Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP #24213 - Lake County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Modernization Initiative

Addendum #1

December 20, 2023

Lake County will be extending the opening date of RFP #24213 Lake County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Modernization Initiative to January 19, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. CST. 

The Procurement Schedule has been modified as follows:  

Event Date
Release RFP November 13, 2023
Pre-Proposal Conference November 21, 2023
Deadline for RFP Inquiries for Clarification  December 8, 2023
Final Posting of Addendum Responses December 20, 2023
Deadline for Proposal Submission January 19, 2024 at 11:00 p.m. CST
Evaluation Selection of Finalists January 26, 2024
Vendor Demonstration and Orals (Invite Only) February 19 - March 15, 2024*
Lake County Board Approval May 14, 2024*
Awarded Vendor(s) begins Contract May 20, 2024*

*Timeline is subject to change.

Question 1.1:  In Attachment 5.1 - Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements, requirement AM-MRO3 for Asset Management – Maintenance Repair Operations "MRO" Inventory – Tracks, segments, and prioritizes MRO inventory. – we would like more clarity on this requirement.  

Response:  This requirement is asking for the system to confirm that it can track and prioritize MRO inventory usages, issuances, replenishments, etc. The system should be able to inventory the parts (aka segments).  

Question 1.2:  In Attachment 5.1 - Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements, Sheet 4 Non-functional use cases, for responses to columns D, E, and F, we are assuming the “proposed solution” here means the whole proposal (including solution and methodology) as the questions here are largely narrative-based. We have provided our responses based on this assumption. Could the County let us know if our assumption is correct? 

Response: This assumption is correct.  

Question 2:  Section NF-SA2 - The Vendor shall meet the security standards included in Attachment C, Lake County Computing Environment and Information Technology Standards.  It does not appear that Attachment C was provided. Can Lake County please province a copy of Attachment C. 

Response: Please see the response to question #8, November 22, 2023. 

Question 3:  Section NF-OMTS1 - Create a detailed Transition Plan and the Disentanglement Plan that covers all activities and the efforts of all involved parties. This part of the plan should express this in time and budget requirements, action ownership and program governance.  Can Lake County provide clarification to what this entire section refers to including NF-OMTS1 through NF-OMTS11.  It is unclear based upon the wording. 

Response: Lake County is looking to understand the transition plan during the stabilization period from the proposer.  

Question 4:  Section FA-AR20 - Ability to suppress generation of bills.  Can you provide use case for this requirement? 

Response: A situation could occur where Lake County needs to put a hold on generating bills for a certain period of time. Lake County would like the system to have the ability to suppress generation of bills.  

Question 5:  Section FA-AR100 - The system provides the ability to define cash reason codes.  Can you elaborate on this requirement? 

Response: Lake County would like the system to show a configurable coded value list (CVL) to choose from as reason codes.  

Question 6:  Section 2.2 - Current Business and Operational Environment - Table 1.  Current State of Lake County Administrative and Operational Applications  Is the County open to integrating to any of these systems or would you prefer to replace?  Specifically:  Oracle EPM (Budgeting)?  eCivis?  ReCo Cashiering?  Sympro?  JP Morgan Bank for PCards?  VueWorks?  IMRF Retirement Portal?  Any others in this table you would like to call out as possible integration points? 

Response: Lake County would like the proposer to propose any replacement where their proposed system can support the functionalities. Lake County would expect integration with cashiering, bank, retirement systems and the Tyler modules.  

Question 7:  Section 2.2 - Current Business and Operational Environment - Table 1.  For the systems you are looking to replace in Table 1, can you elaborate on any specific challenges you are having with these systems or why you are looking to replace?   

Response: Lake County would like to operate from a fully integrated solution.  

Question 8:  The County is looking for a full-service HR/Payroll solution that manages and facilitates payment transactions like those mentioned.  Does the County currently use a third party to handle post payroll payment transactions with Oracle?  If so, who is the partner and are you looking for options to replace that third party partner? 

Response: Lake County currently utilizes Oracle EBS and does not use a third party.  

Question 9:  Under the Asset Management section, can you describe how the County is currently handling these requirements:  Automate and track employee check-ins and check-outs in the buildings such as custodial and maintenance staff.  Manage lease agreement records, tracks amortization expenses of leased asset, facilities, and public space assets (e.g., benches, statutes, art, etc.).   

