Lake County Addendum Forum

Bid #24341 - Depke Juvenile Facility Renovation

Addendum #2



Question: “Requested to substitute Div 10: Solid Plastic storage lockers and plastic toilet compartments from specified products with ASI products.  Lockers were Tufftec or approved equal. Toilet compartments had no basis of design manufacturer listed.”

Response: “Any requested substitution needs to be submitted with the standardized form, this RFI did not follow the project specifications. Please follow instructions for product substitution to be evaluated”.



Response: “No waivers allowed for Awi QCP Requirements for millwork suppliers. AWI QCP qualifications is needed for millwork.”


Question: “The Foundation plan- Area F (Sheet S1.0F) shows mat foundations MF12 and MF24, but the details 1A/S3.2 and 1B/S3.2 referenced in the plan do not seem to be correct. Please clarify.”

Response: “Details 1A/S3.2 and 1B/S.3.2 are correct. The MF12 and MF24 mat foundation information can be found in detail schedule 5A/S3.2.”


Question: “What is the project start date for this job?”

Response: “September 2nd, 2024”


Question: "What is the estimated project cost/budget?”

Response: " County has $8M approved ARPA Funds and an Engineer Cost estimate of $11,035,351.00 to date. There is potential to apply more ARPA funding pending County Board Approval in August. A request has been made for additional $4.5M for this project”


Question: “Where does the siteworks falls into the Bid Breakdown, Item 6 – Owner Directed Allowance?”

Response: “All site work is included Base Bid item #02  Area B as appropriate to complete the scope of work for Depke Juvenile Detention Center. All remaining site work is included in Base Bid Item #07 as appropriate scope of work.”


Question: “Will this project be awarded to a single contractor based on the low bid combination of the Depke & WRS total base bids? Or does the County have the liberty to award the Depke & WRS separately based on the contractor’s low total base bid?”

Response: “The intent is to award all bid items to a single bidder. We do not intend to piece out work, only to eliminate bid items if sufficient funding is not there to support it.”


Question: “Since we were not able to take many photos at the walkthrough, would we be able to set up a secondary walkthrough for some subcontractors to view the project?”

Response: “Lake County will hold another contractor walk-thru on July 25th, 2024 at 10:00 AM”


Question: “Are there roof core cuts of the existing roof that is being removed?”

Response: “No roof cores were taken.”


Question: “Does the glass in frame SF-5 to have a 4" hole cut-out for speak-thru as shown in 5C/A2.6?”

Response: “Yes, 4 inch diameter is required in SF-5 per 5C./A2.6”


Question: “Is Door 03310 (SF-2) to be wood or aluminum?”

Response: “The intent is to have a full lite wood door (species and color to match existing wood doors on this floor) in the aluminum storefront frame.”


Question: “Where is SF-15 on drawings? Is there supposed to be a SF-16 as shown in storefront schedule?”

Response: “SF-15 is an existing window, see 4A/A4.3F, keynote 30, remove existing window, cover opening w/ existing metal panel to be removed. provide proper vapor barrier and insulation to match existing wall”


Question: “Confirm what the hardware sets are for Doors 03310, 500B, 600B, 700 and 700A? Door schedule shows 3.0 for 03310 but spec shows 11.1 and no numbers listed in schedule for other doors. However 500B is listed with set 3 in spec which is for all-glass door entrance? I believe these doors are all drawn as full lite aluminum doors, am I correct?”

Response: “Door Hardware revisions are highlighted in the attached specification section 080671 as follows: Openings 500B and 600B are in the REVISED set 3.0 and openings 700 and 700A are in the ADDED Set 3.1. Opening 03310 had previously been included in the ADDED Set 11.1, (All are highlighted on the attached document). Door 500B is an interior aluminum storefront full lite glazed door, 600B is an exterior aluminum storefront full lite glazed door 700 and 700A are both exterior aluminum storefront full lite glazed doors.”


Question: “Who is the controls contractor for Depke Juvenile Facility?”

Response: “Automated Logic Chicago; Michael Bordes, Account Executive,, Cell: 224-213-9233”


Question: “For fixture Type SF1 on sheet E1.1B it is not listed on the fixture schedule.”

Response: “The Fixture SF1 should be the Lithonia CC4-45L35K-DV”

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