Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP# 25157-Complete Furniture Design, Installation, and Value added services for Lake County

Addendum 1


Question 1: Does the electrical for panel systems (if needed) require Chicago Code?

Answer 1: No


Question 2: On Page 20 of the bid, instruction line 2 mentions a price proposal sheet on page 18. We did not see a price proposal sheet on that page. Is there a sheet that we are missing or is it on another page? 

Answer 2: The Price Proposal Sheet will actually be found on Page 19 due to a typo.


Question 3: Does Lake County require the labor to be Union Labor? 

Answer 3: Lake County requires that prevailing wage be paid for all labor.


Question 4: If Tariffs are added by manufacturers after the award date, would Lake County accept that pricing change due to unforeseen and uncontrollable costs? 5. Throughout the five-year period there will be price increases by manufacturers and labor. Does Lake County except those increases as they come about?

Answer 4: The contract price is based on a percentage discount off of list price. It is the expectation that the percentage discount will remain firm over the life of the contract.


Question 5: Does Lake County have a preferred vendor for the recycling of the materials? Are there more detailed drawings of what needs to be removed? How much notice will be given for a room demo and recycling trip?

Answer 5: Notice will be provided in parallel with the project proposal development.


Question 6: Does Lake County prefer a frame and tile panel system as opposed to a monolithic panel system?

Answer 6: In general, yes, but typicals will be developed with the selected vendor through the first few projects.


Question 7: For the individual labor quotes by part, would it be ok if a labor price can be given for the typical workstation layout? For example: Room D2 Open Office can we provide a number for PS1. There are many small connector pieces that makes up that Typical that may not apply to other items. Any power clamps or other such add on items then would be priced separately. 

Answer 7: Yes


Question 8: Would Lake County approve a similar styled table to the boat shape top if it was able to be 60” wide in the middle and still create line of site along the sides similar to a boat shape?

Answer 8: Yes