Response: A few departments at Lake County currently use Intellitime for employee check-ins and check-outs. Lease amortization and leased assets are managed in Oracle EBS.  

Question 10:  For the budget management solution, how many (1) budget entry users vs. (2) read only users? 

Response:  Currently, Lake County has 82 users, with various levels of access: administrative, power users, and normal users. 

Question 11:  For workforce planning, do you plan down to the employee/position level? Or are you planning at a summarized level (e.g. Department, GL level)? Please provide some details. 

Response: Lake County currently plans by employees and position. This information is currently summarized by authorized positions for budget book presentation.  

Question 12:  Does the budget management solution require the ability to link to strategic goals and outcomes? 

Response: Yes. 

Question 13:  From the list of applications provided Are there any current applications that cannot be replaced? 

Response: The County is looking for the ERP system to provide the functionality described in the functional requirements.   

Question 14:  Can you please provide the details of current user base? 

Response:  See question #19, December 8, 2023. 

Question 15:  How many total ERP-named users (full access, limited access, etc.) is the County anticipating? We understand 117 users for Asset Maintenance system, however, we would like to know the total anticipated users for ERP. 

Response:  See question #19, December 8, 2023. 

Question 16:  Are there any change management, communications, and/or training specialists in-house who will lead and manage the OCM program, or will your partner lead that effort? 

Response: Lake County is expecting proposals to include OCM components including communications and training.  

Question 17:  Will development of communications collateral (email, newsletters, blogs, etc.) be created in-house or by your partner? 

Response: Lake County is expecting proposals to include OCM components including communications and training. 

Question 18:  Will development training materials (job aids, videos, PPTs, etc.) be created in-house or by your partner? 

Response: Lake County is expecting proposals to include OCM components including communications and training. 

Question 19:  Do you anticipate resistance to this change from your stakeholder audiences? 

Response: Lake County anticipates that like all major technology transformation efforts there will be a range of responses from very supportive to very resistant.

Question 20:  What is your organization’s maturity with employee and manager self-service? 

Response: Lake County utilizes employee and manager self-service modules today and would like proposals to provide solutions with self-service modules.  

Question 21:  Is there a date by which the County needs to be live on the platform? 

Response:  See question #13, December 8, 2023. 

Question 22:  We understand extensions are not being considered at this time; we would like to ask that you please consider an extension into January 16th.? 

Response: Responses will now be due January 19, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. CST. 

Question 23:  What role does Hyland OnBase play today and in your future ECM plans with ERP and HCM? Are you using Hyland contract management or in the health department? 

Response: Lake County uses Hyland Onbase for ECM solution today.  County would like proposers’ approach to continue use of Onbase or propose comparable solution.  For comparable solutions, please confirm that existing Onbase documents can be converted.  

Question 24:  What Contract Management systems do you have today? 

Response:  Lake County is using a homegrown contract management system through American Eagle. 

Question 25:  Could you provide information on creation, maintenance, and use, and disposition policies for data and documents by type?? 

Response:  All public records are bound by the Illinois State and Local Government Records Management Programs ( There are several county-wide policies and some individual departments have additional policies and procedures.  

Question 26:  What are the Health Department and Community Health Centers participating in the RFP? Do they plan to use the finance, procurement, asset management, contract management, HR, talent, performance management,?and recruiting systems? Are they considering a more healthcare-focused alternative? 

Response: The proposed ERP solution should cover the Lake County Health Department and its Federally Qualified Healthcare Center. 

Question 27:  What is the total grant volume Lake County receives? 

Response: The amount varies greatly from year to year, especially with the recent federal COVID-related funding, but Lake County must always produce a Single Audit. 

Question 28:  How many employees submit expenses? 

Response: There are approximately 500 - 800 employee reimbursements processed annually. Note though there are many duplicate employees represented in this approximate count. 

Question 29:  How many employees use self-service procurement, including administration and maintenance staff? 

Response:  Lake County has 255 self-service procurement users. This includes administration and maintenance staff. 

