last five years.” Please clarify whether these campaign contributions are restricted to the last five years for current officials, or within the last five years generally, applicable to officials no longer engaged. A) Campaign contributions for current officials.

April 3, 2019

Q) Will the County consider an extension of the current Due Date? A) No, an extension will not be considered as this time. The due date shall remain on April 23, 2019 at 11 a.m. as stated in the RFI document.

Q) Will the County consider provision of Hardware specifications only, allowing them to procure the hardware at the best possible price for them? A) The proposals received will all be reviewed and considered as we are in a gathering of information stage. All information is welcomed. 

Q) As this is  an RFI, and no Scope or definite installation dates are in place, it is not possible to state who will be DEDICATED to the project, as it is too early to be able to predict who will be available.  Will the County accept a statement that the most qualified, available team will be assigned, based on scope and timing of the project? A) Yes, and if and when a RFP is issued to procure these services then a more specific request for the assigned project team will be part of that RFP. 

Q) Since the purpose as stated for this is  RFI is to gather information is this Disclosure document?  Generally this type of document is normally found in a more formal document such as an RFP that will result in a contract. A) This form is required as part of this process and is used as a tool for the review team to identify any conflict of interests in evaluating the proposals. This form must be included in the proposal response by each responding vendor. 

April 1, 2019

Q) The RFI indicates that “Eight PSAPs are partners in the 9-1-1 Consolidation Planning Project supporting this RFI.” Can the county please specify which 8 PSAPs?

1) CenCom E9-1-1
2) Fox Lake Police Dept.  (FoxComm)
3) Gurnee Police Dept.
4) Lake County Sheriff’s Office 9-1-1
5) Lake Zurich Police Dept. (Through the Lake County ETSB)
6) Mundelein Police Dept.
7) Vernon Hills Police Dept. (with Countyside Fire Protection District Dispatch who is co-located)
8) Waukegan Police Dept.

Q) The RFI indicates that “Participating Law Enforcement Partners - numerous municipalities and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office - are simultaneously researching enterprise Law Enforcement records management systems (RMS) and corrections / jail management systems.” Can the county please clarify whether any future RFP for a CAD system will include requirements for an enterprise suite of CAD, MDC, RMS, and corrections / jail management systems, or if the CAD is likely to be procured separately?
A) The 9-1-1 Consolidation Project is actively coordinating with other public safety functional areas and entities. A goal for the 9-1-1 Consolidation Planning Project is for the participating partners to agree on a scalable enterprise CAD and MDC system that the partners can migrate to as they consolidate in the future.  A vision for the Project is to work closely with other public safety functional areas to select a scalable enterprise CAD, MDC, RMS, and corrections / jail management system that the partners can migrate to in the future.

Q) What is the funding plan for the CAD? Have funds been secured?
A) As stated in the Intent of the RFI document, information received in response to this RFI will be used for establishing budgetary approval for procurement in Fiscal Year 2020 and beyond. 

Q) Should the County decide to proceed past the RFI process, has a time frame been established in which an RFP may be issued?
A) Should the partners decide to proceed with an RFP, the RFP process could occur late in calendar year 2019 or in calendar year 2020.

Q) Who is the technical contact and/or project manager?
A) This has not been established yet as the purpose of the RFI is to identify vendors, their products, and services that can provide a county-wide enterprise CAD system. Additionally, to provide general cost estimates from previous projects, including general pricing structure with the breakdown of standard initial costs, contractual hourly rates, and optional service / maintenance costs.

Q) Have you had any external assistance preparing this RFI?
A) No, the Technology Working Group under the 9-1-1 Consolidation Planning Project drafted the RFI and vetted it through project partners and Lake County Purchasing.

Q) Does the County anticipate any professional or consulting services may be needed to accomplish this effort? (i.e. project planning/oversight, PM, QA, IV&V, staff augmentation, implementation services etc.)?
A) Unable to determine at this time.

Q) As dealing with public sector, we understand that there is generally a process of board approval, has this process been completed?
A) No, as with any RFI the intent is to gather information and obtain facts that can be used in a future procurement endeavor.

March 28, 2019

Q) RFI, p. 3, Paragraph 4 states that responding vendors must submit questions to Lake County by 2:00 p.m. CST on April 16, 2019. As the RFI response deadline is Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. CST, and responding vendors must acknowledge the content and receipt of addenda on the General Information Sheet provided on RFI, p. 6, we respectfully request the deadline to submit questions to Lake County be adjusted to 2:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, April 9, 2019. This will provide responding vendors with adequate time to fully account for agency responses in the addenda, better satisfying the unique needs of Lake County. A) Lake County declines the request to expend the deadline for questions as it is believed that the current deadline of April 16th allows for sufficient time for vendors to meet the deadline of April 23 to submit proposals in response to this RFI.

Q) RFI, p. 2, Intent section and RFI, p. 4, Project Scope section, item 12 request that responding vendors provide cost estimates for the proposed solutions. As such, we respectfully request that Lake County clarify the total number of concurrent users that are anticipated to use the new software solution. A) Please provide ranges in your response to this question as to an estimated cost. (i.e. 1 – 100 users, 100 – 200 users, etc). The total number of concurrent users of this software solution is unknown at this time.

March 25, 2019

Q) Can you please confirm that RFI #19061 is being issued on behalf of a consortium of public safety entities and does not have any impact nor will we be in violation of any procurement rules for  discussions and demo’s that are happening directly with Lake County Sheriff’s Office on similar projects? 
A) RFI# 19061 is issued by Lake County (on behalf of a consortium of Public Safety Entities in Lake County) with the intent of replacing numerous, independent CAD systems with the transition to a new, consolidated 9-1-1 and Emergency Dispatch construct. The new hardware and software will support 9-1-1 and Emergency Dispatch services for partner municipalities and agencies throughout Lake County. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office inquiry on similar projects and initiatives does not conflict with vendors submitting proposals in response to this RFI.   

Q) Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this? (like, from India or Canada) A) All proposals will be considered for this RFI.

Q) Whether we need to come over there for meetings? A) This is a request for information. The RFI will be used for establishing budgetary approval for procurement in Fiscal Year 2020 and beyond.

Q) Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA? (like, from India or Canada) A) The specifics of this should be included in the proposal.

Q)  Can we submit the proposals via email? A) No, please comply with all submittal instructions found in the RFI document.


April 5, 2019

Q. Do you require both Live and Online auction or will Online only be considered? Lake County is requesting commission fees for both Live and Online. 

A. The County reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part.  Vendors may submit for one or both.

Q. Is a reserve amount required or will you consider no-reserve auctions?

A. Reserve amounts are not required but may be employed depending on the good or equipment sold.


April 8, 2019

Page 11 of the RFP Section 3 under Background revenue received chart was revised:

Below is a summary of total revenue received from auction sales in the past two (2) years:

                                                 2017                             2018
Lake County Government        $134,306.36                 $166,212.05
Lake County Forest Preserve   $147,192.71                $245,283.15

                                                 2017                             2018
Lake County Government        $67,229.19                   $235,109.02
Lake County Forest Preserve  $3,389.19                     $6,575.24


April 10, 2019

~~Addendum #3

1. Will the County accept alternative or modified solutions to the Scope of Work via exceptions and still be considered responsive? Please reference section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on page 16.
2. Will the County consider vehicle auctions via a program where the public can use a registered broker to purchase? Please reference Section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on page 16.
a. Or, do the auctions have to be directly to the public?
3. What is the address where vehicles and equipment will be expected to be hauled away from to the contractor’s facility? Here are the main locations:
Belvidere Health Center              DOT
2400 Belvidere Road          &       600 W Winchester Road
Waukegan, IL 60085                     Libertyville, IL 60048

4. Our IL locations do not take credit cards. Payment is made via wire transfer or other more secured payment method than credit cards. Will this exception be acceptable to the County? Please reference section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on page 16.
5. Section – Providing information of winning bidders. This information is proprietary and not given out to our clients unless it’s a part of some official legal process such as a subpoena.
a. Will this exception be acceptable to the County? The County request this information for clarification purposes.
6. Will the County provide the titles of the vehicles and equipment to the contractor prior to the auction to ensure a smooth process? For Live Auctions the titles to vehicles and equipment will be provided before scheduled event.  For Online Auctions the title to vehicles and equipment is typically released after payment is received.
7. If a vendor does not auction a type of assets listed in the Scope of Work can that be excluded per an exception? Please reference Section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on page 16.
8. Will the County consider multiple vendors with different levels of service for the various types of assets? The County reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part.
9. If a vendor only provides online auction solutions, will the still be considered responsive? Lake County is requesting commission fees for both Live and Online.  The County reserves the right to award the contract in whole or in part.  Vendors may submit for one or both.
10. How is the County currently disposing of assets? The County currently uses an Auctioneer Service.
11. Who is the current vendor? Obenauf Auctioneer Services.
12. What was the volume of vehicle assets for the past three years?
a. 2016 = 97
b. 2017 = 78
c. 2018 = 79

13. Are vendors required to submit page two (2) of the RFP. Please refer to page two(2) of the RFP document.


April 15, 2019

~~Q. If we are going to submit online only option do you have/want a different/separate response to the RFP for that? How do we address the live auction section such as line items line 7-11 then? 
A. Please reference section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on pages 2 and 16.

Q. In the Online auctions is there an option for staff to take pictures and post the text?
A. Please reference section B. Online Auctions #2.

Q. Can we also submit if they are going to use credit cards there is a separate fee paid by them for that? This way people paying cash or certified funds wont have to pay that fee.
A. Please reference section G. Exceptions to the RFP found on pages 2 and 16.

Q. Are vendors required to submit page two (2) of the RFP.
A. Please refer to page two (2) of the RFP document.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 3/22/2019


April 29, 2019

Q) Who is the new payroll provider they are moving to?

A)  Ultimate.

Q)  Do they have sufficient resources to work on the payroll conversion at the same time as converting retirement plan vendors?

A)  Yes.

Q)  Can you provide more detail on the Fixed account. Whose fixed product is this? Will we need to shadow recordkeep or will the vendor provide us with a selling agreement?

A)  See Addendum Forum dated April 26, 2019.

Q)  Can we get a copy of the plan doc or SPD?

A)  This information will not be provided at this time.

Q)  There are 245 outstanding loans.  What type of loans are these?  How are they repaid?  Can we get a copy of the promissory note associated with the loans?  Do you want the new provider to take over these loans?

A)  More information will be provided to finalists.

Q)  What is the rationale for not signing the contract until after the go live date?

A)  The go live date is anticipated to follow contract execution.

Q)  Are there any other plan types for the employees?

A)  They are IMRF eligible for pension.

Q)  Are all assets mappable?  If not, what are the encumbrances of non-mapppable assets?

A)  The majority of assets are mappable, the Fixed Account has  MVA or 5 year out and will require a custom solution.

Q)  What are annual contributions (excluding rollovers)?

A)  See Addendum Forum post dated April 17, 2019.

Q)  What are unique total and active participants in each plan?

A)  See page 11 of the RFP.

Q)  How many remittances per year?

A)  See page 11 for payroll frequency.

April 26, 2019

Q) Could you please provide MVA details on the fixed account assets? Also, we understand that Nationwide’s typical fixed account termination provision is a 5-year crawl. Please confirm and then also confirm terms related to the Morley Stable Value Retirement Fund?
A) Yes, Nationwide fixed account has a 5 year out or a significant MVA upon any conversion, details will be provided to finalists. Please see question #12, #74 and #77 to provide your solutions.
Morley Stable Value CUSIP is 36643104

Q) What is the preferred date for transfer of assets?
A) Final County Board approval to be submitted August 13, 2019. Asset transfer date TBD, approximately 90 days following final approval.

