Lake County Addendum Forum

Addendum #1 18193 Fac-Con Op Assessment


Q) The County’s website still lists Construction and Facilities as separate divisions within the Department of Finance and Administrative Services. Is Facilities and Construction Services a new department or is it still a division? 

A) Facilities and Construction Services is a new Department.  The history and creation of the Department is covered on page 11 of the RFP under the background section.
Q) Is the FAS assessment available for review prior to submission of our proposal?  A) The FAS assessment is not finalized and is not expected to be finalized prior to the submission date.  In the event it is finalized prior thereto, it would be available.
Q) Is the intent for Phase 1 to be a high-level review to identify topics for additional study? Several of the topics listed under Phase 2 in the Scope of Work are items we would normally do in a Phase 1.   A) Phase 1 is intended to be a thorough review of the Department, its organizational structure and operations with proposed areas for focus.  Phase 2 is intended to focus on a select number of areas and recommendations for further analysis and implementation.
Q) Is there a budget for Phase 1 and/or an overall budget for Phases 1 and 2?  A) There is no set budget for the Phases as the County would like the proposer to provide a price proposal that meets the scope of work while utilizing the expertise of the firm.  Funding for the assessment would be through the County’s GOE account. 

Addendum 1

November 26, 2018

No Addenda at this time.

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