Question 30:  Is the County looking to work with physical clocks for time and attendance or can its unions use mobile?  

a. Do you have clocks today? Could you provide how many, the brand, and when they were purchased? 

b. Do you need pricing for physical clocks? 

c. Will nurse scheduling be required by clocks? 

d. Do any of your Public Safety or Health Departments desire to back-fill open/vacant positions automatically via text or telephone message? 

e. Do any of your Public Safety or Health Teams desire to schedule Extra-Duty Work (off-duty work) with their regular schedule to enforce fatigue policies and track extra-duty work for invoicing efficiently? 

f. Do any of your Public Safety and Health Departments want to automate the bidding process for vacation/time off, shifts, or extra duty? 

g. Do any of your Public Safety and Health Departments desire to automate and manage Shift Trading between employees? 

Response: The County is open to mobile phones for time entry. 

a. Yes, we have approximately 10 physical time clocks.  Intellitime is the vendor and they were acquired more than 8 years ago. 

b. Yes. 

c. Time entry whether via a mobile app or clock should support nurse scheduling. 

d. The County is interested in this functionality.   

e. The County is open to this functionality. 

f. The County is open to this functionality. 

g. Please respond to the functional requirements as included in the RFP.   

Question 31:  We need to understand to what extent the County has standardized - or not standardized - the pay policies for employees at all locations/divisions. ? Do locations/divisions operate independently and publish their pay policies, OR are they standardized across divisions/locations? 

Response: The County is interested in standardizing pay policies across all locations/divisions.  

Question 32:  ?How many maintenance staff do you have? 

Response: Approximately 122 throughout the County. 

Question 33:  Do you do any proactive maintenance today of buildings or vehicles? 

Response:  Yes. 

Question 34:  What is the county's current relationship with Tyler? Are you looking to replace any current capabilities, and if so, across what products or functions?? 

Response: The County is looking for the functionality that is described in the functional requirements in the RFP. 

Question 35:  Does the County want a plan on how to manage legacy EBS data? What is the size of the database? 

Response: The County plans on migrating/converting legacy EBS data to the new system. The current projection database size is approximately 2 Terabytes.  

Question 36:  Are there other forms of data outside of EBS you would like to have hosted - time and attendance, asset management, contract management, etc? 

Response: Yes.  

Question 37:  Can the county elaborate briefly on their current level of satisfaction with recruiting?software and what is influencing the county to consider an alternative solution? 

Response:  The County is satisfied with their recruiting software but is open to capabilities in an integrated solution. The offeror’s solutions should accommodate the full HCM capabilities or allow integration to other recruiting software.  

Question 38:  What system is used today to track debt/investments? 

Response: The County is currently using SymPro to track some of its investments.  

Question 39:  Will the County provide a statement from the current online payment processor and the types of payments they anticipate being in scope for this project? 

Response:  The County expects the type of payments to be in line with any modern ERP solutions and is expecting the proposer to recommend best practices and solutions available.  

Question 40:  How does the County handle permits and licenses today; is this desired functionality not stated in the RFP?? 

Response: The County currently utilizes Tyler EnerGov for license & permitting.  This functionality is not within the scope of the RFP.  

Question 41:  How does the County handle state reporting today, such as Schedule P? 

Response: The County currently utilizes manual reporting.  

Question 42:  Could you provide the following annual tax liabilities: FIT/FICA Total; SIT/CIT/SDI Total; FUTA/SUI Total 

Response:  The FIT/FICA Total: approximately 18,800,000; SIT/CIT/SDI Total: for IL approximately 6,800,000, for WI approximately 1,200,000; FUTA/SUI Total: approximately 175,700. 

Question 43:  Do you plan to use the new ERP's Learning Management System (LMS) functionality? If so, how many (if any) historical enrollment records and existing courses will need to be converted to the new ERP? 

Response: Yes. The County has not determined conversion of existing courses. 

Question 44:  Are any data warehouse systems fed data from the new ERP? 

Response: Yes. 

Question 45:  Do you intend to change your Service Delivery Model because of your implementation? If so, have you defined that future-state Service Delivery Model? 

Response: The County is intending to modify the Service Delivery Model. The County will determine the model during implementation. 

Question 46:  How many non-exempt workers are employed by the County? Of that number, how many are public safety workers?   

Response:  Approximately 1,766 non-exempt employees.  Approximately, 160 are traditional public safety roles – sworn officers (Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff Sergeant or Deputy Sheriff Lieutenant, Deputy Chief, Chief, Undersheriff and Sheriff). Another 180 are non-sworn Correctional Officers (only in the Jail) and approximately 20 telecommunicators. 

