April 18, 2022
Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet
April 20, 2022
1. Specification Section 02624, CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (CIPP) SYSTEM FOR SEWER MAINS, Page 02624-2, Article 1.04.A.1.b, delete the first sentence in its entirety and replace it with the following:
“Contractor shall have successfully installed at least 200,000 feet of cured-in-place product in wastewater systems.”
2. Specification Section 02624, CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (CIPP) SYSTEM FOR SEWER MAINS, Page 02624-3, delete Article 1.04.B.2 in its entirety.
3. Specification Section 02624, CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (CIPP) SYSTEM FOR SEWER MAINS, Page 02624-6, delete Article 2.04.E in its entirety.
Question 1: Is there an estimated cost/budget available for the project?
Answer 1: The Engineers Opinion of Probable Construction Costs is $135,000.
Question 2: Do you have a start date/end date established?
Answer 2: Start of Construction is scheduled for July 5, 2022. Final Completion is scheduled for mid-November, 2022.
Question 3: Is the installed liner required to be hydrostatically pressure tested to 100 psi?
Answer 3: No, the installed liner does not need to be hydrostatically pressure tested to 100 psi. Per Specification Section 02624, CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (CIPP) SYSTEM FOR SEWER MAINS, Page 02624-6, Article 2.04.F, the Cured-In-Place Pipe Liner shall be designed to withstand 100 psi hydrostatic test pressure.
Question 4: In lieu of sectional lining at Bid Locations 1 through 8, can the bidder install a full length liner from structure to structure?
Answer 4: Full length liners from structure to structure may be provided in lieu of sectional liners, but bidders unit price for each Bid Location shall reflect the total cost for the liner provided at that location.