November 23, 2020
Question: Is the County aware that the published RFP requirements are identical created to the template RFP provided by NEXGEN, which can be viewed on their website here -
Response: If you are referencing Appendix C Software Matrix - CMMS Software Inquiry that is an attachment at the end of the County RFP? A lot of research was conducted to get ideas on questions to ask vendors that could help narrow down proposals based on capabilities of vendors and their software. These questions are NOT RFP REQUIREMENTS. The matrix was “based on hundreds of actual RFPs from organizations across the country” it should be commonly understood by most CMMS vendors.
Question: Since the requirements for this RFP were created verbatim from NexGen’s RFP template, is it safe to assume that NexGen or any consultant bidding NexGen will be precluded from submitting a response for this RFP?
Response: NO. The RFP is open to all vendors interested in submitting a response.
Question: What was Donahue & Associates' role concerning the functional requirements provided in the RFP?
Response: Public Works mainly received assistance from Donohue when creating the workflows attached to the RFP.
Question: For Requirement #31 – Unlimited site license and AD integration, can the County describe in further detail this requirement?
Response: Lake County is interested in an unlimited site license and integration with Active Directory for Lake County users.
Question: For Requirement #37 – Integrates with Public Works current version of Oracle ver. 12.2.5 – is this the database the County is requiring?
Response: This is the current version of Oracle that the County is using. Would the CMMS software integrate with it out of the box or would it require customization, or would it require a third party for integration? There is no requirement for this, it is simply a question.
Question: For Requirement #69 – GASB – Book value and compliance with reporting requirements, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Would the CMMS software handle depreciation of assets out of box or would it require customization, or would it require a third party? GASB 34 is a Governmental Accounting standard reporting requirement. It is not a requirement of the software, just a question.
Question: For Requirements #72 and #73 – Consequence and risk of failure, can the County describe these requirements in further detail?
Response: Lake County worked with Donohue & Associates on Business Risk Scoring to help determine and track asset life cycle. Would the CMMS software be able to be track an assigned score for how likely the asset is to fail and an impact score for consequence of failure out of box or would it require customization or would it require a third party?
Question: For Requirement #91 – Can the County give an example of a mobile asset that can be checked in and out to an employee?
Response: A portable generator or portable pump.
Question: For Requirements #183-185 – Timesheets, can the County describe these requirements in further detail?
Response: Public Works currently records employee time spent on an asset through each work order. We also track hours for equipment and vehicles on each work order. When it comes to getting paid, employees manually enter time spent at jobsite on their Oracle timecard for each pay period. Would the CMMS software be able to compile their time at each location from the work orders? Would employees be able to adjust time on work orders later if needed? Would the CMMS software be able to export the compiled time to a payroll system out of the box, require customization, or a third party?
Question: For Requirement #192 – Inventory returns and warehouse credits, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: If the employee creates a work order for the job that day, takes out 3 widgets from the inventory prior to going to that jobsite (which is scanned out of inventory and recorded on the work order) and only ends up needing 2 widgets - would the employee be able to come back to work at the end of the day and scan in the 1 widget they didn’t need, allowing them to scan it back into inventory so that it takes it off the work order (which will also credit the inventory account at the same time)?
Question: For Requirement #193 – Request for vendor price quotes sent to vendors, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: If the inventory manager runs a report and sees that he needs to reorder a stock item, does the CMMS software have the ability to automatically generate an RFQ to print out, or even better yet – to attach to an email so he may easily send to the vendor? I am thinking there might be a template set up that will auto-fill a stocked items information for easy sending to obtain the pricing prior to purchase.
Question: For Requirement #197 – transfer inventory to different employees, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: If employee “John Doe” scanned a part out of inventory to add to his work order and then realized he scanned “Billy Bob’s” part instead of the part he wanted, could John Doe remove the part from his work order and give it to “Billy Bob” to scan onto his work order instead of returning to inventory first? – is this request an out of box, a customization or a third party request?
Question: For Requirement #202 – email vendor for quotes, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: This is a similar request to #193. That request asked about a quote generation through the inventory portion of the software. This is the same, only this request is for a quote that would be coming from the purchase requisition generating part of the CMMS software, if available.
Question: For Requirement #204 and 205 – parts reservation, can the County describe these requirements in further detail?
