Lake County Addendum Forum



17034 North Shore Floor Replacement

Q. Will Lake County Health Department obtain permit?
R. Yes, we will obtain the Permit

Q. What hours can the work be done at?
R. We will make arrangements for you to work at any time, please note that our preference is either before the clinic opens or after hours in the evening, weekends can also be accommodated. Normal weekday Clinic Hours are 8-9 and on Sat. 8- 12.        

Q. Will Contractor be required to move and replace furniture?
R. Yes

Q. Section 09 05 61 Paragraphs 2.01C and 3.01A5 relate to a Remediation system to be applied to the concrete subfloor if moisture levels are above that of manufacturer’s allowable levels. Since this is unknown until AFTER a Contractor performs the required moisture test should we include the costs of a Remediation system within our Base and Alternate Bids or could it become a Unit price item?
R. Moisture testing will not be necessary; infection control should only come into play if grinding is needed which will require tenting off of the areas being worked in to control dust.  All work areas need to be cleaned up before the start of the next clinic work day. You may price out separately

Additional Price Request:
The Health Department would also like Bidders to provide a separate price to complete the Employee Lunchroom and accompanying Restroom as noted on the drawings as Room 2224 and 2226. Please note we will take care of removal and replacement of toilet. However, we expect you to move and replace any appliances in the Lunchroom.

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