Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid 15116 Calcium Nitrate for Public Works

Addendum 1

May 15, 2015

In the Specifications section, Number 3, Requirements:

Vendor shall provide monthly service consisting of vapor and liquid sampling at the control point, and use this data to optimize the system dosing rate to provide effective treatment at the lowest overall cost to the County.

Vendor shall provide a monthly report outlining all testing results, including a chart showing vapor phase results at the control point over the last month.  Also included in this report shall be a detail of all adjustments made, parts replace, as well as chemical usage throughout the month.

May 13, 2015

Question:  Are we to supply the tank and monitoring system?

Respose:  The tank is currently owned by Lake County, if the current tank and monitoring system cannot be used, then you would supply one of each and add to your bid submittal.

Question:  If so, who takes the other system out.

Response:  If the system in place cannot be used, then it would be removed by our maintenance division.

Question:  The bid is for 5 years.  After 5 years if the lowest suppler has not won the bid, who keeps the system and would another suppler have to put in another system?

Response:  We would follow the procedures as outlined above.

Question:  Also who pays for the telemetry (monitoring system).

Response:  This cost should be added to your bid submittal.

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