Response: #204-Parts reservation would be for a situation where County contractual work is being estimated. Would the CMMS software be able to reserve the parts that were on the estimate once it was created? This way if the customer wanted to go ahead with the work, the parts would be waiting in inventory.
Scenario for #205: If the inventory manager physically saw a part in inventory, but checked the CMMS software, and the quantity showed “0” would it show it as a reserved part somewhere and would it show the estimate or work order # it was reserved on.
Question: For Requirement #206 – the ordering of parts via credit cards, Is the County using only credit cards to order parts today?
Response: Just the opposite. To add a part to inventory, it must be ordered through the Oracle inventory module which populates it into the I-procurement module. Aside from a miscellaneous receipt, there is no other way to add parts to inventory.
Question: For Requirement #209 – associates critical parts to asset classes, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: Request #209 states “Associates critical parts to assets.” The County has some assets that require us to keep an inventory of parts always available at the location of the asset. Is there a way to create a bill of materials associated to an asset for setting up a minimum\maximum stock quantity?
Question: For Requirement #218 – CAPEX and OPEX, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: When annual budgets are created, Public Works has capital improvement expenditures and operational expenditures, or major long-term expenses and day to day expenses. For budget reporting purposes, can the CMMS software categorize if an asset cost would be a CAPEX or an OPEX based on criteria such as replacement cost, where anything over a certain dollar value would fall into the CAPEX expense type?
Question: For Requirement #221 – Asset useful life and financial remaining life, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: Is there a way to differentiate in the CMMS software between the “life cycle” life of an asset and the “depreciation” life of an asset? These are often different, can an asset in the CMMS track both?
Question: For Requirement #222 – inflation values for asset classes, can the County describe this requirement in further detail?
Response: To plan for asset replacement, say 5 years out, will the CMMS software calculate a replacement price taking into consideration inflation values?
Question: Is there a want for End User Training by the County?
Response: Training performed by the County or for the County? Yes, training by the vendor for the end users at the County is one of the most important steps for a successful system implementation.
Question: Is the County open to on-site visits during the implementation process?
Response: Yes, of course following any County COVID policies that are in place during that time.
Question: What are the three main goals the County wants to accomplish with the new CMMS?
Response: The CMMS system should be able to be easy enough to be used by all levels of Public Works employees. It needs to be a system that is easy to incorporate into everyday workflows and is a solution specifically for the water/wastewater industry. The CMMS data should be easily accessible for reporting and for updating and tracking information so that data is useful for improving asset reliability and for creating efficiency. The CMMS should be GIS based, have a mobile app, barcoding capabilities, and have great customer support for assisting with questions and problems.
Question: What Asset Management Systems has the county demoed in the last 2 years?
Response: Cartegraph, CityWorks & Accruent E-Maintenance.
For the proposed WonderWare SCADA Integration
Question: Is the integration Uni or bi-directional?
Response: Uni-directional – capture runtime data from Wonderware to CMMS.
Question: Are there Real-time data transfer or batch imports required?
Response: Either would be fine.
Question: Is there a Rest API available for this integration?
Response: Wonderware does not have Rest API’s – they have their own tools.
Question: What areas of the system would the proposed Asset Management System be integrating with? (Requests, Tasks, Water Meters, Fuel Log, etc.)
Response: Condition based maintenance.
Question: What system is used for the back-end database for this software?
Response: Microsoft SQL Database.
For the proposed Oracle I-Procurement Module Integration
Question: Is the integration Uni or bi-directional?
Response: Bi-directional would be best so we can send info from the CMMS to I-procurement for inventory orders and other asset purchases, as well as capturing the PO# from I-procurement so it can be recorded to the asset in the CMMS.
Question: Are there Real-time data transfer or batch imports required?
Response: Real-time data transfer.
Question: Is there a Rest API available for this integration?
Response: Oracle has their own API’s.
Question: What areas of the system would the proposed Asset Management System be integrating with? (Requests, Tasks, Water Meters, Fuel Log, etc.)
Response: Oracle I-procurement module.
Question: What system is used for the back-end database for this software?
Response: Oracle Database.
For the proposed Accruent VFA Facility Software Integration
Question: Is the integration Uni or bi-directional?
Response: Uni-directional.
Question: Are there Real-time data transfer or batch imports required?
Response: Batch imports would be sufficient.
Question: Is there a Rest API available for this integration?
Response: Not known at this time.
