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Bid #25173-Delivery and Storage of Election Equipment and Supplies

Addendum 1


Question: On this bid, the storage is 40 storage vaults and 16 skids. Will this storage be delivered to the winning bidder by the previous contract holder?

Answer: Lake County has revised the bid sheet to include pricing for this service.

Revised bid sheet



Question: When is this contact anticipated to be awarded?

Answer: This contract is anticipated to be awarded upon March County Board approval.


Question: When is the first election under the new contract?

Answer: Lake County expects service to begin within the same week of Board approval to account for early voting in the April election.


Question: What is the process for the background checks? Paperwork/Forms?  Badging? Fingerprinting?  Location to go to?

Answer: Upon receipt of notice of award, proof of pre-employment background checks must be submitted to Lake County within ten (10) working days.


Question: Are pickup and delivery services needed on election night for the ballots?

Answer: Not on election night.


Question: Are routes planned by the Clerk's Office, or the vendor?

Answer: Draft routes are planned by the Clerk's Office, but the vendor can make adjustments. 


Question: Are 10 routes required? 

Answer: Routes are dependent on trucks being used and supplies needing to be delivered. Routes can fluctuate.


Question: Contractor responsibilities include scheduling and signed acceptance of deliveries to each individual location. Are we pre-calling voting sites to coordinate pickup and delivery? Are you providing contact information for each location? Are you providing documents to be signed for delivery acceptance?  

Answer: Our current vendor makes the phone calls for delivery and pick up, but our office supplies the contact information, and we provide the documents for sign off.


Question: Specify storage services; are the items that we store for long term storage to remain at the same warehouse that’s location is to be within 25 miles of your administrative office or can we store these items at our home warehouse outside of that radius? 

Answer: Our preference is that the stored items be stored within 25 miles of our office due our operational need to conduct inventory and to pull equipment for use as needed. An exemption could be made depending on where the warehouse is located.

Question: Clerk’s warehouse inventory; are these the items that are currently contained in the 40 Vaults mentioned on page 12 of the Bid?

Answer: No


Question: On page 12, item 1; the Storage and inventory section lists items for long term storage – where do we include pricing for the pickup of these items to take to storage and return of these at the end of the contract?

Answer: Lake County has revised the bid sheet to include pricing for this service.


Question: For delivery of election supplies; what is the process to match items that you’re storing (election ballots, rolling cases, storage cages, etc.) with the items we’re storing (voting booths, voting signs, cones, etc.) to be delivered together?

Answer: We send a list of what is to be delivered at each site.


Question: What is the truck access like at the current Clerk’s warehouse located at 415 W Washington in Waukegan? Is there a loading dock? Are there truck size restrictions for the loading dock or loading zone? What floor(s) are items stored on? Is there an elevator available for use to move out items? 

Answer: We do not have access to a loading dock. Current pick-up/drop-off occurs in the parking lot with direct access to our first-floor space. There is an elevator for use to access our space in the basement. Potential warehouse has two indoor loading docks. Our staff usually cone off the parking lot to create loading zone. A semi-truck would not be able to access the loading zone in the current warehouse. All other sizes should access the parking lot without issue.


Question: For bid item 2A, does the unit price include delivery and pickup in that one cost?

Answer: Yes


Question: What does Item #4 (One Time Moving Service for Clerk's Office Warehouse) entail?

Answer: Bid Item #4 consists of a one time move sometime in mid-2025 from the current Clerk’s Warehouse at 415 W Washington in Waukegan to another facility approximately 5 miles away. The current warehouse consists of 3 suites totaling approximately 14,000 square feet. See Exhibit #4 for an inventory list.

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