Lake County Addendum Forum

RFP General Engineering Services

Addendum #1

~~ADDENDUM #1 – February 23, 2018

Question #1: “Is SMC looking to build a pool of qualified consultants or is this to select a single consultant to provide the services?”

Response: SMC may select a single consultant or multiple consultants to provide services requested.

Question #2: “We provide professional services for specific clients that apply for and obtain Watershed Development Permits. We also perform services for Certified Communities and act as the Enforcement Officer. Do these existing services disqualify our proposal?”

Response:  No this does not disqualify your proposal.  If selected, your company will need to recuse itself from providing any Watershed Development Ordinance (WDO) Permit Review services for your clients or your company’s products. This recusal is required in order to prevent any real or perceived conflict of interest.

Question #3: “Are there any specific projects in the SMC pipeline?  A better understanding of future projects will help us tailor the proposal.”
Response:  No, SMC does not have any specific projects in the SMC pipeline. We are seeking general engineering services to support various tasks and needs for SMC’s projects and program 

Question #4 “SMC recently advertised for MS4 contract work.  Is it possible some MS4 related work will be assigned through this engineering contract as well?”

 Response:  Yes

Question #5: The RFP mentions additional tasks/services (a-e) on page 1 that may be provided by a “qualified” sub. What constitutes a “qualified” sub?

“Qualified” Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.
a. Engineers shall undertake to perform engineering assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the technical field of engineering involved.

b. Engineers may accept an assignment requiring education or experience outside of their own fields of competence, provided their services are restricted to those phases of the project in which they are qualified. All other phases of such project shall be performed by qualified associates, consultants, or employees.

c.  Engineers shall not affix their signatures or seals to any engineering plan or document dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence by virtue of education or experience or to any such plan or document not reviewed or prepared under their supervisory control.

Question #6: Scope of Services – Does the review of plans/specs need to happen in-house; IE- will the reviewer need to be relocated to a Lake County SMC office?

 Response:  No, you are not required to relocate; however space is available at SMC’s office to complete SMC tasks or services requested under the scope of work.