Question: What areas of the system would the proposed Asset Management System be integrating with? (Requests, Tasks, Water Meters, Fuel Log, etc.)
Response: CMMS access to the (Public Works portion) database of buildings and system/ structural asset information in the VFA software.
What system is used for the back-end database for this software?
Response: Microsoft SQL Database.
For the proposed Tyler InCode integration.
Question: Is the integration Uni or bi-directional?
Response: Uni-directional.
Question: Are there Real-time data transfer or batch imports required?
Response: Real-Time.
Question: Is there a Rest API available for this integration?
Response: Tyler has Rest API’s.
Question: What areas of the system would the proposed Asset Management System be integrating with? (Requests, Tasks, Water Meters, Fuel Log, etc.)
Response: Billing/meters.
Question: What system is used for the back-end database for this software?
Response: Microsoft SQL database.
For the proposed Tyler EnerGov integration.
Question: Is the integration Uni or bi-directional?
Response: Uni-directional.
Question: Are there Real-time data transfer or batch imports required?
Response: Batch.
Question: Is there a Rest API available for this integration?
Response: Tyler has Rest API’s.
Question: What areas of the system would the proposed Asset Management System be integrating with? (Requests, Tasks, Water Meters, Fuel Log, etc.)
Response: Permits.
Question: What system is used for the back-end database for this software?
Response: Microsoft SQL database.
November 20, 2020
Question: General Terms & Conditions - #26 on page 8 seems to refer to a physical site regarding construction type projects. However, in the context of this project it could be regarded as the physical IT system architecture currently at the County. As the performance of any software product chosen will ultimately be reliant upon County IT infrastructure as well as end user devices can this condition be removed from the contract?
Response: This is a standard clause that is included in all Lake County contracts. If you feel it is not applicable please take an exception to the clause.
Question: Does the project include potable water treatment facilities?
Response: This project includes all of our assets. Water & Sewer locations.
Question: Has Lake County met with any software providers and/or received any product demonstrations?
Response: Yes, last year Public Works invited 3 vendors to come and give us general information about their software through demonstration.
Question: Some of the wording used in the matrix seems to be very software vendor specific, does Lake County have a preferred software.
Response: The matrix is intended to be a sort of survey to learn what capabilities the vendor and their software have. Nothing in the matrix should be considered vendor specific. Public Works does not have a preferred software.
Under Section 5 – Software Core Functionality Requirements:
Question: Asset Registry – please define “Proposer shall provide guidance on hierarchy, configuration and integration of assets and attributes to support asset management and integration”. Without being provided your current data model, we don’t know what the LOE to do this will be. Can this (the current data model) be provided? We would prefer this to be a task to evaluate the model based upon the desired functionality and reporting/analysis needs, then develop a LOE to provide the guidance.
Response: Our assets are set up in a parent/child hierarchy. We would like the vendor to take a look at our data to see if there would be a better way to set up the hierarchy before importing data into the CMMS. We want to make sure the data is set up in a way that makes sense for using with the software. We did not provide any data for review when issuing the RFP.
Question: Inventory Management – please define “This will be a discussion item…” Are we to infer that only “discovery” (requirements gathering and a plan for a solution) of an inventory management component of the solution will be required, and not a full implementation of this function?
Response: Our current Oracle EAM system uses the inventory module to create requisitions for ordering stock. That information is set up to be shared with the Oracle I-procurement module in such a way that the requisition shows up once it is created in the inventory module. From the I-procurement module, there is a approval process that takes place. Once approved, a purchase order is created that is sent to the vendor to place the order. Public Works is not sure how this process would flow from a CMMS software. That is why it would need to be a discussion item before any decisions can be made.
Question: Asset Management – please define “Manage asset management…” are we to infer that capturing asset condition (field work to inspect asset conditions), then determining reliability and business risk are to be part of the project deliverables?
Response: As a core requirement, Public Works wants the CMMS software to be capable of storing asset condition and risk scoring for all of our assets. The risk and condition scoring determination will be handled by the PW team as well as with Donohue & Associates.
Question: Scheduled Maintenance – please define “Proposer shall coordinate with Lake County on updates to tasks prior to incorporating them into the system”. Which system? Oracle EAM or our proposed solution?
