Lake County Addendum Forum




UPDATED 9/26/17
2:30 PM

What solution is the best fit a self-service or Kiosk Solution?

Response:  We cannot make a definitive determination, we ask that you provide multiple solutions if your firm is able.

You list 21 locations and 9 FHQC is this RFP for all 21 or just the 9 FHQC’s?

Response: Initially it would be for the 9 FHQC’s however, LCHD may in the future determine that it would like to expand to additional locations.

How many Providers would the Customer Satisfaction Software be aimed for?

Response: Estimated 300 Providers including multiple levels of practices and positions here at the LCHD.

Would you want data and valid feedback at the site level or Provider level and in what increments of time, monthly, quarterly, annual?

Response: For the 9 FHQC’s we initially would start with site level however, we also would want to receive proposal on Provider level and ideally a monthly basis.  

Would you have the same survey for all practices at all sites ?

Response: We envision 4 to 5 basic surveys however LCHD reserves the right to adjust if necessary.

Which CAPS would you require MIPCAPS

Response: CGCAPS is what we would prefer

When would be the go live date.

Response: We anticipate to be able to take for Board of Health approval in November with the earliest start being early December.

Is it a requirement to have Next Gen portal

Response: It is not a requirement.         


UPDATED 9/25/17

3:45 PM CST

If you plan on calling into the Pre Proposal meeting scheduled for Tuesday September 26 at 1:00PM cst. the conference call number information has been  changed to the following:

Call in 847 377-3200
Access code 8590

UPDATED 9/21/17
12:48 AM CST

1. Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this? (like, from India or Canada)

RESPOSNE : Companies from outside the USA are not prohibited from submitting a response.

2. Whether we need to come over there for meetings?

RESPONSE: While meetings will be required to successfully meet the expectations to complete our objective, the decision if your firm physically attends the meetings is a choice that would need to be made by your company. There is not a mandatory requirement to physically attend meetings.

3. Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA? (like, from India or Canada)

RESPONSE: We will not dictate how you want or where you want to perform tasks and or solutions required for this RFP. There is not a mandatory requirement that it must be performed in the USA.       
4. Can we submit the proposals via email?

RESPONSE: We cannot accept proposal via email. Per the instructions listed within the RFP: Contractors are to submit SEALED proposals, to be opened and evaluated in private.  Submit one (1) unbound copy marked “Original” AND (5) five complete bound copies, and include one (1) electronic format (PDF or Word.doc) (unprotected) CD or memory drive delivered with proposals.

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