Lake County Addendum Forum




UPDATED July 14, 2021


QUESTION: What form of authentication does your system support?  [i.e. SSL v2, SSL v3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 etc.]

RESPONSE: The Lake County Health Department (LCHD) requires the use of TLS 1.2 as part of its authentication system. The LCHD requires that any response show that the proposed system can integrate with Azure Active Directory as the Single-Sign On mechanism for authentication.


UPDATED July 13, 2021


QUESTION: Is there a current LMS in place, and what functionality is included?

RESPONSE: Yes. The current LMS allows us to upload and assign courses to staff, view employee learning records, run reports on courses, and correct course records as needed.

QUESTION: Is there a data migration that would be needed from the old LMS to the new LMS?

RESPONSE: No, we will archive but not migrate.

QUESTION: What other systems could be on the radar for later integration?  And what type of integration (bi-directional, verticle integration, etc.)

RESPONSE: Any future system integrations not listed in the current RFP scope will be discussed with the selected vendor on an as needed basis.

QUESTION: Can you explain more on real-time integration? Do we need to do real time data push back into HR system or we are just pulling data from Oracle in LMS and keep training data within LMS?

RESPONSE: The selected LMS must be able to pull employee data from the HRIS into the LMS but is not required to push data back to the HRIS system at this time.

QUESTION: Is there a data flow design pattern determining where the LMS data will finally reside? Is there an existing Data warehouse/storage location where learning data can be analyzed alongside HR data for compliance tracking and reporting?

RESPONSE: The pattern preferred is to use an API to extract the data from the LMS and then load it into our data warehouse.

QUESTION: Is there an existing portal/platform where LMS needs to be embedded into?

RESPONSE: Not at this time.

QUESTION: What are the current redundacies and how do we identify them?  Are they duplicate classes with similar content, or is it duplicate data, or both?  If so, how do we identify the duplicate information?

RESPONSE: Examples of current redundancies include duplicate employee records due to the inability to merge records and multiple course versions due to the inability to require an individual to take a course more than once (i.e. annual training).

QUESTION: Currently how many trackers exist to track compliance training and educational requirements? (related to consolidation of decentralized trackers)

RESPONSE: Multiple trackers exists to track compliance training and requirements across our agency. These range from physical documents to excel workbooks to our current LMS.

QUESTION: Is there a current data catalog to identify and categorize PII fields? If no, is there an expectation to create data catalog to track PII fields. If yes, is there an update needed on the catalog as part of this implementation?

RESPONSE: There is an existing Data warehouse; however, we don’t currently have HR data in it.  The plan will be to have this data there too.

QUESTION: What reporting tools do you use to track and report compliance and high level summaries currently?

RESPONSE: Multiple reporting tools exist including, but not limited to, Tableau, DocuSign, and LMS reports.

QUESTION: What additional analytics would you like to have on the learning platform added to the existing scope?

RESPONSE: Required analytics are listed in the scope, however, we encourage all vendors to submit additional anaytics they believe would be helpful in tracking compliance metrics as well as facilitating a culture of learning.

QUESTION: What kind of API integrations do you have today with Health Department systems (RESTful or SOAP)?  Are they external to Lake County or is it within Lake County?  Is this data PII?

RESPONSE: We have none that a LMS would use.  We have MuleSoft as an integration tool and will want to use it to interface with any API.

QUESTION: What does your current Learning team look like? 

RESPONSE: We have mulitiple teams within our agency that are responsible for learning and development. At this time, our primary "learning team" currently consists of 1 director, 2 managers, and 3 training specialists.

QUESTION: How will this system be managed moving forward?

RESPONSE: This system will be managed by our Organizational Development and Clinical Training & Education teams.

QUESTION: What type of connection is needed with Oracle?  Is it bi-directional?  Would it be required to update or just read?

RESPONSE: The selected LMS must be able to pull employee data from the HRIS into the LMS but is not required to push data back to the HRIS system at this time.

QUESTION: Is there a SCORM capitility requirement? If so, which version?


QUESTION: Is there a delivery team from Lake County that would be responsible for delivery of the new LMS or a team that is expected to partner with the vendor's delivery team?

RESPONSE: LCHD would work directly with the selected vendor to implement the new LMS system.

QUESTION: What form of authentication does your system support?  [i.e. SSL v2, SSL v3, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2 etc.]


QUESTION: Does your system use secrets (i.e. username, passwords, tokens) to access other services and or databases?


QUESTION: Does Lake County have a product owner identified to support the delivery of a new LMS system?



UPDATED July 12, 2021


QUESTION: There are some discrepancies between the information requested at the top of page 9 and the pages on which the sections are located. Can we assume these errors are clerical in nature and ignore instances where page numbers don't line up?

RESPONSE: Yes, this is a clerical error please disregard any page references on page 9.

QUESTION: In reference to the sample agreement starting on page 25: Are you expecting vendors to conduct a full redline of this agreement and return it with our response? Or are vendors permitted to submit our preferred terms, with the knowledge that negotiations will occur prior to contract signing? If a redline is preferred, can you please provide a Word version of the agreement for easier editing?   

RESPONSE: We do not expect a full redline. As noted on page 7, section 6 Exceptions. “If a Contractor’s response includes any exceptions, Contractor must include the front page of this RFP with an X in the box indicating a submission with exceptions.  The Contractor’s response must clearly state any exceptions taken to the terms of this RFP by attaching additional pages to the Proposal submittal titled “EXCEPTIONS”.  

QUESTIONS: Good morning - My team is working diligently to respond to this RFP. That being said, with the recent 4th of July holiday and the summer- time - many of my team members who are crucial to this response are on PTO. I am concerned that without a two-week extension we will not be able to put forth a bid. Would the Lake County Health team grant a two-week extension?

RESPONSE: Unfortunately, due to our project timeline and our staff availability we are not able to extend the RFP due date at this time.  



UPDATED July 8, 2021


QUESTION: Does the Health Department operate separately or in tandem with the County? Reason being, The County currently uses our Insight and Onboard systems and we need to determine whether we would "turn on" Learn for them within the County's instance or if Health would have a completely different one.

RESPONSE:  As the largest department within the Lake County system we would always look for system integration when feasible, but this RFP is independent to fill a need for the Lake County Health Department based on unique training needs. If the vendor selected has existing contracts for other systems we would reserve the right to work with them to see if integration is reasonable to accomplish for LCHD only.


July 8, 2021

12:00 PM

UPDATED July 8, 2021


QUESTION: Can you please provide a breakdown of the 1000 user count? Full-time, Part-time, Seasonal, and Temporary employee counts will help us provide the most accurate pricing with our proposal.

RESPONSE: Here’s a breakdown of the Employees and Contingent Workers who have records with LCHD:


















Contingent Workers















Temp Agency











Total Users




No Questions have been submitted as of June 29, 2021 3:00PM 


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