Q) Please provide the current service agreements with current provider.
A) This information will not be provided at this time.

Q) What are the fees for the plan today with current provider? A)The current pricing arrangement is a fixed asset charge. Please provide fixed asset charge as well as per head pricing as indicated in the RFP.

Q) Please indicate if any of the revenue produced by the fund line-up is kept by the recordkeeper or returned to the plan and or the participants. A) Excess revenue above fixed asset charge is returned to the Plan and or participants. We anticipate changes in investments and/or share classes to be incorporated at conversion.
Q) Please provide a list of any ancillary fees that are currently being charged to the plan and or its participants. i.e) QDRO’s, financial advice, etc. A) This information will not be provided at this time, please provide ancillary fee amounts required by your firm, in question #82 as well as any limitations on providing the services.

Q) Does the plan currently have managed account programs with current provider? If so, please provide the total assets in those programs today. A) Yes, ~$24mm in assets with 392 participants.

Q) Please provide a sample of the current contribution file feed that the plan uses today. Please provide data definitions as well as field level definitions for the file. A) This information will not be provided at this time.

Q) Please provide the current plan document. A) This information will not be provided at this time.

Q) Can you please provide the County’s Info Security Policy and Privacy Standards or direct us to the appropriate area on the county’s website? A) This information is not needed at this time and upon award to the selected vendor any relevant Security and Privacy Standards will be shared with the vendor.

Q) The RFP requests various documents to be signed by authorized negotiators of our firm. Do these authorized negotiators need to be designated as officers of our firm to sign the requested documents? A) No, as long as the person designated can negotiate on behalf of the firm.

April 23, 2019

Q) Please provide identifiers/CUSIPS for the following securities: A) The equity portfolios will change in the case of a plan transition.
Q) Morley Stable Value Retirement Fund A) Morley is a collective trust product, more information will be provided in the next steps.
Q) Nationwide Fixed Account A) see below
Q) Nationwide Large Cap Growth Portfolio A) separately managed account
Q) Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Company Portfolio A) variable insurance product

Q) For all of the investments listed above: A) The investments will change in the case of a plan transition with the possible exception of the Fixed Account which is tied to the general account, and the Morley Stable Value, more information to be provided in next steps.
a. How are they traded and settled?  NSCC?  Manually via fax and wire?
b. Will daily prices or periodic rates be provided to the recordkeeper?
c. Will fund fact sheets be provided to the recordkeeper?
Q) Please provide details about your question about a blended stable value fund? Which funds would you want to blend? A) The fixed account has a 5 year out, please indicate how you would propose transitioning the fixed account and/or managing a blended account over the 5 year period.
Q) Please provide the most recent MVA information. A) Not currently available more information will be provided in the next steps.

April 17, 2019

Q) Will the requirements of Purchase Order and Payments (section 12 of General Terms and Conditions) apply to this opportunity? A) When applicable yes but given the unique nature of this particular procurement it is likely not to apply and any executed agreement with a vendor for these services will include the specific requirements that would apply. 

Q) With respect to the County’s Economic Opportunity Program (section 29 of General Terms and Conditions), does the County have a specific L/W/MBE target or goal for this opportunity? A) No, Lake County does not have a specific L/W/MBE requirement as part of this procurement

Q) Total plan assets are noted as ~$150.3 million on page 11, but $148.4 million on page 13.  Can the County explain the $1.9 million variance; are there additional plan assets not reflected in the current investment lineup shown on pages 12 and 13? A) The self -directed brokerage assets of $307,651 and loan assets of $1,640,956 are included in the total assets but not in the investment lineup.

Q) Is a ticker symbol available for the Morley Stable Value Retirement Fund, the Nationwide Large Cap Growth Portfolio and the Nationwide Multi-Manager NVIT Small Company Portfolio Investments? A) No ticker available – Morley is a CIT product and  NVIT is an insurance fund offered under the current variable annuity contract and Nationwide Multi-Manager Small Company is a separately managed account.

Q) Are there any transfer restrictions and/or charges (deferred sales charges, market value adjustments) that will apply upon termination of the current provider's contract?  If so, please describe and quantify.  If a contract termination notification requirement applies, what date did the County provide such notice to its current provider? A) There will likely be a market value adjustment on the Fixed Account. Either party may terminate the agreement with 120 day notification under current service agreement.

Q) Please provide the total amount of contributions for plan years 2017 and 2016.  Do contribution amounts include incoming rollovers and/or plan-to-plan transfers to the plan? A) 2016 Total Contributions $8.1mm including, $1.2mm in Rollovers-in and .9mm “other” (loan repayments/account splits/DROs etc.) 2017 Total Contributions $9.1mm including $1.5mm Roll in and $1.3mm “other”

Q) Please provide the total amount of distributions for plan years 2017 and 2016.
A) 2016   $6,522,094
     2017   $8,171,447

Q) How many other County locations would onsite education services be required at?  How far apart geographically are these sites?  Would the days at these sites be in place of the dates at the County Building or in addition to?  If in addition to, how many additional days would the County require? A) The current arrangement is every other Monday at both the County Building and one other location. Lake County’s preference is that that recommendations be included in the proposal as a recommendation by the vendor as to what would be best suited for Lake County. 

Q) Does the plan include individual life insurance policies?  If so, please identify the company that underwrites the policies and how many active, non-lapsed policies currently exist. A) Yes, there were 320 policies associated with this plan and 50 are currently active.  Transamerica underwrites the policies, payments will need to be send bi-weekly.

Q) Are managed account services currently available under the plans?  If yes, please provide the number of participants and amount of assets under the service.A) Yes, $24,085mm in assets as of 12/31/2018 with 392 participants.

Q) Besides English, what other languages is the County need for participant and sponsor materials to be provided in? A) Spanish.

Q) Does the plan include an automatic enrollment provision?  If it does not, please confirm QDIA notices are not necessary. A) No, the plan does not auto enroll and does not currently provide QDIA notices.


April 26, 2019

Q. Is the contractor to pay The Gordian Group a 6.25% for every task order received under this contract? Or is the 6.25% fee associated with task orders outside of Lake County for joint purchasing?
A.  No.  please refer to page 16; 18.0 Joint Purchasing Licensing, Section 18.1 &18.2.

Q. Is the contractor’s factor to include the 6.25% for bidding purposes?
A. No. The 6.25% fee for ezIQC joint purchasing projects will be included as a reimbursable task in the Price Proposal.

Q. Page 9 of the bid documents states the county has completed 175 Job Orders since 2009, what was the total value of the 175 Job Orders?
A. Approximately $34,700,000. 

Q. Does the 175 Job Orders include joint purchasing projects for other government agencies outside of Lake County?
A. No. This total is just for Lake County.

Q. What was the value of the joint purchasing projects outside of Lake County?
A. Lake County does not track projects outside of Lake County.

Q. The RFP calls for $2M/year Payment and Performance bond.  In order to reduce cost and provide the County with more competitive coefficients, will the County accept bonding each task order individually rather than carrying a $2M bond when we might not actually perform $2M/year worth of work?
A.  No, however any adjusts to reduce bonding will be handled throughout the term of the contract.

Q. The RFP requests adjustment factors for restricted environment.  Please clarify what “restricted environment” means.   Does this mean prisons, detention centers, secured areas, healthcare facilities etc.?
A. Please refer to page 12; Section 6.31

Q. We understand that the use of CTC catalog to perform work for Lake County is at no cost to the Contractor, however, if other entities wish to “piggy back” on the Lake County contract, then the Contractor must pay the Gordian Group 6.25% fee.  Please clarify.
A. The 6.25% fee is charged to other governmental entities for the use of County’s Job Order Contract.  It will be paid directly to Gordian.  It will be included in the Price Proposal as a reimbursable task.

Q. Section 18.0 Joint Purchasing Licensing, subsection 18.4 states “the contractor authorizes Lake County and the Consultant the use of the Contractor’s name, logos, trademarks, and Contractor provided materials in the presentation and promotion……”  Since parts of the provided material provided in response to this solicitation are considered confidential and proprietary, we ask that such confidential material be exempt for this requirement.  We will identify such confidential material in our proposal. 
A. Proposals are subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) once an award or final selection is made. Please refer to the FOIA statute, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., and specifically Section 7 therein, for explanation of information that may be redacted.  For example, information exempt from disclosure in response to a FOIA request includes but is not limited to: highly personal or objectionable information; trade secrets and commercial or financial information claimed as proprietary, privileged or confidential, the disclosure of which would cause your business competitive harm; valuable formulae, computer geographic systems, designs, drawings and research data when disclosure of the same would produce private gain or public loss; certain construction related technical documents; and information associated with automated data processing operations that, if disclosed, would jeopardize system or data security.

Q. General Conditions, Article I General Provisions, page 28, sub article 2. Architectural and Engineering Services states that incidental design is part of the of the adjustment factor.  Our interpretation of “incidental design” means casual assistance with scoping that does not require the involvement of licensed engineer or architect regardless if a stamped drawing is needed or not.
A. Incidental design may include the use of a licensed engineer or architect. If the Contractor is required to produce a full set of stamped drawings that is used as the Detailed Scope of Work, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the preparation of those stamped drawings. Anything else is considered to be incidental design.

Q. General Conditions, Article I General Provisions, page 28, sub article 2. Architectural and Engineering Services states that the preparation of drawings/plans are considered part of the adjustment factor.  We understand that “drawings/plans” referenced in this section means simple sketches that could be hand drawn to further clarify installations and it is not intended to be full-size design drawings/plans.  Please clarify
A. Yes, simple sketches that need to be drafted by hand or with computer aided drawing system i.e. AutoCAD or Bluebeam will be considered acceptable incidental architectural and engineering services and included in the Adjustment Factor. 

Q. Incidental design is part of the of the adjustment factor.  Our interpretation of “incidental design” means casual assistance with scoping that does not require the involvement of licensed engineer or architect regardless if a stamped drawing is needed or not.   Please confirm.
A. Incidental design may be required to provide scope detail on projects that do not require full set of stamped A/E drawings. Incidental design is a simple sketch drafted by hand, or with computer aid software from paper drawings or electronic files provided by the owner to finalize a detail scope of work.  

General Conditions, page 31 and 32, sub article 5 As-Built Drawings requires the contractor to keep a complete and accurate record of changes to infrastructure and changes must be neatly and correctly recoded daily on full size prints.

Q. Will the County be providing the contractor with full size, as-built drawings for the contractor to utilize or does the County expect the contractor to create these full-size drawings from scratch? 
A. In some cases depending on the detail scope of work requirements the Owner has 2D CAD or 3D RVT files that the will be provided to be updated for AS-Built conditions. In other cases, if the scope work requires Incidental drawings the contractor will be responsible for updating them for As-Built conditions. 

Q. If the contractor is to create these full-size drawings, will the cost be included in each job order price proposal?
A. Yes. If the county requires the Contractor to prepare full-size stamped drawings that is used as the Detailed Scope of Work, then the Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of the stamped drawings as a reimbursable task in the Price Proposal.

Q. We understand the term “shop drawings” does not necessarily mean full-size drawings and in most cases, it is 11 x 17 size or smaller.  Please clarify.
A. The format and size of any required shop drawings will be determined on a Job Order-by-Job Order basis.