Question 47:  What solution(s) does the County currently leverage for work order management? 

Response: We utilize the work order request function in Oracle.  We also accept and manage work via email, phone calls, and direct inputs from our maintenance team.  Our staff has been directed to submit work orders if work arrives outside of Oracle, but there are times this does not happen. 

Question 48:  What software/System does Lake County currently use for below areas of operations? a. Fleet Management b. Facility Management c. Asset Management 

Response: The County uses a. FASTER for Fleet Management, b. Procor for Facilities Management and c. Oracle EBS and VueWorks for Asset Management. 

Question 49:  Can you provide the list of Oracle E-Business Suite(EBS) modules currently being used in Lake County? 

Response: Lake County currently uses Oracle EBS Financials and Human Resources modules.  

Question 50:  What software/System does Lake County currently use for RFID for Inventory and/or asset tracking? 

Response: Lake County does not currently use a system that utilizes RFID, that is within the scope of this RFP.  

Question 51:  What software/System does Lake County currently use for barcode scanning? 

Response: Lake County does not currently use a system for barcode scanning but is expecting barcode scanning in the proposed ERP solution.  

Question 52:  What software/system does Lake County use to track subcontractor (SBE, DBE, MWBE) diversity goals? 

Response:  Lake County does not have a system to track subcontractor diversity goals. 

Question 53:  What system/software does Lake County currently use for strategic sourcing (online bidding)? 

Response:  Please refer to question number 24. 

Question 54:  How many legal entities is the County comprised of that will need to be set up in the system? 

Response:  Lake County currently does the accounting and financial reporting for SWALCO, ETSB, and VAC in addition to the County. 

Question 55:  Does the County have a list of external systems you intend to keep that will need to interface with Workday HCM, Payroll, or Financials? 

Response:  Yes. The external applications, such as Tyler solutions, Autoagent, etc.  

Question 56:  How many unions or CBAs does the County have? 

Response:  See question #32, December 8, 2023.  

Question 57:  How many capital assets and how many non-capital assets does the County track? 

Response: Lake County does not track non-capital assets.  Lake County has an estimated 19,145 Capital Assets. 

Question 58:  Do you utilize multiple depreciation books for fixed assets (multi-book accounting)? 

Response:  The County currently uses two sets of books, one for County and one for Public Works.   

Question 59:  How many benefit plans does the County have? 

Response:  See question #4, December 8, 2023.  

Question 60:  How many benefit groups do you have? 

Response:  Please see the response to Question #59 above. 

Question 61:  How many time off plans and leave types will the County need to be configured? 

Response:  See question #6, December 8, 2023.  

Question 62:  Does the County follow any state-guided Chart of Account structure? 

Response:  No. 

Question 63:  How many suppliers (vendors) active in the last 5 years does the County have? 

Response:  In the last 5 years we have 5,320 suppliers (vendors). 

Question 64:  How many current and active customers does the County track? 

Response:  Lake County has 9,035 active customers and 1,550 inactive customers. 

Question 65:  How many financial institutions does the County bank with?  How many bank accounts are there among these financial institutions

Response:  See question #27, December 8, 2023.

December 8, 2023

Question 1:  Do you currently have a middleware platform implemented? If yes, what is the platform?  

Response:  Yes. EBS R12 uses Oracle Fusion middleware, standard EBS middleware components such as OAS (Oracle Application Server) and Oracle Concurrent Processing.

Question 2:  Is Lake County open to Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) middleware for future state or can we assume that in our solution?

Response:  Proposers may propose middleware in their RFP response.

Question 3:  How many different compensation plans does Lake County have?

Response:  Presently, the County has a non-union compensation program which has 16 pay grades and pay progression through the ranges is made through a combination of general wage increases and pay for performance.  Bonuses are also permitted in limited circumstances.

Additionally, the County is conducting a compensation study which may modify or change that structure.

Question 4:  Could you provide details on the Lake County Benefit Programs/Plans?

Response:  Details on the current Lake County benefit plan can be found on our website.  Employee Benefits Information for Prospective Employees | Lake County, IL (

Question 5:  How many varying payrolls does Lake County need/run?  What are your payroll schedules?

