May 29, 2020
As the submittal deadline approaches on Tuesday June 2, please reach out to if you experience any difficulties submitting your proposal electronically.
May 18, 2020
Vendor questions and responses addendum 2 has now been posted. This is the final posting 2 of 2 in the Q/A for this RFP.
May 6, 2020
Q) The RFP mentions multiple times that questions will be allowed 7 days prior to the RFP opening; is this correct or will the May 5, 2020 deadline the final deadline for questions? A) The RFP was amended to reflect the deadline for questions of May 5, 2020. This change was to allow proposers additional time to consider any q/a in drafting their proposals. This was posted in the April 10, 2020 Addendum.
May 1, 2020
The following documents have been posted to the RFP documents:
1. Vendor Question and Answer Addendum #1
2. Revised Pricing Sheet
3. Revised Requirements Matrix
April 28, 2020
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Proposers are to submit proposals electronically, to be opened and evaluated in private. Lake County will only be accepting electronic proposals submissions. Complete your response to the Request for Proposal in accordance with the instructions for the RFP.
Please follow the steps below to upload your electronic submission:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Bid Number: 20027
3. Click on register for this bid
4. Enter your username and password
5. Under the Submittals section you will be able to upload your bid submittal
a. Click on the browse button
b. Navigate your computer and select the appropriate file
c. Multiple files can be uploaded, each file can be no more than 20 MB
d. Click on save submittals
e. Close the browser
6. Please follow the same process to submit a redacted copy that can be used to comply with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Please refer to the FOIA statute, 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq., and specifically Section 7 therein, for an explanation of the information that may be redacted.
ALL SUBMITTALS SHOULD BE LABELED ACCORDINGLY. Please make this label as part of the first page of submission:
BID/RFP No. RFP # 20027 Vendor Name:___________________________
Vendor Address:__________________________
Buyer: Susan August
Bid/RFP Description:
BID/RFP Due Date*: Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Lake County will only be accepting electronic submissions for this RFP.
*Please note: Responses are due at 11:00 a.m. local time on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. Please upload your proposal early and allow sufficient time for any technical problems that may arise. If the document will not go through, please call the Buyer assigned to this solicitation, Susan August at 847-377-2165 or email at If you would like to receive confirmation that we have successfully received your submission, please email at
April 23, 2020
The pre-bid meeting PowerPoint slides are now posted with the bid documents and are available for viewing.
April 20, 2020
Appendix A has been updated
April 17, 2020
A revised RFP document that reflects a revised timeline was posted today. Also a revised appendix A and B were posted today.
All vendor questions will be answered in an upcoming addenda
April 10, 2020
• Revised RFP document and attachments will be posted on April 17
• Virtual pre-bid meeting will be April 23 at 9 a.m. CDT
• The deadline for questions is extended to May 5 (All questions will be answered via addendum by no later than May 15)
• The proposal deadline is extended to June 2
April 7, 2020
Given the COVID19 situation, the pre-bid meeting originally scheduled for April 9th will be postponed. A revised timeline for this RFP will be provided in the near future.
March 24, 2020
**No Addendums posted at this time**