Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid 16100 Tree Removal and Tree Trimming Services for DOT

Addendum #1

March 17, 2016

Question:  Is a bid bond required to be included with the proposal at the time of the opening? I did not see anything about it mentioned in the specs, but wanted to confirm

Response:  No.

2) I would also like to know what bonds (if any) will be required at the time of the award. On page 9, I see reference to a payment bond. Will that be required of the bidder who wins the contract? If so, will it be 100% of the 2016 removal list proposal price?

Response: No.

3) I did not see a reference to prevailing wage requirements. Does this contract require prevailing wage payment as DOT jobs typically do, or do we simply need to follow the IL Prevailing Wage Rate Act?

Response: This contract is not subject to prevailing wage.

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