Q. General Conditions, page 36 item d. requires the contractor to provide supporting documents to indicate that adequate engineering has been done such as drawings and calculations. 
A. Correct, please refer to page 36; Article III Scope of Work and Procedure for Ordering Work   Section B, 5, d

Q. We understand this to mean that the contractor, at times, may be responsible for providing engineering design and the contractor should provide the supporting documents to prove adequate engineering has been done.  Under this scenario the County will compensate the contractor for such engineering costs.  No calculations, drawings or verification of adequate engineering is required if the contractor is not responsible for providing the engineering/planning.  Please clarify
A. If the Contractor is required to produce a full set of stamped drawings that is used as the Detailed Scope of Work, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the preparation of those stamped drawings. Anything else is considered to be incidental architectural and engineering services and included in the Adjustment Factor.

Q. General Conditions, page 39, Article IV Personnel states a suggested level and titles of key personnel.  We understand that these suggested titles and positions may not match each contractor’s internal JOC titles and position.  We understand that in the absence of the County committing to awarding each contractor $2M/year, the level of personnel may not match the suggested positions listed under this article.  We understand that the number of personnel the contractor will dedicate to the County JOC contract is highly dependent on the amount of work issued to the contractor and the contractor is responsible for providing the necessary number of personnel to manage the workload.  Please clarify.
A. Each awarded contractor shall list who they are assigning as their project manager, assistant project manager/estimator, project superintendent, and administrative assistant.  Clarification on staffing levels is found in Article IV Personnel, B. Personnel, 5. Staffing Levels.

Q. General Conditions, page 41, Article V Price Adjustment describes how the adjustment factors will be updated.  The methodology described which averages the previous 12 months CCI is mathematically flawed and will always produce updates that are not reflective of actual changes in construction costs.   A more accurate way of updating the adjustment factors is to only compare the CCI of the month the contract was awarded to the CCI of the month the option year is to be exercised.  Will the County consider changing the update methodology? 
A. No.

Q. The RFP states that the work under the resultant JOC contract is subject to prevailing wage rates for Lake County, Illinois.  We understand that the current prevailing rate of wages at the time of the award is the rate to be used for the one-year term of the contract regardless of how many updates that might be issued.   New wage rates will be utilized at the beginning of each option year.  Please clarify.
A. This Bid calls for the construction of a “public work,” within the meaning of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act, 820 ILCS 130/.01 et seq. (“the Act”). The Act requires contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers and mechanics performing services on public works projects no less than the current “prevailing rate of wages” (hourly cash wages plus amount for fringe benefits) in the county where the work is performed. The Department publishes the prevailing wage rates on its website at The Department revises the prevailing wage rates and the contractor/subcontractor has an obligation to check the Department’s web site for revisions to prevailing wage rates. For information regarding current prevailing wage rates, please refer to the Illinois Department of Labor’s website. All contractors and subcontractors rendering services under this contract must comply with all
requirements of the Act, including but not limited to, all wage requirement and notice and record keeping duties. 

Q. Subcontractor forms requires bidders to list the names of subcontractors expected to be used on this contract and the amount to be awarded to each subcontractor.  Since this is an indefinite quantity indefinite delivery JOC contract with no actual scope of work at the time of this submittal, there is no way of knowing the amount to be awarded to each subcontractor.  Will TBD (To Be Determined) be an acceptable answer the dollar amount? 
A. Please identify key subcontractors that the contractor may use over the term of the contract.
 Q. Additionally, regarding page 65, Sustainability Statement.  Three lines is not enough to present “a clear description of your firm’s sustainable practices, policies, or procedures” regarding Sustainability.  Would it be compliant to attach additional pages or our firm’s complete Environmental Program?
 A. Yes.

 Q. Bid Bond Amount
 A. Please refer to page 13, Section 10.0 Bid Security and Section 13.0 Contractor Performance and Payment Bond, Sub Section 13.1 – 13.3
Page 25 Section 36.0 Contract Performance and Payment Bonds.


April 23, 2019

Q) If we as a firm have multiple newspapers in Lake County which we wish to submit for consideration to provide publication of the township assessment lists, should those RFI responses be submitted as (1) grouped by township for consideration in separated RFI responses or, (2) as individual publications or, (3) should all newspapers be submitted for consideration as a firm in one single RFI response?
A) They should relate their information to what is relevant to each township (group municipal data detail for consideration). We would use multiple newspapers in certain townships.  We will decide what paper(s) are best for the each township. It can all be done in one response.


June 11, 2019

Q) How much did the City pay for the last contract for all of the services requested in the RFP? A) This varies year to year

Q) If the services in the RFP were paid separately, and not as a lump sum, how much did the City pay for the following:

a. Deputy written exam? $3300 approximate
b. Sergeant written exam? $3300 approximate
c. Lieutenant written exam? $3600 approximate

Q) Who was the last company to provide the City with the services proposed in the RFP and what is their location? A) Industrial Organizational Solutions, Inc, Oak Brook, IL

Q) How many candidates participated in the previous written exam? A) Approximate SGT: 21, LT:4, Deputy: 100

Q) If there was an assessment center, how many candidates participated in the previous assessment center? A) Not applicable

Q) How many candidates are eligible for the upcoming promotional processes?
A) Approx. 100; however, this number can vary

Q) Can the same, or some of the same, 100 questions be used for the written exam or would the County like different questions for each rank? A)Different questions per rank

Q) Will the County provide all facilities for the promotional testing administrations? A) Yes

Q) Does the county want the testing processes to run concurrently? A) Yes

Q) When does the County want the promotional process completed by? A) Not applicable; timing may vary

Q) How many candidate orientations sessions does the County want for each rank?
A) Two per deputy level Summer and Fall

Q) Does the City have a previous job analysis for each police and fire rank that can be utilized during the job analysis process? A) Vendor to clarify question

q) Is the City willing to conduct development meetings for the promotional exams via webinar/phone conference? A) Include in quote for consideration

Written Exam
Q) How many questions will the written exam consist of? A)100 questions

Q) Does the County want the vendor present for the administration of the written exams?
         A) Include in quote for consideration

Q) Is there a protest period/item review that candidates are allowed to participate in for the written exam? A) We do want to provide candidates the opportunity to provide feedback at the end of the test booklet

Last Post: addendum 1 - 4/22/2024


June 12, 2019 (Addendum #7)

Pricing Listing has changed.  Please see attached Price Listing.  Disregard the Price Listing included in Addendum #2.


June 11, 2019 (Addendum #6)

Q#1: When money is deposited on an inmate's account, is a percentage of it taken to pay down the inmate's debt?  If so, how much?

A: If an inmate owes for medical or has other debt, 100% will be taken, if it is a District Court fee, we place a 20% debt on their account.  So it depends on the individual debt.

Q#2: The RFP states that "the current provider delivers product two days a week."  Does this mean an inmate can order commissary twice per week or does it mean that they receive one order per week, but it is delivered over the course of two days?

A: The inmate has a weekly spending limit of $40.00 twice a week.

Q#3: Is there potentially any other available space for commissary operation besides the current space? If so, timeframe?

A: No. Not at the current time.  There may be a possibility in the future.

Q#4: What is the current commission rate?

A: 40%.  For further details please refer to Addendum #2.

Q#5: What is the current price for the indigent kit and what are the contents?

A: Indigent kit(s) are issued upon arrival to the LCJ facility. This kit is free to the inmates and the contents include shampoo and toothpaste. Vendor responsibility is to supply the contents but the LCJ will provide the product. For further details please refer to Addendum #2.

Q#6: A number of the items listed on Attachment 1 are proprietary generic brands and sizes to the current vendor and are not available to other vendors – can we propose our own menu and pricing that features national brands?

A: Herein, or within the attached specifications, whenever the County has listed a specific brand name. Or equal shall automatically apply thereto. This term “or equal” means that the apparent successful bidder may propose to provide an alternate product as long as such proposed alternate product, in the opinion of the County, meets the minimum specifications. For further details please refer to Price Listing.

Q#7: Are the existing 23 POD kiosks provided by Securus? 

A: Yes.

Q#8: If not, and they are the current provider’s kiosk, is the commissary vendor responsible for replacing all of the in-pod kiosks?

A: For further details please refer to Addendum #2.

Q#9: What computer equipment is the vendor required to provide for the trust fund operation to include PC's and printers?

A: Please refer to Securus Contract attached to Addendum #2, RFP page 13 and 14.

Q#10: Can the vendor reside on the county network?

A: No.  For further details please refer to Addendum #2.


June 10, 2019 (Addendum #5)

Q#1: Since Securus has exclusive rights for providing kiosk for all funding of inmate deposits and bond, if we can provide Web, Phone and Walk-In prior to 5/1/21?

A: Lake County will reach out to vendors to provide opportunities prior to any transition.


June 7, 2019 at 1:45 PM (Addendum #4)

Q#1: I just noticed the addendum that came out for the commissary and it states to see attached sales link.

We are receiving an error that there is an error on this page and we cannot access the documents providing on the link.  Could you please provide us with the link for access?

A: All attachments for addendum #2 are within the drop box link below.  Please copy and paste the link in your web browser to view the files.

If you are still unable to bring up the attached items change the web browser.


June 7, 2019 (Addendum #3)

Q #1: Is there a list of county - approved L/W/MBE businesses?

A: No.

Q #2: I submitted a list of questions earlier in the week and requested a response confirming receipt, but never got one.  Can you confirm receipt of these questions.

A: Please see Addendum #2 in reference to your questions asked of the County.

Q #3: Attachment 1, Commissary Listing: On a large number of items, it lists Case and not Each, Is this correct?

A: Yes.

Q #4: Are inmates allowed to purchase cases of product at a time?

A: No.  See pricing list attached to Addendum #2.  This list will provide better insight of the items currently available.


June 6, 2019 (Addendum #2)

All attachments for addendum #2 are within the drop box link below.  Please copy and paste the link in your web browser to view the files.

Q #1: What is the current price for the indigent kit(s) and what are the contents?
A: Indigent kit(s) are issued upon arrival to the LCJ facility.  This kit is free to the inmates and the contents include shampoo and toothpaste.  Vendor responsibility is to supply the contents but the LCJ will provide the product.

Q #2: Will you please provide the current commissary menu with sizes and pricing?
A:  See attached Price Listing link above.

Q #3: Many of the items on the current menu are private label house brands of the current contractor. Please confirm that bidders do not have to bid precisely the same brands or sizes as are listed on Attachment 1 as long as all bidders, “Provide a wide selection of prepared and packaged food, candy, powdered non-alcoholic beverages, personal hygiene items, and general merchandise, including quality brand name products,” as instructed in the Scope of Work part 3.
A: Herein, or within the attached specifications, whenever the County has listed a specific brand name. Or equal shall automatically apply thereto.  This term “or equal” means that the apparent successful bidder may propose to provide an alternate product as long as such proposed alternate product, in the opinion of the County, meets the minimum specifications.

Q #4: Do the $626,000 in reported sales and the 26,744 annual orders reported in the RFP include online commissary sales and/or care packages? YES

a. If not, how man orders and what is the sales volume through those channels?
A:  See attached Commissary Sales link above.

b. Please provide a current menu for the online commissary and care package sales?
A:  See attached Price Listing link above.

c. Are there any fees to place orders through those channels?
A: Yes, cost for Commissary fee is $5.95 per order.

Q #5: Please provide reports showing the prices and sales per-item for the commissary, online commissary and care package programs for the last year. This is information that the current contractor already has and without which no other bidder can accurately forecast demand at whatever price level(s) we propose.
A: See attached link above.

Q #6: What commissions does the County currently receive on commissary, online commissary and care-package sales?
A: 40%

Q #7: Do the 23 kiosks used for commissary ordering provide any other tools like account balances, transaction histories, e-Messaging, grievance filing and tracking etc.?
A: Yes, the 23 kiosks currently use account balances, transaction history, rule book, transfer funds (Commissary to pay phone only).
The County is currently not interested in e Messaging, grievance filling and tracking.