Response:  Bi-weekly payroll, Separate “hold backs” for salaried & hourly employees, 26 bi-weekly payrolls, Special payroll runs for Election Workers and Annual payroll run for Judges.

Question 6:  How many absence types & plans are currently configured?

Response:  Vacation Time, Sick Time, Personal Time, Floating Holiday, Fixed Holidays and Compensatory Time.

Question 7:  Could you elaborate on the specific skills and qualifications expected from the bidder? Are there any certifications or experience criteria that hold particular importance?

Response:  There are no required certifications. It is important that the County work with individuals who have successfully implemented the solution for similar types of clients. 

Question 8:  Can you share any insights or key findings from the ERP workshops conducted in May 2023, especially regarding the identified critical pain points and desired improvements in the mentioned County functions?

Response:  The outputs of these workshops helped to develop the business and technical drivers outlined in section 1.3. You may also find it helpful to refer to section 2.3 for information on the current business environment. 

Question 9:  Is Lake County expecting bidder to implement an out of the box COTS solution?

Response:  Please refer to Attachment 5.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements.  Lake County would like the vendor to propose a solution that supports those requirements.  It might require the proposer to partner with strategic partners to provide the breadth of the solution.  The County is expecting a COTS solution with strategic bolt-on solution functionalities.  

Question 10:  What is the deployment model (offshore/onshore)? 

Response:  Lake County is expecting the proposer to submit their deployment model.

Question 11:  Is there any estimated budget for the project?

Response:  Lake County is committed to this project, and it is on its 5-year plan.  The amount allocated for this project will be determined once a finalist vendor is selected.

Question 12:  Yearly expenses on technology?

Response:  This project a new initiative and therefore past annual spend is not applicable.

Question 13:  What is the duration of the project. Expectations on project completion date?

Response:  Lake County is expecting the proposer to submit their expected project approach and timeline for the project.

Question 14:  What specific features or expectations does the County have for enhancing the user experience? Are there particular challenges identified with the current interface that the new ERP solution should address?

Response:  Please refer to Attachment 5.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements. 

Question 15:  Can you provide more details on the County's strategy for data accessibility and analytics? Are there specific analytics or business intelligence requirements that the ERP solution should support?

Response:  Please refer to Attachment 5.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements. 

Question 16:  What types of reports, including State, Federal, and operational reports, does the County anticipate developing with the enhanced reporting capabilities of the ERP solution? Are there specific reporting challenges with the current systems?

Response:  Please refer to Attachment 5.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements.  A few examples are:  ACFR, Single Audit, 1099 and Grant Funds reporting requirements.

Question 17:  What are the County's specific requirements or expectations regarding data security and compliance, especially considering State and Federal regulations?

Response:  Please refer to Attachment 5.1 Non-Functional Requirements.

Question 18:  In the pricing portion of your response, can you clearly indicate which services are considered optional and outside the scope of what is required by the County in this solicitation?

Response:  Please refer to the instruction's tabs on Attachment 5.2 and 5.3. Pricing should be calculated for all included services.  

Question 19:  How many users are there in the County for this solution?

Response:  The County currently has approximately 300 active users for the ERP modules and approximately 2700 users who will be submitting timesheets and expenses. 

Question 20:  Is there any proposal format which needs to be followed?

Response:  Please follow the directions outlined in "Part 3: Vendor Response Instructions".

Question 21:  In Attachment 5.1 - Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements, requirement AM-IM22 for Asset Management – Inventory Management – Ability to automatically integrate material safety data sheets with relevant inventory – we would like to know if the County would need any integration with a third-party application for this requirement?

Response:   The County would like to know if the system is able to integrate with a third-party system, if Material Safety Data Sheets updates are required.    

Question 22:  If a public company is a bidder, may non-employee shareholders serving as owners/principals be excluded from the requirements related to reporting familial relationships and campaign contributions on the 4.5 Vendor Disclosure Statement?

Response:  There is an option for an exception on the Vendor Disclosure Statement, your response must clearly define your exception.

Question 23:  Do you have any black-out or brown-out dates where there is little to no participation from your project team?

Response:  No.

Question 24:  Do you anticipate having any other major implementations/initiatives going on concurrently that might require time from expected project team leadership/leads/SMEs?

Response:  Not at this time.

