Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP 16068 Inmate and Juvenile Healthcare Services

RFP Inmate and Juvenile Healthcare Services

Q. Can you provide the current staffing plan including the licensure and years of experience at Lake County?
A. Yes, please see the attached Staffing Plan

Q. Is the site open to considering options that do not include a redundant prescriber (i.e. psychiatrist) on site?
A. Yes

Q. Who is/are your current physician(s)?
A. They are employed by the current provider

Q. Would you like the vendor to work with this physician if possible?
A. That is at the discretion of the awarded provider

Q. How many days is the current physician in the facility?
A.  See current staffing plan

Q. How long does the physician stay?
A. See current staffing plan

Q. Is an NP acceptable with oversight by a licensed physician?
A. See Staffing requirements Section N in RFP

Q. Please provide your current nursing schedule noting RN or LPN.
A. See current staffing plan

Q. Is there a shift differential?
A. See current staffing plan

Q. Is there a supervising nurse?
a. If so, is he or she an RN or LPN?
b. Is he or she administrative only?
A. See current staffing plan

Q. Who is the current pharmacy?
A. Subcontractor of Current Provider

Q. Is the county responsible for the cost of any medications?
A. Included in aggregate cap

Q. Who is responsible for the cost of pharmaceuticals?
A.  See above answer

Q. Are medications in blister packs?
a. Are blister packs acceptable?
A.Please see section F of the RFP
Q.Please provide the following information about medication administration.
b. Who administers medications, e.g., RNs, LPNs, medical assistants?
c. How are evening medications being set up for the evening correctional staff?
d. How many medication passes per day do you currently have and at what times?
e. Are medications passed out in the housing unit and by whom?
f. Are any medications sent with inmates upon discharge?
A.Please see section F of the RFP

Q. Are there over-the-counter medications on commissary?
A. No

Q.Under the current contract, who is financially responsible for the cost of HIV medications and other AIDS-related drugs?
A. Included in aggregate cap

Q. Who is responsible for cost of medical supplies?
A. Vendor

Q. Who is responsible for the cost of labs and x-rays?
A. Vendor

Q.Do you have a dental room and equipment?

Q.Do you currently have a dentist who comes on-site?
a. If so, how long is the dentist onsite?
b. How many days per week is the dentist on-site?
c. Does the dentist have an assistant?
A.Yes, see staffing plan

Q.If you don’t have a dentist on-site, how many inmates do you take off-site to see the dentist in a month?
A. N/A

Q.Please provide a list of medical equipment that is currently on-site for use by the vendor.
A.Please see exhibit B of RFP

Q.Do you use a mobile x-ray service?
d. If so, who?
A. Please see exhibit A of RFP

Q.For the purpose of this bid, what is the ADP of the facility?
A. Please see exhibit B of RFP

Q.If you do TB screening, when do you complete the screening or skin tests?

Q.Are there any special business license fees or taxes that are to be paid to the city or county?

Q.Do you currently have a financial limit with the current contract?
a. If so, what does it cover and how much is it?
A.Yes, current aggregate cap is $400,000

Q.Have you gone over the financial limit?
A. No

Q. If so, how many months into the contract was it before you went over the limit?
A. N/A

Q.In regards to records management, May we provide an alternate proposal?

Q.Would the county prefer the vendor to review/verify the inmate medical bills, apply any discounts and pay the invoice for the county (act as a third party administrator)?
A.Please see section G of the RFP

Q.Do you have an existing EMR system?

Q.Is there internet connection already in the medical unit?
A. Yes

Q.Please provide a copy of all questions/answers received by other vendors.
A. Please see addendum page

Q.Are any members of the jail’s current health service workforce unionized? If yes, please provide the following:
A. No

Q.Is the site accredited? If so, by who and when is the next accreditation date?

Q.Is the jail currently subject to any court orders or legal directives?
A. No

Q.What is the response due?
A.March 17, 2016 at 2pm central time

Q.How many copies of the response would you like?
A.Please see page two (2) of the RFP

Q.Does your jail provide mental health services to inmates?     
A. Yes

Q.Can inmates request mental health services?       
A. Yes

Q.If yes, are inmates charged a fee for mental health services?     

Q.Indicate who provides mental health services. (Check all that apply)
 _____ County agency (Human or Social Services, etc.)
 _x____ Contracted provider
 _____ Jail/sheriff’s department hired staff
 _____ Other (please explain)

Q.Is your mental health program accredited by any professional organization?

Q. Indicate the titles of the provider(s) of mental health services in your jail. Please check all that apply and indicate the average number of hours per week for each.
A. See staffing plan

Q.Who is financially responsible for the payment of the resident’s prescription housed at the Depke Juvenile Justice Center?
A. Parents are asked to purchase medication and drop it off, however parents sometimes do not follow thru. On rare occasions Depke does purchase meds.

