Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #21004 - Rollins/Wilson Junction Chamber Rehabilitation

Addendum #1

January 26, 2021

Q#1: We’ve built a lot of constructions projects and haven’t had portable facilities on-site during our project. Can you change this from a requirement to a recommendation?

Page 3 of 49 States:
Equipment: Portable facilities must at a minimum include portable washroom facilities and hand washing stations. All other facilities must be discussed at the pre-construction meeting for approval by the County.

Construction Requirements: The portable restroom and hand washing stations shall be serviced on a weekly basis or as determined necessary by the County. The location of such facilities shall be approved by the County prior to their delivery.

A#1: NO, bid as stated in the specifications.

Q#2: Will Quadex GeoKrete to be considered as an approved equal geopolymer liner (GeoSpray Product) for the rehabilitation of the junction chamber and drop box?

A#2: NO, not at this time but this product may be submitted for review by the low bidder that is selected.

See attached Revised Exhibit 1 that clarifies the limits of work for this bid and another project also being bid at this time.  ADDITIONAL EXHIBIT FOR THIS BID CAN BE FOUND UNDER THE DOCUMENTS SECTION IN THE ORIGINAL BID POSTING.

January 25, 2021

Question:  Will LCPW be able to give me some info regarding water (hydrant) usage for this project. Did Lake County Public Works Department make arrangements?

Response:  LCPW has made no arrangements with any nearby community for use of their hydrants.

LCPW would supply water to fill a water tanker truck at our Lincoln Well House site located in Fox Lake Hills at the NE corner of W Lincoln Drive and N Fairview Lane.

January 22, 2021 - Addendum #1


1) This project can be bid independently of Bid#21005 (42” Transmission Sewer Lining) or in conjunction with that bid.  Bidders are not required to bid both projects.
2) In the Agreement, Page A-2, Paragraph 4.02 A the days noted to substantial and final completion are calendar days.
3) In the Invitation to Bid, Page IB-9, Paragraph 17.06 change “will not” to read “may”.
4) Bidders are responsible for providing a letter of credit to LCDOT for the work within Lake County DOT right of way.  The amount of the Letter of Credit will be approximately $150,000.
5) Approximate key dates after the bid opening on 2/1/21 are:
3/9/21 – County Board Meeting
4/01/21 – Purchase order / Notice to Proceed sent
May 2021 – Start of construction

1) On drawing 6, Drop Chamber Profile View add a note that reads: “20” diameter HDPE drop pipe fused to 90-degree bend”
2) On drawing 8, Notes at lower right-hand corner inside outlined box, does not reference a timeframe for the truck detour. The truck detour shall be in place for the entire period of time the intersection is restricted per the traffic control plan. The traffic control liquidated damages will be assessed based on the project completion date listed in the contract.

1) Page 33 – Delete the following text from item C from the SPRAY ON LINER section of the specifications “An anti-microbial liquid admixture or coating may be used to prevent MIC corrosion”.
2) Page 35 – Delete notes 1 to 4 under “Warranty” and refer to warranty verbiage in the section entitled “Post Televising and Warranty” on page 37.
3) Page 36 – Add the following paragraph to B. Epoxy Liner: “8. Shop drawing submittal shall include an acceptable process for testing the integrity of the epoxy liner”. 
4) Page 37 – Delete “pay items 10 to 30” and replace with “pay items “10 to 18, 25 or Alternate C and 30 or Alternate B”.
5) The alternate items B and C specifying the Geospray AMS product shall include the liquid admixture for protection against H2S gases and MIC corrosion.
6) All references to ASTM F1216 in the project shall be removed and replaced with
The liner thickness shall consider a 50-year design for the specified applied loads to structurally enhance, protect and restore the structural integrity of the in-situ structures in which the liner is being installed.

1) North Service Area 8” Bypass Exhibit - Per discussions with LCDOT the existing 24” storm culvert under Wilson Road can be utilized as a conduit for the sewer bypass piping.
2) LCDOT Performance Guarantee Forms are attached for Bidders information.

1) On the Bid Form Bid Item 16 will now be Bid Item 16A and Item 16B “Temporary Emergency EVP Equipment” is being added to the form.
2) Bid Note 1 on page B-4 shall be deleted and replaced with the following “To be considered responsive, bidder must supply pricing information for bid items 1 to 38 with the exception of bid item 25 and bid item 30: 
• If pricing is not provided for item 25, pricing MUST be provided for bid alternate item C.
• If pricing is not provided for item 30, pricing MUST be provided for either bid alternate item A or B.

1) The base bid amount for items 1 to 38 or the base bid amount less items 25 and 30 with alternate costs for items 25 and 30 will be utilized to determine the lowest base bid amount.
2) If not providing a price for items 25 or 30 or a particular corresponding alternate place a “0” zero for that items total price.

3) A revised Bid Form dated 1/21/21 is included with this addendum.

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