Lake County Addendum Forum




QUESTION: Is Lake County currently being charged a separate fee for the Truven Analytics, or is it wrapped into current annual retainer with Buck?

RESPONSE: There is a separate fee for Truven. In addition, Buck’s analysis of the data is included in the annual retainer.

QUESTION: Who (or which departments) within the County pull reports directly from Truven? Are their standard reports that are regularly run and used or is reporting access more for ad hoc needs?

RESPONSE: Human Resources has the ability to pull the data from Truven. A combination of standard and ad hoc reports are generated.

QUESTION: What is the name of the vendor who administers your biometric screenings?

RESPONSE: We are in the process of an RFP for our HRA/biometric screenings.

Question: What is the needed frequency of IBNR reporting? Quarterly or 1x/year?

RESPONSE: The IBNR reporting is needed once annually.

QUESTION: Is any HMO data currently being loaded to the data warehouse?

RESPONSE: No not currently

QUESTION: Why are the services out to bid at this time?

RESPONSE: Our current contract for these services is expiring.

QUESTION: Who is the current actuary/consultant providing these services?

RESPONSE: Buck Consultants

QUESTION: Is a valuation of the County’s OPEB liability included in the requested services? If so, can we obtain a copy of the latest OPEB valuation?

RESPONSE: This is not with in scope of this proposal.

QUESTION: The RFP notes that the County contracts with Truven for data warehouse services. The Scope of Work section of the RFP asks for the bidder to provide the County with access to a full data warehouse analytics tool. Is the County anticipating discontinuing the contract with Truven and looking for another solution provided by/through the consultant? Or is the County referring to the consultant working with the Truven data and reports to provide analytic services and recommendations?

RESPONSE: This would be up to the Proposer.

QUESTION: Does the County prefer fees to be quoted solely on a fee for service basis or will the County allow the consulting firm to accept commission from the carriers to offset costs with full disclosure?

RESPONSE:  This should be quoted as identified per the RFP

QUESTION: Please confirm incumbent is Buck.  How long have they served the County?

RESPONSE: Yes Buck Consultants, 10 years.

QUESTION: What were the annual fees the County spent on Benefits Consulting for the most recent contract year?

RESPONSE: Approximately $175,000

QUESTION: Was the scope similar to the one being requested?


QUESTION: Can you clarify Economic Opportunity program in terms if it is a mandatory requirement?  If so, what % is expected?

RESPONSE: The County would like to encourage any Economic opportunities that may be available, this is not a mandatory requirement.

QUESTION: When is the plan year (eg: Jan 1-Dec 31 (calendar year))?

RESPONSE: January 1 – December 31

QUESTION: When is Open Enrollment?


QUESTION: RE: active, the description asks for assistance in developing data driven strategies for design and employee contributions.  Does this work also include supporting the County with collective bargaining (and pricing alternatives to present to union and /or those received by union)?

RESPONSE: No, although, from time to time we may need reports run from the data aggregator on union employees whose union is looking to move them under their plan.

QUESTION: What % or workforce is unionized?  When do the contracts expire?

RESPONSE: Approximately 40%. It varies. To view current contracts they are available and can be viewed on the Lake County website.

QUESTION: Has the County previously looked at Retiree Health Strategies?  If so, when?

RESPONSE:  Yes, on a regular basis as part of our annual renewal process.

QUESTION: Has the County previously looked at the Cadillac Tax or is the request for a review that will be done for first time?

RESPONSE: Yes. We have.

QUESTION: Regarding Truven, does the County have a contract/license directly with Truven and Buck accesses data (or is the contract/license procured by Buck?)  Is the intent to maintain Truven (or is the desire to find a new solution?)

RESPONSE: Our contract is through Buck. The County pays Buck and Buck pays Truven. Our intent is to leave it to the proposers to determine how they will bid it.

QUESTION: When were the health vendors last procured for?  Is a procurement of medical and or prescription expected as a part of this contract?.

RESPONSE: They were bid out in 2013, the Country will not be going out for bid for these services in 2016. However, the County reserves the right to do so during the course of this contract.

QUESTION: Do fees need to be separately provided or are they part of the proposal?

RESPONSE: Fees should be submitted as identified in the Cost Sheet provided within the RFP

QUESTION: How many “hours” did the consultant bill to the County for the work completed?

RESPONSE: Approximately 425 hours.