Response: The CMMS system. We have such little confidence in the current EAM system that we want to make sure that we are assigning the correct Preventive Maintenance tasks to each asset. We don’t just want to copy what is already set up in EAM to the CMMS.
Under Section 6 – Software Optional or Future Core Component:
Question: Please define what is required from the proposer under “Weather-proof barcoded tags for all assets” Is Lake County asking for details about the ability to incorporate bar coding readers or to provide all of the actual physical bar code tags?
Response: Public Works is asking for barcoding to be part of the inventory solution, so the idea was to be able to apply the same type of solution for the work order side of things. If each asset had a barcode label that was scannable (outside or inside) it would be helpful for the field workers when creating their work orders. Public Works could provide their own labels and could apply them to the assets. The assistance we would require would be to load the barcode information into the CMMS and have it available on the mobile app as well.
Question: Please detail the functional requirements of the desire integration to Accruent VFA Facility Software. Please detail what version of Accruent VFA Facility Software is deployed at Lake County. Please detail how Accruent VFA Facility Software is deployed at Lake County.
Response: Accruent VFA Facility Build 4. Lake County’s Facilities department utilizes this software for work order creation and projects. Public Works has been starting to use the software to get information about some of our buildings and their internal/external conditions. This information helps us to see what is critical and what is coming up down the road so we can budget accordingly.
Under Section 10 – County Information technology Environment and Server Operating system Standards
Question: Are we to provide costs estimates for optional service to integrate to all of these systems? If so we would need to know functional requirements of each integration.
Response: Please provide costs if possible.
Question: Second bullet - Lake County states that “Utility Network – New water/sewer model Lake County is planning to migrate to in the upcoming months”. As this directly affects potential “to-be” workflows as well as question 5.a. above – what is the schedule for this effort?
Response: Public Works is currently in the process of converting the sewer and water GIS layers to a standard model. If you would like more information on the schema of our data, please refer to Esri’s Water Distribution Utility Network Foundation and Sewer Utility Network Foundation.
Question: The migration to this model produces a dependency upon the successful completion of this software and implementation project, these tow projects will require close coordination, how will this occur? Is Lake County working with a consultant to do the migration to the Utility Network?
Response: Our GIS staff is working on the conversion.
Question: Fourth bullet – when will the change from CIS Infinity to Tyler InCode occur?
Response: No defined date as of yet.
Under Detailed Submittal Requirements:
Question: Section D Implementation Plan/Project Plan – what is the desired timeline for the project? Page 14 Item 7 details the procurement timeline, but not the project itself.
Response: The rollout timeline is scheduled to start in February 2021 with a go-live in July 2021.
Functionality matrix:
Item 43 – Please clarify the requirement to add “action buttons can be added to existing SCADA interface”
Response: If we integrated the CMMS with our Wonderware Historian SCADA software, could a button be added to the Wonderware Historian screen so that it would open up a new work order a work order in the CMMS.
Question: Has a project budget already been approved?
Response: Yes.
Question: Given that questions are due today, and the proposal itself is due in 5 working days, when will answers to questions be provided? As answers can significantly impact our response, can and extension to the due please be provided?
Response: The submission has been extended out for one additional week due in order to get all questions answered in a timely manner.
November 18, 2020
Question: What is the deadline to submit the response? Is there a possibility to get an extension? if yes, what date will it be?
Response: The deadline for RFP Submission has been extended one week. RFP responses are now due on December 1, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. local time. Please see the attached revised RFP Cover Sheet.
Question: Can you specify which Tyler Technologies product is being referenced in line 101 of the matrix?
Response: Hosted Tyler In Code version 10.
Question: Can you clarify the CCTV software product that is being referenced in line 38 of the matrix?
Response: #38 should read (IT PIPES). Wonderware Historian is our SCADA software.
Question: Can you expand on or explain the business case for "The system allows PM to be generated by identifying a Location and Class and it will automatically assign assets to the PM. System will automatically add or remove assets from the PM as the asset inventory gets updated for Location and Class." from line 140 of the matrix?
Response: Can the CMMS software automatically assign a Preventive Maintenance Work Order to the asset based on the location and class criteria ? If Public Works is adding assets to the CMMS and the assets are assigned a location and class – Example: Location is “Grandwood Park Well #13” and asset class is “Well” will the software be able to automatically assign a Preventive Maintenance Work Order such as “ Electrical Megging Well – Annual” to that well automatically through the software if we set up the criteria on that PM ?
