Lake County Addendum Forum

Consultant Facilitator to facilitate the strategic planning process

July 19, 2018

Q) Who will be responsible for the graphic design, layout and production of the final strategic plan documents stemming from this contract: the consultant or Lake County staff?
A) The Lake County Staff

Q) What types of engagement with departmental staff was performed for previous strategic planning updates?

A) Yes. Also a Citizen survey and TownHall meetings - posted to website under strategic plan; also Leaders round tables and report is available

Q) When was the last time this service went through a competitive solicitation process?
A) This service has not been previously solicited

Q) Project Timeline: Given the short turnaround between the Deadline for submission of questions and the RFP Opening would Lake County consider pushing back the RFP Opening date?

A) No, Lake County is not considering extending the due date at this time
Q) Page 13, Scope of Work. The beginning of this section states that “The County has five primary objectives”, but only 4 items follow. Can the County please confirm that there are only four primary objectives or provide the fifth?

A) There are only four objectives, please refer to the addendum as this was already clarified by the County
Q) Page 14, 3. Performance Levels/Contractor Expectations: What are the number and frequency of conversations/meetings? On average how many people will be in the meetings.

A) Lake County is seeking the proposer in their RFPs response to identify the number of meetings (both in person and remotely) that are needed to support a positive outcome – or delineate the minimum number of meetings required.  The proposal should include the number of meetings suggested to support the outcome being proposed. 
Q) Page 18, b. Who are the Evaluation members and what departments are they from?

A) This is yet to be determined by the County
Q) Lake County has been conducting strategic planning every two years. Have there been any changes to the stakeholders for this project, and are there any new ones?

A) No major changes in stakeholders: Internal audience includes: board members, elected officials and dept heads, key staff
External audience includes: mayors and local elected officials, general public and public interest groups (Sierra Club, Transportation Alliance, etc)

July 18, 2018

Q) Under Scope of Work (p. 13), the RFP stated that Lake County has five primary objectives, but only four were listed. Is there a fifth objective that should be included?
A) This is a mistake and there are only four primary objectives and they are listed.
Q) What type of county and community assessment data is available to help inform the strategic planning process?
A) Yes. Citizen survey and TownHall meetings - posted to website under strategic plan; also Leaders round tables and report are available
Q) During past years, Lake County obtained community and stakeholder input to identify county needs and issues for strategic planning purposes. 
a. Will the County be conducting similar activities to identify county/community needs and issues for this Strategic Plan update? 
b. Will this information be made available to the consultant?
A) A and B yes; looking for suggestions from consultant but County will implement
Q) Does Lake County anticipate that additional community and stakeholder input may be needed as part of the strategic planning process?  If yes, would the consultant be responsible for completing that work?
A) Yes and County will be primarily responsible unless consultant recommends facilitated sessions /meetings  

July 12, 2018

Q) Please provide the budget for this project.
A) Lake County is looking for a proposed budget to be included in the Proposer’s response however professional services over $50,000 required Lake County Board approval.

A) What consultants facilitated the past strategic planning project and updates?
a. 2008 – Public Knowledge LLC
b. First update – Public Knowledge LLC
c. Second update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
d. Third update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
e. Fourth update – Kennedy Consulting LLC
f. 2017 update – Kennedy Consulting LLC

Q) Page 13, Other Assistance. Please clarify “individual competencies” within the context of strategic planning.
A) The reference to ‘individual competencies’ is contained the ‘Other Assistance’ category – which is focused on potential work in the development of organizational values, goals and objectives.  Within that context, the County believes that such organizational development work that it is important to identify differentiating employee competencies critical to the organization’s and individual’s success.   The development of a competency model and framework will enable the County to align its strategic plan with its vision, values and strategies pertaining to talent management. 

Q) Page 14, Project Status Meetings. Can some progress and ad hoc meetings be conducted via video or are they all to be on-site?
A) Yes, with County Administration Executive team but not with departments/board

Q) Page 14, Final Reports. Does the County require four final reports (Assessment, Facilitation, Plan Development, Other Assistance)? Please clarify.
A) No, four final reports are not required