Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #22093 - Replacement of Media for LCPW Odor Control Units

Addendum #1

July 19, 2022

Question:  In spec # 2.0 the line "The Material should be tested during inspection to determine if media replacement is necessary" can this line be removed?

Response:  This requirement has been removed from the specifications.

July 14, 2022

The bid opening date and time has been changed to July 26, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. CST.

July 7, 2022

Question:  There is nothing in the document specifying the type of carbon to be used in these vessels.  Example: water washable / Centaur HSV. The type of carbon is very important regarding the effectiveness and bed life of the carbon.   There are many types of carbon for this application.

Response:  The media can be either granular or pellet form, and have a minimum H2S removal capacity of 0.09 g/cc.  The mean particle size should be between 3-4 mm, with an average density of 0.50 to 0.70 g/cc. 

Question:  Would you like us to quote these as turnkey?  Meaning:  Inspection, Removal, Installation and Disposal of each system?  Please note this would include testing the carbon to make sure it can be taken to the local landfill and/or if not disposed of properly.

Response:  Yes.

Question:  Will all sites be completed at the same time?  Or will these jobs be done individually over a period of time.  If it is the latter, what is the period of time are you looking at?

Response:  Timing of the work should be split between the 3 divisions (North, Central, and SE).   Details at this time are only guesses, as the site supervisors will coordinate.  Roughly speaking, bulk delivery of the replacement odor removal media can be made to the plant sites, then the vendor can start at one of the sites moving to the next when complete.  Early to mid-fall to begin, and hopefully December to complete.

Question:  Will we need to rent any equipment per site?  We will need a forklift at each site for unloading and loading carbon.

Response:  No, the contractor will use their own equipment.

Question:  I don’t see anywhere in the bid document where it indicates when the pre-qualification form needs to be completed and submitted. Do you know where I can find that information? There is a Contractor Qualification form and a References form in the bid doc, but not seeing anything about the pre-qualification requirement.

Response:  There is no requirement for pre-qualification.

Question:  Do we need any sort of special business license to perform work for Lake County? Are there any requirements to work at any of the sites?

Response:  No.

Question:  Nothing about subcontractors on the bid, so I assume it is no issue?  As long as they meet the necessary insurance requirements, please confirm this.

Response:  That is correct.

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