Lake County Addendum Forum
Bid #23159 - Job Order Contracting for Lake County
Addendum #1
October 2, 2023
Question: Page 27 of Bid document asks bidder and its subcontractors to submit copies certificate for participation in active apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship for each of the trades of work contemplated. Since the nature of job orders and involved trades are not known until the time of actual job order, how can we fulfill this requirement? Do you have list of trades contemplated under this JOC?
Response: Trades for individual job orders will vary depending on the project. As contractor’s are developing their proposals and lining up subcontractor’s for work it is their responsibility to ensure that any subcontractor selected meets the Responsible Bidder’s Ordinance requirement for participation in active apprenticeship and training programs approved and registered with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship. They will need to provide copies of certificates to Lake County for each trade contemplated under that specific job order prior to commencing work.
Question: Is a copy of the pre-bid sign in sheet available?
Response: You may access the pre-bid sign in sheet by clicking on the follow link: Pre-Bid Sign In Sheet
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