Question 25:  Do you have a strategy for sharing information to downstream internal and external systems? Do you currently have systems in place that manage the sharing of information between internal systems (i.e. Middleware or Data Warehouse)?

Response:  Please refer to section 2.2 of RFP.

Question 26:  What is the degree to which current financial management processes are manual vs. Automated?

Response:  We are looking for as much automation and business process re-engineering as possible in the future state.

Question 27:  How many financial institutions do you have relationships with and require automatic reconciliations? Please also advise on the total number of bank accounts.

Response:  The County utilizes over 50 bank accounts and the primary bank being Old Dominion Bank.

Question 28:  Do you have any grants/awards with a cost-sharing agreement?

Response:  Yes

Question 29:  Do staff certify their time for grant/award reporting purposes?

Response:  Yes, staff is required to cost their time to specific grants.

Question 30:  Do you have any awards where the sponsor has given you funds up-front?

Response:  Yes.

Question 31:  Is effort certification needed for Grants?

Response:  Yes.

Question 32:  Do you have Unions or Bargaining agreements? If so, how many?

Response:  Yes.  The County has 18 separate union agreements.

Question 33:  Are multiple jobs or other unique job structures used? (Ex. Active Retirees who are also active employee in a part- or full-time capacity in a separate role)

Response:  Yes.

Question 34:  Do you have a need to track safety incidents?

Response:  Yes.

Question 35:  Do you provide and need to track retiree benefits in the new system?

Response:  Yes.

Question 36:  Do you have more than 1 EIN (Employer Identification Number) under which the County pays employees? 

Response:  Yes.

Question 37:  Are there any systems outside of your legacy system used to track historical data? If so, what systems?

Response:  No.

Question 38:  Do you have in-house staff that can run either delivered or custom reports from the legacy systems?

Response:  Yes.

Question 39:  Will there be designated resources for this project to lead Data Conversions? Is this resource capable of populating standard data conversion templates?

Response:  We expect the SI to lead conversion with SME support from County.

Question 40:  What does the optimal user experience look like?

Response:  Please review the business and technical drivers outlined in section 1.3. You may also find it helpful to refer to section 2.3 for information on the current business environment.  

Question 41:  What is your current level of self-service maturity?

Response:  Currently County does not utilize self-service but expects the proposer to propose self service capabilities.  

Question 42:  How effectively does information flow out to your different populations (i.e., complexity associated with communication delivery)?

Response:  The County is expecting organization change management effort from the proposer for this effort.

Question 43:  Does this initiative represent a significant change in the skills/capabilities required (i.e., complexity associated with end-user training)?

Response:  The County is expecting business process reengineering and organization change management effort from the initiative.

December 4, 2023

Question 1:  How many Named User licenses will the county require for use of the Asset Maintenance system? 

Response:  Lake County will require at least 117 named user licenses.   

Question 2:  I am respectfully requesting a link to recording of the 11/21/23 Pre-proposal meeting for the ERP RFP. I was not able to attend the meeting. 

Response:  The pre-proposal meeting was not recorded, attached is a copy of the presentation that was presented during the pre-proposal meeting. 


Question 3:  Section 2.5 Service Level Agreements indicates the County requires 99.99% availability. Is a 99.7% guaranteed uptime sufficient?  

Response:  Please submit your proposal accordingly and we will review. 

Question 4:  Further, the County requires an RPO of 2 hours and RTO of 6 hours. RPO and RTO’s are not applicable to our application. Is this a deal breaker? 

Response:  Please submit your explanation of why RTO and RPO is not applicable in your proposal, and we will review.  

Question 5:  There is also a line that requires we consult with the County on any security related configuration changes and give the County express right to terminate in advance of unacceptable changes. We cannot agree to this. Is that a deal breaker?  

Response:   Please submit your explanation of why you cannot agree to this, in your proposal and we will review.   

Question 6:  We understand that the County already graciously extended the submission deadline, but we are waiting on answers to previously submitted questions as well as these new ones, and until we can understand if any of them will be deal breakers for the County, we cannot begin work on this proposal. Our company is closed between the Christmas and New Year holidays, which means we have to submit on 12/22. That is only three weeks away, and even less time depending on when we receive responses to questions. Will the County consider extending the deadline to January 10th? 

Response:  At this time an extension is not being considered. Please see revised schedule issued on November 20, 2023, Question #2.  