Question: Does the service request portal and mobile application requested in the matrix fall into the core requirements or optional/future requirements?
Response: The mobile application for utility workers in the field to use is a core requirement. If you are talking about a customer service portal in the mobile app – then it would be a future/optional requirement. Currently, our billing software handles customer service requests so it is not a present need.
Question: Please identify how asset condition is currently being tracked for each of the asset classes (Example: NASSCO PACP scoring for sewers).
Response: We are working with Donohue & Associates to update our asset data and have been developing a risk/scoring concept for our fixed assets and linear assets. Our above ground asset conditions are currently tracked in excel spreadsheets. The information is gathered manually from asset purchase information, PM work orders and checklists, and through notification by area supervisors, utility workers and operators. Our underground assets are primarily being tracked in the GIS. We also had a risk assessment performed by CDM Smith on our underground assets and have utilized those reports to help prioritize some of our CIP projects. In addition, our maintenance department performs CCTV assessments in various locations annually to collect data and to determine high-risk pipes. New processes\workflows will need to be put in place to capture new information into the software once we are using the CMMS.
Question: It is understood that you require a mobile app for field staff for work order management. Is the requirement for a Service Request Portal for customers part of the core functionality or future/optional? The requirements for the Service Request Portal are only in the matrix and not listed under the core or optional/future components on pages 13 and 14.
Response: We are not in need of a customer service portal at this time. If it were part of the software package, that would be fine – but we already have software in our billing department that handles customer requests. The matrix is just to get a better idea of capabilities available from vendors and their software.
Question: Per the Proposal Price Sheet (pp. 22-24) in the RFP, Lake County requires vendors to provide a fixed cost for the implementation, software, and maintenance of the new CMMS software as a service (SaaS) and Mobile solutions. At the same time, the RFP states that vendors should include Time and Materials (T&M) costs for labor, material, overhead, Administration, profit, travel, etc. Could you please verify and confirm and/or clarify the requirements for the pricing components?
Response: Please provide all costs associated if possible. We need to make sure they will fit our budget.
Question: Are travel expenses to be included in the fixed cost for implementation?
Response: Please provide all costs associated if possible.
Question: Per the RFP, Section 7, pg. 14, the rollout timeline is scheduled to start July 2020 with a go-live in December 2020. Could you please clarify the adjusted timeline for this project?
Response: Public Works had planned on rolling out the RFP earlier in the year, but due to COVID, we were forced to put it on hold. The timeline dates were changed in the RFP, but it looks like the verbiage you mention was not adjusted. The rollout timeline is scheduled to start in February 2021 with a go-live in July 2021.
Question: What is the make-up of Lake County’s Core Team for the project?
Response: Kelly Osborne, Life Cycle Manager is heading the project. One or two members of the Donohue & Associates team will assist in overseeing implementation.
Question: Will there be dedicated employees in IT, Operations, and Management for the vendor to work with on a consistent basis?
Response: We have a member of the IT department that is assigned to assisting Public Works. They will be involved as needed. Other managers and supervisors will be involved whenever their expertise and input is needed.
Question: Does Lake County have in-house expertise to help support integration requirements, design, and configuration for each of the identified, current and future interfacing systems (i.e., Oracle EBS and IaaS, ESRI ArcGIS, ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro, CIS Infinity, Enterprise SQL geodatabases (Servers and SDE), SCADA, Hosted Tyler InCode and EnerGov, Pipe CCTV, and VFA Facility)? Could you please provide Lake County’s projected timeline for any planned upgrade/replacements of current systems and/or the procurement and implementation of each of the identified, future interfacing systems?
Response: Lake County has an IT team who is knowledgeable and willing to help with this project in any way they can. I am not knowledgeable of any upgrade\replacement timelines at this time.
Question: Per the RFP, Lake County’s current Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system solutions cannot connect to GIS and cannot store, track, and report asset information. Could you please clarify?
Response: The Oracle EAM module purchased by the County back in 2014 has very limited abilities.
• EAM is very difficult to use for our type of industry. It is not specific to public works or its needs.
• Not integrated with GIS. Cannot view assets stored in EAM on Esri ARCGIS.
• EAM and other companies did not offer a mobile solution that worked for us at the time.
• EAM does not have a usable asset interface.
• Public Works does not house Oracle EAM database information, so it is not accessible except through our IT department.