Q #8: What applications, besides commissary ordering, will run on the Securus tablets?
A:  Phone, commissary, inmates’ requests, medical requests, rule books, books, education material, free games, grievances.  Seeking to expand to movies and music.

Q #9: Does TouchPay’s contract for online and phone deposits also expire in April of 2021? If not, when does that contract expire?
A: The intent of LCJ is to replace TouchPay with JPay.

Q #10: Please provide the fee schedule for deposits through the lobby kiosks (Securus) and for online and phone deposits (TouchPay)?
A:  See attached Securus Contract link above.

Q #11: Is there a fee to use TouchPay’s online portal to make a deposit to inmate trust fund accounts and/or commissary accounts? If so, what is that fee or fee schedule?
A: The intent of LCJ is to replace TouchPay with JPay.

Q #12: Does the County or Sheriff’s Office currently receive a commission on any deposit fees? If so, what is that commission and does it apply to deposits to commissary and inmate trust accounts or to bail payments, fines etc. made through third parties?
A: No

Q #13: Does the County currently have booking kiosks (to count cash and coins and take deposits from inmates at booking)? If so, who provides these kiosks? If not, will booking kiosks be required as part of the accounting solution?
A: Yes, See attached Securus Contract link above.

Q #14: Does the County use debit release cards? If so, who provides them? If not, will those be required as part of the accounting solution?
A: Yes, through Securus.  Accounting solution is not required until April 2021.

Q #15: What is current commissary commission?
A: 40%

Q #16: Is there a kiosk in the lobby for inmate deposits?
A: Yes

Q #17: Who is the current inmate phone provider?
A: Securus

Q #18: Is a kiosk in the booking area required?
A: Yes, but the opportunity for such services will not be until April 2021.

Q #19: Are the inmates released with a prepaid debit card or check?
A: Yes, with debit card.

Q #20: Can a current commissary menu be provided?
A:  See attached Price Listing link above.

Q #21: Total commission dollars paid in 2018 to County
A: See attached link above.

Q #22: Do the inmates have a weekly spending limit?
A: Yes, $40.00 twice a week.

Q #23: Why is this out to bid, is the contract up and required by state?
A:  Current vendor contract is nearing its expiration date.

Q #24: Is there anything you would like to improve on or add to your current commissary service?
A: Interactive software solution.

Q #25: How many tablets will Securus be providing?
A: Maximum is 740 and / or 1 on 1 distribution.

Q #26: If the commissary provider’s kiosk application can be made accessible via the tablets provided by Securus, would the commissary provider be required to install housing kiosks as well? If so, would 23 be the quantity needed?
A: Yes

Q #27: The RFP states, “Securus Technologies is required to pay all expenses for the inmate tablets to be used for commissary ordering as well as ordering commissary through the kiosks”.  Does this mean that the county has an agreement in place with Securus requiring Securus to waive their standard fee (to commissary providers) for allowing commissary ordering via their kiosk/tablet?
A: No

Q #28: What services will the inmates be able to access via the tablets?

A:  Phone, commissary, inmates’ requests, medical requests, rule books, books, education material, free games, grievances.  Seeking to expand to movies and music.

Q #29: Is the county requesting intake/booking kiosk be provided as part of this RFP? If so, how many and what functionality is required?

A: No, seeking opportunity in year 2021.

Q #30: Will the vendor be allowed to place their equipment on the county’s network?

A: No

Q #31: Will the vendor have to provide their own internet service? If so, who is the county’s ISP?

A: Yes, current vendor for internet services is Comcast.

Q #32: On page 13, # 13 under Scope of Work, it states” Work release/community corrections tracking systems must be included”.

• Can you specify what type of tracking system is being requested. 

A: No, Commissary vendor provides tracking system at this time.
• Are these inmates in the same building as the main jail? Yes
• Is their information to be stored in the same database as the jail inmates? N/A

Q #33: Is a menu with pricing to be submitted with the response? If so, is Attachment 1 to be used for this purpose?
A: Yes, yes.

Q #34: The Evaluation Criteria listed in the RFP does not include product pricing, only the commission rate.

A: Yes

Q #35: How will the county account for the various pricing structures they might expect to receive, and which combination of commission and pricing is most beneficial to the county. Would the county consider requiring that the pricing submitted (by all companies) match the current pricing?
A:  Pricing is not required to match.  The County will award to the most qualified vendor.

Q #36: Does a completed Vendor Disclosure Statement need to be included in the response?

A: Yes
Q #37: Is the county requesting the commissary provider interface with Securus to sell phone time?

A: Currently, inmates can use commissary funds to purchase phone time.

Q #38: Please provide the current fee structure for all Trust Fund deposit methods:

A. See attached Securus Contract link above.
? Phone:
? Web:
? Kiosk:
? Other:

Q #39: Please provide 3 months of detailed Trust Fund transaction history for all inmates or provide the information below:

• Average number of Trust Fund deposits per month
• Average amount of total dollars deposited per month

A: See attached link above.

Q #40: Does the County currently receive a commission on Trust Fund deposits? If so, what is it?

A: No

Q #41: Please provide the Name of current vendor and fee structure for all Cash Bond/Bail payments
A. See attached Securus Contract link above.
? Phone:
? Web:
? Kiosk:
? Other:

Q #42: Please provide 3 months of detailed Cash Bond/Bail transaction history or provide the information below:
A. See attached Securus Contract link above.

• Average number of Trust Fund deposits per month
A: Currently not unavailable.

• Average amount of total dollars deposited per month
A: See Commissary Monthly Deposits link above.

Q #43: Does the County currently receive a commission for Cash Bond/Bail payments? If so, what is it?
A: No

Q #44: Does/will the County continue to accept Cash Bond/Bail payments at the facility?
A: Yes

Q #45: On average, how many inmates are released each month?
A: Year 2017 682/month
A: Year 2018 617/month


June 3, 2019 (Addendum #1)

Q #1: A number of the items listed on Attachment 1 are proprietary generic brands and sizes to the current vendor and are not available to other vendors – can we propose our own menu and pricing that features national brands?

A: Herein, or within the attached specifications, whenever the Agency has listed a specific brand name. Or equal shall automatically apply thereto.  This term “or equal” means that the apparent successful bidder may propose to provide an alternate product as long as such proposed alternate product, in the opinion of the County, meets the minimum specifications.

Q #2: I just wanted to confirm address of the pre bid meeting Monday: Lake County Sheriff's Office 25 S Martin Luther King Jr Ave, Waukegan, IL  60085, United States?

A: Today's site visit will be held at the Lake County Sheriff Office located at 25. S. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave, Waukegan, IL 60085. No pre-registration is required.

Q #3: Can I please obtain the RFP documents via email?

A: Please reference page 2 of the RFP document.




June 11, 2019

Q) Can the bid be submitted, in person, prior to July 2, 2019? A)Yes

Q) Is the intent to have the program be entirely online or are program/product collateral pieces needed for mailing to all eligible employees? A) The intent is to have the program entirely on-line.

Q) If we suggest an automatic award kit as the standard for the lower levels (specifically 5 and 10 years), can the kits be bulk shipped to one location for distribution or does each kit need to be shipped to the eligible employees home/work location? A) Please include both options in your proposal for the County to consider, if your firm desires to do so.


July 30, 2019

Q) On page 12, the RFP states “Provide a market analysis of recent RFPs that have been released for similar procurements. Provide a listing of all requestors, vendors responding, the vendor selected, amount awarded, modules implemented, cost of necessary staffing for implementation, full costs of the system (hardware, bandwidth, architectural), and procurement timeline with milestones.” Finding similar projects to provide a recent comparison model may be difficult and yield little value and, once such procurements are identified, getting access to the information requested may not always be possible. Can the County clarify the objective of this item and what value the County is seeking by having the consultant perform this task during the course of RFP development? A) The County (on behalf of the Consortium) is requesting that the consultant selected to write the RFP include market examples and information for eventual comparison during selection.

July 19, 2019

Q)  We respectfully request a two-week extension of the due date to allow respondents time to prepare a high-quality response.  A) Not at this time

Q)  Short-list interviews are currently scheduled for August 14-16. Since the international APCO conference is that week, we respectfully request an extension to anticipated short-list interview dates.  A) At this time, there is no intention to modify the dates. Interview dates are tentative, and every effort is made to accommodate the selected vendors to ensure participation.

Q)  Which four CAD systems are currently used by 9-1-1 Consolidation Partners?  A) (1) Infor Enroute, (2) PSSI, (3) Central Square, (4) Tyler / New World.

Q)  Did the County work with a consultant or vendor to prepare the RFP? If so, who?  A) No

Q)  Page 12, Item A, Task 1 Requirements Assessment states: “The selected Consultant would conduct a series of on-site interviews with Consortium Partners.” Does the Consortium anticipate a need for individual interviews with agencies/Consortium partners, or can these be conducted in joint focus-group settings?  Are these the same ten meetings specified on page 15, item 6, or are they additional onsite meetings?   A) Yes, there should be interviews with (or that include) each of the Consortium partners. Requirement is for the vendor to “gain a robust understanding of the stakeholders” through the best use of the estimated 10 interviews / meetings to understand Consortium needs and requirements. Recommend using the existing structure to efficiently meet with all Consortium members (page 11, “The Consortium has an established and mature coordination and decision construct. 9-1-1 Consolidation Partner Committees and working groups meet regularly.”) 

Q)  Page 15, Item 6, Performance Levels/Contractor Expectations states: “Lake County anticipates that the Consultant will meet a minimum of ten (10) times with Consortium Partners and stakeholder groups. with a minimum of five (5) working meetings to discuss project status.” Please clarify this requirement. Are the anticipated 10 meetings anticipated as 10 interviews to be scheduled for data collection and requirements gathering? Are the five working meetings in addition to the initial ten stakeholder interviews? Are these the only project-status meetings to be included in the proposed scope of work? A) 5 working meetings to discuss the project (updates, on-site review of products, etc.) are in addition to the estimated 10 partner meetings.

Q)  Page 12, Item B, Task 2 Number 2 “Provide a market analysis of recent RFPs that have been released for similar procurements.“ Does the Consortium have a desired minimum number of recent RFPs/procurement process results for the consultant to analyze? A) No specific number provided, but a minimum of three is preferred.

Q)  Task 5 System Implementation - T&M pricing estimate?  A) Yes, include this task in pricing.  See page 20 of RFP.

Q)  The RFP includes Scope of Work items that state “the consultant may be asked…” Should these items be included in the proposed pricing, or described as optional services that could be provided, upon request?  A) Provide pricing for each separate major task. Pricing for additional, optional services can be included as required.

Q)  Page 13, Item E, Task 5, System Implementation states: “The consultant may act as Project Manager during the initial implementation of the chosen solution…” Should we provide Time & Material pricing for implementation support, or not include this task in the pricing?  A) Yes, include this task in pricing.  See page 20.

Q)  Page 15, Section 5, Deliverables, item f, states: “Potential total costs of implementing an integrated enterprise CAD, mobile data, RMS, and JMS; and potential total costs of owning and maintaining such a system over the next 5 years, 10 years and 20 years.” We respectfully request the period of analysis be changed to 5 years, 10 years, and 15 years.   A) The period of analysis will not be changed as requested in the question.

Q)  Page 16, Item 4, proposal content for “Implementation Plan” – please confirm that respondents are to provide their staffing plan and methodology for executing the entire CAD consulting project in this section of the proposal, and not specifically related just to the implementation of the selected CAD system.  A) Yes, this section is for the entire project.

Q)  The RFP outlines a fairly extensive scope of work that may be costly.  What is the Consortium’s anticipated budget for this project?   A) The Consortium is aware of the scope of work and has budgeted accordingly. 



