Audit Services for Lake County RFP 22053
July 11, 2022- Addendum #1
- We reviewed the County’s website for the most recent annual comprehensive financial report and did not see the 2021 report posted yet. Are you able to provided to us the status of the 2021 reports, or a copy of all 2021 audit reports, if they are available? The 2021 report will be available soon.
- Is there any particular reason the County is going out for bid? Is there a required auditor rotation, or a plan to change auditors? The public solicitation for these services is required per the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance.
- Are you able to share what the County is engaged to pay the audit firm for the 2021 audit year? Were there any fees outside of the audit scope? The existing contract is available on our website.
- Does the county prepare the consolidated year-end financial report and the schedule of federal expenditures, and provide them to the audit firm, with supporting workpapers? Lake County provides the workpapers and the auditor prepares the financial statements and SEFA.
- Please provide a copy of the 2021 audit adjustments (2020, if 2021 is not available). How many adjustments are expected for 2021 (if not able to provide them yet). This information will be shared with RFP finalists.
- Please provide a copy of the most recent single audit report issued, if any issued after 2018. (The last single audit report posted on the County website is 2018.) Website has been updated through 2020.
- Please provide a copy of the most recent issued reports (those being requested in the RFP): Lake County Health Department Reports including the following, FQHC Report, Department of Human Services Grant Report, Department of Human Services Consolidated Financial Report, Department of Children & Family Services CFR, and Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services CFR; the Office of Circuit Court Clerk Supplementary Financial and Compliance Report; the Lake County Public Works waterworks and sewerage systems fund 3 regional audits; the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County report; the Emergency Telephone System Board report; and the Veteran’s Assistance Commission report? This information will be shared with RFP finalists.
- Approximately how many auditors were onsite for fieldwork and for how many days? Or was a lot of work done remotely for your last audit? All work has been done remotely for the FY21 audit.
- Is the County prepared to implement GASB 87, Leases? Is the County going to need assistance with that implementation? The County is compiling information and will be ready to implement with the FY22 audit.
Addendum #2 July 13, 2022
Q) Page 19 of the RFP, under item 7, indicates a “reference for similar work with a Continuum of Care.” As this is the only time Continuum of Care is referenced in the proposal, can you please confirm its inclusion here is accurate? A) This statement is a typo and can be disregarded. A scrivener's error.
Q) The RFP lists several grant-related reports for the Lake County Health Department. Other health departments we work with had these CFR’s and grant reports replaced by the CYEFR filing with GATA. Can you clarify if these reports are applicable in FY 2022. A) At this time, the reports listed below are applicable, but this can be reviewed further with the finalist vendors.
- Department of Human Services Grant Report 5
- Department of Human Services Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) 5
- Department of Children & Family Services CFR 5
- Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services CFR 5
Q) Is the Veteran’s Assistance Commission a governmental organization that reports in accordance with GASB or a not-for-profit that reports in accordance with FASB? A) The Veteran’s Assistance Commission financial activity is reported in Lake County’s ACFR in accordance with GASB. The Veteran’s Assistance Commission has recently been determined to be an independent entity as of January 1, 2023, so the exact nature of the ongoing reporting arrangement is still being determined. For FY22, VAC will be part of the Lake County Annual Comprehensive Report.
Q) What significant issues are there for fiscal year 2022? For example, are there any major activities or changes to your operations or organization makeup, which could have an impact on our audit? A) In Fiscal Year 2023, the Recorder of Deed’s Office and the County Clerk’s Office will merge as a result of a referendum. This will result in the merger of two General Fund Departments in FY23, but they will be reported as is for FY22.
Q) Will the County experience any significant changes in federal spending fiscal year 2022 that may result in a change in the number of major programs required to be tested under the Single Audit? A) 21.019 Coronavirus Relief Fund (CARES Act) closed out in FY21. The spend under ARPA will be somewhat higher in FY22 and significantly higher in FY23 and FY24, for Single Audit purposes. The bulk of the $135 million received has yet to be spent. It is also possible that Lake County will receive additional Emergency Rental Assistance 1 and/or 2 funding due to the success of those programs. Treasury has not yet made a determination.
Q) Will the County enter into any significant debt arrangements in fiscal year 2022 or anticipate issuing debt in the next several years? A) In FY22, Lake County is issuing General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) in an amount not to exceed $31 million for the purpose of constructing and equipping a consolidated 911 and emergency operations center.