Addendum #1
July 12, 2024
Question: Grainger Reservoir is not on the Lake County Public Works sites list for bidding. Will it be added?
Response: A revised bid sheet has been provided to include the Grainger Reservoir location.
Question: Site Description1, Group A, Bid Item 1. LCPW Admin and Maintenance Complex has irrigation, but it is not mentioned in Service Type #1 line item 5, with the other 4 LCFM sites. Should we include the cost for a start-up, one running inspection and a winterization?
Response: Yes.
Question: In the past North Libertyville Estates Levee had 3 turf applications in the scope. This was to prevent deep rooted invasive herbaceous, and woody weeds from growing on the levee, and possibly undermining its integrity. The current scope, Bid item 32. only has mowing. Will the scope be changed back to 3 turf applications?
Response: Yes.
Question: Should Service Type Vllll, lX, and lX should X?
Response: Yes, that is correct.
Question: Can the county provide the number and size of the planters for: Bid Item 96: Admin Tower and Courts Complex. Bid Item 97: Babcox Justice Center. Bid Item 99: Court Towers.
Response - Bid Item 96: Admin Tower and Courts Complex - 43” diameter circle x 4 (in front of building off Washington).Bid Item 97: Babcox Justice Center - None – currently maintained by jail office staff.Bid Item 99: Court Towers - 46” x 32” x 6 (new courts off Washington near street) and 45” x 17’ x 3 (new courts off Washington near building).
Question: Should we also factor in the cost of adding and amending soil to the planters, prior to Summer Flower installation?
Response: Yes – fresh soil should be added to all planters prior to planting.
Question: On page 23, last paragraph of the General Services section: USE OF LAKE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS BIOSOLIDS….. “ The successful bidder shall use a portion of this Class A product in their landscaping activities. Could the county give more detail on how much Biosolids will be provided for use? How will it be applied? What form will it come in? Will the product only be applied to LCPW sites, or all 103 county sites.
Response: This requirement has been removed from the specifications.
Question: Service Type #1 Line item 5. ‘Provide 2 running inspections before June 15th” Should this read, “provide irrigation start up, and one running inspection? Will the county allow for T and M irrigation repairs up to $750.00, as to not delay spring irrigation startups?
Response: No, we do the irrigation start up of sprinklers in-house.
Question: Service Type #1 Line item16. Does this specification include snowplow damage repair as well? or only salt damaged repair to all sites?
Response: Yes, and damage to the soil from winter conditions.
Question: Service Type #8 Green Roofs: The current scope only applies to the Admin. Tower and Courts Complex, Bid Item 96, but Central Permit, Bid Item 90, has an extensive green roof on the second floor. Should the cost of maintaining this Green Roof, be included for Central Permit?
Response: Yes, CPF is currently our only green roof that needs maintenance but the initial maintenance is also done in-house.
Question: Do you have maps of all the sites?
Response: All locations are open during normal business hours, interested bidders are encouraged to drive by the locations covered under this bid.
Question: It states that all the following: ESTIMATED SQUARE FOOTAGE. The square footage indicated are estimates of the total area covered by this bid. The County does not guarantee any specific amounts and shall not be held responsible for any deviation. But there is no area in the bid where the are estimates.
Response: Attached is a list of all locations for Public Works and Division of Transportation including the square footage.
Locations Listing including Sq. Ft.
Attached are site maps for the Group C locations including the square footage.
Site Maps including Sq. Ft.