• Public Works cannot create reports on their own. No access to databases where our data is stored.
Question: Has Lake County identified why the Oracle EAM system has limitations to connect to GIS, manage assets, etc.?
Response: See above – Public Works has not access to the databases where Oracle EAM data is housed. Software is outdated, not set up for asset management. Is a not user friendly. It was intended to be a work order system and inventory system only.
Question: Concerning the ESRI ArcGIS integration, can you describe the following?
a. What is your current maturity state (i.e., how many years deployed, % of assets in system, detail of map layers, attributes, etc.)?
Response: The GIS is pretty mature. It was deployed about 20 years ago. It probably contains about 95% of our assets. The biggest exceptions are b-boxes and our treatment plant assets. As for detail of map layers and attributes: We have enough detail to enable users to find assets and identify a little bit about the asset, but there isn’t a lot of fine-grained detail. We are in the process of converting the sewer and water GIS layers to a standard model. So, anyone who would want to know about the schema of our data can refer to Esri’s Water Distribution Utility Network Foundation and Sewer Utility Network Foundation.
Question: What is your current GIS application and version?
Utility Network – New water/sewer model Lake County is planning to migrate to in the upcoming months.
Desktop - ArcMap 10.7.1 and ArcGIS Pro v2.5
Enterprise – Servers 10.7.1 and SDE (SQL geodatabases) 10.4.1 to 10.7.1
Question: Have you standardized on the local government model?
Response: Migrating to the Utility Network water/sewer model mentioned above.
Question: Do you intend to modify the data model during the CMMS implementation?
Response: No.
Question: Do you have any plans to upgrade your GIS software in parallel with the CMMS implementation?
Response: Our current plan is to obtain CMMS software that is GIS based so that asset data is available through both.
Question: How many feature classes do you expect to display in the CMMS?
Response: We plan to house all our assets in the CMMS and GIS – so whatever that entails.
Question: Do you currently use or plan to utilize Esri ArcGIS Online?
Response: We currently use ESRI ArcGIS.
Question: Has Lake County already evaluated different CMMS applications, and did you have assistance preparing the RFP?
Response: Lake County had (3) software demos prior to creating RFP. These simply confirmed that Public Works was going to more ahead in obtaining CMMS software. Yes, Donohue & Associates assisted in preparing the RFP and workflows attached.
Question: For data load, can you provide the sources of data and approximately how many records will be loaded from each source?
Response: I do not have a total count at this time. GIS contains underground assets. Excel spreadsheets contain above ground assets.
Question: Is there an expectation to make any historical data accessible through the new CMMS solution?
Response: As stated in the RFP on PG 6 “Retrieval of historical data/data conversions from existing Oracle EAM system depending on cost and level of effort required.” Is listed as a future/optional core component.
Question: Does Lake County have a defined services budget for the project, and can you share that information?
Response: The 2020 funds ($150K) are intended to cover the software purchase and the 2021 funds ($75K) are intended to cover the annual fees for the software.
November 17, 2020
Question: In the Software Matrix, there are inquiries for a service request portal and mobile application. Does the County require this functionality and if so, is it expected to be implemented as a part of this project?
Response: Yes this is a core requirement and is required to be implemented as part of the project.
• User-friendly Mobile App (I-pad/Android) for smartphones or tablets. Software should be capable of barcode scanning, work order management and scheduling for field staff. Application should be able to access and synchronize updates back to the CMMS even when cellular signal is temporarily absent.
Question: Can you please provide a copy of Lake County's information security policy and privacy standards referenced in the RFP?
Response: Please reference the attached documents.
Acceptable Use Policy
Third Party Network Access
November 16, 2020
Question: Please identify how asset condition is currently being tracked for each of the asset classes (Example: NASSCO PACP scoring for sewers).
Response: We are working with Donohue & Associates to update our asset data and have been developing a risk/scoring concept for our fixed assets and linear assets. Our above ground asset conditions are currently tracked in excel spreadsheets. The information is gathered manually from asset purchase information, PM work orders and checklists, and through notification by area supervisors, utility workers and operators. Our underground assets are primarily being tracked in the GIS. We also had a risk assessment performed by CDM Smith on our underground assets and have utilized those reports to help prioritize some of our CIP projects. In addition, our maintenance department performs CCTV assessments in various locations annually to collect data and to determine high-risk pipes. New processes\workflows will need to be put in place to capture new information into the software once we are using the CMMS.
