January 13, 2021
Question: Please clarify why matting depicted on the drawings on the west side of the river only extends to structure 12AA10 rather than to structure 12AA12, which is the downstream extent of the specified CIPP.
Answer: The matting symbol should extend to structure 12AA12. The distance from the parking area to structure 12AA12 is approximately 700 feet.
Question: It is understood that an additional 36-inch diameter opening would be installed in the top of each structure by the Owner prior to the start of work; however, would it be an option to temporarily remove the top of structure 12AA13 during construction to facilitate liner installation? Alternatively, would the contractor be able to provide input on the location of the new opening?
Answer: The removal of the top of structure 12AA13 during construction will not be allowed. LCPW is not opposed to direction from contractor as to placement of new 36-inch diameter opening in the top of each structure.
Question: If the removal of trees adjacent to structure 12AA13 is necessary to complete the work, would this be completed by the Owner or Contractor?
Answer: It is not anticipated that any tree removal will be necessary. If tree removal is necessary, the contractor shall complete the removal and replacement at no additional cost to the contract.
Question: Is there any existing video available for the sewers scheduled for CIPP?
Answer: Yes. Link to video:
Question: Please clarify the Owner’s role in assisting with diverting flow from one siphon to another.
Answer: The diversion of flow from one siphon to another is the contractor’s responsibility. There are stop logs in the structure to divert flow to either siphon with the aid of contractor supplied sandbags.
Question: Regarding manhole chamber rehabilitation, please clarify if the pipe flowlines are required to be coated or if coating is terminated at the bench.
Answer: The entire channel including pipe flowlines are required to be coated.
Question: On page 33 01 30.75-6, section 3.1 C, it says that Lake County Public Works will be performing final grading & seeding, but there are bid items for restoration on this project. Will LCPW be doing final grading & seeding or will the Contractor?
Answer: LCPW will not be doing final grading and seeding. Contractor is responsible for final grading and seeding.
January 8, 2021
Question #1: Will Substitute and “Or-Equal” products be accepted?
Answer: See Instructions to Bidders, ARTICLE 11 – SUBSTITUTE AND “OR-EQUAL” ITEMS. Prospective bidders shall submit their bid based on the specified product. Application for acceptance of substitutes and “or-equal’ items will not be considered by ENGINEER until after the Effective Date of Agreement. There is no guarantee that a Substitute and “Or-Equal” will be approved and or accepted by Owner.
Supplementary Conditions, SC 6.03 B.
Add d. Lake County Forest Preserve District
Add e. Village of Libertyville
Supplementary Conditions, SC 6.05.A.1.
After “ENGINEER’s Consultant” add Lake County Forest Preserve District, Village of Libertyville,
December 23, 2020
Question: Can a pre-bid meeting sign-in sheet be provided?
Response: The following vendors attended the pre-bid meeting:
Visu Sewer
December 8, 2020
Question: In regards to the above project, is Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act (30 ILCS 570) applicable to this project? In short, is 90% Illinois resident labor required on this project? How is this project being funded?
Response: The project is not funded with state funds, it is funded by the Lake County Public Works enterprise fund.