November 28, 2023

Question 1:  Looking for the number of FTE (full time equivalent employees) at the county.

Response:  Lake County does not track by FTE.  Our position control system is based on full time and part employees.  Please see the response provided on November 22, 2023 – Question #9.

Original 2:  Does the County have a 3rd party Learning Management System solution that provides training course content, videos, etc. or is the County looking for this to be provided in vendor response?

Response:  Lake County is not looking for the awarded vendor to provide non-system related content.

Question 3:  Will Lake County consider a Human Resource Management, Payroll and Timekeeping solution with complete integration to the ERP solution of your choice as part of contract # 24213? 

Response:  Lake County is expecting vendors who are not able to provide the full functionality to submit the proposal with their strategic partners for this RFP to meet all requested functionality.

Question 4:  How many employees will be using the new HCM solution? FTE, PT, Seasonal?

Response:  Please see the response provided on November 22, 2023 – Question #9.

Question 5:  Does the county require or prefer Not-To-Exceed pricing for software and implementation services? 

Response:  Lake County prefers a not to exceed pricing.  Please complete the software and software implementor cost response workbooks.

Question 6:  Will the selected vendor’s response to Attachment 5.1 – Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements, be included in the contract agreement?

Response:  Yes.

Question 7:  Given that the County decision criteria in a new ERP system prioritizes secure and mostly out-of-the-box cloud SaaS (not highly customized), and given that there are no vendors that meet both those criteria who also cover the full scope of the requirements in different functional areas, will the County accept proposals for a partial functional response?

Response:  Lake County is expecting vendors who are not able to provide the full functionality to submit the proposal with their strategic partners for this RFP to meet all requested functionality.

Question 8:  If yes to the above, will you require a formally identified partner relationship in the proposal cover letter? 

Response:  Yes.

Question 9:  What is Lake County's total annual spend with external vendors, suppliers, contractors, and service providers? 

Response:  Lake County spends an estimated amount of $280 million with external vendors, suppliers, contractors and service providers.

Question 10:  What amount of your total annual spend first goes through a sourcing event?

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.

Question 11:  What is your estimated average savings rate when running a sourcing event?

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.

Question 12:  How much is spent annually with external service providers?

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.

Question 13:  How much is spent annually with external contract labor?

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.

Question 14:  How many full time equivalent (FTE) employees are tasked with sourcing? (E.g. 1 person working full-time on strategic sourcing would be 1 FTE.)

Response:  Lake County currently has 1 Purchasing Manager, 3 Buyers, and 1 Contract Administrator.

Question 15:  How many full time equivalent employees are tasked with executing contracts? (If different from sourcing FTEs.)

Response:  Lake County currently has 1 Purchasing Manager, 3 Buyers, and 1 Contract Administrator.

Question 16:  What is the approximate fully-loaded compensation rate for sourcing employees?

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.

Question 17:  What is the approximate fully-loaded compensation rate for contracting employees? (If different from sourcing FTEs.)

Response:  Lake County currently does not currently use a sourcing module and cannot provide this data.            

November 22, 2023

Question 1:  Is the County looking to limit the responses to one SI per software vendor or are you allowing multiple SI’s to bid with a software vendor?

Response:  The software vendor can submit multiple responses with different SIs, however the responses to the functional requirements must be the same in all responses. 

Question 2:  Can we assume the County is ok with either the Software or the SI submitting the RFP response?

Response:  SW vendors can make multiple submissions with different SI partners. For the avoidance of doubt, only one proposal may be submitted by a unique combination of SW vendor and SI partner. 

Either the SI or the software company may submit the proposal. All submissions will be considered fully supported and endorsed by both parties, as indicated by a joint cover letter clearly defining the relationship between the parties. 

For the submittal to be considered complete, both the SI and the software company must submit the following vendor forms:  

  • Addendum Acknowledgement 
  • General Information Sheet 
  • References (preferably for jobs where the software has been implemented by the proposed SI partner) 
  • Sustainability Statement  
  • Vendor Disclosure Statement 
  • Vendor Certification Form 

In addition, each proposal must contain: 

  • Functional and Non-Functional Scenario Responses 
  • SW Cost Proposal Workbook Proposal 
  • SI Cost Proposal Workbook Proposal 

The software company's responses to the functional requirements MUST be the same in ALL submissions.

