Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid 16158 Well Abandonment

Addendum #1

June 6, 2016

Question:  Section 02750-6, F.1, states the well casing for Well No. 6 shall be terminated eighteen (18) feet below final grade minimum. I want to confirm that it is indeed 18 feet and that it is not a typographical error and you really mean eight (8) feet.

Response:  Eighteen (18) feet is the correct depth to remove the well casing for Well #6.  This is in preparation for future work proposed in the general area. 

May 25, 2016

The technical specifications attachment has been corrected.

June 1, 2016

Question:  Article 5 on page IB-5 states that a pre-bid conference will be held in accordance with the requirements in the Official Notice to Bidders.  However, when I look at the Official Notice I do not see anything listed.  To that end, if there is going to be a Pre-Bid meeting could you please advise on date, time, and location.  If not, would it be possible for me to meet a representative at the site this week Thursday at a time the is convenient for you?  Would also like the street address of the project / wells.

Response:  There is no pre-bid meeting scheduled for this bid, interested bidders can visit the site at any time.  Lake County Public Works will not meet with individual bidders at this time.


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