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Bid #24280 - Fuel Island

Addendum #1

April 16, 2024

Please see the revised bid form:  Revised Bid Form

Please see the revised drawings:  Revised Drawings

Question 1:  I see a typical section for the HMA Pavement, but what is the typical for the HMA Pavement Widening?

Response 1: HMA Pavement Widening shall conform to the HMA Pavement Detail on Sheet C-110. This area is notated to call attention to the requirement for earth excavation and aggregate base course before HMA can be placed.

Question 2:  There is a special provision listed for DISPOSAL OF NON-SPECIAL WASTE.  However, there is no description nor is there a unit price on the bid form for this item.  Given the presence of existing fuel tanks I think it is likely that spoils generated will require disposal at a Subtitle D facility but I don’t want to make that assumption and thereby raise my proposal price unnecessarily.  Please clarify – Should we consider all spoils, other than concrete and asphalt, to require disposal as Special Waste or should our base bid assume CCDD disposal with additional payment if they are tested and determined to be non-special waste? Also, will you be adding a unit price on the bid form for special waste spoil disposal?

Response 2:  The level of soil contamination on the site is unknown. The excavation and disposal of contaminated soils will be handled under the applicable Owner’s Allowance pay items. In case the Owner’s Allowance is exceeded, a per cubic yard pay item for “non-special waste disposal” is requested from the bidder.

April 17, 2024

Question 3: Sheet A001, note 19, says bollards by others.  The detail shows a PVC sleeve set in concrete, Do we install sleeve and concrete or nothing at all? Omit “by others.”

Response 3:  The bollards should be included as part of this bid. Please refer to Sheet C-104, Note D4 for the removal of the existing bollards and Sheet C-105, Note P5 for the installation of new bollards.

Question 4: Please provide Geotechnical Report.

Response 4:  No report is available. The tanks are past their useful life, this is the driving requirement of the project. The County has allocated an allowance (Bid Item #3) if geotechnical testing/report is needed.

Question 5: What is assumed thickness of existing concrete and asphalt pavement?

Response 5:  Based on reviewing the existing drawings dated 1990, the existing concrete pavement is 8” thick with W4xW4 mesh reinforcing. The asphalt pavement is also 8” thick. Please refer to the supplemental drawing of the original construction of the Fuel Island which were included as part of the downloadable documents for this bid.

Question 6: Do the existing concrete slabs under the tanks need to be removed or can they be broken in place and remain?

Response 6:  The slabs can be broken in place and remain. Contractor to ensure that no voids are present during compaction of the area.

Question 7: Does the existing fuel piping need to be removed or can it be abandoned in place?

Response 7:  The piping should be removed.

Question 8: How much fuel is assumed to be removed? The tanks are actively being used.

Response 8:  The County will empty the tanks as much as possible prior to the start of the project.

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