Q) Do you currently have incumbent vendor? A) No
Q) Is this your first request for this type of service? A) Yes
Q) What is your annual budget for this project? A) Since this is the County’s first request for this type of services we are anticipating varying price proposals. Lake County Board approval is required for any price proposal over $50,000
Q) Is this proposal an automatic annual renewal or do we need to resubmit a bid each year? A) Renewal options are available as specified in the RFP document
Q) How many years of experience is required for the contractor? A) Please refer to the RFP document
Q) Is there any preference for minority or disabled veteran own business? A) Please refer to the RFP document
Q) Is your preference a lending institution or independent vendor that provides student loan administration services? A) Lake County will consider all proposals received in response to this RFP
Q) Is there a particular software compatibility that is required? A) No



Q) Is it the counties intention to have full tile deliverables?
A) Yes, Spring deliverable tile format on page 25

Q) Would flight line data from a pushbroom sensor be sufficient for the exposure index deliverable?
A) Yes

Q) There are requirements stated for the Spring Ortho deliverables, but none specified for the Summer and Fall. Are the additional season deliverables to adhere to the same schema?
A) We only intend to take delivery of the Spring capture

Q) On page 12 of the RFP is states, The hosted solution will allow the ability to view the current and historical collection of orthoimagery and oblique imagery. Does this statement mean the historical data collected through the 5 year contract term or the existing County datasets? If it is the existing dataset, what is the data size?
A) Five year capture as well as any captures proposer may have of Lake County

Q) Could the Fall flying specifications be communicated in more detail? Mainly regarding the acquisition window and shadow, sun angle and leaf status requirements.
A) Proposer should make every effort to follow specifications beginning on page 24


County boundary file for the project:|01||7c1710378fd54955b97908d77fe26827|dd536cf592fd42ffa754e98666cb7a96|0|0|637118482688193851&sdata=d4BqftzVSlLxV7Nic9MGlO xhdXNunmTdWNSV0PWwbU=&reserved=0


February 20, 2020

EXTENSION:   NEW SUBMISSION DATE & TIME: March 3, 2020 by no later than 11:00 a.m. local time. Proposals received after the new time specified will not be opened.

Lake County is removing the following sentence found on page 10 under the Intent section of the RFP document:

As per the state law, the PA must have done business as a PACE program administrator or capital provider for a minimum of 18 months.

This is no longer a requirement of this solicitation.

January 22, 2020

----No Addendums Posted----  


April 22, 2020

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Proposers are to submit proposals electronically, to be opened and evaluated in private. Lake County will only be accepting electronic proposals submissions. Complete your response to the Request for Proposal in accordance with the instructions for the RFP.

Please follow the steps below to upload your electronic submission:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Bid Number:  20026
3. Click on register for this bid
4. Enter your username and password
5. Under the Submittals section you will be able to upload your bid submittal
a. Click on the browse button
b. Navigate your computer and select the appropriate file
c. Multiple files can be uploaded, each file can be no more than 20 MB
d. Click on save submittals
e. Close the browser
6. Please follow the same process to submit a redacted copy that can be used to comply with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Please refer to the FOIA statute, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., and specifically Section 7 therein, for an explanation of the information that may be redacted.

ALL SUBMITTALS SHOULD BE LABELED ACCORDINGLY. Please make this label as part of the first page of submission:
BID/RFP No.  RFP # 20026 Vendor Name:___________________________
Vendor Address:__________________________
BID/RFP Due Date*:  Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Lake County will only be accepting electronic submissions for this RFP.  

Responses are due at 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 16, 2020. Please upload your proposal early and allow sufficient time for any technical problems that may arise. If the document will not go through, please call the Buyer assigned to this solicitation, Susan August at 847-377-2165 or email at If you would like to receive confirmation that we have successfully received your submission, please email at

March 18, 2020



May 29, 2020

As the submittal deadline approaches on Tuesday June 2, please reach out to if you experience any difficulties submitting your proposal electronically.  

May 18, 2020

Vendor questions and responses addendum 2 has now been posted. This is the final posting 2 of 2 in the Q/A for this RFP.

May 6, 2020

Q) The RFP mentions multiple times that questions will be allowed 7 days prior to the RFP opening; is this correct or will the May 5, 2020 deadline the final deadline for questions? A) The RFP was amended to reflect the deadline for questions of May 5, 2020. This change was to allow proposers additional time to consider any q/a in drafting their proposals. This was posted in the April 10, 2020 Addendum.  

May 1, 2020

The following documents have been posted to the RFP documents:
1. Vendor Question and Answer Addendum #1
2. Revised Pricing Sheet
3. Revised Requirements Matrix

April 28, 2020


GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:          Proposers are to submit proposals electronically, to be opened and evaluated in private. Lake County will only be accepting electronic proposals submissions. Complete your response to the Request for Proposal in accordance with the instructions for the RFP.

Please follow the steps below to upload your electronic submission:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Bid Number:  20027
3. Click on register for this bid
4. Enter your username and password
5. Under the Submittals section you will be able to upload your bid submittal
a. Click on the browse button
b. Navigate your computer and select the appropriate file
c. Multiple files can be uploaded, each file can be no more than 20 MB
d. Click on save submittals
e. Close the browser
6. Please follow the same process to submit a redacted copy that can be used to comply with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  Please refer to the FOIA statute, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., and specifically Section 7 therein, for an explanation of the information that may be redacted.

ALL SUBMITTALS SHOULD BE LABELED ACCORDINGLY. Please make this label as part of the first page of submission:

BID/RFP No.  RFP # 20027 Vendor Name:___________________________
Vendor Address:__________________________
Buyer:  Susan August 
Bid/RFP Description:               
BID/RFP Due Date*:  Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Lake County will only be accepting electronic submissions for this RFP.  
*Please note:  Responses are due at 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Please upload your proposal early and allow sufficient time for any technical problems that may arise. If the document will not go through, please call the Buyer assigned to this solicitation, Susan August at 847-377-2165 or email at If you would like to receive confirmation that we have successfully received your submission, please email at

April 23, 2020

The pre-bid meeting PowerPoint slides are now posted with the bid documents and are available for viewing.

April 20, 2020

Appendix A has been updated

April 17, 2020

A revised RFP document that reflects a revised timeline was posted today. Also a revised appendix A and B were posted today. 

All vendor questions will be answered in an upcoming addenda

April 10, 2020


• Revised RFP document and attachments will be posted on April 17
• Virtual pre-bid meeting will be April 23 at 9 a.m. CDT
• The deadline for questions is extended to May 5 (All questions will be  answered via addendum by no later than May 15)
• The proposal deadline is extended to June 2

April 7, 2020

Given the COVID19 situation, the pre-bid meeting originally scheduled for April 9th will be postponed.  A revised timeline for this RFP will be provided in the near future.

March 24, 2020

**No Addendums posted at this time**


It is the intent of Lake County to enter into a contract with a firm to furnish and deliver various detention supplies for the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and Hulse Detention Center per the specifications and terms and conditions contained herein.

Last Post: Addendum 1 - 4/3/2020


June 15, 2020

The following additional documents were posted to the RFP document package today:

1) Member Utilization

2) Monthly Claims Summary

3) Vision Services Bill-Invoice

May 21, 2020

In response to several questions the following documents have been added to the RFP packet:

1) Current Provider Benefit Sheet
2) Additional Plan details and utilization/rates spreadsheet

Q) The RFP mentioned a base and enhanced plan, but Exhibit A only had one plan design. Would you like me to quote the plan that was illustrated in Exhibit A or put together a dual option plan? A) Lake County currently has 1 plan that has 2 different options, Basic or Enhanced.  Lake County will consider all quotes of plan offerings.

Q) Is the group currently ASO? A) No

Q) he RFP that was released for the Vision insurance, the County currently is covered under Superior Vision which is a fully insured carrier.  However, on page 11 of the RFP (at the very top) it mentions obtaining a self-insured quote.  Is the County looking for fully insured or self-funded quotes at this time for the vision? A) Fully insured quote is what is being requested. The sentence found on p. 11 of the RFP shall be omitted from the RFP:  The County requests a self-insured plan proposal only.

May 19, 2020

No addendum posted at this time


This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified Marketing and Communications professional group and/or individual (“Consultant”) to provide consulting services for the development of a strategic marketing and communications plan for the Lake County Workforce Development Board.

Last Post: Addendum 1 - 10/8/2020


Questions & Answers to date:


Q: Is Midwest Biodiversity Institute's (MBI) monitoring report and/or any other stream monitoring data available for this RFQ? Didn’t MBI present their findings from the monitoring in a report format? 

A: The Report is considered draft and will not be released until finalized. Draft and finalized report will be made available to successful qualified respondent if available.




January 27, 2021

Bid item #12 is a lump sum bid item for “Cleaning and prepping exposed steel reinforcement and steel wire.” Page 9 of 35 in the specification acknowledges there are “a few sections of pipe and portions of the blind 90 degree bend that may have exposed steel reinforcement and/or steel wire.” The spec says “after the sewer cleaning the contractor shall review the condition of all exposed steel.” If cleaning reveals additional locations of steel that require prepping, will there be additional compensation for this work that’s not currently identified?

Response:  Based on our review of the sewer videos LCPW anticipates the following areas will have to  prepped because of exposed steel:
1) The bling 90 degree bend
2) 50 LF of pipe immediately adjacent and upstream of the blind 90 degree bend on Wilson
3) 50 LF of pipe immediately adjacent and downstream of the blind 90 degree bend on Rollins
4) One section of pipe on Rollins a distance west of the blind 90 degree bend.

If cleaning revels additional locations there would be additional compensation.

January 26, 2021

Q#1: We’ve built a lot of constructions projects and haven’t had portable facilities on-site during our project. Can you change this from a requirement to a recommendation?

Page 2 of 35 States:
Equipment: Portable facilities must at a minimum include portable washroom facilities and hand washing stations. All other facilities must be discussed at the pre-construction meeting for approval by the County.

Construction Requirements: The portable restroom and hand washing stations shall be serviced on a weekly basis or as determined necessary by the County. The location of such facilities shall be approved by the County prior to their delivery.

A#1: NO, bid as stated in the specifications

Q#2: At the 13 minute mark of the video entitled “MH 72BB01 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend) 2021-01-04”, the pipe makes a 90 degree turn to the left. There is an elevated bench with flow coming in from the right side. Does the scope of this project include any rehabilitation of that elevated bench or associated chamber or is this project strictly rehabilitating the pipeline? Can you clarify the exact scope of this project when talking about the “blind 90 degree bend?”

A#2: The Blind 90 Bend Lining is Bid Item #9.  Scope of work includes lining of the entire 90 degree bend the underside of the top slab, sides and bench areas.  The Junction Chamber that can be seen through the opening to the right is work that is part of another Bid.  (See attached Revised Exhibit 1).

Q#3: The spec book shows a cleaning spec on pages 15-16, and a separate pages 23-24. Which one is appropriate for Line Item No.2?

A#3: Cleaning of the two sections of 42” sewer and the blind 90 degree bend is considered incidental and required prior to ling of the pipes and the blind 90 degree bend prior to application of the chosen product(s).

Q#4: Is there any cleaning work in the 4’-10” x 8’-3” x 28’x9” Junction Chamber Structure?

A#4: NO, The Junction Chamber Structure work is part of another Bid. (See attached Revised Exhibit 1).  ADDITIONAL EXHIBIT FOR THIS BID CAN BE FOUND UNDER THE DOCUMENTS SECTION IN THE ORIGINAL BID POSTING.

