December 23, 2019
Question 1: The bid references Ford Blue Box parts, will this contract include the Motorcraft OEM Red Box parts too or just the blue box parts?
Response: Yes.
Question 2: If Motorcraft Red Box parts are included in this bid, will the same mark up on the bid apply for both Blue and Red Box OEM Ford parts?
Response: The percentage mark-up applies to all items included in the bid.
Question 3: Will OEM Ford Powertrain parts be included in the bid?
Response: Yes.
Question 4: Are there any benefits of being an MBE or WBE company?
Response: Not at this time.
Question 5: Is there any previous tabulation or pricing for a current contract of these parts?
Response: No.
Question 6: What are considered “Major Assemblies Repair Parts”?
Response: Just as the description suggests, engines, transmissions, axle assemblies, seat assemblies. Basically any part that is main component with many parts that make an assembly.