Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP 16069 Courtroom Tech and Misc AV

Addendum 1

—Question below answered on Tuesday April 19, 2016—
Q. Who provided the annotations on the Bid Drawings, was this the architect, or another independent AV consultant?
A. The bid drawings are a compilation of county and consultant provided drawings.  

—Question below answered on Friday April 22, 2016—

Q. May I see the Pre-Proposal Sign In Sheet?

A. Yes, please see attached.

Q. What are the deliverables?

A. The deliverables are identified on page 14 of the RFP which are listed in the price proposal

Q. Should we incorporate a Crestron Controller as part of the design?

A. Yes

Q. Is the Court Tower expansion part of this RFP?

A. No, this RFP is only for Juvenile Justice Expansion.  Our intent was a contractor to use the basis of design from the Court Tower Expansion as a guide to design the courtrooms technology portion.

—Question below answered on Monday April 25, 2016—
Q. Is a Bid Bond or Performance Bond required?
A. No

—Question below answered on Monday May 2, 2016—
Q. Does this project require Union Labor?
A. Number 35 of the General Terms and Conditions requires that the installation/labor is subject to Illinois Prevailing Wage Act.  Please visit the Illinois Department of Labor at for more information.

Q. Is it possible to obtain a Microsoft Word version of pages 14-18?
A.  Yes, please see attached.

—Question below answered on Tuesday May 3, 2016—
Q. Can you confirm where the control system, rack, and cabling pricing should be included for the cost?  These components are part of both the video and audio portions of the project.
A. Please include within the AV line items.

Q. Is the selected contractor responsible for furnishing and installing a Nomad or Nomad compatible technology platform as part of this contract.
A. The basis of RFP evaluation is a courtroom: audio system, assisted listening system, and display system; as well as associated point to point wiring.  In addition, the Contractor shall install infrastructure and cabling to allow for a future owner purchased/owner installed Nomad System or Nomad compatible technology platform.