Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP 17031 Strategic Facility Planning

Addendum #1


Q: Should examples of relevant projects, including imagery and details, be included? If so, in which section?

A: Yes. Please include within the Company Background section and title as “Relevant Experience”.

Q: With regard to the Reference Form, do we need to include the number of employees? 

A: This is not critical, but can help quickly identify if the reference is of similar size to Lake County.

Q: Do all of the facilities included in the master plan currently have facility assessments, or will additional assessments be required?

A: Yes, however most are in need of an update.  However, facility assessments are not the main objective of this RFP.


  1. Project Timeline – Updated May 5, 2017

Action Item

Proposed Schedule

Issue RFP

April 24, 2017

Deadline for submission of questions

May 4, 2017  May 11, 2017

RFP Opening

May 11, 2017  May 18, 2017

Shortlist Presentation (if necessary)

May 15-19, 2017  June 8 – June 9, 2017

Contract Negotiations

May 22-26, 2017  June 12– 23, 2017

County Board Approval/Contract Execution

June 9, 2017  July 11, 2017


Q: Is there a technology currently being leveraged to do any of this work today?

A: No.

Q: Is technology part of the scope of work towards implementation of those capabilities?

A: No, however the County would be interested in exploring available options.

Q: Are you looking for recommendations?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you have concerns/issues with using cloud solutions to store data and help facilitate this work?  (would be leveraged going forward)

A: No, assuming appropriate security measures can be employed.

Q: What is the basis of the 6 month timeframe listed?

A: Based on the County’s annual budget cycle.

Q: Expectations of self-sustainability after the project?

A: Ideally yes self-sustainability would be an option at the County’s discretion at the conclusion of this study.

Q: Are you looking for support towards implementation of those projects/programs beyond the 6-month period?

A: Yes, that is a possibility.

Q: How many stakeholders are involved in prioritization and capital decisions?

A: We expect approximately 8 to 10 stakeholders to be involved.

Q: Does the portfolio span projects across all 27 departments?

A: The Master Plan will primarily focus on those departments which have near term capital needs, however we do expect to look at the plan from a holistic perspective.

Q: How many projects can we expect to include in the Capital Planning and Prioritization processes?

A: Approximately 8-12, see included exhibit within RFP.

Q: Is there a current portfolio definition and organization in place?

A: Yes, the Corporate Capital Improvement Program – The CCIP is the tool used by Lake County to identify, evaluate and manage capital assets and the facility needs of county government.

Q: What is the average duration and cost of current construction projects?

A: Current projects have taken anywhere from 2 to 15 years to develop from project initiation to occupancy. Average durations and costs are misleading given the variability of our projects.

Q: Is there a PMO already in place? 

A: Yes, the County’s Construction Division manages the planning, design and construction of all capital projects.

Q: Will we be working with that PMO if so?

A: Yes.

Q: How did Lake County arrive at the Capital Plan referred to in the RFP? 

A: Thru the Corporate Capital Improvement Program – The CCIP is the tool used by Lake County to identify, evaluate and manage capital assets and the facility needs of county government.

Q: How far has the design been developed for the projects referred to in the Capital Plan/RFP?

A:  The projects range from pre-design phase to actual bids based on completed construction documents. Most projects however fall within the preliminary design phase as it relates to level of development.

Q: How were budgets developed for the Capital Plan/RFP?

A:  Again thru the County’s Corporate Capital Improvement Program (CCIP) process.

Q: What level of detail do the budgets include? 

A:  Depends on how developed the projects are.

Q: Can bidders be provided a sample of one of the budgets? 

A: Proposers are encouraged to review the County’s Approved 2017 Annual Budget, specifically the Capital Improvements section beginning on page 326 which provides examples of various approved capital projects. The document can be found within the following link…


Q)  Are there any state licenses or certifications we need to have to be eligible to do the project?

A) No

Q) In the Submittal Requirement sections for the Strategic Facility Planning for Lake County RFP #17031 under 2. Company Background, the second bullet states to provide: The number of years the company has been in business and the number of years the company has been providing human resources including payroll and auditing services to the public sector. Was the second half of the statement (regarding human resources, payroll and auditing) leftover in error from a previous RFP?

A) Yes


Q)Will the company who is awarded the contract from this RFP be precluded from bidding on future projects/work identified in the strategic facility plan?

A) No


Q)The time between the date the RFP was issued (April 24th) and due date for proposals is very short (12 business days). We are respectfully requesting a two week extension to the deadline to submit proposals (May 25th).

A) Lake County will extend the deadline by one week. The revised deadline for proposals is May 18, 2017.


Q) Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this?
    (like,from India or Canada)
A) Yes

Q) Whether we need to come over there for meetings?
A) Yes

Q) Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA?
    (like, from India or Canada)
A) No

Q) Can we submit the proposals via email?

A) No