Question: Please describe the current decision-criteria that is used by Public Works and to prioritize capital projects. What asset data and demand data is used to support the prioritization decisions?
Response: All data gathering is mostly a manual process. We have criteria in spreadsheets reflecting asset age, likelihood of failure, and other notes that are used to help determine and prioritize what assets require replacement or rehabilitation prior to determining projects for our annual budget. We are currently developing a new risk/scoring system as mentioned in the above answer to question 1. We also have a CIP manager and a CIP action team that works on scoring projects from an established list using the following weighted criteria:
• Probability of Failure / Value of Redundancy
• Consequence of Failure or Inaction
• Project Type
• Board Strategy / Value to Public
November 11, 2020
Question: In reference to page 22, Option A – Price Proposal for a Cloud-Hosted Solution to Comply with RFP and Technical Requirements section:
a. Does this refer to an existing or future LAKE COUNTY administered/maintained cloud environment? If so, what would the cloud hosting component include?
b. Does this refer to the VENDOR establishing a cloud-hosted solution for the County and VENDOR administering/maintaining?
Response: This refers to the vendor administering, maintaining, and establishing a cloud-hosted solution for Lake County.
Question: In reference to page 23, Option B – Price Proposal for a Software As A Service (SaaS) Solution to Comply with RFP and Technical Requirements section:
a. If this is referring to a VENDOR SaaS solution, wouldn’t the same Implementation Activities, Training, Other and Annual Maintenance / Support Fee line items from Option A also apply?
Response: Option B does state “Vendor shall identify costs and implementation that may differ from Option A (cloud hosted solution) in the space below.”
Question: The first page of the RFP has a label that appears to have been developed initially for mail submittals. Can you clarify as to whether you do or do not want that label included in our online submittal?
Response: Please include the label with your online submittal.
November 10, 2020
Question: In the Q&A, it was indicated that the budget for the software is $150,000 1st year and $75,000, 2nd year. What is the budget for services?
Response: The 2020 funds ($150K) are intended to cover the software purchase and the 2021 funds ($75K) are intended to cover the annual fees for the software.
November 9, 2020
Question: The budget that you have approved for this project - $150,000 2020 Budget and $75,000 budgeted in 2021, is that intended to cover both services and software fees or just services?
Response: The 2020 funds ($150K) are intended to cover the software purchase and the 2021 funds ($75K) are intended to cover the annual fees for the software. We realize that different software companies structure their pricing in different ways, so we may have to apply the funds to match a vendors structure.
Question: What is your preference: cloud or on-premise solution?
Response: Lake County’s preferred method would be to use the cloud.
November 5, 2020
Question: Would it be possible for us to get a copy of the following sections of the RFP in native format? Software Matrix, Reference Sheet, Price Proposal Sheet and General Information Sheet.
Response: No.
Question: How would we be notified of the answers?
Response: Lake County Purchasing will respond. All responses to questions are publicized in the Addendum.
Question: How would we be notified of decision?
Response: All communications will be handled through our Purchasing Department.
Question: Are the end users represented on the selection committee?
Response: A selection committee has not yet been established. There will be end users and managers included in the selection committee as well as for the demos/interviews.
Question: Who else is on the selection committee?
Response: See previous answer.
Question: Did a third-party help prepare this RFP?
Response: We have contracted with Donohue & Associates for assistance. Donohue & Associates assisted in establishing workflows for the RFP.
Question: Are they on the selection committee?
Response: No, they will be present to assist with selection and implementation, but they will not be part of the selection committee.
Question: Are they advising the selection committee?
Response: Yes, they will be sharing their opinions and making recommendations.
Question: What type of entity are they?
Response: Donohue & Associates is an engineering firm.
Question: Did you have demos of solutions that meet your requirements before?
Response: We did have three demos in 2019 to get an idea of what products were available. It is possible that our requirements could be met, but we did not go in depth with them. We wanted to have funding in place before continuing our search.
Question: What did you like and dislike about them?
Response: We liked the systems that were linked to the GIS. It makes sense to have everything connected to one platform so that the information put into the CMMS is part of the GIS. We disliked software that did not allow us to have assets within a structure so that we could track the history and maintenance on all our equipment. Example: Wastewater Treatment Plant equipment, lift station equipment.
