January 8, 2021
Question: Need a GIS map that will show Pump stations and Cleanouts, ARV's and Gate valves. as well as any elbows or turns in the system. This info isn't on the provided map.
Response: A copy of the GIS map of the existing force main and the pump station has been provided, the Air Release Valves have been labeled. Record drawings of the original force main and the expansion of the pump station are included as well. Lake County Public Works does not have complete records of the location and number of all the cleanouts, gate valves and elbows. The provided information should help provide answers to the majority of your questions.
https://lakecountyil.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/teams/PWExtranet/Vendors/Shared Documents/PW 2020.109 Vernon Hills West Pump Station Analysis?csf=1&web=1
Question: I would like to know if an internal inspection device that is tethered will be accepted in this bid. It delivers all the data required in the spec with pinpoint accuracy and data is available real time.
Response: Yes, a tethered internal inspection device is acceptable. As long as the device can perform the internal inspection of the force mains and navigate the bends in the pipes from inside the main we will consider the proposal. If there are limitations on the length the device can travel or restrictions to the pipe fixtures the device can travel through please list these factors in your proposal.
December 18, 2020
Question: Do you anticipate extending the bid due date?
Response: No.
Question: What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid?
Response: All information has been provided in the RFP.
Question: Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at www.mygovwatch.com/free?
Response: No.
Question: Other than your own website, where was this bid posted?
Response: The Lake County New Sun.
Question: Are pipe specifications available for the CIP and the Asbestos Concrete Pipe?
Response: LCPW does not have the specifications available for the CIP and Asbestos pipe used to construct the force mains.