Lake County Addendum Forum

MHC Facilitation


Q) Item 28 on page 8 indicates that payments shall not exceed the amounts shown in the following schedule; however no schedule was attached.    Will the County provide the total budgeted amount for the project as well as the payment schedule by task as suggested in item 28?
A) The reference in Section 28 to a schedule is a typo and payments will be made based on an agreed upon payment schedule that may be broken down by task. The proposers should include a price proposal as specified with the RFP price proposal section 


Q) In the required references document, will you please clarify what you mean by “# of Employees?” Are you referring to the number of client employees we’ve worked with on each project, or, are you referring to the number of Health Management Associate consultants that worked on each project? A) The County is looking for an idea of the depth of the firm and how many employees work for a particular firm to give the County an idea of the depth of the proposal. Additionally, it would be helpful to include the number of Health Management Associate consultants that worked on each project as a point of reference.

Q) Please indicate the approximate time funding will be available for Task 3 and 4; this will have implications for overall budget. A) This is yet to be determined. These tasks may be a potential future engagement and/or phase of the contract; therefore, the County would like to solicit responses to determine future viability.
Q) Please provide a budget cap or range for the 18-month engagement. A) Professional services over $50,000 require County Board approval. However, the County is seeking proposals that provide a suggested budget for the deliverables specified in the RFP scope of work.

Q) Is the vendor responsible for facilitating all Coalition meetings and all monthly meetings for the four sub-committees? A) Yes. Ministerial support for the meetings will be provided by County staff.

Q) We assume the facilitator and subject matter experts will be required to be in-person for the quarterly Coalition meetings; is this the case? A) Yes, however if a proposer has an alternative offering they are encouraged to include this in their proposal. 

Q)Do all of the sub-committee meetings take place in-person or are some of these conducted via videoconference or teleconference? A) In-person. Upon request videoconference and/or teleconference access can be provided.

Q) If all meetings are conducted in-person and the vendor’s facilitator is on site, is there any flexibility in having subject matter expert/s participate via videoconference or teleconference for either Coalition meetings or sub-committee meetings? Regularly or on occasion? A) The County prefers in-person rather than via videoconference or teleconference; however, if a proposer has an alternative offering they are encouraged to include this in their proposal.   

Q) On the bottom of page 15, the RFP references, ten proposer multi/consecutive day in-person meetings.”  Is this related to facilitation of the quarterly and monthly subcommittee meetings or in addition for some other purpose? A) Yes, this is related to facilitation of the quarterly and monthly subcommittee meetings which may be scheduled to enable multi/consecutive day in-person meeting.