Question: Why are you trying to get a new system?
Response: Our current Oracle EAM system is outdated, is not connected to the GIS, does not have a mobile solution that would work for us, and is very complex for users to master. It also does not have the asset management tools we see in other software nor does it have the ability for the user to build reports on their own. Our IT department houses the data from Oracle and must be contacted anytime we want to create a new report.
Question: What problem are you trying to solve with this RFP?
Response: Please refer to #5 under General Information in the RFP. It specifically lists the requirements we need to have and the option of future components we would like to have.
Question: Is there an approved budget?
Response: Yes.
Question: Over what period? If so, what amount is it?
Response: $150,000 2020 Budget and $75,000 budgeted in 2021.
Question: What are the sources: federal funds, state funds, agency appropriated, etc.?
Response: Lake County Public Works obtains most of its revenues from its enterprise fund supported by user fees. All fiscal budgets are approved by the County Board.
Question: What are the risks that you are concerned about going through this RFP?
Response: We are concerned about the vendor software implementation. We are hoping that the software will end up being able to address our core functionality requirements.
Question: For example, is the delay in adoption by employees a risk you are concerned about?
Response: The buy-in by employees is a concern. We want a system that is user friendly.
Question: Given the current affairs, Covid19 is causing delay in response time to RFPs’ and to save the trees, we request to make the demo to be remote and we request extending the deadline for 15 days.
Response: No extensions will be considered at this time. Lake County will may consider remote demos.
Question: Can you list any systems that the new Assets Management System needs to integrate with?
Response: ESRI ArcGIS
Possible future integrations:
Oracle I-procurement module
Wonderware Historian – SCADA software
IT Pipes – CCTV Inspection software
Accruent VFA Facility Software
Question: Is there a requirement of data migration?
Response: Yes.
Question: If so, how many data sources are there?
Response: Two, maybe three sources.
Question: Any legacy systems?
Response: Possibly Oracle database
Question: Any manual processes?
Response: Not sure – depends if data can be uploaded from Excel spreadsheets, Esri GIS, possibly oracle databases.
Question: Any requirement of a native mobile app?
Response: Yes, it should be capable of barcode scanning, work order management and scheduling for field staff. Application should be able to access and synchronize updates back to the CMMS even when the cell signal is temporarily absent.
Question: A native web app?
Response: This would be an added value. Needs to be able to support our core functionality requirements.
Question: Can you list the RFPs of this size you awarded in the last 6 years by the nature of the RFP, size, who was awarded and why you chose them?
Response: All active and awarded contracts can be found on our website
November 2, 2020
Question: To provide a better and more thorough response to Lake County for RFP #20008 (CMMS), would it be possible to extend the due date two weeks to December 8th?
Response: No.
Question: Do each of the evaluation criteria from page 19 have a weight associated with them or are they weighted equally?
Response: They will be weighted equally.
Question: Are you willing to change your terms regarding fees for software commencing with system go-live? We provide commercial off the shelf software as a subscription offering that is licensed and invoiced once implementation and configuration has begun.
Response: You may submit an exemption as part of your RFP response to address a change to contract terms.
Question: Do you want to consolidate your asset inventory from spreadsheets into the GIS?
Response: Most of our underground assets are currently in our GIS. Along with underground assets, our GIS shows all our building locations such as wastewater treatment plants and lift stations, water towers, and reservoirs. The assets within these locations are what we currently have on spreadsheets and these are not in the GIS. It is our hope that we can add all of our assets in all of our locations to the GIS so they are accessible for our employees to select when requesting/creating work orders, doing PM’s, or replacing/rebuilding pumps and other mechanicals and electrical components.
October 29, 2020
Question: Do you anticipate extending the bid due date?
Response: No.
Question: What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid?
Response: All information is contained within the request for proposal.
Question: Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at
Response: No.
Question: Other than your own website, where was this bid posted?
Response: The Waukegan New Sun.
Question: Whether companies from Outside USA can apply for this?
(like, from India or Canada)
Response: The RFP is open for all vendors to apply.
Question: Whether we need to come over there for meetings?
Response: This is unknown at this time.
Question: Can we perform the tasks (related to RFP) outside USA?
(like, from India or Canada)
Response: This is unknown at this time.
Can we submit the proposals via email?
Response: Yes.