Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP 17001 DIgital Orthoimagery for LC

Addednum #1


Question 1.  I was wondering if you have a boundary file available for Lake County? I have a National Database of counties and the shape of the boundary shown in your RFP does not match the shapefile I have.

Response:  You may download the statewide county GIS layer by clicking on the following link:

Question 2.  Do you have an anticipated delivery date of your new DEM which is being produced 2017?

Response:  A new DTM/DEM is anticipated to be available by early 2018.


Question 3.  Can we get more clarification on specifically what you are requiring regarding the sustainability statement?

Response:  Instruction are included as part of the RFP on page 21.

Question 4. Are any of the Counties currently having updated DEM/DTM data produced (see RFP Section 13, Page 25)?

Response: No

Question 5. Can we get a GIS file of the projectwide tile grid?


Question 6. Can we get samples of the existing DEM/DTM data?

Response: Lake County -

Question 7. Can we get a sample of the Counties most recent orthoimagery?

Response: Lake County -


Question 8.  The specification on building lean in Attachment A, Section 5 indicates a concern for reducing the effect however it’s not clear to what level of reduction is expected.  Can the Country elaborate on their definition of “extensive” based on past experiences or perhaps identify with what height of elevated structure are they most concerned?  Does the County possess building footprints and/or bldg. heights that could be supplied for use in the estimating process?

Response:  As stated in the RFP “Image tiles that have bridge or overpass lean or where excessive building lean obscure road pavement or other planimetric features will be subject to rejection.”. Building lean should not obscure other planmetric features.

Lake County Building Footprints -

Question 9. 

Clarification on question 2
Question 2.  Do you have an anticipated delivery date of your new DEM which is being produced 2017? Response:  A new DTM/DEM is anticipated to be available by early 2018.
• Can  you tell me the source of this updated DTM/DEM
• Is it Lidar or Photogrammetry

Response:  The DEM/DTM will be LiDAR derived.


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