Addendum #1
November 30, 2022
Since this account is currently vended, there would be costs to Lake County associated with closing the account should the County decide to switch to another vendor. If the County switches to another vendor, is the County prepared to pay these closing fees?
Response: Lake County understands that we will need to pay the costs associated with permanent retrieval if a different vendor is selected.
Can a proposer include a plan to help offset these fees as part of their proposal?
Response: Yes.
And in that case, what is the amount the County would have to pay to exit the current vendor?
Response: Lake County estimates this fee to be $63,540.00 based on the estimated number of boxes and retrieval fee.
Also, there is no line item for vendors to include the cost, if any, of moving the inventory from the current vendor's facility. As this process would take a significant amount of time and labor, shouldn't the cost, if any, for this process be included as a line item?
Response: Lake County anticipates that we would transition 2,000 boxes a week pursuant to the terms and conditions of the current agreement. If this service isn’t appropriately delineated, that may be included as an additional service.
Are there permanent and retrieval fees associated with the transfer that a new vendor is responsible to pay and if so, what are those costs.
Response: Please see the above responses.
November 28, 2022
General Terms and Conditions:
Section 13 and 16 – Could this be rewritten to be mutual? Also, would this eliminate a vendor to be considered if not mutually written?
Response: Vendors are encouraged to take exception to any terms and conditions provided in the request for proposal. All exceptions must be clearly and completely indicated in the proposers response.
Section 22 – Can this be interpreted if the County cannot make remittance to the vendor, this does not excuse the vendor from continuing work? Shouldn’t this be considered default?
Response: Vendors are encouraged to take exception to any terms and conditions provided in the request for proposal. All exceptions must be clearly and completely indicated in the proposers response.
Section 34.B. – Hours are not a method used for tracking this type of project. Transportation mileage and volume of boxes are used. Is this agreeable?
Response: Payment will be made in accordance with the payment schedule identified in the final agreement with the awarded vendor.
Section 35.3 & 5 - If the Federal not a party to this agreement per section 3, however in section 5 the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment is part of this contract. Please explain why.
Response: The Special Terms and Conditions included in this RFP are only applicable if federal funds are being used. At this time it is not anticipated that federal funds will be used.
Scope of Work:
Section 1.B. - If the Vendor sets Tuesday’s and Thursdays as delivery days, is this automatic or is it based on Lake County requesting a pickup/delivery?
Response: Lake County is requesting standard pick up days. If there are no pickups are deliveries scheduled, on the standard day then a trip is not required.
Spec No 4 – Would it be acceptable to deliver electronically documents requested instead of delivering boxes?
Response: Some departments will require paper files; some departments may be ok with electronic copies of the documents. This can be part of the contract negotiations with the awarded vendor.
How many recalls on a daily/weekly or monthly basis?
Response: This information is not available at this time.
Spec No 10 – Has this been excluded intentionally?
Response: This is a formatting error.
Proposal Price Sheet:
Additional line items will need to be added, should these be added in Additional Services even though it is part of standard services?
Response: Additional line items should be added as additional services.
Where are the boxes currently stored? What is the access for these boxes; loading dock, transportation expectation, and time frame needed for removed?
Response: Boxes are currently located in Franklin Park, Illinois. Lake County will work with the awarded vendor to transition to a new vendor as part of the contract negotiations with the awarded vendor.