--Questions below answered on Thursday March 3, 2016—
Q. Can you provide a breakdown of the Jail’s ADP by County and non-county inmates?
A. 100% Lake County

Q. Can you provide the Jail’s Average Length of Stay?
A. 24 Days

Q. Can you provide the Jail’s Average Number of inmates on Suicide watch?
A. Average 9 on any given day

Q. Can you provide the Jail’s Average number of Inmates who have been placed in the restraint chair?
A. Average of 3 placements a year

Q. Can you provide the average number of medical assessments performed for CBCC inmates?
A. Average 12 per year

Q. Can you provide the Jail’s Average number of intake assessments?
A. 2640 Health Assessments and 6340 Intake Assessments in 2015

Q. Can you provide the last DOC Jail inspection report?
Yes, please see separate attachments. 1.. 2.. 3..

Q. Is the jail currently under any DOJ mandates?
A. No

Q. Can you provide the average number of inmates on HIV/AIDs prescriptions the past three years in the Jail?
A. Average 1 on any given day

Q. Are the medication carts owned by the county?
A. No

Q. Are any medications allowed to be brought in from home?
A. No

Q. Are any medications allowed to be “kept on person” within the jail?
A. No

Q. What time(s) and location(s) is sick call currently conducted?
A. 7 days a week from 0700 – 1030 1230 – 1430 in the clinic
    7 days a week during med pass/sick call in the housing units if possible 

Q. Are there specific times that jail security does not want inmate movement for sick call?
If so, when?
A. 1430 – 1530 2200 – 0700 during shift change and overnight

Q. Is a security officer currently present for every sick call?
A. Yes

Q. How much is the current co-pay?  
A. $10.00

Q. Is there a dedicated fax line to medical?
A. Yes, 847-782-9489

Q.Is the site accredited? If so, by who and when is the next accreditation date?
A. Yes, ACA & NCCHC.  ACA was completed 02/2016 and NCCHC is due in the Fall of 2016

Q.Indicate the level of screening for inmates at your jail. (Check all that apply)
___Yes__ Basic intake health screening, generally done at booking for medical and mental health issues by correctional officer
___No__ Separate screening tool specific to mental health/suicide prevention issues completed by correctional officer
___Yes__ Separate screening tool specific to mental health/suicide prevention issues completed by RN or mental health professional

Q. Is staff required to use a prescribed form when making mental health referrals?
A. No

Q. Are arresting/transporting officers and probation agents, etc. required to complete a pre-incarceration form identifying mental health risk issues?
A. Yes

Q. Does your jail staff receive ongoing training on mental health issues?
A. Yes, at least annually 
Q. How is training delivered?
A. Lecture/PowerPoint and On-Line

Q. Does your jail staff receive ongoing training on suicide prevention issues?
A. Yes, at least annually 

Q. How is training delivered?
A. Lecture/PowerPoint and On-Line

Q. Please list the programs offered to inmates in your jail, such as education, religious, recreation, life skills, substance abuse, etc.
A. GED, ESL, Anger Aggression, AA, NA, Parenting, Creative Writing, Addiction Recovery, Yoga, ECT…

—Statement below provided on Tuesday March 8, 2016—
The Lake County Jail is looking for Proposer’s to submit their experience in developing discharge planning services, including developing partnerships to support mental health services and medical discharge planning to ensure continuity of care for discharged offenders.  Please indicate any separate costs for consideration as an alternate with your price proposal.

—Questions below answered on Thursday March 10, 2016—                   

Q. Page 2 of the RFP states “NOTE TO PROPOSERS: Any and all exceptions to these specifications MUST be clearly and completely indicated on the PRICING SHEET.” Please advise if exceptions are to be indicated on the Pricing Sheet or as Tab E, Exceptions to RFP and noted on page 27 of the RFP.        

A.  Yes.  Please list all exceptions in Tab E.

Q. Please provide the HIPPA agreement identified on page 24, Item N, of the RFP.                                                                                                                    

A.  Please see Lake County’s Business Associate Agreement that requires vendors to comply with HIPPA.

Q. The current contract includes a $400,000 aggregate cap on offsite, pharmacy, and onsite specialty services.  Should vendors submit pricing based on these terms as to be consistent with the current contract? If vendors are required to submit pricing based on the aggregate cap in the RFP, please confirm that the $250,000 aggregate cap includes all offsite, pharmacy, and onsite and also confirm that it does not include HIV/AIDS medications.                                      

A. Section F of the RFP for Price Proposal states the County’s position regarding the aggregate cap.  Any exception to that or alternate proposal should be submitted with the pricing proposal and noted in Tab E as an exception.  Proposer’s are required to provide pharmacy costs and should include those in the pricing proposal as it works with their business plan.

The Proposer shall be responsible for all off-site charges, which shall include inpatient hospitalization fees, specialty consults and physician fees up to a cumulative total of the first $250,000 aggregate catastrophic limits per contract year regarding illness, injury or infectious disease.  There shall be no separate exclusions for AIDs or AIDs medications. 

Q. The staffing matrix provided by the County with Addendum #1, posted on March 2, 2016, is not the staffing matrix included in the current contract. Please provide the current staffing matrix for the main facility and the juvenile facility that totals 22.05 FTEs?                                                                                              

A. Please see attached 

Q. What is the average amount of time from submission of the initial application for security access to the date the final clearance into the facility is granted?
A.  There is no set timeframe, some take less than an hour and others take days depending on what is found during the process and how complete the application packet is.  The County would estimate it would be 48 hours not including holidays and weekends.  In addition if there is ever a time that a rush needs to be placed on someone specific there can be a 24 hour turnaround provided their packet is complete and there is nothing in their background that requires further investigation. 


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