Company name

Bid #18142 Valve Actuators

Addendum #1

September 19, 2018

The bid opening date has been changed to September 27, 2018.

What is the pressure at each gate? This value is necessary to determine the amount of torque required for the actuator.

What are the threaded stem dimensions (diameter, pitch, and lead) of each gate?  These values also affect the torque required as well as the speed needed to maintain your 10-12 inches/minute range.


Location Type Actuator Type Main Power Control Power
G-5-2-1 48” SST Slide Gate Open/Close 480/3/60 VAC 120/1/60 VAC
G-5-2-2 48” SST Slide Gate Open/Close 480/3/60 VAC 120/1/60 VAC
G-1-2-2 60” SST Slide Gate Open/Close 480/3/60 VAC 120/1/60 VAC
G-1-2-1 60” Slide Gate Open/Close 480/3/60 VAC 120/1/60 VAC
G-1-2-3 60” Slide Gate Open/Close 480/3/60 VAC 120/1/60 VAC


Attached nameplate photos for each gate.  Hydro name plate:  C0489001

Photo #1

Photo #2

Question:  I would like to formally request that Limitorque electric actuators be owner pre-approved for bidding on this project.  The plant in Buffalo Grove has numerous existing Limitorque actuators on various valves throughout the plant.

Response:  Yes

Question:  Is the use of a grease filled bevel gear, in conjunction with the oil filled actuator, acceptable for these gates as long as the torque and speed requirements are met?

Response:  This information is not available at this time.

Phone: 1.800.555.5555

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