Question 3:  Is there an MBE/WBE requirement for this RFP?

Response:  No.  

Question 4:  If not a requirement, will preference be given to firms that include an MBE/WBE partner as part of their bid?

Response:  No. 

Question 5:  Do you have a selection consultant that will be helping you with your evaluation and selection?? If so, who is your selection consultant?

Response:  Lake County has partnered with Gartner. 

Question 6:  How will the County weight the following areas of your evaluation criteria (what % of a total score is each section)?

a. Technical Fit 

b. Functional Fit 

c. Business Fit 

d. Cost 

Response:  Evaluation weights are not being shared at this time. 

Question 7:  Has the county seen presentations or had discussions with any ERP vendors prior to this RFP being released (within the last year)? 

Response:  No, the County has not engaged in any activity with any ERP software or implementation services vendor prior to the release of the RFP that would provide an unfair advantage to any vendor. The County is committed to conducting a procurement process that creates a fair and level playing field for all vendors. 

Question 8:  Section 32 refers to Lake County information security policy and privacy standards.? Do you have a copy of those documents to review? 

Response:  Section 32, refers to the third-party network access.  The actual forms will be provided to the awarded vendor.   

Question 9:  Can you provide a breakdown of your employee population as follows: 

  • Full-time 
  • Part-time - Regularly works less than 30 hours a week 
  • Seasonal, temporary employees, independent contractors, and/or volunteers that will require access to the system.? 
  • Retirees that require access to the software for benefits only.

Response:  A breakdown of the current employee population is listed below: 

  • Full-time – 2,317 
  • Part-time - Regularly works less than 30 hours a week – 124  
  • Independent contractors, and/or volunteers that will require access to the system. The number of contingent workers/contractors with inquiry access to the system fluctuates, but is generally less than 50. 
  • Temporary/ Seasonal – 27 
  • Retirees do not currently have access to the system.  

Question 10:  Will the County accept best-in-breed proposals from vendors who do not cover the full scope of functional requirements within the RFP? 

Response:  The County is seeking a comprehensive, sustainable, upgradable, secure and integrated ERP solution to capture, organize, access and analyze financial data for state and federal compliance reporting. 

Question 11:  Is the County wanting a system to manage/facilitate payment transactions (i.e. Benefits, Retirement, Tax payments/filing)? 

Response:  The County is looking for a full-service HR/Payroll solution that manages and facilitates payment transactions like those mentioned.   

Question 12:  Please clarify if the County is looking to replace the current payroll system or interface with the existing system. 

Response:  The County is looking to replace it’s current payroll system. 

Question 13:  What is the total (all funds) operating budget for the county? How much is just the general fund? 

Response:  The 2024 budget for all funds without double appropriation is $555,966,681.  The 2024 general fund budget without double appropriation is $209,338,403. 

Question 14:  Approximately how many W2s does the county produce?  

Response:  Lake County currently issues in-between 2,500 to 3,500 W-2’s. 

November 20, 2023

Question 1:  Given conflicts with time off during holidays and the current workload with other RFP’s currently in process, would the County consider an extension to the due date by at least one week? 

Response:  The County will extend the due date for submission to be 12/29/23. As part of the procurement process, the County expects to invite certain down selected vendors for demonstration and orals planned for the week of 2/5/24. Invited vendors will be notified by 1/19/24. The vendors have to be prepared to attend the orals on the dates they are invited. No consideration will be given to extend or modify these dates for any reason. The agenda and scenarios for the demo sessions will be provided no more than two (2) weeks in advance of the demo date on a rolling basis to all invited vendors. 

Question 2:  Is there flexibility for the County to extend the due date by two weeks, making the response due at the end of December?

Response:  Lake County will extend the due date to 12/29/23.  The Procurement Schedule has been modified as follows:



Release RFP

November 13, 2023

Pre-Proposal Conference

November 21, 2023

Deadline for RFP Inquiries for Clarification

December 8, 2023

Final Posting of Addendum Responses

December 15, 2023

Deadline for Proposal Submission

December 29, 2023

Evaluation Selection of Finalists

January 19, 2024

Vendor Demonstrations and Orals (Invite Only)

February 5 – March 1, 2024

Lake County Board Approval

April 16, 2024

Awarded Vendor(s) Begins Contract

April 22, 2024

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