Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid 17182 Replacement OEM Pumps and Parts for LCPW


August 9, 2017


General Terms and Conditions #5 - Bid Pricing, shall read as following:

The prices for replacement pumps and parts shall be based on percentage discount off list price for replacement pumps and replacement parts. The vendor prices shall include all delivery/fuel surcharges, environmental and miscellaneous charges that may apply.

Question 1.  Equipment Capability Form – Please clarify this form and how it pertains to this bid. 

Response:  This is a standard form that is included in all bids.

August 16, 2017

Question 2.  What is the expected purchase time-line of equipment?  Will this take place in 2017 and 2018?

Response:  Equipment will be purchased on as needed basis through out the term of the contract.

Question 3.  Is this an open-ended agreement OR is there an end date for the contract?

Response:  The contract is for one year with the option to renew for four one year periods.

Question 4.  I noticed that there is no specific equipment listed.  JWC has a long list of equipment and parts offering.   Is / will Lake County submit a list of equipment they currently has AND a list of equipment that are potentially interested in?


1091421-1  SWA0018-0090-XE Compact washer ( 2)

109142-2-1  40002-0018 Grinder ( 2)

Future - Channel monster  CDD4016-XDM2.5 ( East Main Pump Station )

CDD5020-XDM2.5.107883   107883-1  NEC pump Station )