Q#5: Will Quadex GeoKrete to be considered as an approved equal geopolymer liner (GeoSpray Product) for the rehabilitation of the 42-inch transmission sewers and the blind 90 degree bend?

A#5: NO, not at this time but this product may be submitted for review by the low bidder that is selected. 

January 25, 2021

Question:  Will LCPW be able to give me some info regarding water (hydrant) usage for this project. Did Lake County Public Works Department make arrangements?

Response:  LCPW has made no arrangements with any nearby community for use of their hydrants.

LCPW would supply water to fill a water tanker truck at our Lincoln Well House site located in Fox Lake Hills at the NE corner of W Lincoln Drive and N Fairview Lane.

January 22, 2021 - Addendum #4


1) This project can be bid independently of Bid#21004 (Junction Chamber Rehabilitation) or in conjunction with that bid.  Bidders are not required to bid both projects.
2) In the Agreement, page A-2, Paragraph 4.02 A the days noted to substantial and final completion are calendar days.
3) In the Invitation to Bid, Page IB-9, Paragraph 17.06 change “will not” to read “may”.
4) Bidders are responsible for providing a letter of credit to LCDOT for the work within Lake County DOT right of way.   The amount of the Letter of Credit will be approximately $35,000.

1) None

1) The first paragraph on sheet 12 of the sewer lining specifications references the 2013 videos shall be updated to include reference to the 2021 videos as well and is modified as listed below.
Bidders must review the CCTV inspection records, prior to preparing and submission of their Bid. The CCTV inspection records provided are from 2013 and 2021. The various issues identified in the videos shall be remediated by the sewer lining contractor.  If no specific line item is included in the contract it shall be assumed it is included in the pay item for the applicable liner system.

2) The pay item “Televising/Still Color Photos of Blind 90 Degree Bend” shall be modified to read “Televising/Still Color Photos of Blind 90 Degree Bend After Product Application” in both the specifications and on the bid form.

3) Under section 1.4 of the “Spray in Place Epoxy Liner” specification item 3 under Product Data on sheet 19 shall be removed and replaced with the following:
The liner shall be designed for a 50 year service life for durability and be designed to ensure the liner does not delaminate from the host pipe over its service life.

4) Under section 1.4 of the “Spray in Place Polyurea Liner” specification item 3 under Product Data on sheet 26 shall be removed and replaced with the following:
The liner shall be designed for a 50 year service life for durability and be designed to ensure the liner does not delaminate from the host pipe over its service life.

5) On page 35 of the specifications item #3 under Cementous liner shall be removed from the “Sewer and Blind 90 Bend Structural Rehabilitation Prior to Topcoat Lining System” shall be removed from this pay item and respectively added to the “42” Transmission Sewer Lining – Epoxy” and “42” Transmission Sewer Lining – Polyurea” pay items.

6) The first paragraph following the Detailed Design and Shop Drawing Submittal on sheet 12 shall be modified as listed below.

Submit detailed design of geopolymer spray lining after field verification of pipe dimensions, pipe depth, water table (assumed 5’ below surface), and other design parameter confirmation and shall be in accordance with the requirements listed below in the Liner Design portion of this specification. The design and calculations must be prepared and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Illinois and shall comply with the requirements listed herein. The professional engineer shall be authorized to perform such work.

1) North Service Area 8” Bypass Exhibit - Per discussions with LCDOT the existing 24” storm culvert under Wilson Road can be utilized as a conduit for the sewer bypass piping.
2) LCDOT Performance Guarantee Forms are attached for Bidders information.
3) The Blackhawk flow analysis report prepared by Baxter&Woodman listed in the bid documents was not included in the original bid package. This document is included in this addendum.

1) Pay items 14 and 17 shall have the unit modified to be lump sum and the quantity updated to 1 to follow the language included in the specifications.
2) Paragraph C titled inspection on page 30 shall be removed in its entirety and replaced with “Covered in other specifications.”
3) The following pay item shall be added as Alternate Pricing Item D to the Epoxy Liner specification. “Blind 90 Bend Lining – Epoxy”.
4) The following pay item shall be added as Alternate Pricing Item E to the Polyurea Liner specification. “Blind 90 Bend Lining – Polyurea”
5) Bid Note 1 on page B-4 shall be deleted and replaced with the following “To be considered responsive, bidder must supply pricing information for bid items 1 to 18 with the exception of bid item 9 and bid item 10:
• If pricing is not provided for item 9 pricing MUST be provided for bid alternate items A and D or alternate items A and E.
• If pricing is not provided for item 10, pricing MUST be provided for alternate items A and B or alternate items A and C.
1) The base bid amount for items 1 to 18 or the base bid amount less items 9 and 10 with the chosen alternate items for 9 and 10 as noted above will be utilized to determine the lowest base bid amount.
2) If not providing a price for items 9 or 10 or a particular corresponding alternate place a “0” zero for that items total price.

6) A revised bid form is included with this addendum.

January 6, 2021 - Addendum #3

Attached is a web-link provided by Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. (GHA) so that you can download the following  five 42” sewer videos:

Rollins Road:
MH 72AA28 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend)   2013-09-04

MH 72AA28 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend)   2013-09-10

MH 72AA28 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend)   2021-01-04

Wilson Road:
MH 72BB01 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend)   2013-09-04

MH 72BB01 to MH 72AA29 (blind 90 degree bend)   2021-01-04

December 29, 2020- Addendum #2

Q#1: What is the estimated price value for the project in the subject line? When is the anticipated construction start date for this project?
Our engineer’s estimate of cost is $342,000

Approximate key dates after the bid opening on 2/1/21 are:
3/9/21 – County Board Meeting
4/01/21 – Purchase order / Notice to Proceed sent
May 2021 – Start of construction

December 28, 2020- Addendum #1

Q) Do you anticipate extending the bid due date? A) No, not at this time.
Q) What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid? A) No additional details beyond what is already stated in the Bid are available at this time.
Q) Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at A) No
Q) Other than your own website, where was this bid posted? A) The procurement opportunity was posted and advertised in accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance guidelines. Lake County has no knowledge of the solicitation being posted beyond the Lake County website.


February 16, 2021- Addendum #4

Addition to the SCOPE OF WORK:
Proposers shall include in their proposal if the proposed solution has the functionality to blindly screen job applicants, keeping the name hidden while a resume is reviewed. Please include pricing for this option, if this feature is not included in the standard offering.

Q) What middleware does the county currently leverage?  
A) There is no middleware.

February 10, 2021 – Addendum #3

Q) Who is (are) the incumbents of the current contract? A) SilkRoad

Q) Please provide bid tabulation from current contract A) There isn’t a bid tab as this was and is a Request for Proposal

Q) What have been the most frequent positions you use? A) This depends on the needs of the organization at any given time.

Q) If we are out of state company, small, minority woman owned, do we qualify to submit our response and to win RFP contract? A) Yes

Q) Can out of state companies use local subs to fulfill local preference qualifications? A) Yes

Q) Are you looking for a complete MSP firm, or staff augmentation only? A) Please refer to the scope of work found in the RFP document

Addendum #2- February 5, 2021

Q) The Amendment Acknowledgement Form includes the following statements, “All responses are to be submitted in a sealed envelope. Envelopes are to be clearly marked with required submittal information.”  However, there are also instructions that we are required to acknowledge addendums via email.  Are we required to submit addendums via mail in a sealed envelope and email, or only via email? A) Please submit the Amendment Acknowledgement Form with your proposal electronically as outlined in the RFP. Include this as part of the proposal file. No sealed envelope is required.

Q) Given your organization's aspirations for a new solution, how important is the company culture and outreach when creating the talent acquisition experience? (Social, Artificial Intelligence, Career Sites, Onboarding, etc.) A) Critical

Q) Do you have hiring types that result in either multiple hires per requisition or high volumes of candidates applying to single requisitions? (i.e.. 100 plus candidates to hire per requisition, or 1000s of candidates for a single opening) A) Yes, this is possible with many positions.  It could be as high as 1,000 of candidates when it comes to a single opening. 

Q) Will any non-employees (contractors or temporaries) be part of the new solution? A) No, only current employees will be part of the new solution.

Q) Which job roles require a high quality of hire standard because they are vital for the future performance of the business? A) There will be different levels of users. 

Q) Have you undergone any major HR process transformation or rationalization in the recent past? What, if any outcomes have been pursued or completed? A) We have undergone some, but we are preparing for significant process transformation and/rationalization in the future.  We have had a significant software install failure in the last 18 months.  However, we have a new team in place that is aggressively moving things forward and applying lessons learned.

Q) Change Management is key to a successful implementation and transformation of HR processes. Would Lake County like your implementation partner to provide and implement a Change Management Plan? To what extent do you wish implementation partner's involvement in the change management activities associated with this project? i.e. oversight only, lead and deliver, train-the-trainer / end-user training only? A) This is a possibility.  We may need project management assistance, train-the-trainer, we would like to see all options.

Q) Are there specific positions with which you experience difficulty filling within the County (i.e. highly-skilled laborers, high-volume, etc.)?  A) Engineers.

Q) Are you looking to increase the size of the qualified candidate pool for specific positions and/or in general? A) Yes.

Q) Are there positions for which you hire that you do not source on your career’s website? A) Yes.

Q) Are your current recruitment and onboarding processes standardized? If not, is there any interest in harmonizing / standardizing your current recruitment processes? A) No, it is not standardized. There is some interest, but this will be a gradual process.

Q) Have you undergone any recruitment or career page re-branding in the last 5 years? Which Department / Division is the owner of all communications and branding? A) No and No, but a strategic partner is.

Q) Are your current recruitment and on-boarding processes documented? A) No, they are outdated and ineffective.

Q) How many unique onboarding processes do you currently have?  How do you break them up (by Department, Job Function, Location, etc.…)? A) We have many, there has been a void in leading this.  The process is outdated and ineffective.

Q) Your schedule for implementation in the RFP is roughly 3 months. Is this timeline flexible?  Is there a specific event that is driving a launch by July 1, 2021?  A) A little flexible, but we want this project moving.

Q) How many unions/ collective bargaining units do you have? A) 17.00

Q) Does your HRIS system contain your job catalogue? A) No.

Q) Does your HRIS system have an available feature which can handle job vacancy requisition approvals? A) No.

Q) What percentage of time do the "10" HR Department Users / "power users" associated with recruiting spend on recruiting activities?  A) Estimated - Minimum of 100 hours per week.

Q) What percentage of time do the hiring managers associated with hiring spend on hiring activities? A) Estimated - 40 hours per week.

Q) You mention a requirement of maintenance and support, are you referring to the SaaS provider support, or would you be looking to add support services from the implementation partner? A) Yes, and possibly yes.

Q) What is your planned start date for the implementation and what date are you hoping to go live on? A) Per the Implementation Plan on the RFP: “Proposer shall indicate the ability to have all services transitioned and fully operational by July 1, 2021. If this timeline cannot be met please propose a revised timeframe for consideration.”

Q) What are the expectations from Lake County regarding the implementation team performing remote work versus onsite work? A) Lake County is not opposed on remote work being performed for the implementation. However, we want a team ready to come onsite if needed.

Q) Should pricing information only be provided on the Price Sheet provided with the RFP?  Or would the County like for additional details to be provided (e.g. for implementation services - consultant bill rates, hours, project timeline; for the software license – quote details)? A) Please use the Price Sheet provided on the RFP. If there are additional details, please use a separate sheet also to expand on those details.

Q) How many current reports need to be converted over to the new ATS? A) We don’t have current reports we can run to retrieve data.

Q) Do any of the reports need to be scheduled? A) Yes, we would be willing to see what reports are available to us and select any that we feel should be scheduled.

