Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #20090 Midland Force Main

Addendum #1

July 1, 2020

Question 1.  May 12” TerraBrute® pipe be allowed as an approved alternate to the Certa-Lok pipe specified in bid item 16 and 17? The TerraBrute pin and groove restrained joint allows for up to 1.5 degree of deflection which exceeds all other RJ PVC products. The attached Pipe Data Technical Sheet provides a detailed comparison. I have also include the TerraBrute brochure for your review.

Response:  LCPW will not accept “TerraBrute” pipe as an alternate to the PVC C900 DR-18 pipe specified in the base bid.~~LCPW will not accept “TerraBrute” pipe as an alternate to the PVC C900 DR-18 pipe specified in the base bid.

Question 2.  Will the HDPE pipe in the bid alternative need to be upsized to provide internal diameter at least as large as specified DR18 PVC pipe? 12” DR17 HDPE IPS only provides an internal diameter of 11.16”. 12” RJ PVC pipe internal diameter is approximately 11.7”; over ½” greater internal diameter. The attached comparison details 14” HDPE IPS data.

Response:  The 12” DR17 HDPE IPS noted is the correct specification for the alternate pipe material.

Pre-Bid Meeting Attendance:

Bob Gwiasda, Bolder Contractors

Rich Johnston, RJ Underground

Brian Burke, H. Linden & Sons Sewer Water Co.

Wadee Rafati, GHA

Patrick Glenn, GHA

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