Addendum #1
Q: What is the manufacturer and model number of the current BOD in use?
A: The manufacturer of our current BOD Analyzer in use is Skalar and the model number is SP-10.
Addendum #2
Q: Are one or two DO probes to be fitted on the automated BOD system?
A: One DO probe is all that is necessary, additional probes are helpful but not required.
Q: How many days are required for the onsite installation and training?
A: There is no set time requirement for installation and training. Until everything is complete, I suppose.
Q: Are BOD and cBOD required to be in the same run, or are they separated?
A: I would like BOD and CBOD to be run in the same run, that is how our current setup is. I would consider BOD and CBOD being in different runs, if necessary.
Q: What is the laboratory using for their seed source?
A: We are using InterLab for our seed source.