Q) Is there a set list of new reports that are being requested?  If so, how many? A) No, we would like all vendors to show us all reports available.

Q) How many users will need access to create and run the reports? A) The HR team – 10 Users

Q) Are the onboarding processes consistent across the organization?  If not, how many different processes are used? A) No – in excess of 10.

Q) What types of forms are provided to the new hire during the onboarding process?  Are these forms electronic? A)“Welcome to Lake County” which is a personal information gathering form; Policy acknowledgement form (appx 20 policies signed off on in one task); I9; Direct deposit; Federal and state W4 (an additional non-resident form for people living in WI); Photo ID form; Some depts (SAO) have additional forms – they have a specific policy that their ee’s have to sign off on that no other ee’s would get.

Q) How many onboarding steps/tasks are being performed in your current onboarding processes? A) Approximately 15-20 depending on the department they will work for

Q) Are you looking to automate messages sent out in onboarding to different users? For example, sending messages to Security, Badging, IT and Payroll. A) Yes.

Q) Does an external document management system exist and does this solution need to integrate with this system? A) Yes and yes, we currently have OnBase as our external document management system.

Q) Are the recruiting processes centralized or decentralized? A) Decentralized – but moving towards centralization

Q) Are the recruiting processes consistent across the organization?  If not, what are the inconsistencies? A) No, there are so many inconsistencies, we couldn’t possibly name them all. Can discuss further with awarded vendor

Q) How many Career Sites (Internal and External) are you looking to configure? A) Need more information to answer. Can discuss further with awarded vendor.

Q) Is your internal Career Site different from your external Career Site?  A) No.  We do not have multiple sites.

Q) On average, how many applicants are processed in a month? A) In excess of 500

Q) What data, and how many years’ worth of data, are you planning on converting from your current ATS? A) Up to 7 years’ worth of data.

Q) In addition to integrating with Oracle EBS, what other systems or 3rd Party Vendors do you currently interface with (e.g., Job Boards, Background Check, Assessment) and do you want the new ATS to integrate with any new vendors? Please list the vendors that you currently use and are interested in using. A) Three vendors.  We have contracts with Accurate and Vista (local), but we are looking to have these integrate well with what system we select.

Q) What are your current sourcing needs, processes and strategies that are being used to recruit/source talent? A) Mostly passive recruitment until recently.

Q) Are you currently leveraging social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, as part of your sourcing efforts?  If so, how? A) Yes, mostly Linkedin & Twitter – but not until very recently.

Addendum #1- January 22, 2021

Q) For Recruiting Structure section, we provide a robust Onboarding solution that includes automation of new hire paperwork, federal forms, and e-verify. Would the County like to us to scope our Onboarding module within the quote? A) Yes

Q) For Application Testing, we understand the County currently has a solution for online assessments of new-hires, can you please provide the name of this provider? Is the County looking for a new assessment vendor or the ability to integrate to your current solution? A) Most assessments are completed in person. The County is looking for a solution that integrates with multiple assessment vendors or that includes different assessments to choose from as part of the onboarding. Currently the ATS solution Lake County uses works with Recruiters: 113, Recruiting Managers: 21, Administrator: 1, and Hiring Manager: 5.

Q) Can I please get a current employee count? I want to get this RFP in the right hands internally. A) Current employee count is 2795

Q) Our pricing for cloud-based system is based on number of users. In order to arrive at a monthly fee I need to know How many total users? A) Per the scope of work:  Necessary training for Human Resources (approximately 10 personnel) and HR liaisons (approximately 33 personnel). The training must assure that all users will be capable of continued operation of the system. The training plan shall also include related costs and materials, i.e., Reference Guides, Tutorials, etc. Lake County will consider direct training and train-the-trainer approaches.

Q) Is training an issue? A) Per the scope of work:  Necessary training for Human Resources (approximately 10 personnel) and HR liaisons (approximately 33 personnel). The training must assure that all users will be capable of continued operation of the system. The training plan shall also include related costs and materials, i.e., Reference Guides, Tutorials, etc. Lake County will consider direct training and train-the-trainer approaches.

Q) Is On-Boarding to be included? A) Per the overview: HR would like an integrated system that allows for the entire recruitment process including assessments and onboarding to be handled with one systematic approach including integration with our current ERP system Oracle.
And per the scope of work: Integration – The ability to provide data feed to/from the Lake County Oracle system to include position, department, supervisor, requisition, etc. for onboarding capabilities.

Q) Is access to job boards important? A) Per the scope of work: Recruiting Structure – Job requisitioning and posting, scheduling interviews, electronically tracking the hiring process (i.e., recording and reporting time/event driven milestones), on-boarding capabilities and option to post internally; and auto e-mail to external sites, cross posting to external job boards, and ability to feed to social media sites.

Q) Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this? (like, from India or Canada) A) Yes

Q) Whether we need to come over there for meetings? A) Proposers can propose solutions that meet the needs of the RFP while showcasing their unique solutions.

Q) Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA? (like, from India or Canada) A) Yes include this in a proposal response

Q) Can we submit the proposals via email? A) All proposals shall be submitted electronically according to the submittal instructions in the RFP.


Addendum #2 – February 23, 2021

Q) Assisting the County with negotiating a contract, coordinating all correspondence, travel arrangements, and recordkeeping.  Is this question pertaining to travel that the candidate or contractor would be doing, or is it with regard to setting up and negotiating contracts and travel arrangements for employees and staff of the County? A) Candidate or Contractor

 Q) This section should describe the Proposer's plan. Proposers should assume that the County will contribute all necessary effort to ensure success in the project.  Is this question pertaining to this RFP? If so, is it asking for staffing implementation or technology? We’re trying to determine if this is specifically asking for information with regard to technology implementation that would be handled by Leased Employees? Looking for some guidance on what is being implemented since it’s mentioning projects specifically. A) The implementation of a new provider  

January 28, 2021- Addendum #1

Q) Do you anticipate extending the bid due date? A) No, not at this time.
Q) What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid? A) All details regarding the RFP can be found within the RFP document
Q) Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at A) No
Q) Other than your own website, where was this bid posted? A) The bid was advertised and posted according to the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance guidelines, it is unknown to Lake County Purchasing if the posting was reposted on any third party sites. 


Addendum #2 – March 23, 2021

Q) Most current ground up loss runs for all lines of coverage included in the RFP. A) Lake County will provide this information to the awarded vendor.

Q) Does the current broker collect commission for the placement of Lake County’s insurance?  A) No
If so, please advise which lines of coverage are subject to commission? N/A

Q) Provide a breakdown of fees (if applicable) paid for the current term including the following:
a. Risk Management/Brokerage fee paid to current broker
b. TPA fee paid to IPMG
A) This is based on the number and types of claims annually (separate contract)
c. Safety and/or Loss Control Fees – Please provide breakdown if they    are charged separately
d. Consulting fees (Cyber, Law Enforcement, etc) 
A) There are not charged separately

Q) The evaluation committee will evaluate and determine the winner using the following criteria.  Will each criteria be weighted equally?  If not, please advise in order of importance, with the most important criteria first and the least important criteria last.   A) The evaluation criteria found in the RFP will be used to evaluate the proposals received in response to this RFP. In preparing a proposal response, vendors should consider all of the evaluation criteria.

March 11, 2021

Q) Would you be able to provide a schedule of insurance including the current premiums for each line of coverage?  This information will assist in providing our overall estimated insurance costs for the 12/1/21-22 term.


Liability $ 59,635.00
Public Official $ 43,104.00
Professional $ 135,369.00
Police $136,251.00
Property $ 312,548.00
Excess $ 130,564.00
WC $ 321,481.00
Crime $ 42,990.00
Cyber $ 58,039.00
Medical $ 202,371.00
Underground Storage Tanks $ 3,155.00
Auto $ 40,861.00




It is the intention of Lake County, Illinois to secure the services of a contractor to perform Refuse Collection Services for the Lake County – Government which includes (Administration Building, Adult Correctional, Coroners, Public Defender, Adult Probation, Children Advocacy, Juvenile Detention, Courthouse), Public Work Sites (Administration Building, Water Treatment facilities), and Lake County Health Department Sites.  Work to begin as soon as August 2, 2021.

Last Post: Addendum 1 - 5/21/2021


This Invitation to Bid is for the purpose of establishing a contract to purchase a firm, uninterruptible supply of natural gas transportation and management services for Lake County as identified herein.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 7/22/2021


Addendum #3 September 16, 2021

Retiree census posted to RFP documents

Addendum #2 September 14, 2021

Q) How long has the group been with their incumbent Delta?
A) The current contract was a 2 year initial term contract with 3 one year renewals for a total of 5 years
Q) Has there been any recent plan changes? A) No
Q) What us the purpose for going out to bid? A) Lake County is required to go out for public procurement as there are no renewal options left on the current agreement
Q) Would you be interested in us quoting alternate plan designs in addition to matching current structure?  A) Lake County welcomes all proposed solutions to consider in the RFP evaluation process
Q) Would a cost increase in light of the recommended plan design being richer be desired? A) Lake County welcomes all proposed solutions to consider in the RFP evaluation process

Q) What is the current OON R&C (i.e. 80th %, MAC, etc.) for the Dental PPO plan with Delta?
A) Delta Dental’s proprietary maximum plan allowance (MPA) is used for out of network reimbursement.

Q) What is the current participation level in the dental plan? The census does not include waivers, so we do not know the exact number of total eligible employees.
A)  Enrollment counts were included on the Summary Report.

Q) Please explain why the census shows only 2,000 enrolled lives, while the latest month of experience (July 2021) shows over 2,500 enrolled lives. If the census is missing employees with dental coverage, please amend.
A) We just reviewed the census that was included with the RFP publication.  We agree concerning the matter addressed by this question, as the enrollment count in July was 2,559, while the census document shows a count of 2,000.  The Retirees and COBRA members were not captured.

Q) Can you provide the latest 12 months of experience data?
A) The Summary Report provides the requested information.

Q) Please provide the details of the Delta Dental TO GO Feature, including maximum annual carryover, and any qualifying provisions.A) ToGo Flyer has been added to the RFP documents.

Q) Can you provide a listing of your top providers? We can also provide geo access reports to demonstrate our network strength, if a provider file is it not available. A)  GEO report has been added to the RFP documents.

Addendum #1- August 27, 2021

Q) Please provide the following:

  • Eligible census which includes dates of birth, gender, home zip code and current dental elections (ee/ee/sp,ee/ch and ee/ff)
  • Full delta management report

A) An additional attachment D has been added to the RFP documents on 8/27/2021. Please download this attachment for this information.  


It is the intention of Lake County, Illinois to secure services with a qualified professional/company who offer reliable Body Removal and Transportation Services to Lake County Coroner’s Office.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 10/13/2021


Addendum #2- November 29, 2021

Clarification: On page 18 it states "Price Proposal and the response is requested in a separate sealed envelope."  A separate sealed envelope submission for the price proposal is not required. Proposers shall submit the pricing page as a separate electronic file or as part of the same proposal electronic file. Either way is acceptable, a separate sealed envelope is not required. 

Q) Can Lake County extend the RFP submittal deadline by one week? A) At this time, as this is a critical time sensitive need of Lake County, we are unable to extend the submission date for this procurement. All proposals will be due as stated on December 2, 2021 by no later than 11 AM local time.

Addendum #1- November 24, 2021

Q) Does Lake County require equipment for the mailing of the ballots, or would they be open to using a vendor who can send the ballots to the voters on their behalf?  A) Lake County does not require equipment for the mailing of the ballots and is not looking for a vendor who can send the ballots to the voters on their behalf. The County is looking to secure a seamless onsite solution as stated in the RFP.  Both the outbound and inbound processes are to be onsite.

The following statement shall be omitted from the RFP Scope of work: “All voting equipment must be certified by the Illinois State Board of Elections pursuant to 10 ILCS 5/24.”



Lake County, Illinois is seeking proposals from qualified Consultant to work alongside the Lake County Sheriff’s Commission as a Promotional Assessment Evaluator and adopt the Rules, Regulations and Procedures defined in the Scope of Work.  There are three steps in the Sheriff Merit Commission Promotional process: Written Exam, Oral Interview, and Promotion Assessment.  Testing is conducted for Sergeant and Lieutenant positions every two (2) years.  Next schedule test will be performed in Fall 2022.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 12/20/2021


Lake County Administrator’s Office (County) in partnership with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office is seeking a highly experienced firm specializing in performing evaluations of local law enforcement operations to conduct a comprehensive organizational and operational assessment (assessment) of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO).  The assessment, anticipated to be completed in two phases as described below, is intended to identify the best principles and opportunities to maximize the organization and operation of the functions and divisions contained within LCSO.    The LCSO is committed to serving this community in the most effective and efficient manner and will utilize the recommendations of this study to greatest extent possible.

Last Post: Addendum #1 - 1/7/2022


It is the intention of Lake County to purchase duty and practice ammunition for Lake County Sheriff’s Office according to the bid form.

Last Post: Addendums - 1/25/2022


Lake County intends to solicit proposals from qualified Behavioral Health Service providers to support the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court. Lake County reserves the right to award to multiple service providers.

Last Post: Addendum - 3/1/2022


June 21, 2022 – Addendum #1 RFP# 22060

The scope of work currently states:

As our prospective and current employees live and work all across the Lake County, we seek a vendor who has locations in Lake County where they provide Occupational Health. This can include clinics, doctor’s offices and hospitals. This is for the convenience and ease of utilizing these services for prospective and current employees.

New scope of work that replaces the current statement noted above:

Lake County is a large employer who recruits from a population that lives throughout the Chicagoland Region.  We seek a vendor who shall have at least one major facility in Lake County and may have multiple locations (clinics and hospitals) in the Chicagoland Region for the convenience and ease of utilizing these services for prospective and current employees.

Q) Regarding insurance, our General Liability and Professional Liability coverages are self-insured and therefore are not ‘issued by a company with an A.M. Best Rating of A-.  Please confirm this would not be considered a violation of the insurance requirements (all coverage levels can be met). A) This would not be a violation of the insurance requirements as long as all coverage levels are met.

Q) Are federal funds being applied to the procurement of this RFP?  If not, please confirm that the Special Terms and Conditions listed on pages 13 and 14 would not apply to this RFP. A) Currently federal funds are not being used to fund this procurement; however, this may change in the future. Lake County is requesting that vendors can meet federal procurement standards in the event that federal funds would be used.

Q) Please confirm that Section 29 on page 8 would not apply to Medical Records. Under HIPAA, ownership of medical records could not pass to the county. A) This does not apply to Medical Records. Ownership of Medical Records would not pass to the County.

The evaluation criteria shall now include the following, in addition to the criteria listed in the RFP document:

  • Access to facilities throughout Lake County and the Chicagoland Region



Please note, the deadline for submittal has been extended to Monday July 11, 2022 at 11:00 AM


July 11, 2022- Addendum #1

  1. We reviewed the County’s website for the most recent annual comprehensive financial report and did not see the 2021 report posted yet. Are you able to provided to us the status of the 2021 reports, or a copy of all 2021 audit reports, if they are available? The 2021 report will be available soon.
  2. Is there any particular reason the County is going out for bid? Is there a required auditor rotation, or a plan to change auditors? The public solicitation for these services is required per the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance.  
  3. Are you able to share what the County is engaged to pay the audit firm for the 2021 audit year?  Were there any fees outside of the audit scope? The existing contract is available on our website.
  4. Does the county prepare the consolidated year-end financial report and the schedule of federal expenditures, and provide them to the audit firm, with supporting workpapers? Lake County provides the workpapers and the auditor prepares the financial statements and SEFA.
  5. Please provide a copy of the 2021 audit adjustments (2020, if 2021 is not available).  How many adjustments are expected for 2021 (if not able to provide them yet). This information will be shared with RFP finalists.
  6. Please provide a copy of the most recent single audit report issued, if any issued after 2018. (The last single audit report posted on the County website is 2018.) Website has been updated through 2020.
  7. Please provide a copy of the most recent issued reports (those being requested in the RFP):  Lake County Health Department Reports including the following, FQHC Report, Department of Human Services Grant Report, Department of Human Services Consolidated Financial Report, Department of Children & Family Services CFR, and Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services CFR; the Office of Circuit Court Clerk Supplementary Financial and Compliance Report; the Lake County Public Works waterworks and sewerage systems fund 3 regional audits; the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County report; the Emergency Telephone System Board report; and the Veteran’s Assistance Commission report? This information will be shared with RFP finalists.
  8. Approximately how many auditors were onsite for fieldwork and for how many days?  Or was a lot of work done remotely for your last audit? All work has been done remotely for the FY21 audit.
  9. Is the County prepared to implement GASB 87, Leases?  Is the County going to need assistance with that implementation? The County is compiling information and will be ready to implement with the FY22 audit.

Addendum #2 July 13, 2022

  1. Q) Page 19 of the RFP, under item 7, indicates a “reference for similar work with a Continuum of Care.”  As this is the only time Continuum of Care is referenced in the proposal, can you please confirm its inclusion here is accurate? A) This statement is a typo and can be disregarded. A scrivener's error. 

  2. Q) The RFP lists several grant-related reports for the Lake County Health Department. Other health departments we work with had these CFR’s and grant reports replaced by the CYEFR filing with GATA. Can you clarify if these reports are applicable in FY 2022.  A) At this time, the reports listed below are applicable, but this can be reviewed further with the finalist vendors.

    • Department of Human Services Grant Report 5
    • Department of Human Services Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) 5
    • Department of Children & Family Services CFR 5
    • Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services CFR 5


    Q) Is the Veteran’s Assistance Commission a governmental organization that reports in accordance with GASB or a not-for-profit that reports in accordance with FASB?  A) The Veteran’s Assistance Commission financial activity is reported in Lake County’s ACFR in accordance with GASB. The Veteran’s Assistance Commission has recently been determined to be an independent entity as of January 1, 2023, so the exact nature of the ongoing reporting arrangement is still being determined. For FY22, VAC will be part of the Lake County Annual Comprehensive Report.

    Q) What significant issues are there for fiscal year 2022? For example, are there any major activities or changes to your operations or organization makeup, which could have an impact on our audit? A) In Fiscal Year 2023, the Recorder of Deed’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office will merge as a result of a referendum. This will result in the merger of two General Fund Departments in FY23, but they will be reported as is for FY22.

    Q) Will the County experience any significant changes in federal spending fiscal year 2022 that may result in a change in the number of major programs required to be tested under the Single Audit?  A) 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund (CARES Act) closed out in FY21. The spend under ARPA will be somewhat higher in FY22 and significantly higher in FY23 and FY24, for Single Audit purposes. The bulk of the $135 million received has yet to be spent. It is also possible that Lake County will receive additional Emergency Rental Assistance 1 and/or 2 funding due to the success of those programs. Treasury has not yet made a determination.

    Q) Will the County enter into any significant debt arrangements in fiscal year 2022 or anticipate issuing debt in the next several years?  A) In FY22, Lake County is issuing General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) in an amount not to exceed $31 million for the purpose of constructing and equipping a consolidated 911 and emergency operations center.


Lake County intent is to solicit bids from a Supplier to furnish and deliver court file folders to our Circuit Court Clerk and the 19th Judicial Probation Service offices.

Last Post: Addendums - 7/26/2022


November 8, 2022- Addendum #2

  1. Will you accept electronic Signatures on all forms using Programs such as Adobe sign? A) yes
  1. What is the rationale for this RFP? A) Lake County issues competitive solicitations, such as this RFP as part of the standard purchasing practices.
  1. Who is the current FMLA administrator? A) FMLASource
  1. What is the current plan pricing? A) Cost PEPM for FMLA/LOA Administration Services is $1.55 PEPM

Q) Are there any areas of administration, or any plan features that the Client is dissatisfied with the current administrator? If yes please describe. A) No

November 3, 2022- Addendum #1

Q) ls the 2021 and 2022 YTD claim experience available for the following leave types?



Continuous 263

Intermittent 100

Reduced schedule 9

Multiple frequency 75


Continuous 344

Intermittent 112

Reduced schedule 4

Multiple frequency 95

Q) ls the FMLA Leave policy available for review?

A) This policy has been added to the RFP documents for review


Addendum One- November 21, 2022

Q) Economic Opportunity Program- (page 7) Vendor is a registered WBE/MBE and DBE with the City of Chicago, would Lake County consider this certification?  A) Yes.  Please provide information on the Vendor Certification form.

Q) Regarding selected proposer requirements (page 18) “Consolidation Expertise. Documented recent experience consolidating regional PSAPs, 911 centers, and / or dispatch centers. Experience proven through two or more implementations of regional 911 and dispatch consolidation for public safety agencies in the last five years.“ Is it required that the firm have this experience, or can we utilize the experience of our proposed consultant to meet these criteria? A) Please provide a response that clearly indicates how your firm is best qualified to meet the scope of work.

Q) Evaluation criteria, (page 27) Is there any score given to responses that utilize minority owned businesses? A) No.


This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified Marketing and Communications professional group and/or individual (“Consultant”) to provide ongoing professional services and support in the execution of the Lake County Workforce Development Board strategic outreach and communication plan.


Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified firm to assess and develop a County-wide plan that provides a path to: (1) improve broadband access that has the ability to provide Lake County residents minimum speeds of 100mbps download and 20mbps upload, (2) ensure the end-user customers are able to access and use affordable broadband services, and (3) promote an increased availability of, and competition for, broadband access and related services.  The qualified firm may be expected to assist Lake County in qualifying for state or federal funds that may come available through grants.

Last Post: Addendum # - 2/17/2023


Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the purpose of establishing a contract with a qualified firm to perform the turnkey entry screening, overnight security service, general security service, and mail screening.

Last Post: Addendum # - 5/10/2023


The purpose of this RFI is to establish a contract with a qualified firm(s) to provide all necessary labor and supplies for a high-quality, cost-effective food service for the Lake County Café and Coffee Kiosk at Lake County’s Main Courthouse, located at 18 N County St, Waukegan, IL 60085. This includes menu planning, food procurement, food preparation, maintaining supply inventory, and staffing for all administrative, managerial, and operational functions described herein.

Last Post: Addendum # - 5/10/2023


The addendum can be found under the bid documents tab.

Last Post: Addendum #20-0724 SMC - 7/24/2020





Last Post: Addendum BID 22-0114-SMC - 1/18/2022



  1. Is the intent of NBWW to utilize the findings of the NARP and IPS tool concurrently as part of the NARP development?
    Yes, the NBWW intends to utilize the findings of the NARP and IPS tool concurrently to achieve water quality goals in the watershed. The results of the NARP will likely be used in the IPS tool (page 1-2 of Attachment A).
  2. Is the use of a different watershed model, such as LSPC which has been tested extensively for simulating pollution in urban settings, be considered instead of using EPA SWMM?
    Although the NARP Workplan specifically refers to the EPA SWMM model for watershed modeling, it is not the only option the NBWW will consider pending the NBWW NARP proposal provides sufficient reasoning and data that supports a different preferred model (such as the LSPC referenced above). 


See the Documents Tab for Addendums

Last Post: Addendum BID 23-0421-SMC - 4/24/2023


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